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fuji gang fuji gang fuji gang
spent two racks on a new cam

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX100V
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X100V Ver3.01
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Maker Note Version0130
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:06:02 19:21:41
Exposure Time1/340 sec
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2 MB

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX100V
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X100V Ver3.01
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Maker Note Version0130
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:06:02 19:21:46
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fujifilm really nails the filmic look
>ISO Speed Rating 160
>Lens Aperture f/8.0
>Brightness 8.7 EV

do fuji sissies really
That looks like film to you??? I thought it was nikon
18mmf2, 35mmf1.5, and 70-300 is a good kit - size especially. I'm cool with 28mm now.
Agreed, it looks way too sharp
What if I wanna go wiiiiide?
Then get a butt plug.
>too sharp
Are we looking at the same images?
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740 KB JPG
i just scooped an xq1 for a solid price.i'm very impressed so far. i tried the canon s95 and the nikon p340 which is nikon's version of that line. not very satisfying, either of them. xq1 is much faster to operate and even has a bigger sensor. granted, it's about double the price, but i got too fed up with the low end digicams to bother any more.

its called fuji appreciation general freind
i'm digging the xf 18/2 the most rn. so small and versatile
that paired with the 35/1.4 make an awesome compact kit for people pictures

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2024:07:18 23:18:14
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365 KB JPG
flash is a bit weak on this camera but it works for stuff closer than two meters. i discovered that the control dial on the back is kaputt so manual mode sucks. but overall it seems nifty

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Maker Note Version0130
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:07:18 23:19:20
Exposure Time1/30 sec
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Brightness-6.1 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
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FlashFlash, Compulsory
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Color Space InformationsRGB
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Focus ModeAuto
Focus StatusOK
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Picture ModeManual Exposure
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White BalanceAuto
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1.11 MB JPG
i wish companies would make a fixed fl digicam. i zoom less than 5% of the time and zoom adds another thing that can break plus takes away a control point- the shutter button collar gets taken by zoom control when it is the GOAT placement for the power switch.
also i wish fuji would update its cheaper compact lines like this xq and even the x70. i think an x70 successor would be totally rad - it'd compete with the ricoh gr and would even have the edge on the dust issue since the lens is fixed and doesn't have to motor in and out. side note: i'm starting to appreciate built in flash. having to pack a separate flash and then fiddle with batteries is a pain for real

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Maker Note Version0130
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:07:18 23:56:57
Exposure Time1/8 sec
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Brightness-7.4 EV
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Picture ModeProgram AE
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White BalanceAuto
flower thread stole /fag/ and baker must be new
whats the problem with this?
Don't worry about it, Sonyshit can't into photography
Digital = sharp with overlays
Film = actually made of the grain
Also look at the foliage and grass. Massive digital tell and it's 80% of the image.

Film sims, like phone cams, are only compelling when shooting big flat concrete buildings, sidewalks and underexposed sunsets.
>Join a fujifilm group on facebook
>bunch of instagram kids asking why their photos ain't sharp.
>ss 1"
>iso 200
These fucking people don't even know the most basic shit and drive the market value off the chart.
I fucking hate them so much.
>bunch of instagram kids asking why their photos ain't sharp
Tell them it's because they don't have the latest firmware.
>implying they know how to update the firmware
Non-fuji owner here, but curious.
How often do you find yourselves using the filter presets with fuji? For example I know the film one is used a lot in general cause it doesn't look like total ass compared to others.
Are there times where you prefer not using them?
I never really liked them on my r50/r6mkii so I never use em.
never. they suck and the camera jpegs are low detail with worse color variety than actual film. i shoot raw and edit myself in capture one.
Try the horrors of the X100V(I) groups on Facebook. TikTok thots struggling with overexposed portraits on sunny days with a camera that has a BUILD IN ND FILTER also electronic shutter.
I shoot RAW + Jpeg and use the Jpeg 95% of the time so very, very often. I only use Classic Chrome and Acros though.
Interesting contrast lol
it's one of the main reasons to buy the system so all the time, even in raw.
R50 brand new is currently cheaper than XT3, but i feel like that's a trap for more people fell into Canon lens rabit hole.
how's user menu in R50? how fast is it to set up interval for timelapse, im camping a lots lately.
mostly no, i dislike the in-camera jpg sharpening / nr enough to rely on raws
i only really bother if i am intending to shoot and print directly to my instax printer
the film sim bases are neat starting points for developing your own presets within a raw processor tho
on older models, shooting raw+jpg lets you zoom in more during review more than raw alone but that's tangential
Never. They don’t look like film and mostly appeal to teenagers

No other apsc cameras have any thought put into them at all and depend on ff lenses
that's what I've heard, thanks
honestly the r50 is a great little camera(keep it at 6400 iso MAX even there the luminance noise is rougher than my r6mkii at 25,600), pretty consistent and fast menu that mimics the exact same way as higher end canon bodies. Touch screen is responsive.
It's light and tiny. Dunno if it can do timelapses, haven't checked the manual, but it does work with a intervelometer.
I'd get one refurbed through the site for a even bigger price cut if you're thinking of going that route.
gotcha, that's interesting as a usecase to start off of to make a better one
kek thanks
Yeah no still looks filmic to me
Looks nothing like film

Have you been to /fgt/ at all
Zoomzooms don’t actually know what film looked like, what they mean by “filmic” means washed out colours, funky exposure, imperfect images. I’ve given up trying to correct them, they’re too retarded to know or care.
Do you think the new zoom lens will ever be available for cheap on second hand market?
I really want it but I'm not paying €300+ for a kitlens
eventually yes, just depends on how long you want to wait, aside from the WR, why would you want this over the 18-55? Surely those must be cheap.
>Do you think the new zoom lens will ever be available for cheap on second hand market?
Once Fuji kills the X mount.
Looks filmic af boomerkin fr
>eventually yes,
what makes you say this?
the 18-55 has been around for a decade or more and still costs £250-300 used.
>18-55? Surely those must be cheap.
see above

good lenses don't really depreciate, unless they go out of production. even then you'd need to wait many years until it's basically obsolete/incompatible with contemporary bodies. like legacy lenses.
2nd hand laowa 9mm f2.8 for $260, yes or no?
The fully manual one? Nah, hold onto your bennies. Unless you really wanted that particular FL
Not like that's going to happen any time soon
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1.28 MB JPG
i always use the jpeg presets when shooting for myself. tried raw-darktable a few times and it looked terrible
what's 'the film one'? also it's too bad no one who replied to this question included an image to give their answer any context

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Maker Note Version0130
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White BalanceAuto
>darktable looks darkterrible
always does, regardless of brand

high grade: capture one
mid grade: adobe lightroom, manufacturer's free raw processor
buy $5000 of test equipment and compile your color science from source: anything else.
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2.22 MB JPG
ironic when the len is more important than the body, yet does not suffer on the 2nd market.
Hopefully the autofocus firmware make them dump out all at once or im switching to sony.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFuji
Camera ModelXA3
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.3 (Windows)
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:07:26 13:57:53
Color Space InformationsRGB
Is there a guide to which kinds of lenses I should have in my repertoire? Currently, I only have a 35mm lens and I think I'm ready to purchase my second lens
It's all about what you want to shoot and then you tailor your lenses towards that
What do you want to take photos of?
You need to figure out which focal lengths you like and use. Imo, it's best to start with a couple zooms and then keep an eye on where your focal lengths usually wind up then buy a more dedicated lens if you feel like you need one.
Mostly fashion photography, portraits, and occasionally close ups of cool things I see in nature

Thank you, I'll look into zoom lenses
Just test a dummy battery today, all settings are reset, did i fried my camera and cmos.?
Look at the crosshatched grain in the sky... yuck. ew. nothing like film grain at all. The colors are nice (except the pretty crushed black point)
The one lens I think almost everyone should have is a decent standard zoom that's not too big. For macro you can zoom all the way in with it and attach a Raynox 250. If you ever get serious about macro you'll still be able to use that for ultra closeups. Looks like most people like the Laowa 65mm macro lens, but it's MF which could suck for other types of photography. Otherwise macro lenses double as pretty good portrait lenses.
My recommendation would be a standard zoom, flash, and raynox 250. If you're serious about portraits and fashion you'll want to understand flash very well. I'd actually go as far as to say you should get 2 flashes, a flash transmitter, stands, gels and umbrellas before you even bother with more lenses. (For real macro you'll need a flash too, and a cheap on-lens diffuser)
35+85 for general photography
24mm or 28mm for street photography

Anything wider is for garish HDR flickr landscapes.
Anything longer is a crutch for lazy/bad photographers.
40mm/50mm is for poorfags who could only have one lens at the time and normally stops being used when a photographer gets rough 35 and 85 "equivalents" and only starts being used when you travel super light

Zooms are cope laden boat anchors and their existence has singlehandedly ruined camera design by necessitating larger, blobbier cameras. Zooms are not made for photography, they are made for journalism.
I only shoot with adapted, vintage, manual-focus lenses. I sold all my Fuji lenses. I'm using an XT-2 that I bought used 4 years ago. My photos are better than yours (yes, that includes you), but they still suck ass.

That's all. Thanks for reading.
Dont put a flash on that cam if you cherish it. Just a bit of friendly advice.
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2.75 MB JPG
epic fisheye

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post vintage lens collection anon
whats everyones favourite film sims>
Thank you both for your advice. I think I'll start with a zoom lens (sorry second guy) so I have that for when I want to travel with just one lens and then I'll work my way through the 24mm, 85mm, and the Raynox 250.
After a quick search, the Sigma 18-50mm seems decent. Let me know if I am incorrect.
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44 KB
>shooting jpeg

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That's awesome.

Helios 44-2, you probably know the focal length and aperture
Olympus OM 85mm f/2
OM 135 f/3.5
Working on not being poor anymore, so I'll probably get more lenses in the not-too-distant future. Thinking about an FD 200mm f/2.8 and some 135mm f/2.8 to replace the 3.5, and maybe the Fuji 90mm and WR 56, but those are out of my budget right now.
My photography is in flux at the moment anyway, which is why I'm here gearfagging, so nothing's final.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Shut up, loser.
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834 KB JPG
it's so sik, although for me it's quite uncommon to find a use for it
i left all my cameras on classic chrome for like over a year, used pro neg hi for the past month. don't really notice the difference

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelX-T3
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2024:05:16 03:48:28
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1. Acros Green
2. Classic Neg
3. Classic Chrome
>autofocus confirmed
>Sharp background and blurry subject
>Soft image despite shooting with a prime
>Purple fringing everywhere
Mmm. Smells like Fuji
Picked up the 50-140, rip to whoever sold it to the pawn shop
Yes but only to aid shooting, get the look on the lcd kinda how I imagine I might edit the raw later on. Sometimes the jpg will be close to perfect and I kinda use it as a reference while editing, but I have enough free time to be autistic about it and get a better result from the raw
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2.14 MB JPG
dope, looks great. i'm honestly considering picking up a fuji gs645 just to have a 4:3 film body since 3:2 always feels too tall in vertical
cool . what will you shoot with it?

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Image Created2024:08:03 00:17:50
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for anyone considering the xf 18mm/f2, i've found that it looks better the closer you are to the subject. quite muddy when far away and nice and clear when a meter or closer
case in point of vertical
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2.36 MB
2.36 MB JPG

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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2.43 MB
2.43 MB JPG
Did someone say fuji? jp. Sony gang lurker here.

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Camera ModelILCE-7M3
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Image Created2024:08:07 07:57:53
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1.43 MB
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I'll shoot random bullshit I guess, everything man. I'm more interested in street shit now because I've done way too much landscape but I just live near nature so I guess landscape until I go somewhere with cool buildings and interesting people or hot third world girls

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
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Zeiss Touit 32mm F/1.8
The old Fuji 35 1.4
Assuming the Zeiss is maybe 100 bux more (both used)
Wat do?
That's just how soft lenses are
Where the fuck is the XF 18mm mk2 pancake?!
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1.35 MB JPG
idk anything about the touit but if nothing is especially drawing you to it, i don't see why you'd spend an extra hundred dollars for it
neat. i recommend talking to the people where you're at. there might be more photo opportunities than you expect
ah makes sense

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2024:08:07 22:17:32
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>Dont put a flash on that cam if you cherish it.
Horror stories?
id print this
File: DSCF1142.jpg (2.54 MB, 3000x2000)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB JPG
The XF23mm f2 vignettes quite a bit

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T2
Camera SoftwareCapture One 22 Windows
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pic not related?

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Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Image Created2024:08:07 22:16:11
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File: DSCF1037.jpg (489 KB, 2226x1484)
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489 KB JPG
Snapshit but you can see it more in this pic at f2
At f8 its not as prominent but its still there
Ig it adds some sovl

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T2
Camera SoftwareCapture One 22 Windows
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Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: DSCF4710.jpg (375 KB, 3600x2400)
375 KB
375 KB JPG
shrug. still can't really tell

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Camera ModelX-T3
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Image Created2024:08:08 15:37:33
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Slow Synchro ModeOff
White BalanceAuto
File: DSCF1005 1.jpg (839 KB, 1200x1800)
839 KB
839 KB JPG
All the better then

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T2
Camera SoftwareCapture One 22 Windows
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Is that the Taiwan HSR?
File: DSCF1002 1.jpg (499 KB, 1800x1200)
499 KB
499 KB JPG
Nah, just Tokyo station

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T2
Camera SoftwareCapture One 22 Windows
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
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Optically I think id be alright with either,
Zeiss has better and internal AF, and is a little wider at 32,
The Fuji is 1.4
Slower/louder AF worth it for 1.4 over 1.8? I'll legit probably just toss a coin desu fuck it, the Zeiss got expensive cos some jewtubers hyped it, same with the fuji though probably
But Why have money when I can have lenses
>recommend talking to the people where you're at.
This place is literally covered in "art galleries" full of gimmicky landscape stuff, type of shit with turbo deepfried looking sunsets and "lmao I made de water look funny with an nd filter"
I guess it sells, like tourists and random people will hang it up in their houses but.. fuck me
I'm going abroad for a month of somewhat intense traveling and hiking. What lens combo should I take for my XT4.

> 27mm + 50mm f2
> 10-24mm F4
> 23mm f1.4 (old)
> Any combo of these

I'm traveling economy so can't take too much and I'm going light.
>> 27mm + 50mm f2
That's what I did last year and I was happy with it.
My only reservation is that 27 is not always wide enough.
Do handheld panoramas
You'll miss not having a telephoto above 135mm or so.
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888 KB
888 KB JPG
i'd go with just the 27. lightest kit, no fiddling with lens swaps

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelXQ1
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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i mostly left my 27 on last trip desu
it just go right in da pocket
27 it is.
I do love that lens. My only reservation is that it's sometimes not enough for narrow European streets.

Maybe. In the mountains thats sometimes true, but I'll be doing a mixture of dense cities and hiking so having a massive telephone just isn't worth it.

Also my only telephoto is a MASSIVE flea market Tamron zoom that was so busted looking it was sold to me as scrap. Surprisingly works like a dream tho.
File: PXL_20240626_011245207.jpg (364 KB, 1645x1239)
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364 KB JPG
>fuji gang fuji gang fuji gang
>spent two racks on a new cam

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareGoogle
Image-Specific Properties:
C'mon Fuji, give me a new 18mm F2 pancake as the X-E5/X-Pro4 kit lens
Make it WR and the AF faster
next time i go somewhere ill try to swap lenses a bit more as leaving the 27 on the whole time feels a bit lazy but yeah the results are pretty decent so fuck it
I get why they're not making an x-pro4, as to not cannibalize parts of the x100, but I really hope they expand their small lens catalog a few more pancakes and an updated 18 mm.

Also I got to use a friends xt50 recently and it's like the perfect size for a run around take anywhere Street camera. It's not so psychotically small like they XE series, but smaller than the XT.
Also since they now have Ibis everywhere I'm guessing weather resistance, video codex's and speed are like the only features left for premium.

Fucking great.
I really want an X-E4 for taking quick snaps of my kids and for hikes, but is Fuji autofocus really as bad as some people say it is?

Like I understand that it's fine for shoots with a professional model or street photography, but I have kids running and jumping. For sure I'd be getting the LM lenses because I've read they make a difference.
Yeah, it's very "photography hobby grade" autofocus. It works in lieu of manual focus on EVFs/most DSLRs being fucking dogshit compared to film SLRs and fine mattes but it's not really what most people expect out of autofocus - being more than a cope for how bad the MF experience has gotten. Compared to a DSLR or any canon/sony mirrorless it's pretty slow and inaccurate similar to the autofocus on the nikon z6 and z6ii.
I cannot imagine the z6 having as bad autofocus as a Fuji. Taken so many static shots where the background is in focus, and the subject is blurry (AF-S, single point, green box).
That's really too bad, I do like the manual control dials and form factor of the X-E line. And I have a feeling the eventual X-E5 will end up like the X-T50 -- better but expensive.

Maybe Sony it is, but the colours are kinda blah. Got no time to post process shit.
I love the x100v and I love the x100vi a lot more. The AF on people and objects is amazing.
Sony has nice colors, on the expensive FFs (a7iv, a7rv, a1, a9iii, a7cr/ii) and one sorta gimped one (a7c)

Why do you think /p/ hates snoy? It's $3k+ or shit. Just like /p/ hates canon, it's all designed for journalism and event photography or its walmart blobs.
hybrid af without cross points issue
How do people feel about the picture profile "film simulations" on the Sony cameras that's been going around? Is it just cope?
Asking about Sony here is like tossing a firework down a manhole
Bought the 70 300 last Saturday
Didn't play around with it much yet
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788 KB JPG
big true
i've never had issues with the af. just make it wr
the opposite is true. wasting time swapping lenses and space on carrying them is suboptimal

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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sky is overexposed, isn't it? couldn't this get developed into more even picture?
Try shadows +1 on this pic
God I hate nigglish
how is fujifilm for video
Pretty meh overall. Support for advanced video features is pretty weak (de-squeeze, waveforms, false color, in-camera RAW, etc). Most of that gets taken care of with an external recorder though.
Actual IQ and recording options are pretty decent, I like f-log2. AF is about the worst, but may still be totally usable depending on needs. IBIS is okay.
I run an X-H2s for video myself, but I'd be looking elsewhere if buying now. Would really only consider if already had a bunch of other Fuji gear.
thank you for the detailed answer
Unironically worse than panasonic mft
Watch out that nigger has a gun!
Bad. You get better value from just about any other brand. AF is practically unusable.
My xs20 with a lens that doesn't suck for video is perfectly usable idk what these anons are bitching about
It's the "if you're not first, you're last" mentality of modern consumerism
Something can't be "it's fine but not the best", it's always "it's shit if it's not the best"
yeah many such cases unfortunately
whats a cool sim for xtrans 3
I've always been partial to classic chrome.
oh yeah but like whole recipe wb and whatnot
File: DSCF1085.jpg (796 KB, 2400x1600)
796 KB
796 KB JPG
Rate my Recipe
PRO neg hi.
Highlight 0
Shadow +1
Color +1
NR -4
Sharpening 0
Auto WB 3R -4B

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no grain i presume?

also i wonder why every recipe has noise reduction -3 or -4
which analog camera can give this feeling
File: DSCF1504.jpg (1.09 MB, 1600x2400)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB JPG
Yeah no grain.
Usually do 'negative' NR since the NR is a bit heavy.
>muh digital grain

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Any of them, since it depends more on the film, you dummy.
somewhat feels sore on the eyes and hard to pick things.
File: DSCF2599.jpg (1.3 MB, 3000x2000)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB JPG
those are three different feelings
but anon is right. lens and film determines the look
who cares about the sky? more detail does not equal more picture

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underexposed anime looking guy

cus noise gives the picture texture, kinda like how grain does :p it looks better than nr smears imo
not really seeing the composition on these

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File: DSCF3770.jpg (1.83 MB, 3000x2000)
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wish i had slapped flash on this one. it would have solidified the crime scene vibe


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“If you only knew how bad things really are”

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Film looks filmic. CCD or Fujicams do not.
I love my Fuji but it'd be great if people stopped saying retarded shit like omg literally like a film camera omg FILM SIMS
It's absolute suffering trying to be a gearfag and look for a review of some Fuji gear on YouTube, a lot of people really don't know when to stop purposefully making their images look fuckin cancerous because muh film
You knew what you were in for and you did it anyway, no sympathy whatsoever for you. Fuji has been a meme forever.
>Fuji is a MEME XDXD
but not really though just some of the people that buy them but that goes for anything really
I love the pocket cameras and respect GFX and Instax. But the X-system is pure retardation.
And just like that, Anon killed the x system, the prices of used fuji cameras went to £20 and the chairman of the company (Mr fuji himself) committed sudoku by beating himself over the head with a canon
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>But the X-system is pure FUN.
i have to agree the 'filmic look' and even the company calling them film simulations is too exaggerated. they should just say the jpgs look good with no editing and there is a fairly diverse lens selection

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one thing about the common theory of gear on this site is that it's extremely hierarchical. people are obsessed with 'winning' or what's better or worse. when a far more practical theory recognizes that although features can be quantified, their application is qualitative. piece of gear at large are not strictly better or worse, just different

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-Pro2
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Image Created2024:08:24 00:16:57
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Gear only matters to the extent that:
1. It meets the minimal technical specifications to do a task
2. It supports an efficient workflow, including ergonomics and customization

Fuji is very pleasant when taking your time to set up a static shot, but I couldn't make it work for environmental portraiture due to many focus misses when nearly wide open. Can still understand the joy of fiddling with dials, but then I'd go with a ZF.
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are you sure this is fuji?
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>missing focus in environmental portraiture
how? are your subjects performing a dance or playing basketball?

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Camera ModelX-Pro2
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Image Created2024:08:25 23:50:24
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Even without dancing (which totally fails acquisition), there's been a 20% risk of the background being sharp, rather than the subject. Tried every combination of af settings and box sizes. Strangely, shooting on full auto (JPEG only) seems to have a higher keeper rate.
Do you use an older Fuji lens?
XC35 f2. Shooting one or two clicks from wide open
>I couldn't make it work for environmental portraiture
100% skill issue unless you're on like first gen bodies, anything T2 or later should be totally fine
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that is one of the budget x mount lenses.. what body? idk it seems your circumstance could be a bit outside of the norm. i have the xf 18/f2 on an xpro2 focus just fine, in the dark. pic related and the shot of kids playing above. granted, not wide open, but maybe you could consider compromising on widest aperture for your shots.. in any case, the zf also seems like a solid choice and i haven't heard anyone complain about the af on it

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-Pro2
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.36
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
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X-T200. I have similar problems (just worse) compared to your sample pic. Softness and out of focus.

Strangely, my XF10 is much sharper, but also unreliable in focus
What the fuck is the deal with that belt? I can't decide whether I like it or whether it's way too cosplay-adjacent
>the zf also seems like a solid choice
I actually went full retard and bought a z8 with an S-lens.
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idk you might want to try a modern mainline kit before you declare fuji af at large too inaccurate
look up star wars episode 2

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.34
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>every subject is literally in costume
Anon are you retarded perhaps?
>try a modern mainline kit
Pic related. Was considering the XH2S, but came to my senses when doing the research.
I've only ever found 1 (one) dude that talks sense with Fuji cameras/lenses in youtube, I'd say those are more rare than the x100vi
links, por favor.
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18/f2 and xpro is a sweet setup

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Ian Worth?
Tfw I could have bought several x100vi for a good ass tax free price in turkey but I chose to meet some bitch instead
The sex was shitty and then they were out of stock
same. Half the reason I use Fuji is because if I nail focus and exposure, 95% of the time the image looks good. I just pick the film simulation that matches the vibe and keep it there for the day.

Indoor family event? Nostalgic Negative
Summer vacation? Reala Ace
Colorful fall leaves? Astia
Cloudy fall/winter with deep reds? Classic Chrome

Almost everything else? Provia with some adjustments to make it more "Leica" like.
taylor swift mogs you with the cheapest micro four thirds set to vintage 1
hipsters mog you with kodak funsavers
so whats it really for?
you got t swifts pics? I wouldn't be surprised if she was good
I'm gonna kill Taylor Swift with a brick
I got in to fuji with an X100 VI, coming from sony. I reckon when they one day come out with an x-pro4 I am very likely to sell my sony gear and make the full switch.
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what kind of stuff do you shoot?

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I dont use any of the film sims, just the standard mode.
nope, far from film
on my XF10
forget about it
reminder that only fags use autofocus for video
snapshits and photos without personality
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why are you making so many separate shitposts. you know you can reply to multiple posts right? are you just trying to run up the post count even though we;re still over a hundred from bump limit?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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I'm about to sell my A7CR and all lenses and just buy the X100VI. Reason is because I never print, I rarely even look at my pictures after editing them. They just collect dust on my HDD. So why full frame and all the lenses? Even the small A7CR isn't all that tiny with a lens. The X100VI could fit into my jacket pocket and I can bring it anywhere and no more thinking what lens, etc. Do you think it's a good idea or would GAS kick in someday and I regret it? Looking at example photos they clearly are inferior to the Snoy
>i dont enjoy photography
>i dont look at my own photos
>i dont share my photos
>no one wants to see my photos
>so i think i should buy another camera
Gearfag self btfo

As they said in /gear/ about rock and leaf pixel peepers
“An incel with a camera is something else. You’re sick and you ready have the cure. Why not take it?”

All you need to do is start a social media account and start making friends with people by doing weddings and then portraits
Not him but how would you start networking with people?
I was under the false impressions doing good photography and using all the hashtags would be enough but it isn't. Even been on explore a couple times but that didn't do shit apart from getting way more clicks. Is it hopeless if you aren't naturally good at networking?
networking starts in real life, by talking to real people, and then you use social media to advertise that you have established yourself as real. trying to do hashtags and play social media games first and make it second is for grifters.
>make friends
>take nice portraits of your friends for their socials
>shoot a friend or relatives wedding
>take photos for your friends friends
>firstname lastname photography on squarespace, pictime, insta, and flickr
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owned by banding again! or is it some sort of moire?? there are purple and green tints in the stripes in the upper left. this is killing me

if you don't care about the results so much, only the process of photography, then yeah that seems like a fine switch

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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There's your problem.
The x100VI is actually fun to use and you will actually take it out with you and use because of its portability.
shitty color-depth conversion or something idk
stop shooting jpg
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it shows up in the raw too. i have this problem on my 50r as well which is wild since those are 14-bit. it's so annoying and i don't know what's causing it

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-Pro2
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
Maker Note Version0130
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Image Created2024:09:04 23:31:04
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anyone experienced with GFX? wanna get a used one and can‘t decide between the 50R and the 50S II (=1.000€ more expensive). The later comes with IBIS which seem pretty useful for medium format. I wanna use the 35-70mm kit lens first which isn‘t very fast. Indoor may be troublesome then, but what about cranking up the ISO to 6400? I don‘t mind a bit of grain
Yeah the E shutter can't be used off a tripod, it's huge, and the only use 100mp has besides big prints is clever noise reduction techniques in post to shoot iso 50k 24mp finished files without obvious artifacts, but the 50mp models basically perform exactly like full frame unless you're some geek pushing shadows 7ev on a photo of a chart.
Sell your a7cr and all your lenses to me for 50% off, and i'll have a hot asian girl pretend to be the buyer and make fun of you.

You seem pretty neurotic so that must be your thing
Between the two, 50sII for sure.
That said, I sold my 50r and would absolutely pick a modern ff over the 50mp models. GFX 100mp or bust.
Do you see a big difference in image quality between 50 and 100 or is it mainly for printing purpose? From what I read people are blown away after switching to the 50 from FF.
if people spend enough money they will tell everyone they are blown away switching from 42mp ff to 45mp ff

you can read the big objective technical explanation or just look at photos - its the same exact results as full frame cameras in the same megapixel range just with fujis color profiles
I really wasn't blown away by IQ on the 50r. It was good, but underwhelming for what I expected (coming from using D850 and a7rIII). The marginal gains, weren't with the downgrade in size/bulk, lens selection, handling, speed of operation, af performance, lowlight potential, etc.
The 100mp at least give you something the modern ff's cant, and all have improved performance in other areas like AF.
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i've had a 50r for about a year now. it's nice but you're taking a pretty big hit on price and convenience compared to most ff systems for a fairly small difference in output. the issue with the 50r is ergonomic. mainly, there aren't any native lenses small enough to suit the rangefinder style body. unless you specifically plan to adapt a pancake, the extra grip of the s bodies is where you want to be. also, the dial around the shutter button is wack and displaces the power switch. i went with the 50r because i dislike pasm dials but i think the sii would have been better to use. currently i'm thinking of selling the gfx since i have film mf cameras now which is more what i was after the whole time

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I bought an X-T2 for very little and overal it seems to work fine except it sometimes feels like the metering is off by a stop or two.
Does anyone else on older Fuji models suffer from this? Happens mainly when shooting against the light
fuji’s ISOs are a stop lower than labeled and multi meter is notoriously underexposey with bright backgrounds which is why literally every fuji user shoots underexposed shit whenever the sky is in the frame. the camera just does that for them.
I'm looking at some FB Marketplace listings for the XF 33mm and new XF 56mm and have noticed nobody puts up photos looking through the lens against a white / neutral background to show the glass is clean / not defective in some way.
I'm sure this behaviour isn't limited to Fuji but why are people like this? These are some of the first images I take when selling my own lenses.
>These are some of the first images I take when selling my own lenses.
that's because you have aspergers and other people don't
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2.13 MB JPG
enjoy your braille reader asshole

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Would I be a fool to buy a X-Pro3? I'm really tempted by the OVF. Never owned a Fuji before.
I'm kinda more into the 2 but yeah man they are tempting
Wait for the X-Pro 4 with IBIS.
Its bad and the 4 will be as bad. Get a canon r7 instead you blend in more for street photography. Its way better and cheaper than any fuji could be.
>oh its just some newspaper guy probably wanted the building behind me

IBIS doesnt help real photography, only rocks and leaves on shitty m43 with no dynamic range on tap
NTA, but R7 or R8 out of the two? Want to get one, and Iit sounds like you gain more from FF being able to turn ISO up more forgivingly than the R7s IBIS would give you in regards to lowering the shutter speed
R7. Smaller, fully featured, high pixel density lets you crop and technically get more zoom than micro four thirds or apply stronger noise reduction and fix the smoothing by exporting at the r8’s resolution
APSC to full frame is only one single stop of ISO. Irrelevant when not pixel peeping “unedited” raws (no such thing, all raws are edited by the camera firmware and uniquely interpreted by different software)
I saw someone else say this the other day, but if you're cropping a significant amount, you're using less of the sensor no? Which makes noise even worse? I get it, I'm poor and I can't have everything, I just thought FF was king. Just so happens the R8 and R7 are similar prices. I like doing astro and landscapes and shit if it matters.
>I like doing astro and landscapes
you def want a FF camera
and not a Canon, their baked-in noise reduction will screw with astro photography
Noise isnt that relevant to apsc users. The problem in most arguments is its m43 vs ff. Most m43 bodies have a native base ISO of 200 (800 equiv) unless they cost $2000 for slightly worse than apsc performance.

Apsc vs ff is more negligible and cropping might be m43 tier but it is with a lower base ISO only found on a giant $2000 panasonic.
as someone who uses both aps-c and ff, noise can be relevant
I'd rather use my ff in low-light (which includes shooting inside with no flash or studio lighting)
in broad daylight it doesn't matter at all tho
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Currently having this dialema myself. I also do mild astro but other things like macro and travel pics as well. Think I'm getting an R7 and simply going to buy a second FF body in the future. Technically full frame would be better for your use case but not by a huge enough margin that getting a kneecapped R8 is worth it. I'd go an R6 at minimum if you're going full frame, then keep in mind your full sized RF lenses will be bigger, heavier and more expensive. Technically technically, astro is complicated and bigger nerds could make better recommendations, but bigger sensor is always nice.
>gimped battery
>no full shutter
>no ibis (meh)
This is a true thing, but how fuckin' far are you expecting to crop? And if you are going to crop, you'll resize the image as well so noise won't be as huge an issue.
I never realised M43 takes such a huge hit even compared to APS-C. I mean, I *knew*, but fark. M43 seems more like a step up from P&S but several steps down from APS-C.

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Originally, before coming to /p/, m43 users would buy for the added features and ignore the noise. The e-m5/om-5/-10 models and most panasonics are really just slightly upgraded PNS bodies but the e-m1iii/o-m1 and g9ii/gh7 have some gimmicks in stills and video respectively that might be interesting to some people, mostly landscape/wildlife bloggers and anyone who has found a sufficiently sharp lens to use pixel shift for film scanning.

But now that we are on /p/, m43 users just sperg out about equivalence and stomp their feet and cry when you open your aperture to a whopping f2.8.
>nooo you screwed me over! you're cheating the rules of equivalence! now i have to buy a panasonic leica noctitron to btfo full frame!
>*f1.8 - with autofocus*
>*f1.4 - photo still in focus because distance to subject, still sharp because mirrorless lens design*
>m4turd explodes in a shower of g9iis
And the price, but we can't talk about that here or some 20 year old mcdonalds employee calls you poor because he financed a $5k camera.
Nikon Z5 or Panasonic S5/S5II would be great for you.
Save your money and wait to buy a used gfx100s. They're already coming down to $2k.

Either that or wait for z7iis to drop in price, it's not like you need autofocus.

>low resolution digital
Enjoy trees aliasing into mush pillars. Landscapes look better on 35mm film than 24mp digital.
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188 KB PNG
GFX50S II is on the way baby. Was on the fence because other anon recommended to stay FF, which kinda seems legit. But I found a good deal so I just went for it. New one for 2500€.

What lens to get first? 35-70 or Mikaton 65mm 1.4?
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1.68 MB JPG
yes. foolishness is fun tho. i had a 3 and had some glitches so i switched to the 2. i sometimes wish i kept the 3. it's very snappy and the shooting experience with the ovf is pretty nice. i will say that mf is tough on the ovf so i'd only recommend getting it for the ovf if you plan to use mostly af lenses. if you shoot street/doc and like to move around, the xpros are great with the xf 18 or 27
hype! 65 for portraits, 35-70 for general purpose. btw you should probably pick up a flash for dark indoor shooting rather than strain yourself trying to squeeze every bit of data out of high iso noise clouds

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>Fujifilm GF 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 WR
>28-50 f3-4 equivalent
>btfo by lumix 10-25 f1.7 (20-50 f3.4 equivalent) which is also sharper
>macro four thirds can only slightly outdo micro four thirds dr in full sunlight
medium foolmat
>Buying the economy models
Lel enjoy your plus size FF aka macro four turds. Shit isn’t even 645 lmao
why do you fags obsess so much over gear?
Anyone here with an X-E4? What are the long-term niggles with it? I want something lighter than my X-T4 and debating whether to get an X-E4 or a Ricoh GRiiiX.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.12
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)41 mm
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Image Created2024:08:17 12:02:48
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File: DSCF0128.jpg (2.86 MB, 3000x2000)
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2.86 MB JPG
i had an xe4 for around 9 months. i started to dislike how small the evf was. the axis of the battery/sd door is oriented so that the sd card is parallel to it when opened, which makes it tough to grab the card. i don't understand why fuji has done this when they have the correct orientation on tons of other older bodies. the xpros share this door orientation but it's not a problem because the sd slot is in the side grip. the paint flaked off of my bottom plate. the buttons and dial detents all felt quite thin. lastly, the spring in the shutter button got sticky on occasion. generally i felt that the built quality and ergos/tactility weren't satisfying so i sold it and got an xpro3. still, it was a very fun camera to use and effortless to pack/carry on a strap. significantly faster af and operation than older gen fujis. and iirc, there was option to save file quality to each custom setting, which i miss on xt3 and xpro2. i think the only major design changes to be made would be to shrink it and remove vf, to sufficiently differentiate it from the x100 line. however, it's already very close to the smallest an x mount body can benefit from being since there are only like 3 native lenses that don't dwarf it. currently the xe4 prices are vastly inflated so i recommend the gr unless you can wait for an xe5 drop
what lenses are you using on the xt4?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-E4
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.34
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.2
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Focus StatusOK
Picture ModeAperture Prior AE
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White BalanceAuto
GRiiiX gonna be sharper, less weight and smaller. It can fit in your pants pockets but would not suggest as they have dust issues. But no EVF.
File: DSCF0219.jpg (1.29 MB, 3000x2000)
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1.29 MB JPG
another xe4 shot
my current small point and shoot is a fuji xq1. it's like a suped up canon s100

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-E4
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.34
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Image Created2023:08:05 23:42:39
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White BalanceAuto
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557 KB JPG
because they don't take photos

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File: DSCF3850.jpg (1.4 MB, 3000x2000)
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1.4 MB JPG
i obsess over gear because i do take tons of photos. every feature of use is magnified over a hundred hours and dozens of thousands of clicks
verification not required.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelX-Pro2
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Image Created2024:09:19 04:10:00
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White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
These 3 photos are everything I dislike about fuji

No, it's not the gear (at least its not mft). It's smears, really bad use of flash, and really terrible fake film grain. They even caught the back of someones head. All user error btw.
okay while i agree on use of fake grain (desu i wouldnt print it either only looks good for instragram) what's wrong with someones backhead i have shots where the street is empty but i liked this one more just because of the grandma going toward the statue
I've been wanting a small rangefinder style camera for years and saw the X100vi the other day. I'm only a casual hobbyist, so forgive my gear ignorance. I bought a Canon 5Dmkii years and years ago when it was new and have used it as my only camera over all those years. As much as I like the images and video I get with it, it has always felt big and heavy to carry around all day, so I've always wanted a rangefinder type to take with me without it being a hassle like my old 5D.

The X100vi looks pretty cool to me in terms of features, size and price. I switch between 35mm and 50mm 90% of the time on my 5D, so I'd like to get that teleconverter for it. I'd get the thumb rest and maybe the extra grip for the side because I have large hands and like having some extra grip, but the camera still looks pretty small and light weight compared to lugging my 5d with the 24-70 lens around my neck all day.
Most of the film simulation looks a bit too "instagram" for me, but I'd shoot jpg and raw at the same time either way. I like not having baked images so I have more control in post.

I know people talk a lot of shit here, but I like to do a lot of research before a purchase, so I'd just want. I'm a total idiot when it comes to this shit, so I just wanted to get as many opinions as possible. This camera just looks pretty close to everything I'd want out of this type with a couple of accessories) and at a fair price too.
I wonder if any of you have tried a 5Dmkii and the X100vi and can compare the images or something.
What are your thoughts about the X100vi for an old moron with an old 5D?
I actually print some of my photos with a slight hint of digital grain. Depends on the picture but I feel like some subjects don’t benefit from the extremely clinical high resolution of modern lenses, like some candid shots of people and the like. But it’s definitely a taste thing
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2.67 MB JPG

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983 KB
983 KB JPG
do you have a version stopped down?'

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Image Created2024:09:03 13:58:12
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no with this lens i have the bad tendency to take everything at this aperture.
now that i look at it its kinda dumb that two of those trees are not focused when they're not that much farther
Man, Fuji prices have gone crazy. Trying to find an X-E4 is insane when it originally cost £950 with the 27mm WR and now second hand ones are 1000+ without the lens!
X-T50 looks dumb with that film sim dial and X-S20 has PASM. I want something smaller and lighter than my X-T4 but I'm getting more tempted to move to M43 at this point.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.10
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)83 mm
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Image Created2024:06:11 11:06:07
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File: P9220566.jpg (4.74 MB, 3000x4000)
4.74 MB
4.74 MB JPG
dont' do it. only mentally ill schizos go for m43

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Might just go back to the X-T2 desu. Feels more compact and 100 grams lighter than the X-t4.
Would it be retarded to buy an Xpro3 at this point? I assume the infant mortality has happened and now any remiaining working ones will be fine?
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1.94 MB
1.94 MB JPG
only because of the price. the xpro3 is a nice cam. had it on loan for a few weeks and enjoyed it. but the current price is more than retarded. for it being essentially an xe4 with an optical viewfinder it's way too much. dura silver/black used is around 2000 euros nowadays. nondura is like 50 euros less lol.

if you can get it for a fair price (you cant) then get it.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Seeing them for £1100-1200. Does seem retarded. I wish Fujifilm stopped discontinuing their best cameras.
Yeah I'm not taking advice from someone with this skill level
What's better for GFX?


GF50mm3.5 and GF80mm1.7 for the same price (used)?
Is there even a noticable difference with MF if you have a max aperture of 3.5?
Get the 1.7
Me vs the guy my ex was spotted with the same weekend she broke up with me
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952 KB
952 KB JPG
see >>4361448
just get a smaller lens, ez. lens is at least as important as body for overall kit portability and the xf 16-55 2.8 is large.
although if you're not shooting much video, you could probably switch to xt3 to which is also smaller and not lose much

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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2.15 MB
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File: DSCF5881.jpg (3.01 MB, 4000x3000)
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dead general

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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)51 mm
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Do you have some kind of fetish for these ugly birds?
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2.83 MB
2.83 MB JPG

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Auto Exposure StatusOK
Current kit is X-S20 with a Smegma 18-50 2.8

GAS is hitting hard and have some cash in the bank. Trade xs20 for xt5, or trade Smegma for 16-55 2.8?
Do you want tilt instead of flippy screen?
Do you need the 40mp sensor?
Do you want those dedicated ISO and aperture dials?
I think those are the things you'd have to ask yourself.
Personally I don't thing getting a zoom lens with slightly more reach would make sense, get a dedicated telephoto or wide-angle instead, if you decide on getting a new lens instead of a body.
This is my sidepiece/toss in my bag/edc kit. My main kit is a Z8. I dig the xt aesthetic, would rather get a zf, but z lenses are huge in comparison.
The X-T5 is a way better take on a digital camera that controls like a film camera.
It even does full aperture metering when you shoot in manual focus, it's rad (you have back button focusing when using manual focus, I use it like that and it works really well)
I have an old xt1. The leather is peeling and one of the dials is sticky. I really want to get something else. What should i upgrade to?
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xt3+27mm. there's your edc kit ez

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Sony a6700, xtrans 40mp is only as goof as 24mp anyways. Better weather sealing, smaller lenses.
most heterosexual fuji user: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZq80nk1qDg
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>Better weather sealing
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Yes. You’re posting a camera that was fully immersed in the ocean.
Sony quality is too notch. Its just that when you sell a million when fuji sells 200k, the lemon rate goes up a little.

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Had a 6600 at one point. Horrible ergonomics. Hatred it and traded for an xt4, sold that and regret it. Hence wanting to go for the xt5
tbf the a6700 was more of an ergonomics/build quality update now that sony has realized most people buying newer cameras are actually poorer than the people buying used cameras
Real talk: Why does every fuji user shoot underexposed sunsets with building corners and trees? Is there a fuji official contest I'm missing? Is it the same one that requests backs of heads?
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>still no Mk2 18mm pancake
>still no X-Pro4 or X-E5
>official fuji photography is a building corner with noticeable CA and one of the signs says GAY
marketing L
Will they mention anything about the long ass back order on the x100vi? Or will they simply do the usual vague Japanese "haha... it's not our problem" shit
Thank you for preordering our product
Fur Fujifurrimo the customer is most important
Prease understand
We have one more announcement
A new Fujifurrimo Instaxo is being developed right now
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about time

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>A new Fujifurrimo Instaxo is being developed right now
I'm okay with this because Instax bankrolls their imaging department so that they can spend money on the less profitable MILC segment
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I'm so tired of vague non-answers as an excuse for being lazy
Is this Classic Neg? It reminds me of overcast, shitty days in England for some reason.
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1.28 MB JPG

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How come the fuji general is so much better than the mft general?
try using an mft for a while and see how happy you are after finding out most of the photos you used to like to take now look really bad
Yeah, duh, but I'm talking about the general attitude of the people using the "camera"

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