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The most beautiful camera design of all time and you can't tell me otherwise.
This shits on any Leica design ever.
A shame that every last one of these will most likely be nothing but a paperweight within the next 5-10 years.
gotta agree on that one anon, also that lens looks hot af
They really are beautiful. I like how the design is much more futuristic than say the Nikon F2 or Leica M6 yet it's still an instant classic
looks like a very bloated barnack leica with an aftermarket grip tacked on, cringe color, and cosina lens
It is truly beautiful. Peak film era design aesthetics.
That’s not a hasselblad 500cm sorry
>but muh street creepshots

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSinar AG
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)
PhotographerClaude Joray
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Lol you said that 10 years ago
Looks like a wonderful artifact to get tackled by feds at the apron
It's a rangefinder camera, it can't be the most beautiful ever just because of that. But it's not even the most beautiful (or more like, least ugly) rangefinder camera.
>The most beautiful camera design of all time
It's that ugly 90s plastic round aesthetic.
>and you can't tell me otherwise.
Just did, tastelet.
I hate the color of that thing
imagine simping for Cosina trash. Leicas aren't even that expensive bro and don't brick in 2 rolls
Contax rangefinders are superior to Leicas, just ask Ken
I should buy some of those G lenses and have 'em rehoused for my leica

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Camera ModelRICOH GR IIIx
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Imagine thinking Cosina made the G1, bro.
Nuh uh

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looks like a premium digishit
I like the design but I think the lens, especially Zeiss planar 45mm f2 are just garbage
seriously I can't put my finger on it, but their looks is just fucking fuzzy and unsharp in a bad way, like I feel like I have some dust in my eyes when I look at the photos taken with it
I did and it wasn't even as good as my Sumicron lol
Imagine thinking Kyocera, a budget-tier printer company, made a good camera, bro.
kinda this to be honest. i mean i'd rather cosina who at least made the gorgeous bessa rangefinder cameras than kyocera. makes sense they had the tech for both bessa and the g1 too..
yeah but they're not summicron money lol
Mine works perfectly
I paid $275 for my 40mm summicron from KEH last year.
Pentax 17 mogs the one in OP + it has a dedicated bokeh mode
Oh the undesirable Summicron that only works properly on mirrorless and the CL and CLE? Yeah that checks out.
cope the 40mm is goat
Not saying its a bad lens, just not optimal for most M users.
>Leica users be like, "this lens is useless becaue the funny viewfinder lines dont match up, and actually barnack never intended us to... and winogrand would have never needed... and erwitt preferred, so..."
>SLR users: cool lens
Bro if the frame lines dont line up i dont think its that useful, its that simple.
And you are totally powerless to simply adjust these frame lines. Why? Because leica never thought of a funny little number dial that says "flen" that enlarged or shrank a funny little box in a glass window. German engineering at its absolute best.
>can't use a lens because the focal length is 5mm off from the framelines
>lens selection is dictated by framelines
>non-adjustable btw
lmao leicucks
Yeah looks good. Personally I'd say the nicest looking is like a New F1 with the 85mm f/1.2 or an F2, but that's a nice looking camera.
>Implying i dont use a dslr as well
Anklebiters ho!
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>make a 36mm lens
>leicucks: this is useless!
rangefinder ilcs are inherently cucked. it was only every appropriate for fixed lens cameras.

only reflex is good enough
never thought i'd see the day that retards on /p/ would simp for shitty kyocera printer lenses over Leica. what a time to be alive when everyone's opinions are dictated by youtube shills lmfaoo
>leica lenses
prehistoric gearfag delusion
Now, now dillweeds, both your old ass rangefinder tuds get mogged by a mirrorless kitlens in 2024. You should be friends instead.
>youtuber opinion
that's the same thing faggot
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Contax (Soviet) good
Delusional, given that 95% of every iconic photograph ever taken in the last 50 years was done so on a Leica while Kyocera (((Contax))) are just memed accessory queens worn by hipsters like a piece of Jewelry. Meanwhile Digital Leicas continue to be used by famous fashion photographers to do entire editorial shoots using gorgeous M mount lenses. Grow up.
i dont like new york school street photography and don’t consider any of it iconic or compelling, but rather, boring garbage.

and just like that 95% of iconic photographs were either taken on a nikon f, a medium format slr, or a view camera and rangefinders are kinda irrelevant. digital leicas are used by brand ambassadors who would use a nikon f3 if they werent being paid not to. remember “annie uses fuji” but actually its sony canon and nikon? lol imagine believing brand ambassadors actually use the ad camera for work
schizo cope. stop buying ebay junk for once and save a little and you can afford a good Leica finally.
>fashion photographers
You think leicas shot relevant photos. Of course you’d idolize literal fucking advertising lol

Great photos such as garry winogrands “people on sidewalk” or henri cartier bressons “i dont know how to use a camera, i’m actually a painter, so it took a roll and 20 minutes to get a shot of my friend going around a corner on his bike”. To be fair back then it was kind of hard to get a fine Japanese SLR. Tech had not improved yet!
Ok, but I don’t consider new york school street photography iconic, which means leicas did not shoot 95% of iconic photos.

I also don’t idolize fashion photography which is actually mostly film and canon DSLRs btw
>new york aka jews
Well aren't you a racially aware asshole. Why don't you go back to /pol/ with your schizo delusions?
>Irving Penne used a "film" DSLR
Retard alert.
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So you're saying I'm in the cool kids club?????? I cant wait to get published!!
Irving penne used a sinar lf not a leica
Woah buddy no one said new york school street photography was a jewish conspiracy just that it sucks. Its not iconic or good art.

Unfortunately thats like 80% of leica’s “street cred”
>Irving Penn began using a 35mm Leica camera in 1950 during his travel assignments for Vogue. Although Leica and other camera designers had been producing small, metal single-lens reflex cameras that used 35mm film since the mid-1920s, they did not gain popularity until after World War II.

>The 35mm camera features a modular body that can be used with interchangeable lenses and other accessories such as rangefinders and viewfinders. When Penn traveled to France, Spain, and Morocco in 1950, he frequently used a telephoto lens with the Leica in order to capture distant images. In the late 1950s, Penn converted his studio equipment from Leica to a Nikon system, essentially trading the rangefinder-style Leica camera for the newer single-lens reflex design of the Nikon. Penn recalls:

>In a burst of romantic passion for this new apparatus (forgetting gratitude to the Leica and with even a certain amount of disloyalty) I diverted myself of all our studios [sic] elaborate and superb Leica equipment, taking a terrible financial beating in the process, not finding a panacea and exchanging one set of headaches for another.

>While it was the telephoto lens that initially drew him to the 35mm camera, Penn came to appreciate the precision he could achieve with the various adjustments available. Because of the small film size, 35mm cameras take incredibly sharp pictures and offer a higher level of control over depth of field compared to twin-lens reflex cameras such as the Rolleiflex. The small format 35mm film, however, necessitated use of a photographic enlarger when printing the negatives—a shift from the contact printing process Penn was able to employ with large format film—yet the use of an enlarger opened a new world of possibilities in the manipulation of images.

Nikon > Leica > The rest.
So he only used leica to cope with better cameras not being widely available at the time?

Yeah so did everyone else with a leica. They suck today as much as they continued sucking when nikon and olympus showed up and started mogging them.
>bringing up cucklympus out of nowhere
Ah so you are a weirdo m4/3 poorcel. Makes sense.
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>Nikon > Leica > The rest.
God so true bestie
Go to bed, Irving
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The primary appeal of using a rangefinder is the fact that you don’t look like a professional photographer holding one.

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what is the appeal of using wannabe leica jap cope like contax then? lookin like a poser amateur?
No im gonna go on a walk in the woods, mite post pics later
looking like an amateur that isnt a cargo cult retard… formerly. now its cargo culting too! that’s the funny part. both suck.
Wrong, its subjective.
I like it because i can look directly at my scene, without a focus screen interfering
I never got the appeal either. Random normies won't know what it is. Pros will know it's poser gear. I don't get who they are trying to impress. Reddit and Youtube addicted cucksumers? Social media addiction fucks some dudes brains, fr.
Pros know your leica is poser gear and normies dont know what a leica is so?

In either case everyone who isnt a gearfag will think you’re using a fujifilm and ask if its instax
Leica actually has a good retail presence in luxury storefronts, if you actually went outside. Normies know it's $$$.
Where, europe? I live in the majority white part of america and have literally never seen leicas in retail stores, plenty of watch brands like vaucheron and patek philippe, even montblanc pens, but no cameras
lol that’s how you found out about the contax g1
I live in the majority white part of Europe and I've never seen Leica retail store.
(I've been to one in Germany tho. It was alright.)
like we care what some random use
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im back fuckers, and i got some puhotos

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nice m43 shoots brah
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thanks beb
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Leica gear is pretty based, I use it on a nearly daily basis and whenever I have to use something else I miss it one way or another. Especially the stuff with built in hoods is top notch. But most importantly the lines are more clear than on some alternative stuff. You don't have to do double takes to see if you're looking at the relevant one with Leica stuff. The coatings are great too, a lot more flare resistant than the competition. The worst I've used is B***h.
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a new contender has appeared

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Agreed, it looks like a perfect camera for the Kia Soul Hamster dudes
>pic related... it's the Kia Soul Hamsters
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sorry chud, sit down, the real challenger is here.

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try again

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i don't think a camera can get more aesthetically pleasing than a clean shiny minox.

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the only camera that has more photos taken of it than with it.
Shelf queen funko lol
Yes but whaaaa film goes in it???
Rollei e110

e was the more economical model vs the black a (automatic) model, but the e was actually nicer bc it gave u more cuntrol. Shame there are no survivors tho. A leaf spring buried deep inside its 900 tightly-packed moving parts assembled by watchmakers seems to have hare krishna’d out by the 2010s on all of them. None work and no one can repair them. There is a technical manual and parts catalog for it that reads like german schematics for a fucking space station. If i were going to go to war against germany and saw that manual i would change my mind.

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OP got so assblasted in the /fgt/ he started a separate thread just to seethe more lol.
Well you see, you get out yer razor blade and yer ruler, and you slice up some 35mm film into ribbons in the dark.
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There were retail cartridges, but the main design I think of the camera was to use reloadable cassettes. they can be found readily online, so theres still chads on eBay slicing down film for you to reload them with.

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Microfilm of course for the full spy larp
Couldn't even edge to this, exploded immediately. Cleanup in aisle, my pants!!!
lmao yea he probably has a bricked g1 he paid $400 for staring at him as a paper weight on his desk. one day someone will work out how to fix them...
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i think the olympus trip 35 are cute

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Hi OP. Still hurt?
Love mine. Very pretty to look at also.

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