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File: 1239932.jpg (181 KB, 1366x2048)
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181 KB JPG
Is this a good, nicely taken photo with great composition?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerJosh Edstedt
Image-Specific Properties:
That's a man, so, yes
Nah the tangents on the right elbow and head are brutal. Programmer with camera vibes all around.
It's not bad but not very good from an artistic standpoint. If you want a portrait of someone with virtually no extra interest built in then it's as good as that kind of photo can be, they're just boring.
>hand with ring shoved into foreground is out of focus
I'm nitpicking but this does detract from the photo. More importantly
>no feet
Can't be that good.
sony users lack any sort of taste exhibit #275414
It's okay
It's the kind of photography that clients like

Other photographers hate this but their opinions are culturally and financially irrelevant
>Josh Edstedt
buy an ad
No, its' over-processed. The pose is very awkward and the way she is dressed doesn't compliment the colors and vibes of the environment, producing an uncanny atmosphere. She is dressed for a fully colorful day downtown, at a bar or the beach. But instead she it's overcast and colorless. Discord.
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> Photographer Josh Edstedt
Josh Edstedt, you are the biggest faggot alive.

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