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File: aws.jpg (11 KB, 334x445)
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Hi, im amateur and mostly shoot my animals and nature during my rare trips.
My mom has some clothes that she sewed herself and also we have some form my gradnma collecting dust. Before donating, my idea was to create an album from them, basically, >10 pics.

How do i work with models? Need to contact an agency or just connect straight to them via ig or something? Also do i need real models and wannabe models? Cant i just browse ig for half an hour, find a couple girls i find would do go and try? Do i need to make them sign papers or smt?
Also just do boring af aws catalogue tier pics or try to emulate shots from vogue? For crazy poses, do i need an actual fashion model™ or a random girl from ig/college/my neighboor will do?
Put a wig on and wear them yourself.
If you’re giving them away for nothing, why even bother? Give em phone snapshits and they oughta be happy they even get that, for free.
Possible, but i would like the opportunity to learn something new and try different styles and so on.
>If you’re giving them away for nothing
Yeah, the clothes are beyond use and take too much space in the apartment but it doesnt mean my mom hates them. Some pieces took months and months of work, specially the ones are are embroided.

I wanna a cool physical album, not in a rush, it may take an entire year to make. Would like to shoot on nature but dunno if they would change even more or accept, so i dont mind doing inside a studio like pic rel.
a local college or hair dresser school might have young female models interested in participating in exchange for their own pics
Yeah thanks, found an article on reddit saying to exchange photos for free, although, money isnt a problem rn, so i might spend a bit just to make sure the girl doesnt flake.
Also will try at my college, since theres some skinny girls that would be cool.

Like, hey, this is my ig im looking for a model to do photo x,y and im paying z at location abc day dce.
>theres some skinny girls that would be cool
Any examples?
Good on you for setting standards for your models
>no fat chicks
I’d also add
>no visible tattoos
And don’t forget no weird visible piercings, and nice standard natural hair colours. Does such a woman even exist anymore? Lol
Yeah, visit a local college.
Dont mind tattoos and colored hair, but yeah, please be almost anorexic adn young. Not wating money on a fatty or a soon to be mummy of 22+.
What about dicks? Are dicks a deal breaker?

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