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File: pzkeaqbg2qzc1.jpg (57 KB, 1280x720)
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I sold all my gear except one body and two lenses. I rarely take my camera out anymore except if I'm already doing something else interesting. I don't go out with the intent to take photos, I go out and bring my camera just in case there is a photo worth taking. I no longer stress if I see a potential shot while I'm driving because I don't need to get every photo, I just appreciate the moment instead. I focus on more compact and lightweight gear. All my lenses are cheap, floating aperture zooms now. I don't have GAS, I don't follow any review channels anymore. I can't imagine why I'd ever buy a new body or lens outside of damage. I am no longer 'a photographer', photography is just something I do as apart of my life. Miss a shot? Doesn't matter, miss focus? Doesn't matter. They're just going on instagram my guy, relax. No one actually gives a shit.
This is actually a larp you wrote to hype yourself up to sell one single piece of gear. 3 months from now you will have bought more.
It's not a larp, it is just my life
I have a Nikon FG, along with Series E lenses for it. A nice, small, lightweight and compact take anywhere camera with a small waist pack to match.

It's not my only camera, but it is currently my most useful film camera.
Thats why you posted a frog instead of a photo
Why would I bother posting photos here?
so the frens can enjoy them :^)

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