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File: GNVDyL1WMAAe4Yh.jpg (4 KB, 180x194)
4 KB
What makes a picture actually "good"?
How much your camera set up cost you.
Evoking an emotion in the viewer. What makes a picture great? Evoking the emotion you intend, in the viewer.
For 99% of people and 99% of photographers, whether or not they want to fuck or want to be the woman in it and how well the way she's posing evokes that emotion. That's the vast majority of photograpy. The photographer just sets up the lights according to a formula that works and then iso100 f/16 1/250.

Anything else really depends on you and who you're showing your photos to. It's more contentious as far as art goes than other things like music where there really is an objective "good". Photography falls in with "modern art" so while you could say there are objective goods, everyone else involved in photography hates that idea. It's true. But they hate it and they go out of their way to force themselves to like things that are actually sort of bad in unique ways until they become the mask, kind of like someone who gets used to jerking off to skeleton porn just because they want to.
sexy women confirmed the secret to objectively good photography
>like music where there really is an objective "good".
can you put this at the top next time so i dont waste time reading your posts

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