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The Olympus Pen Lite cameras are really great starter cameras but I fucking hate the lack of a viewfinder. I have an E-PL5 and I have a viewfinder that attaches onto the hotshoe and that makes the camera actually useable but without that there's no fucking way. But also I feel like just one bump will break that viewfinder, and because it doesn't fit into my case with removing the viewfinder I always worry about it getting crushed in my bag.

I'm upgrading to an OM-D. Same lenses, but it has a built in viewfinder. Fuck cameras that don't have viewfinders.

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Thanks for the life update, Anon.
You're welcome, Canon the Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Ota, Tokyo, specializing in optical, imaging, and industrial products such as lenses, cameras, medical equipment, scanners, printers, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
I removed my camera's EVF and only use the screen. Whatever floats your boat.
Makes me appreciate cameras with tiny viewfinders like the A7C or GX85/GX9 that much more
Thanks OP
I'm forced just to use the screen when I started wearing my prescription glasses. I preferred EVF before, but I'm now getting used to the screen.
>I'm forced just to use the screen when I started wearing my prescription glasses.
this is my greatest fear, and i think it's creeping up on me. my right eye seems to have trouble clearly focusing some of my older manual gear these days, depending on the day.
F for aging. I can understand why boomers love turboAI AF snapshit auto everything machines more now.
Op here, I wear glasses. Why can't you use the viewfinder with glasses? I do it all the time.
You bought the wrong camera. The Olympus OM-D E-M5 is the same cost as a pen used and is weather sealed. Exact same sensor and features.

Also EPL5 has worse ibis then the EP5.
I probably should have added it's almost the same camera. But the OM-D E-M5 has a viewfinder unlike a pen.
Diopter adjustment not enough? I switch between glasses for rear display and no glasses for viewfinder because I set it up so I can see something
E-PL7 with better screen, IBIS, and controls is my backup / daily. Canon comes out for planned shit. Lack of a EVF isn't that bad, you just get to recompose your exposure if you fuck the first up because live view is sketchy.

For the grand total of fuck all and some change, the rangefinders are great.
If they had fujilike back screen, and I'd buy one of them asap. Screens on them are just bad. Hard to see in sunlight, and hard to evaluate focus because of low resolution. Fuji's higher end back screens are really nice, on other hand, a clear step ahead other brands, but still one behind proper Atomos. People that swear on evf have never seen how good those are.
I upgraded to an E-M10
PENs are great, but you immediately get a +2 to your faggotry score. My brother used one for ages but he was a shit photographer lol. I could never get over how small it was when he slapped a prime on it since I was lugging around a D3200 at the time. I think modern improvements have gotten crop more in line with the M43 crowd, but back then it was impressive. Suck you know, because M43 can't really go any other direction since they bought into the whole small and light concept and you can only go so far in that direction
I bought a PM1 and the control dial is ded. Should I return it or should I just deal with it?
a7c was laughed at on /p/ when released but it has become the goated daily digital easily
It's really not that much smaller than the regular A7's, literally losing just 14-21mm off the height by cutting off the viewfinder hump. The grip is smaller but that doesn't matter because the majority of lenses stick out further than the grip on a full size A7 and it just makes it less comfortable. In return for that tiny size saving you get less viewfinder magnification (significantly so in the case of the first A7C), lower res finder if you're comparing to an A7 IV, significantly lower sensor res if comparing to the R models, a single card slot, losing the front dial and some buttons.
this is cope. you know the f2.5 G lenses exist right? the thing is unmatched IQ for its size
Still sticks out further than the grip on a full size A7. Even the 16mm and 20mm crop pancakes do. I couldn't be bothered to go through every third party lens but I don't think you're going to find much other than a body cap pinhole lens that's shorter than the grip.
I would return unless it was a steal. Basically your most efficient way of making adjustments is gone
Nah, it's still laughed at every time it's brought up
I got it for 80 US from Japan.
Could try and repair it. These PENs are simple enough to crack open, doubly so the first gen ones. All comes down to how bad losing $80 due to fucking it up is for you.

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