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I sold my big Canon cameras last year and bought a Sony A7CII. I love it. But I've come to the realization that unless I can fit the camera in my jeans pocket, I won't bring it with me.

I can't use modern phones due to their PWM displays. So buying a flagship iPhone or Samsung to use as a camera only doesn't seem worth it.

That leaves the Ricoh GR III HDF.

Is it actually truly pocketable? You simply put it in your pocket, like you would with your phone, and go about your day? Or is it still large enough to be bothersome?

It sucks that they cost $800 new last year and now they cost $1500. But I'm willing to pay up.
>Buy new Fuji XF10 for $350 when it was discontinued
>Annoyed to be stuck at 28mm equivalent
>Give it to father, because he needs a camera
>$650+ used on eBay
Just stop being a fag and carry your camera

Psychological problem not gearfag problem
>i cant do anything out of the ordinary! i cant break routine! its a whole 1.5 pounds im BOTHERED! people are looking at me too! AAAAA
Man up sperglet gearfag

Based and just fucking do it pilled
If you just want something to fit in your pocket than get an old point and shoot for cheap and replace the battery with a new one (or get one that takes AA batteries and get some rechargeable Panasonic batteries).

If you want a nice camera, carry the one you already have. Get a protective case and carry it in your backpack with the rest of your stuff, it will be fine.
>I can't use modern phones due to their PWM displays
I don't understand, can you explain?
I have really terrible news for you

Even with a ricoh GR, you won't take your camera with you, because it'll be heavier and bulkier than your phone and you're afraid of pocket lint breaking it.

Either you're going to man up and start carrying your snoy normally (it's fucking tiny) or you're leica's primary audience and need to buy at least an m10 to feel less insecure holding a camera, despite everyone around you having a shitty zoom point and shoot that they can use while pretending they aren't taking photos and therefore being 10000x creepier (phones with multiple lenses)
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Forget all those frustrated nophoto fuckheads.

It is not pocketable, but if you take some measures to avoid the dust it is a great camera to carry around every single time you leave your flat. That is what counts for me. Just to have a camera that doesnt weigh a kilogramm but still produces nice images and is fun to use and is no fucking telephone.

I probably am not dedicated enough, or care enough about the actually pixels and so on. I do care about sharpness. And formost about the process itself.

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Camera ModelCanon PowerShot G5 X Mark II
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I forgot to mention: I used to have the GRIII, but I sold it, because fuck you no fucking viewfinder and I do like to zoom.

Yet most of the pics I took were 24mm ... as evident in some other thread. Just snap away and dont give a damn. Thats my spirit, which I cant always reach

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelRICOH GR III
Camera SoftwareRICOH GR III Ver. 1.41
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
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Image Created2021:10:13 17:03:45
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Same place. What a crazy collection. Could have done better, probably

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelRICOH GR III
Camera SoftwareRICOH GR III Ver. 1.41
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2021:10:13 17:04:13
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>Frustrated nophoto fuckhead
That's OP

He's a nophoto and he keeps buying and buying hoping to find a magic camera that turns him into a photographer
>1kg is too heavy to carry around
These are the basedlets calling you cringe, everyone.
the snoy a7cii with a typical prime weighs 0.69kg.

2kg is the weight of a medium format SLR with a short telephoto lens and prism finder.
>Is it actually truly pocketable
none of these cameras are realistically pocketable unless you're wearing baggy trousers because you're either fat, old, or have no fashion sense. If you want a truly pocketable solution then go with a phone, if you want a camera though, carry it. It's light and small enough to carry it in your hand unassumingly.
>if you take some measures to avoid the dust
What, Ricoh still hasn't fixed that issue even the current GR is 4th or 5th gen model?
The new 1" sensor phones mog this shit and are even thinner and the same price. Why bother?
I don't like carrying things. I like to go on hour long walks and think about stuff. Maybe I get one or two photo opportunities. It's not worth it to bring along a big camera on these occasions.

I don't give a shit about what other people think.
>If you want a nice camera, carry the one you already have. Get a protective case and carry it in your backpack with the rest of your stuff,
I don't carry a backpack though (I don't like carrying one).

Why can't anyone just make a camera the same size as a smartphone? Maybe with a MFT sensor and a 15mm prime.
PWM means pulse width modulation. All OLED displays use this. It fucks up your eyes and brain. Using a Google Pixel for a few months caused me eye issues that required surgery.
>Either you're going to man up and start carrying your snoy normally (it's fucking tiny) or you're leica's primary audience and need to buy at least an m10 to feel less insecure holding a cam
The thing is, I don't feel insecure carrying a camera. It's that I don't like carrying things on my back or my shoulders. I don't always go outside just to take photos.
Really nice IQ. Thanks for posting.
>It's that I don't like carrying things on my back or my shoulders.
And somehow teenage girls manage with much larger and heavier purses and every god fearing, thirdie shooting soldier from today to the dawn of the USA carried a rucksack on his back and a rifle slung over his shoulder.
Yeah, but I'm not a girl so I don't have to carry a purse.

I prefer having my hands and upper body free.
>I'm not a girl
>Men greater than you fought entire wars with 10lb rifles on tough leather slings
>you can't manage a palm size, 1lb camera on a padded cloth strap
The rifle alone in this picture is 13kg

OP's autism makes him unable to remain calm if he has a 1lb camera on a strap
Not all OLEDs do this. Old Galaxy Note (N7000 the first one) did have OLED, but it didnt flicker at any brightness level.
but then ive seen people with galaxy s3 or whatever and they had flickery as fuck screen.And after that i stopped caring for phones lol
They should have just given the M1919 a titanium receiver.
>I don’t give a shit what people think
>made this post here asking for opinions
What did he mean by this?
ikr he's such a fag im going to start making my gear heavy on purpose

will i get gainz from carrying a blad?
>im going to start making my gear heavy on purpose
That'll teach him

>will i get gainz from carrying a blad?
You might get even more retarded, but there's no promise in that.
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I'm not calling anyone cringe, because I don't care what you do. But you are right with the 1kg. It is not too heavy, but more so bulky, that makes me avoid "a real camera". I had the Canon 600D (still do actually, but sold almost all lenses) and the Fuji XT-3 (2 lenses left).

The g5x ii serves all my needs, except low light (and a half decent AF). Also the manual focusing sucks ass.
But it is the perfect snap camera. Even better than the GRIII for that purpose. I did that comparison recently - I made around 65% of my shots with 24 mm equiv., around 25% with 109mm (max zoom) and the rest with everything in between.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelCanon PowerShot G5 X Mark II
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Exercise has been proven to improve brain function, actually.

The reason DSLR and MF film shooters seem more talented isn't because mirrorless and 35mm is worse, it's because they got jacked from running around carrying 6lb+ cameras and their brains improved in turn, which made their photography better.

This is also why street photography used to be good. Back in the day, those nosey fucks had to run pretty fast to avoid getting punched. These days it's all dim witted creepshotters because the surveillance state has significantly decreases their chances of being kicked in the balls.
>but sold almost all lenses
What do you have left?
>they got jacked from running around carrying 6lb+ cameras
If only you knew how weak you sounded
Same energy as wearing a backpack full of shit will get you ripped lmao
EF 70-300 mm
a half broken 50 mm 1.8
and the kit lense with damaged IS
What shit
yeah I recently realized too that I only do photo with my phone because fuck having a heavy ass DSLR dangling from my neck

so I'm torn between the recent price tag craziness (what the fuck happened with compacts?), a GR3 28mm, a TZ200 or an RX100
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Stop being a faggot and start wearing a purse.

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