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File: rawtherapee_logo.jpg (8 KB, 584x86)
8 KB
Why thiis otherwise decent piece of shoftware can't have a decent file browser with a good size preview images, now I either have to live with thumbnails or a zoomed 100% crop of partial image.

I mean, a ribbon of tumbnails with selected image above or below in decent size shouldn't be *that* hard to implement.
Okay, I found a "full-screen inspector" option, better than nothing but I'd still prefer a ribbon with preview image -style solution.
It’s funny reading the GitHub threads about it for the longest time they felt it didn’t need a file browser (more gnu style retardation of every action needing its own dedicated little program), and then the commit suddenly appears from some chad who hadn’t even been in the discussion and suddenly yeah they are all onboard with it. FOSS idealists are morons
GNU, dynamic linking, and the UNIX philosophy are all cancer that prevented linux from being a good single user, daily use operating system and only suitable as a set and forget server for people that are too stupid to get openBSD going
I bet its some gnome faggotry
has no file browser at all for the same linux autism as >>4338901 mentions
>you want to open A File? no. you don't want that
>you want to select all and add to library and load lightroom and copy and import and sort into collections and THEN you can edit your image (also we changed the default workflow to filmic rgb and it's fucking garbage that needs 17 other processes to equal the shittiest OOC JPEG but we wanna be SHIENTIFIC)
File: file.png (13 KB, 412x176)
13 KB
>you want to open A File? no. you don't want that

anyways i think op means he wants a larger view in lightroom equivalent of rawtherapee
Darktable is the best RAW converter.
Eggy has been using it for over a decade and still can't get good colors from it.
legitimately a windows workaround since it breaks entirely on *nix and even on windows darktable still adds a whole new roll and library for single images opened that way
All this talk about these inferior janky “alternatives” to Lightroom just make me more bitter about Apple killing aperture. it could handle all this just fine and was legitimately better than Lightroom a decade ago. Faggots.

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