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If I'm a clueless beginner is the Z5 enough for me or I'm better off in the long run buying a Z6ii? The latter I can get for 500 eur more, would that money be better spent on a lens for the z5?
>Clueless beginner
>Must buy FF mirrorless expensive ass setup

Why though. But Z5 if I had to pick one.
The Z5 is a good camera, and the 16-50 is a good lens.

What more do you need?
with this retarded mentality?
no, it will never be enough. you will take shit pictures forever and you'll end up either selling everything for half the price or buying even more gear thinking it'll fix your cluelessness

I don' buy shit usually, so when I do, I want my shit to be good even if I can't get the most out of it immediately

Speaking of shit pictures, do you want to be my first subject?
The autofocus on these is genuinely worse than a DSLR. If you were picking up a zf or z6iii you could say buy once cry once but lol. Time to admit sony is good and pick up an a7iii, stop being a bitch and buy a dslr, or go back to work and save more money.

Just get a used 5D Mk2.

It's too much camera for 90% of /p/, let alone someone who is new to this.
Anything without a flip out screen and decent live view might as well go in the garbage. Imagine being a slave to the viewfinder lmfao. 1910s cameras gave you more compositional freedom without making you lay prone in the dirt like a bitch or do the fat asian tourist oose.

Canon R8
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>Anything without a flip out screen and decent live view might as well go in the garbage.

Kinda agree.

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Without being an asshole, If you really are a beginner I'd suggest a cheap AF setup for at LEAST the first month of your learning / use. If you're super loaded and the $1000~ won't matter than fuck it, who cares. But if you're a Joe Nobody, I feel like buying high straight away is a great way to sell for 1/2 your investment after you realise you don't enjoy it.

Seriously though, prove us wrong. If you buy an expensive kit then actually enjoy / gitgud, then all the better.

5D MkII would literally be the best intro camera.
>retarded take
>filp out screen and decent live view
Are nice to have but if standard photography is your aim, then I don't see them as necessary. For versatility and ease of use, sure, but as always it depends. Blanket statements like yours are kind of retarded.
How's the RP treating you? Trying to see if the R8 is worth the extra $800 or I just find a used RP.
why not Z50? Small, cute, cheap, and good enough image quality.
calls anon retarded while quoting him twice thanks to his early onset dementia
“Standard photography” has always used a back or top screen

Being a viewfinder slave is journalism or street photography. It’s like the micro four thirds of film, not better but you need it to keep a film camera smaller and cheaper.

It has taken digicucks DECADES to reclaim what all photographers once had. The ability to use a large screen instead of smashing a camera into their face.
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>How's the RP treating you? Trying to see if the R8 is worth the extra $800 or I just find a used RP.

Stills are stupid good. I don't shoot video, it's supposedly crap for that. I'd get the RP and spend the leftover money on glass, but that's just me.
Idk man, I feel like a viewfinder is better for stability and framing. If the live view is very good then I can sort of come around on the idea, but if we're also talking EVFs then I go back to where I started and claim they're superior anyway. The worst part of EVFs is that they totally COULD offset them to the side so my big jew nose isn't grinding on the screen, but most manufacturers would rather stick to muh tradition.

Yeah fuck it, so long as I can shoot FHD 30p then video isn't a big concern. Have an R50 currently but have falled to the canon aps-c upgrade path meme.
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>so long as I can shoot FHD 30p
the first gen Rs were perfectly capable of 1080p shooting, but the reviewers and tech blogs universally dumped on them for the crop in 4k. You would have thought that this was the only thing the cameras were able to do based on some of the press from back then. i would know cause i bought an R in like the first week of launch and then wasted a lot of time reading blogs and reviews and shit lol.
Still have the R, still shoots great, still am not a videographer so the other hybrid bullshit doesn't matter. Rp would still be just as good as well. Only thing you really miss out on is the advanced "ai" autofocus modes like bird and dog af and that shit, if you were into that.

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I would buy R8 if I were you. RP isn't bad at all, but the R8 is just so much better. Better sensor, much faster AF, better controls (dials are superior to touchscreen). I switched a couple weeks ago and don't plan on going back.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.4 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
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Image Created2024:07:12 21:22:10
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Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Reviewers give the RP a lot of shit for the dynamic range, shadow recovery at low ISO is supposedly very noisy. I personally never noticed it.

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>better controls (dials are superior to touchscreen)

>they totally COULD offset them to the side so my big jew nose isn't grinding on the screen
Have you preordered an R1?
Oh you mean the R3 MkII? Nah I'm too poor, I'm not actually Jewish. And that's only half the reason, since I doubt going from my $800 R50 to a $7500 R1 is going to make me a better photographer.

Nah, I just need to practice and complain about ergos for now.
>Pulling a 50D on the custom modes
It hurts.
>$7500 R1
Is that what the conversion rates are where you are?
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Yeah I gotta stop guessing, but I wasn't far off.
Shit, that stings.
canon controls are so bad
as a Canadian, I feel a sickly pleasure in known that the AUD is worth even less than the Maplepeso
Dollarydoos are fucked since we're basically in a recession and all. Every market incl. used is fucked. Few years ago I was going to get a 70D and they were like $250 AUD for the body and are now double that for instance.

As opposed to what? Ergos are fine. If your hands are large get a grip. Button / joystick placement seems fine. My only gripe is my particular model kind of got on the touchscreen meme and cunts don't understand nobody buying $1000+ cameras wants it to operate like a phone
They're fine.
>Button / joystick placement seems fine
>Not getting an af joystick until you get up to the r6ii tier

Canon cripplehammer strikes again
Just use the display. Even when using the EVF
I’ve been shooting since film in middle school so 20+ years of centre point + focus and recompose just werks, kek. Thank god for eye AF
get the z5
spend the 500 eur on a camera flash, good tripod, a second SD card and two HDDs to back up your photos

your camera means nothing if you can't properly store the photos captured with it
no, cloud storage doesn't count
you need to store your RAW NEF files on your own HDDs in addition to the SD cards.
I have a Z5 with the 85mm 1.8 and 40mm f2 and it's great. I was in the same boat deciding between it or a Z6ii and decided to just take the savings and get a better lens
Get the z6ii
Ignore the poorfags who will tell you to buy a beginner setup (wasting money) then later "upgrading" to the camera you should have bought in the first place
I would also recommend a used z7 for future proofing but also decent pricing
if he isn't buying a z8 or z9 right off the bat he's unironically better off going with a z5 and putting money into lenses or looking at snoys instead
Nah diminishing returns lmao
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okay poorfag
The z8 and z9 are meme specialty cameras specifically for professionals that need something shutterless. Almost everyone else should be buying the zf or waiting to see how good the future DX cameras, z7iii, and z5ii will be. Wedding snapshitters should already be happy with the z6iii. bad low ISO DR but its the same on the R6II, just with forced noise reduction on raws covering it up.

The autofocus on these older nikons is honestly dogshit. The subject detection is so unreliable and inaccurate for anything but people turned no less than 1/4 away from the camera (and not wearing glasses, hats, or helmets) that you'll end up using one of the DSLR-like focus zones, but these are slower and less accurate than just using a fucking DSLR.
>waiting for crop
Lel nice meme
A crop sensor with great autofocus will produce far nicer photos than a full frame sensor with ass autofocus in the hands of an amateur, or a rushed professional shooting cool shit on the fly instead of manually focusing on their cat like they do every friday.

Even quick, but slightly inaccurate AF (DSLRs) is preferable because most lenses have enough DOF to allow for "slightly inaccurate" outside of closeup applications.
ZF is a meme machine with shitty ergos but Z8 tier AF. DX is likely a dead end with nikon; there's never going to be a mirrorless D500 equivalent. z7iii probably won't ever happen because there's nowhere for it to fit between a ZF/Z6iii and the Z8. Z5ii probably will happen because the Z5 is already the best entry level FF and nikon probably wants to keep that going. OP can either spend 4 grand minimum on a body to get genuinely good AF and high res, or between 600-2000 bones for shitty AF and decent to high res depending on what he picks. the obvious choice is a Z5 and collecting glass or just not going with nikon.
The shitty ergos are overblown. It's not fun to just handle with a 24-70 (neewer grip with thumb hook fixes that and includes a tripod plate) but more cameras should have dedicated ISO and EC wheels.

The only things really wrong with it are the shutter sub-dial being for video/stills/b&w instead of a drive mode switch (video/stills belongs around af-on) and no option to do apertures in full stops yet. The way auto ISO works (set auto iso max to 200 and dial=auto iso limit) is actually perfect.
>z7iii wont happen
z8-like autofocus with a 61mp sensor to compete with the a7rv, in time for sony to have a better sensor
>z5ii won't happen
the z5 is not the best entry level ff, it's mid.

nikon should also have some well built small primes coming up. sony, fuji, leica, and fucking hasselblad all have these, only canon and nikon dont.
45mp to 60mp is a barely noticeable increase. it's like 10% longer edges. historically nikon doubles resolution and they're aware that 60mp isn't gonna justify a photo centric, gimped speed z7iii
>the z5 is not the best entry level ff
but it is. between the price, weather sealing, Z glass superiority, it can't be beat and they should absolutely do a Z5ii with somewhat competent AF
>12mp to 24mp is nothing!
>24 to 36mp is nothing!
>36mp to 45mp is nothing!
>45mp to 61mp is nothing!
>read my pages, "film resolution: the pixel count of film", "film vs digital", and "the megapixel myth", for more information
Almost any interchangeable lens camera kit released in last 15 or so years is capable for far more than a beginner can make use of.
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>be a complete newb
>pay upwards of a thousand dollars for a bunch of meme features
>a fantastic full frame camera (still actively used by many pros across the world) supported by the biggest lens ecosystem on Earth can be found for a fraction of that...

Some of you are downright mean.

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Anything less than a d750 or 5div is just dumb these days. Just get a job and stop being pretentious.
Z5 or even Z50.
As a clueless beginner a better camera won't help you take better photos.
Any new camera still available on the market new at this point is so good that you'll be the limit for years to come, not the camera.
Save money on the camera body, spend more on lenses. That'll help you get the best photos without wasting money.
if you think this about the z5 you are a certified building corner shooter. it is literally useless for action. apsc dslr is better.

better yet just get a canon rp. mid ibis like the z5 is a gimmick. canon already has stabilized lenses.
>muh action
>y-you don't need IBIS just use our shitty lens stabilization that'll rattle itself to death if you walk too fast PLEASE
I would argue you want something with at least 16MP just for the image IQ and crop ability. The first wave of DSLRs with 8MP were horrendous.

Also, do you really think every beginner is going to want to deal with ancient ergos and 640x480 vid?;

Don't get me wrong, I don't think beginners should be buying new bleeding edge either
Literally the best choice. Full frame. Decent MP. Good ergos. EF lenses for cheap and high IQ. Can carry everything over to a modern machine if an upgrade is wanted.
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Why are some people obsessed with other people's material status?

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>Anything less than a d750 or 5div is just dumb these days.

You would seriously recommend an outdated $1300 used DSLR camera to a beginner?

Are you being cynical, or just plain retarded?
This is why an expensive camera is useless to learn photography:
>street ph
it's all about capturing the moment, you need to put the lens at f8 or higher and set the focus to hyperfocal (i.e. manual lenses with DoF range marks) to get the whole thing in focus. autofocus is not going to be fast enough and you risk focusing on the wrong thing
>landscape ph
slow and methodical, no need for advanced features except being good at composition. at most you need hyperfocal (i.e. manual lenses with DoF marks) and focus stacking
>macro ph
see above
unless you are working with an expert model you are going to take your time shooting. autofocus might latch to the wrong detail and you will never learn proper technique
>bird/sport/event ph
you need the gear, but you are not doing this in a million years
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you don’t understand. Expensive camera is what inspires these people to get off their ass and go out and shoot photos. For a week.
Imagine recommending a DSLRnosaur to a new photographer in the age of mirrorless.
>Anything less than an r6ii
>Willingly beating yourself with the canon cripplehammer
post photos, kid
Nice third world/scam prices we buy these for $500 off craigslist and think they still suck.

You are an npc with no creativity

Of course if you only IMITATE other photographers you can use the same manual everything film SLR they did especially if you totally discount everything that came after them as “too mainstream I M-MEAN NOTREALART” like a hipster fuck

>you dont need autofocus because imitating winogrand
Really? Formulaic non creative npc

Dont forget the most if not ONLY important form of photography: surprise snapshits. They catch you off guard no matter what lens you have. They happen quick and you have no time to zoom with your feet. All this tryhard “art” thats just an exercise in imitating dead faggots barely produces instagram likes. Decisive moments like trumps near miss MAKE HISTORY.
>muh action
99% of the world is action. Fuck your stodgy posed photos and wide angle zone focus larp. There is more to life and more to photography
>ibis good!
Only for adapting worthless chinese lenses
>IS bad!
No, it’s actually more reliable and repairable than IBIS. Dead IBIS = buy whole new sensor.
>adapting worthless chinese lenses
My $50 TTartisan 25mm thanks you. Unironically not a bad lens as long as you stop down to at least f/2.8 and better yet f/4
>schizophrenic rambling
>brings out drumpf
op you can feel free to ignore this guy. if you only want to imitate well established techniques that no longer produce anything interesting, sure, but photography isnt static and current artists are using new tech.

>you dont need it for..
Wide angle zone focus is a specific look. This look is overused and dull. Forget it.
Landscapes are the genre most plagued with uncreativity. Boomers go on organized trips where they all take the same photo with their required $100000 9-18mm f1.0 lens. Whatever you've read about landscape photography, simply don't do any of that, the world has had enough of the windows XP wallpaper genre.
This genre was once impressive and made it into the MoMA. Today, it is drab wikipedia ID pics, and its certainly not the only thing you'll ever do.
Carefully posed portraits have a look and this look is increasingly passed over because people are tired of it. Today's portrait photographers are relying on autofocus to achieve photos that would have been difficult wastes of film in years prior. Do you want to imitate sears family portrait studio forever? No. No one does.
These genres are fun, faggot. Posers really hate them because they are into photography to "git gud". Think of them as people looking for a sport to play. But they suck at real sports so they bring their measured performance, play-by-the-rules attitude to art. They measure the art-ness and therefore your "score" in this thing they want to be a sport by the "intent" aka prep work, more prep work aka "intent" higher "art" score. This isn't how art actually works. Shoot birds, sports, and events, get your decisive moments and be creative on the go. Take interesting photos at just the right moment. Make prepwork=realwork fags seethe because art is about the feeling, not who scores the most "artistic intent points".

And most importantly photography is about having fun.

Also a canon RP/R8 is dirt cheap lmao
>crop mode: 19.5 MP
>crop mode: 10 MP
So the Z7 really is two cameras in one
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>z7 crop mode wow it looks so good
cropping is a cope

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MoMA only exhibits large format macro that transcends descriptive photography and explores platonic forms

small format macro is mostly scientific snapshits
fucking yawn. 99% of photographers are still doing stock photography.
sorry but this really sounds like you just lack the sense for aesthetics, so you try to make up for that by focusing on people/animals doing interesting stuff
You’re like a classical music tard who thinks better modern music eschews “muh objective aesthetics” for shock value when really its just good and the caveman before you complained about the same thing when people went from banging sticks together to fashioning actual drums
>you have no nature spirit guiding you hand, no bring rain. just loud to impress gruglet. you destroying tribe history.
How is action mutually exclusive with aesthetics

It’s not. It’s something painters were playing with when photographers were still struggling to capture it without wide angle wank. Times change old man. Enjoy your tripod-bound dslr, the future will go on without you. You’ll tell “darn kids” to use old shit and shoot in old styles at every opportunity and they will ignore you and buy nicer cameras every time.

You’re also forgetting photography’s purpose
It’s not to practice being a “conventionally good artist”. That’s poser shit. Photography is for taking photos. Not making excuses about how it would be a snapshit and real art has max prep time and you’re above it… as chad whips out his snoy and takes a cool photo because he’s not a pretentious faggort
Anyways Z7ii AF looks pretty good
>as chad whips out his snoy and takes a cool photo because he’s not a pretentious faggort
He doesn't take a photo, for photography is art and not some random occurrence
Whoever compares you to a misplaced sports player said it the best

You’re all about measuring cocks and playing a game with rules and points to score and not so much about being creative and expressing reality the way you want it to be seen

Decent autofocus that covers the edges and corners of the frame, image stabilization, usable dynamic range (no more multishot hdr) and flip around screens have been a game changer for putting less garbage technology between peoples minds and the photos they want to take. People like you are going to be left behind since everything you do is old school and is already mastered by AI.

Did you notice yet? AI nails crewdson.
a classical art analogy is really good because they’re basically saying “no one needs a computer to make music, git gud at violin and learn ur bach”
i lost track of what aperture priority was doing because i was in the magnifier+manual focus override the whole time after getting tired of subject detect not working and single point af-c hunting and missing. it's still not motion blurred, the tamron 70-300 is just like that.

It actually sounds like you lack the sense for aesthetics so you try to make up for that by leaning on established formulas. You're also pretentious if you think that's all a camera is good for, posing as an artist. Cameras can be used for any photo you want and there's nothing wrong with buying a modern one when they're so cheap. A canon RP is $600, a sony a7iii is $1000.

>It’s not to practice being a “conventionally good artist”. That’s poser shit. Photography is for taking photos.
Nailed it.
seems like I hit a nerve lol
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The last line of his post really, really nails it. Should have ran more with the classical music analogy tho, and framed it like telling people to buy grand pianos instead of playing with synths.

It's not like you need a TOTL camera to enjoy modern benefits. RP, 6d, d750, etc are fairly modern. But insisting that nobody should use contemporary equipment because it's not required for classic styles? Lol. Sounds like a cope with a hidden, embarrassing motivation.

Now, can we see your fine art taken in the style of the classical masters because you only need a canon 5dii to be a "real artist"? I'm sure it looks exactly like annie leibovitz circa 1976

Autofocus actually worked for this one (still single point), sorta, i think the head is slightly out of focus. Should have used manual since the z7ii does not have real autofocus. This lens just isn't very good regardless. These were just practice photos ofc.

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Ah I see what you mean about the Tamron. Would have called motion blur but then saw the exposure time in the exif lol.
Guess it doesn't sharpen up all that much at f/8 either, or the z7ii is just outresolving it?
It's way too soft to look nice cropped. It's just permanent pixel peeping, it raises standards for lenses higher than usual, and most lenses are made to look nice across the whole sensor, not be admired zoomed in 200%.

If you're considering cropping to save money, you could buy a z7ii, half as many premium lenses, and crop for the other half of the focal length range, or you could buy a d750, spend the money saved on more primes or some better zooms, and have slightly better autofocus with the same image quality as the z6ii.
Maybe I should've clarified I'm not >>4339847 and dc about anyones gear, nonetheless you guys seem to have quite a lot of insecurities regarding the artistic value of your photographic output
I don't believe photographic output needs to have artistic value to everyone, it can just be novel or neat or sentimental, or that artistic value can be measured by any material standard. Art is a conversation between the artist and the viewer, and technically, all human acts of creation result in some form of art.

If the mona lisa were a random snapshit taken with an x100vi as someone walked past, it would still be good, and there would still be something human in the decision to use that photo and the split second decision to take it. If someone wants to walk past and take wide open, high shutter speed auto-focused street photography all day I don't care and they shouldn't be told to buy a camera that impedes that because so-and-so didn't need it for something completely different. There are not rules like that- "street photography is when you have a wide angle lens stopped down and shot with hyperfocal distances". They should buy a decently capable camera that can do whatever they might want it to do.
>If the mona lisa were a random snapshit taken with an x100vi as someone walked past, it would still be good, and there would still be something human in the decision to use that photo and the split second decision to take it
cinefag and canon arent going to like this
>and not so much about being creative
Snapshits and creativity re as far apart as it gets
Learning Bach would be taking snapshits I guess, since you take something that's already there and pretend you made it.
You forgot to switch trips, cinefag.

Street photograpy is art, and Garry Winogrand is one of the greatest photographers of all time

anyways no dont buy old shitty nikons
lol samefag
>lol samefag
no shit sherlock that's literally the same tripfag
I would never claim snapshits aren't photography, just that they aren't art.
snapshits can be art

you are too much of an npc to understand art so you try and fail by measuring art by the amount of effort that went in to it.

very lower working class. we can tell you’re poor and fulfill the retarded right wing hick stereotype perfectly.

-sent from my x100t
Street isn't art.
So you admit they aren't photography. Photography is art.
Glad you see it too
Amazing how these two tripfags have the same extremely stupid opinion

>there would still be something human in the decision to use that and take it
Yes. Photographers are directors of photography that have to pick a favorite frame. Sometimes actors do their own thing, but the DP still controls the camera work. It doesnt matter if its candid or not. They’re still the DP, using that situation to their advantage.
z5 with the 24-120 f4s or 40f2
t. z8 shooter
What opinion do you see as "the same" here? Because I'm basically debating cinefag.
File: reveal.png (6 KB, 328x79)
6 KB
*puts "They Live" goggles on*
Who would settle for that? The z5ii is so close, I can taste it.
>I can taste it
What's that, the flavour of false promises and broken dreams?
the flavor of canon btfo
>Street isn't art.

Everything created and released to the public for consumption (including commercial shit) is art. The quality of the produced work is then judged by consumers.

That said, 99% of street photography is pure dogshit.
>99% of photography is pure dogshit
Here ftfy. But only from an "art" perspective. If you look at some types of photography as documentary style or archival style, then the metrics change and more of it becomes acceptable / good. Sometimes people just take photos because it's fun, and there's nothing wrong with that unless you bought a snoy. Street art for some people isn't with the aim of perfection or "art", sometimes it's just for the sake of it and that's okay. But anyone wanting to be an ""artist"" is going to have 99% of their photos considered shit as you said.
> Sometimes people just take photos because it's fun, and there's nothing wrong with that unless you bought a snoy.

>Everything created and released to the public for consumption (including commercial shit) is art.
wrong. Art has a distinct meaning and it's not 'anything made by someone'
Art does have a meaning but sadly for cinefags cope it includes garry winogrands work
Source: I made it up.
Creative acts done by people released to be appreciated as creative acts are art

it doesn't matter how well you can measure the effort exerted or if it's good, it's art. contrast a bland chair created for no purpose but to be a chair. that is not art.
Someone designed that chair, no matter how bland they made it. That makes it art.
someone designed that chair but didn't have any goal for it. so it's not art.

but if someone picked up that chart and displayed it intending for it to be art then that would make it art. they didn't make it. they didn't design it. but they made the decision to use it as art, which made it art

if a computer automatically says "hello" that's a sound, not language. if a person says "hello" intending to greet you, they're communicating, even if they didn't make up the word or carefully consider its choice. comprende?
The part about goals defining art ring familiar, I must have read it somewhere...

Unless you just made that up too.
What if I flip off a cop then claim it was ""Art"" when he arrests me?
Actual art gets artists arrested all the time and it's not exactly limited to "shithole" countries.
That's fine, I'm white. Basically a golden ticket kek
this is the first actually good photograph i've seen in a long time here
catbox unscaled and uncompressed jpg please
searched up your filename pattern in the archive, a lot of what i assume is yours also just looks absolutely gorgeous. exactly my style of photography. unfortunately doesn't seem to be archived.
File: 1691649574435209.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x1350)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB JPG
>unfortunately doesn't seem to be archived.
nevermind, found full images at archive.palanq.win
wonder why archived.moe doesn't redirect there

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelEOS R3
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution1 dp
Vertical Resolution1 dp
Exposure Time1/800 sec
ISO Speed Rating200
Focal Length300.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
>this is the first actually good photograph i've seen in a long time here

>a lot of what i assume is yours also just looks absolutely gorgeous

I'm humbled as fuck, bros.

>catbox unscaled and uncompressed jpg please

Fuck it, here's a raw file:
File: 1697298042332033.jpg (5 MB, 4180x6264)
5 MB
>magick.exe .\j3z4ei.CR3 -rotate "-90" -quality "93" .\picrel.jpg
(ImageMagick 7.1.1-35)
thank you!
File: 1696910217654116.jpg (3.09 MB, 3456x5184)
3.09 MB
3.09 MB JPG
found my way to your instagram and unsplash, and same story there. fantastic stuff

in case you happen to have a monero (preferred) or bitcoin wallet, i'll put money where my mouth is and bid 1 USD for each unscaled and uncompressed or raw version of these:
totalling 9 USD

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