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I know Euros had a bunch of makers in the 20th century but not so many stuck around. What happened?

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Failed to adapt to digital.
by copying their competitors, addling convenient features, more or less maintaining overall quality while reducing price through cheap labor.
analyze user requests and the market precisely, implement those features in new products and then build a complete system around those products (see nikon F original).
have support network working closely with most important users.
for more recent example see how DJI displaced every other consumer drone manufacturer. I don't have camera drone and want to fly one. I don't want DJI but must admit they have the best products on the marketthen though I don't like Chinese control of this sector. but whatever, Lockheed still makes better killer drones kek
DJI is a not exactly a good example in the scenario you were building up, they have the might of chinese government support to run at a loss and violate patents all over to entrench themselves. bit different than japanese "kaizen" philosophy.
>violate patents
If this were true their offending products would not be sold
Pls spoonfeed examples
>If this were true their offending products would not be sold
if you payout, you can sell anything.
plus, and this is more speculation mind you, they're believed to be in bed with the PRC military which also provided advantage to their rapid dominance compared to your typical company.
The entire industrialized world is going to war. You're a little island country. Anyone attacking you is going to be theoretically visible for a looong time coming across the horizon. If only you could see them before they see you, or even when they see you... whoever is seen by the other first is getting a face full of fuck off. So the life of your country rather depends on making some very good weapons but equally some VERY FUCKING GOOD OPTICS. So when Japan started Nikon, it wasn't so much a company, as much as a whole region of towns, with each town dedicated to developing something required to produce precision optical equipment. From the chemists over here to the materials processing over there to the new alloys and manufacturing methods and at least four independent design houses with only the engineering infrastructure unifying them all, Japan's development of the modern camera was effectively their Manhattan Project. And after the war and the transition to peacetime economy, they whittled away at the business leaving only what was commercially viable, and it was STILL well done enough to dominate for another half a century into the modern age. That is what the small privately funded Euro camera makers were up against.
Importers undercut the west with cheap asian goods made by people who work unpaid overtime. But since it was the japanese, they volunteered for it, and the results were good.
and people forget that america wen't in and re-established order in the place after the bombs. You might even say it's really all due to the yanks.
Yeah and that is why the copied German stuff like everyone else


But being cheap. They were the chinkshit of the era
They dominated the market because those niggers at Kodak scoffed at the digital sensor, and since Japan rapidly developed miniaturized tech they solved digital photography
Because their flag looks like an actual camera. Duh.
>They were the chinkshit of the era
fun fact, some of them still are, while the actual Chinese are advancing hugely.

made-in-Japan Sigma and Tamron lenses, at least the ones I've tried, all have much worse quality control than Chinese (TTArtisan), Korean (Samyang) and made-in-Thailand Nikon lenses I've bought. I have never had to exchange three different units of the same lens to get a "good sample" even with Chinese lenses.

Sigma lenses I've tried include the 50mm f1.4 EX DG HSM, the 150-500mm f5-6.3, the 12-24mm f4 Art and maybe a couple of others. Tamron lenses include one of the older 90mm Macro versions (the one with a snapping-ring AF/MF switch) and a 24-70mm f2.8 DI VC USD.

how Sigma boasts about its "famiry-owned made-in-japan quarity renses" and how Tamron maintains huge webpages about its so-called "craftsmanship" or "monodzukuri" with a straight face is beyond me.
to add, a Zeiss Otus 55mm (made by Cosina Japan) of mine had an iris that often would not stop down correctly. disassembling the aperture mechanism revealed two flat metal arms, black painted, rubbing against each other to actuate the iris blades. over time, the paint wore away and blended with the grease, becoming a cutting paste of sorts. this was enough to jam the aperture arms.

even Tokina lenses used iris mechanisms riding on ball-bearings, and Tokina lenses certainly didn't cost an Otus...
>those niggers at Kodak scoffed at the digital sensor
They were the ones making them.
>made-in-Japan Tamron lenses
Those still exist?
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>Those still exist?
yes, though relatively rare.

before the Tamron "image rejuvenation", a few of their lenses were made in Japan. both the aforementioned lenses (90mm macro and 24-70mm VC) were made in Japan. I'm sure there are others.

after Tamron rejuvenated their brand image, just like Sigma did, their 35mm VC and 45mm VC lenses were made in Japan. maybe there were others. but today, most of their lenses are made either in China or Viet-nam. Tamron prints "DESIGNED IN JAPAN" in bold white lettering on the lens bodies, while shamefully hiding the "made in" part in small, low-contrast font (photo courtesy Ken Rockwell). this is faggot behaviour.

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>Tamron prints "DESIGNED IN JAPAN" in bold white lettering on the lens bodies, while shamefully hiding the "made in" part in small, low-contrast font
lol, fuck those assholes.
regarding Sigma's and Tamron's boasts, if you're looking for a good raugh, here they are:

for Sigma: https://www.sigma-global.com/en/about/manufacture/
for Tamron: https://www.tamron.com/global/monozukuri/

I'm certain the people who wrote these pages were ejaculating onto themselves as they typed.
Chinese lenses are starting to kick their ass.
“Tamron” (bronica) used to be insanely good and make lenses that went toe to toe with zeiss glass for hassies. What the fuck happened?

Glad i havent bought any “voigtlander” garbage lmao. Looks like laowa is the new mid-budget manual lens king unless leica wants to drop the pretentiousness.
>“Tamron” (bronica)
tamron has never been bronica. they bought up the remains of bronica because they wanted bronica's lensmaking tech and shit.
>Glad i havent bought any “voigtlander” garbage lmao.
maybe my experience with the Zeiss Otus 55mm does not apply to Cosina Voigtländer, but unless you can see the iris actuation mechanism for yourself then I guess there's no certain way to be sure.
I remember faitländer was this revered lens maker put onto the same pedestal as zeiss, what the fuck happened?
>faitländer was this revered lens maker put onto the same pedestal as zeiss
since when?

>what the fuck happened?
newsflash buddy, cosina has never been more than just a cheap third-party manufacturer, no matter how much "german" flair they add to their branding.
Fail-lander is only revered because they make lenses with the same quality standards as leica, for the same mount, which doesn't really mean much

And only hated because some leica bodies have RF calibration issues (it's the bodies, not the lenses, m11s have fewer problems than m10s) and some leica users have ego calibration issues (the m11s have more issues than the m10s)
>How did they manage to dominate the photo equipment industry?

At the end of World War II, Japan was in a bad way. They had millions of people unemployed, a lot of international enemies, and a very little in the way of resources. They had to find some way of making money. Something which required as little raw material input as possible, but which had a high financial return.

So they found a niche. That niche was electronics and optics. They poured money into R&D for 30 years and became world leaders in cheap chips and glass. If you combine electronics and Optics what do you get? Cameras.

So Japan still has an edge in cameras to this day, because they got firebombed to shit in 1944.
the United States, to her own detriment, helped prop up the Japanese electronics and auto industries, because it was vital to have a powerful ally in the Far East due to Cold War geopolitics.

but I'm getting off-topic.

the important part is that the world of photography sorely needs competition against the stodgy Japanese. and no, Leica doesn't count. now that the Chinese own Hasselblad, perhaps they could release something that will give the old Japs a run for their money.
>perhaps they could release something that will give the old Japs a run for their money
They cucked Fujislugs out of getting leaf shutters with autofocus.
>leaf shutters
>every XCD lens has it
>1/2000s top speed
fuck me, I need to give this system some serious thought
It's pretty based aside from the first gen lenses having extending barrels, despite being massive.
Also, no adapting (besides the H series lenses); there's no focal plane shutter and the electronic shutter sucks.
But DJI (not exactly an innovative company, they did cheat to get there) isn't managing hasselblad, they're funding it so they can get a cut of their profits when they excel. It's a common asian business strategy actually. They don't have that conqueror attitude where they acquire companies to control them, they just want the money.
>they make lenses with the same quality standards as leica, for the same mount, which doesn't really mean much
Hey, same quality as Leica for a tenth of the price is pretty damn good.
but japan already dominated the camera industry since like the 80s
Because their flag looks like a camera from the front
>from the front
But it looks the same from the back too.
how do you know that, amerifat?

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