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I want to start a Youtube channel, but I'm not sure about the equipment or what skills I need. Could I just record using an Iphone 15 or do I need some sort of mirrorless camera?
My budget is $500 tops.
Could go to $1000, I guess I'll need a tripod and microphone? I'm planning on recording voice over the scenes.
you can use your iPhone for everything, just buy a light or two
also next time you have a stupid question ask in the stupid questions thread
What you should really do:
1. Use your iPhone. Go to Walmart and buy some of their cheap video lights, tripods, etc. GET A DECENT MICROPHONE.
2. Start making videos.
3. You're going to suck. Buy some books on how to make better videos. "How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck" is a good start.
Start investing in good lighting.
4. You'll start getting good.
5. ONLY THEN buy a GH5 or GH5ii, and buy a nice lens with it, the 12-60mm Leica branded one is a good start.

What you're actually going to do:
1. Blow your entire budget on the most expensive Sony camera you can with the cheapest lens you can.
2. Struggle to get even 5 followers, four of them are people you begged. The fifth is probably a bot.
3. Get depressed. Give up.
4. Set the camera on your shelf. Occasionally remember it exists and play with it for 5-10 minutes reminiscing over what could've been.
5. Become a /p/ shit poster.
It all depends on how entertaining your content is. You could get away with a potato if you are interesting enough.
Protip: dont be a faggot with your mic in frame
You can get a cheapo shotgun mic on a mic stand placed out of frame
Or cheapo lapel mic*

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