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Classic IG thread. Post yours, rate others etc etc. and feel free to post whatever other site you post your photos on.

heading to SEA for a couple of months soon, will be posting more stuff
will follow back

most anons that post in these threads usually have pretty good pictures
borders lol
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I live in the Philippines but idk I'm more inspired to take photos when I travel outside my own country.

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Meanwhile, most of my bird photos are taken locally because wildlife is already challenging enough.
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I follow back whoever follows me desu, a lot of anons post some pretty good stuff.

That second lower left pic is excellent.
Are you based in Cornwall mate or were you just there on a visit? Lansallos is a lovely spot

Based in the Philippines. The usual daily stuff most of the time. F4f!
Your shots are clean my fren, you have a fantastic eye for framing and composition
i live in scotland. was down there for work for a couple of months. agreed, it's stunning down that way. i stumbled on lansallos by chance whilst driving around randomly. regret not getting out with the camera more. i'll be back down next year though. want to visit some of the fishing villages along the coast.
Here's mine: instagram.com/vvvguzman

I enjoy shooting whatever, looking to do portraits someday but right now just street I guess.

I love instagram threads because you get to follow anons who actually take pics.

Mweee why is color film so expensive
Thanks friend, glad to hear I'm doing things right.

Portraits can be hard to get into I think. It's easy to ask random people on the street since you don't know them/won't see them again, but it feels awkward as shit to try and ask people you know.
>but it feels awkward as shit to try and ask people you know

True. I've asked my acquaintaces and just a couple have helped but I would need even more models in order to build my portfolio. Guess I will have to pay for them models.
Your photos have this lonely, desolate feeling to them that I appreciate, and I'm curious to see how you will portray SEA.

Thanks. Like that another anon said, you do have a nice eye for composition, especially for those geometric shapes.

Happy to see some actual good street photography from the PH! Your most recent ten+ photos are my favorites.

Just got a new camera, will hopefully be posting more stuff soon

Great compositions, very satisfying to look at
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Trying to get into sportphotography

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seeing these threads just helps to further the point that I just suck lol
Don't be so hard on yourself bro, everyone started out shitty and still makes some mediocre stuff. I tend to only post my very best and even then it's still not as good as other peoples stuff, but it's about enjoying what you do.

tl;dr take photos for your own enjoyment and don't overthink it
>Just got a new camera
what pne?
Lumix LX3. I just needed something to satiate my hunger of photography in between film shooting.
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I suck and have sucked for years (I was snapshitting with digicams since high school in 2004 lol). My cope is that I will never be a photographer, but I’m happy being an archiver/cataloguer of life around me. Without artistic merit, just as it is. Have a fourteen year old snapshit.

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Just remember that the IG feeds are curated from any of these anons' work over the years.

Most of the ones I post on mine are from the last two years or more, and are thoughtfully chosen from the thousands of the photos I take. And I even plan my grid in advance with a planner app (Planoly and Plann), because I want mine to look nice. To me, it functions as a gallery or portfolio exhibition.

Really, if you do want to take photos you like, you have to get out there and just shoot, and then put some thought into choosing which photos you want to show to the world. I heard from some Youtube guy that "you are remembered for your best photos," and I remind myself that constantly so I don't just put out any random shit just for the sake of it.
Based in Costa Rica... lots of mountains, beaches, and green places....
Based take. I >>4340198 feel like I've fallen away from the "only post your best" lately though, I scrolled through my profile and there's a stark contrast in quality once you rollback about 2 years.
Whoops, just realized I misquoted myself in my second reply, which was meant for >>4340198

Love your work, man.
Instagram is very dead for photography. You can't share photos with non-insta users. You can't share full sized photos with anyone. It's a website that uses its users as advertising to collect other peoples data. So, anyone who still uses it has probably been using it for over 5 years.
Surprised to see an insta thread at all, pretty sure flickr is the de-facto site for real photographers.
you mean for boomer with a fugly DSLR
stop snapshitting then.
think about composition and light before you even put the camera to your eye.
infact, you dont even need the camera.
learn about good composition, read some articles. look at some classic paintings. watch movies with great cinematography.
then, in your daily life, start looking for it in the environment around you. imagine good photos.
it's not a game of chance.
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my ig is reserved for irl but here's my tumblr picrelated. pictures from me learning street

correction: do all that stuff but also keep snapping away
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Little bit of everything.


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Id love some advice,
just got into photography at the beginning of the year. Trying to get my editing more consistent
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Good stuff, me like.
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Like your fav one
IG is the best we have desu, nobody uses Flickr. Fucking shame since higher res and not being stuck with 1x1 or 4x5 would be better.

Your quality is a little inconsistent. Some photos have no subject or proper composition (like the third row) while others (like the cut down trees on the river) are excellent and tell a great story. My advice is work on composition and subject matter.
> Fucking shame since higher res and not being stuck with 1x1 or 4x5 would be better.

I sometimes letterbox my images. Not great, not terrible.
Whatever happened to 500px? It was poised to be the next great Flickr replacement and was pretty popular for a while.
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wouldnt mind some feedback
insta has social media appeal and connects with fb, so that was probably it

rate others and get rated bro
I'd hookup with that trap in the middle pic.
> wouldnt mind some feedback

Yes you would, trust me.
Based, followed you.

Feedback wise, middle and left middle are pretty good. But the motorcycle and plane are pretty weird crops imo.

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