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Ditched camera found in Milford Sound

I'm more interested in that tripod. is that a gitzo?

>doesn't have tracking protection in his browser
>doesn't have tracking protection in his browser
Is that an extension?
>Is that an extension?
no. I use Brave and never see any of this utm garbage in my address bar. I'm sure Firefox has suitable plugins for this purpose.
What's wrong with that smartass
I have Brave too and I don't recall it blocking trailers.
I know for certain that it didn't do anything to eBay links.
I'm not going to be tied to your DeviantArt account.
Not all of us are nerdsville crypto dorks
You'll be sent to the "quarantine" camp soon enough.
Ditto. Brave. Linking ebay here has all the UTM and trackers by default. Can always strip anything with a '?' and beyond as it's just tracking garbage but it's by no means automatic
You sound like you collect wands
Your mother collects magic wands.
Bizarre, but in those cases, just select the whole URL, right click then choose "copy clean link"
Amazon and eBay links always have trackers shown
I'll have to try it; I'm not sure if I've seen that option.
I usually use the keyboard shortcut to copy.
Breaking news: canon user gives up, heads off to buy sony a1
I think you mean the R5 MkII.
Unironically best used camera choice bar none.
Kind of sad I never got one
No, a1. He got tired of forced noise reduction in normal exposures and cannot’s awful lenses.
Lens estimated to be worth 10-12k NZ dollars
So like, $3000 USD
>namefag can't into extensions
eBay seller will still rate that Mint+++++
Is that a 15-35 attached to it?
I wonder if the weather-sealing held up.
nvm 24-105 f4
More like $6000.

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