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Powershit SX740 HS > MFT

Panasonic (digital camera dept) and Olympus execs are sharpening seppuku knives
theres clearly market for compact superzooms yet panasonic discontinued the zs80/tz95 and nikon discontinued A1000, now canons getting all the orders
They have 4 month wait time in Japan, which is unexpected. Canon execs are probably scratching their heads now, since they probably wanted to lay off people, and now they can't.
Other thing is coronavirus. People have bought cameras when they were travelling places. And compact superzoom makes sense for that. Comparable to phone at wide, much better than phone at tele, and if you travel questionable places with crime problem, losing camera is much less of a problem than losing a phone with sim card and shit.
oh right other thing, they did restart FZ80 and called it FZ80D? What would they call TZ95D relaunch? TZ95DD?
TZ95XD ReLoaded (Final Edition)
Powershot just makes sense.
MFT does not. It is too big to be portable. And too small to be good. Detachable lens just doesn't make sesne with small sensors. (no matter how cute Pentax Q is)
who the fuck searches "micro four thirds system"???
kys nigger
MFT isnt discontinued... yet. Dont you worry.
Wait until they find out their knives are diffraction limited, lack sharpness. Unable to commit seppuku
that would be just ugly seppuku
Can we figure out what zoomzoom tiktoker shilled it?
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I think this is a collateral damage? on people shilling digicams and G7X III.
Somebody shilled for 2000's digishits, and then people just started searching for new digishits.
That said, I'm pretty sure Canon wanted to stop making those (like all of their competition), but now they are just confused.
SX740 HS has like 4 month wait time in Japan.
G7X III ? They stopped even reservation (probably they can't keep up for shit)
Probably the saddest part is that Lumix TZ95D, uh what else, Sony X99? They all got discontinued, leaving just Canon. Which is probably good since now they might keep on making those (given increased demand), but I feel like 740HS isn't that good of a camera compared to Lumix. All pictures from 740HS looks very similar to pictures taken by SX160 IS which is like what, 2012 digishit with CCD? With one obvious difference, 160 goes to 450 mm eq, and 740 goes much further. Which is better since you can take all bird pictures without wasting $7000 on proper gear.
I wish they'd make a fixed lens (or manual zooming) variant of the G1X MkIII.
That niche is occupied by Fuji and Ricoh?
As for manual zoom... Is there any real benefit to it? I think electrical zoom gives you more precision in such small form factor.
>and Ricoh

>Is there any real benefit to it?
There's no motor/transmission to burn out or break and you can incorporate the power switch into it.
This is always so wild to see. I remember working camera retail and selling those SX740HS for $330 a piece. They literally predate both RF and Z mounts, surprised there hasn't been a successor honestly.
>There's no motor/transmission to burn out or break and you can incorporate the power switch into it.
You're not actuating camera that often to break something. I'd argue dust sealing is much more important. Which SX160 IS, and I bet my ass SX 740 HS still suck at because there is 3 mm gap between front element and plastic shell for whatever reason (maybe for protective shutter thingy, I don't remember)
It's a perfection.
I can't think of any way to upgrade it. Maybe PD AF instead of just contrast seeker. Maybe image stabilization (as in voicecoil suspended sensor, ""IBIS"").
It's just a small sensor compact camera with interesting zoom capabilities. Nobody is gonna use it for anything serious.
> surprised there hasn't been a successor honestly.
That is not surprising at all, because most manufacturers were thinking to stop making compact cameras. So, why develop a successor for a dead product niche... I bet they wanted to discontinue it, but then suddenly realized they have 4 month wait time.
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If you use terms that people actually search for it looks more normal. The EM10 was the best selling mirrorless in Japan for a while too.

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PhotographerRUBEN U
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Olympus is a famous mountain and olympus(tm) is a medicine and life sciences company that hasnt had a camera division in years

Try “OM system” instead of being a shill
it doesn't show it there, but you type in olympus the search bar and you can select "olympus camera brand". OM system is not well known, so that wouldn't make sense as a comparison
Olympus camera brand doesnt exist anymore. It’s OM system.
You are a retarded autist, the objectively worst kind
Would suck for me being a scalping reseller lowlife if they reintroduced compact cameras. I'm cashing in on these zoomzooms right now, but then again it would be very strange if they did not adapt to the current market conditions. Fairly certain those V10 vlogging cameras flopped immensely.

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