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Hello /p/ what's the best aps-c gear for travel

I am going on a trip to asia for a few months and i was searching for some light gear for both landscape, nature and street photography including some video.

I can buy:
Sony a6400 with E PZ 16-50 mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS + E 55-210 mm f/4.5-6.3 OSS + second battery for 900
Nikon Z50 + 16-50 mm f/3,5-6,3 DX + 50-250 mm f/4,5-6,3 DX for 1200
Fujifilm XT-30 + XC 15-45mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS PZ + 2nd battery for 1150
Prices in euros
Is my thinking wrong cause im stuck with and old nikon 3200 for ages now with only one good? lens the 50mm f1.8 G and it's a bit too big to carry around so maybe it's time to go mirrorless? Also is the fuji color worth the hype and the sony really that shit?
Forgive my ignorance
Sony for autofocus that actually works

Decisive moments > building corners and peoples backs
Sony has the best size and price. A6400 is $750 USD new here for body. The Nikon is overpriced unless it's for a new camera.
Thirding the Sony
Nikon and Fujishit aren’t competitive in this range
What would be your recommendations for lenses to buy, considering i would be probably buying another lens now and slowly trying to build up my gear in the following years.

Thank you for the replies so far, it has been helpful
if you're buying on specs, the sony
but when you're actually travelling and enjoying the place, you don't want to fuck with sony menus and color science and dumb as fuck UI, so literally any other option
Well, reocmmendation number one, don't listen to this idiot >>4338732
The sony is great. The others have really, really bad autofocus. On /p/ and some photo forums they will screech about skill issues but the AF on foolji and old nikon is genuinely unusable for anything but a posed portrait of a person who does not wear glasses or a hat, or have bangs. These fuckers only shoot posed portraits and building corners. If something interesting happens quick, old nikon/fuji is out of luck unless you are one of those people who pre-focuses wild angle lenses only and calls blurry photos "art".

All you need besides the kit lenses more immediately is a "fast" prime (f1.8 or smaller number), buy it after you have used the 16-50 for a month or something, only you can know which one to get.
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honestly just keep your 3200 unless you're gonna go full frame lol
so only hassy and sony work here right?
i mean technically the lolympus also got the shot but how grainy are you willing to accept?
You make it sound like you want to use the kit lens...
Because the Sony 16-50 is with the best will in the world crap. Based on that I would go with the Fuji. They have an excellent kit , even on the older models. Do try and find an XT-30 ii for the extra ibis tho.

Otherwise the Sony is great. My main complaint is how bad the video is for moving subjects.
I would rather not actually, but its better than nothing at the moment and i could still use it in situations where i would not want to risk damaging a 500+ lens, i will be traveling often on unpaved roads and i am worried about dust and small rocks.
Which lens would you suggest?
Go for the snoy.
It's been a while since I used a Sony so I'm a little out of date. But I have been using my Fuji for exactly the same thing. Fairly dusty roads out in Sicily.

As far as cheap primes go the 24 and 18 are absolute gems. Yes the 18 is a little out of date but I keep taking it over more expensive lenses for the convenience alone.
If you don't mind something larger the Viltrox 13mm is one of the sharpest lenses for the system and is absurdly well priced.
Over here you can get to the f2 16,23,35,50 for roughly 270 usd on the used market, where the 50 is by far the sharpest followed by the 16. The 23 and 35 are a little hit and miss but probably worth it for the convenience alone.

For for zooms the 10-24 recently received an 'upgrade' so you can get the previous model with exactly the same glass for absurdly cheap. (200 for a slightly banged up one in my case) It's a bit big but is a workhorse of a lens. Sigma recently put out a similar far more compact alternative. I even use it for video since the stabilization works with the camera.

The only other Chinese manufacturer worth looking at is Laowa. No autofocus but all the lenses of funky and interesting so you may find something you like.
Avoid any Sony and APS-C Nikon, major reliability issues. Nikon, Fuji, or Olympus are your top picks for respective sensor sizes FF, APS-C, MFT. Just picked based on weight.
>avoid sony for muh reliability
>recommends failjifilm

fuji has never had good tech, they are an instax company making digital cameras with repackaged snoy sensors and their in-house CFA to scam retards into funding GFX development
Nah, Fuji is quite reliable if you aren't stupid. Sony will fail for pretty much any reason, lots of false advertising around weather sealing as well. Not worth it. They make good sensors but bad cameras, simple as.
Nonsense post

I'm sorry but you lost before you started arguing.

>Sony will fail!
About as readily as any fuji, unless you buy a nice new expensive a7iv/a6700/etc. A situation you don't really get on fuji, however, because while other companies make missteps fuji never fucking improves. They're still flimsy, the building corner ready autofocus still makes phones look like a better choice, and xtrans still murders image quality.
>more fuji FUD
Cope. Tons of happy Fuji users out there. No one cares about your MTF curves if your bodies let water into the battery compartment, kek.
the difference is you can repair a sony anywhere in the world you cant repair a fuji unless you lived in japan

thats what people who go with brands that arent part of the big 3 (sony canon nikon) dont understand
>Tons of happy failji users out there
Sony and canon are the #1/#2 brands depending on the time of year.

Nikon is barely alive after making genuinely unusable (for pros, not for your street sign photography) mirrorless cameras for 2.5 generations straight and they still have more market share than fuji.
there are some low tier street photography hobbyists who are "happy" with fuji but actually want and cant afford a leica (and are too unconfident to shoot manual focus only without the evf crutch), that's it really

Here's the thing. When I tested the D3300, I found it to be in the top 5% of cameras that I have put through the tests (in good light). Does the D3200 actually render the same image performance, I don't know.

I also tested the Zfc (Z50) which also scored very highly (one of two of the best rendering mirrorless cameras overall).

The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not a different camera will really do something better for you than the one you already have?
absolutely avoid sony, on paper they have the best specs but in practice they suffer from a lot of design flaws that make them not fun to use, this is especially true for their aps-c stuff
If you want to use chink manual lenses fuji has the better flow, also they have some models in your price range with IBIS (X-S10)
If you don't care about that the brand does not really matter, you might also consider Canon EOS-M but do some research on what kind of lenses you may want to purchase in the future
This is such a gearfag take. A photographer uses what works because a photographer cares about photos. A gearfag uses what has the best "experience" and since their hobby is playing with and collecting camera, lesser tech excites them because that's even more camera fiddling to do and it makes every funko pop 'unique'
>sony, canon: catch the decisive moment
>nikon: canon for non-professionals
>pentax: see the light of the scene
>fuji: the joy of changing settings
sony gets the shots, fuji’s for arguing about how bad sony totally is while shooting cats and building corners for instagram lmao
I have a better idea because you’re already looking at low end shit

Buy a canon rp and one or two of the budget level IS macro primes. Better IQ. Better autofocus. People practically give them away because the R8 does better video and the shadow recovery isnt halfway to APS-C.
You mean the 24-35-85mm macro** primes? The max 0.5x magnification primes? They seem a bit.... not like actual macro lenses. Or are you just recommending them because of the IQ they produce?
IBIS is extremely overrated. Unless you fully understand how CIPA rates stops and see it as a “if seated or braced against something” figure 3 stop lens stabilization and 5 stop IBIS are identical in use. Only 8 stop hybrid IS and 8 stop focus point linked IBIS are a noticeable upgrade from the same old lens VR cameras have had since the 90s. The importance of “5 stop” ibis over lens VR is working with geeky gearfag adapted lenses but if you’re an actual photographer instead of a look-buying leicafag-like gearfag and work your camera that’s irrelevant. Think of it like guitars. Talentless lawyers buy and buy and buy to chase the best blues tone. Good guitarists milk the best blues tone out of a $250 beginner kit. That’s photography too - you can buy, or you can work. At least as far as image quality goes. The tech specs that really matter are FPS and autofocus. Unlike editing, composing, and lighting, focusing and timing are mechanistic skills that have nothing to do with art and dont have to be manually controlled. Those that take a lot of pride in mastering them chose the wrong hobby and should get into shooting guns instead of cameras. Photographers have never not hated those boring technical points hence the MoMA is full of zone focused wide angle shots.
"5 stop IBIS" isn't even 5 stops for focal lengths above 35mm. More like 4, 3, then eventually, 2, as lenses get longer.
>calls others gearfag
>literally writes fan fiction about his favorite brands

>A photographer uses what works because a photographer cares about photos
Exactly, not being annoyed at sonys dumb design decisions all the time anymore improved my photography by a lot
Halbe Roman wer soll das lesen?
Ibis matters a lot when using said chink primes since it stabilizes the evf image, other than that it's not that relevant
you shoot sunset building corners, rocks, leaves, and peoples backs

snoys just made history because the only "design decision" they care about is the shutter button
really wish snoy would just release a twin-grip body a la Z9/R3 already.
tried an a1 w/ grip and it was an ill-fitted, wobbly affair.
>captcha SAMA
forgive me snoy-sama
so glad i got a fuji instead of a snoy

i might miss focus any time i dont take the time to shoot manual and miss moments if i'm not pre-focused but at least i'm not annoyed at the size and shape of the delete button
Ah so you do agree that they are designed badly
When someone complains about "snoy bad design" I automatically know they're a fucking retard. I don't like snoy because of star eater, vignetting correction altering raws, and poor weather sealing on lenses below the G/GM lines. The design and menus are fine, but remember, they are designed by and for the japanese so you need a high IQ to learn how to use such a customizable and feature laden camera. Low IQs literally can't remember where the simplest setting is and even struggle with nikon menus.

Do you know why they didn't like old sony menus? Because there weren't pictures reminding them what each section roughly corresponded to. That's the level of intellectual vacancy you're dealing with when people hate snoy for all the wrong reasons.
>The design and menus are fine,

the UX is pretty pisspoor. not being able to display the level indicator without turning off all other information displayed on the EVF is pretty atrocious...
My Canon PEE-OS R doesn’t let you do eye focus and electronic level at the same time lol. I can’t comprehend why, but so it is.
the kinda autistic shit people care about when theyre not taking photos.

now THIS is bad design
Here's my ideal travel kit:
- Olympus OM-5
- 12-100 f/4 (or 8-25mm f/4 if you like vlogging and such)
- 25mm f/1.2 for low light and portraits
Everything's weather sealed, compact, and a little less than 3 pounds.
Alternatively if you want to go wider and longer:
- 8-25mm f/4
- 40-150mm f/2.8 with 1.4x TC
- 25mm f/1.2
Still under 5 pounds, though the 40-150 is pretty bulky.
For all the shitflinging this board has over the sensor, MFT is the way to go for a dedicated travel and hiking kit in my opinion. If you're willing to compromise weather sealing your options open up enormously too, Oly has tiny f/1.8 primes and Panasonic has some excellent little lenses too like the 15mm f/1.7 and beloved 20mm f/1.7.
>MFT is the way to go for a dedicated travel and hiking kit
Ayh agree.
I prefer Fuji and loved being able to send the jpegs to my phone and post them on the go without a lot (or any) of editing.
I have used the 16-50 pz oss kit lens with my A6000 in my SEA travels. it's a lightweight, compact setup and very easy to pull out and hand carry with a wrist strap.
or skip the kit lenses and get a sigma 18-50 2.8 dc dn if you want a dedicated 2.8 zoom.
you may also include a sigma 1.4 dc dn prime or sony 1.8 sel oss prime (smaller and lighter) if you know what focal length you most use for lowlight and more bg blur if necessary.
what you need are at least 2 extra batteries (something like wasabi with double charger package will do) aside from the oem one, extra SD card(s), if you plan to shoot alot. I hit 800-1200+ shots per whole day, a few video clips. shoot raw plus jpeg, raw for post processing later. a powerbank may also be useful of you'll shoot video alot.
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I have a sony a6400 + a Tamron 18-300mm which I use for wildlife and occasional concert photography. I've used a few Nikons too.

I love my old DSLR, but the A6400 is great. A few basic points to answer your questions:

> Sony = shit
I hate how tiny and unergonomic they are compared to more grab-able Nikons, but otherwise this is cope. The colour is a **bit** funky when it comes to skin but for nature it's fine; also learn to edit

> AF
Sony wins, just know how to use different AF zones. I assign the custom button to the AF zone setting so I can quickly go from multiple AF points (moving stuff) to single point (stationary animal shots)

> Wildlife
A6400 has animal face detection BUT it only works on animals with noses. I've never gotten it to work on birds

The Nikon Z50 and sony are basically identical here

Sony wins for me cause it has the most lenses. Especially considering that for video, it is has been so useful to have in-lens optical stabilization which is common in Sony and Tamron E-mount lenses

The one downside is I sometime get eye-strain using the EVF as opposed to the OVF of my old Nikon D5500
>learn to edit
If it's so easy, why couldn't Sony program it into their cameras?
they did

but only on the ones you can't afford

>send fuji sooc jpeg
>wow anon did you buy the new iphone?
>only on the ones you can't afford
>Paying thousands for a "feature" other brands have had for decades
The ones you can't afford have full feature parity with and sometimes outdo canikons you can't afford either.

Sony mirrorless is new. Sorry there isn't enough ancient shit that's good enough for you. Being poor sucks huh? You need to find all these excuses to hate things and get mad at other people for liking them just because you cant afford them. Damn sony, not making their first attempts at making a camera good so your broke ass could buy them off ebay! How dare they

There was a time when poors hated canon for the same reason (nooooo why did u braek fd mount compatibility nooooooo)
>Sony mirrorless is new
And what?
The colour science changes depending on whether you compose with a mirror and pentaprism or not?
In case you're too stupid to realize it, every DSLR is "mirrorless" during image capture.
That means Sony's had since the a100 to unfuck their green skintones.
Sony DSLRs were actually known for good color

I don't know why they changed it, or care. Maybe that color was the style in japan at the time. I can afford the good snoys. If you can't, and you can't edit your way around a subjective color decision, well, no mirrorless for you, enjoy your d750
>no mirrorless for you
There is and it's called the EOS M5.
>canon four thirds
I also was stuck with D3200 and I got a XT-4 yesterday. So far so good. I'm a hobbyist tho.
>I can afford the good snoys
I too can afford nothing hahaha
Canon APS-C is a meme but let's not get too silly here c'mon.
Three halves, actually.
Don't get sucked into the sensor size bullshit.
Get a Sony RX100 VI and some spare batteries.
Comes out sharp on a 27 inch monitor: https://www.dpreview.com/samples/5880027144/sony-cyber-shot-rx100-vi-sample-gallery
1 inch 20mp is enough if you don't want to do massive prints.

You get the entire zoom range needed for general photography, a great lens and a decently sized sensor.

If you don't need the zoom, the RX100 VA is the better choice. Same camera with a standard zoom range but faster lens, which gets you better Bokeh and low light performance.

Makes great 4k videos and 960fps slow motion videos.
Those RX100s have always been a really good choice, have to second that. The VA has a 1.8? Huh.
These snoys break if you breathe on them, the 24-200 version really isnt sharp and the usable ISO range of a 1” sensor is base-400 aka unusable without flash (inb4 building corners dont move)
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>snoy colors

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Pretty much all wrong. Those RX100s are lauded for a reason. Their high ISO performance being it.

No they're not a DSLR or mirrorless but they're tiny, and not really known for being unreliable.
Yes the series was know for its relatively fast sharp lens, until snoy decided to inject the big gay and cave to boomer zoomer cope nonsense and cram a longer but slower lens into the vi and VII, killing the lineup for anyone that actually cared beyond “muh burdz”
But the VA exists so idk, choke?
Also, if they did actually do that (they did) you have a fair point, the relatively short zoom tradeoff for a hugely wide lens was always meant to be the point of the thing, you were forced to compose.

Insert discussion of how superzoom cameras are literally penis analogies
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What's the name of that meme with the grinning guy wearing a t-rex tshirt? No reason for asking
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>Newfags don't know the old memes like candlejack and cockm
What? Candlejack and wh
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>Doesn't know the memes

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