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I was just wasting time on YouTube and I came across this video.
How the hell are the differences so drastic between two?
Why do I prefer the CCD colors?

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cus ccd is just better
The easiest explanation is: modern cameras are tuned to be flatter by default. CCDs are more saturated and contrasty. You just like saturation and contrast.
CCD and CMOS are both black and white sensors when it comes down to it, hence the need for a color filter array. Some say differences in the color filter array are all there is to it.
>why are the differences so drastic
they're two different technologies, one being a lot older and used in much older digital cameras
>why do I prefer CCD colors
old = good, new = bad
the arguably pleasing color rendering of CCD cameras is offset by an incomparable post-production latitude offered by modern CMOS cameras
It's basically this >>4340376. The way they tuned the output of older cameras was just much nicer out of the box. You have to tweak cmos because they're designed to be as flexible as possible now. If someone made a CCD today, it would look just as bad as everything else does.
It's not the CCD, it's the CFA making the difference. There's CMOS cameras with so-called CCD colors (5D, D2X, etc). It comes from strong color filtering, filter later weakened to improve noise performance and achieve higher ISOs.
spbp, hadn't seen it before typing my screed
Default color profiles are tuned for flattering skin tones especially on asians hence red=pink.

The strong CFA shit is a myth. Weak CFAs have MORE accurate color. But the profile is, as always, tuned to be inaccurate because everyone is used to iphone wax skin.

Older cameras were preset to mimic slide film like kodachrome and velvia 100 because that was “professional photography”.
I briefly had a Canon 1D mk2 and it had very nice "CCD colors"
and yet, cameras with strong CFAs like the D700 can tell between gradations more modern cameras struggle to see
CMOS and CCD very little differnece, same colors.
Wrong. Straight bullshit. User error.
>Weak CFAs have MORE accurate color
Then why aren't CMY colour filters still being used?
>Older cameras were preset to mimic slide film like kodachrome and velvia 100 because that was “professional photography”.
Shit, when you put it like that it makes me want to go full snappiness with an old DSLR. I fucking love how kodachrome looks in my vintage nat geos. Why did we stop trying to emulate this? I'm sick of Sony/Nikon Z super sharp accurate colors bullshit photos. Maybe I need a fuji lmao
>Why did we stop trying to emulate this?
Emulating film is hard. 99% of film presets are scams that look nothing like real thing and only Fuji got close.
>Why did we stop trying to emulate this?
Because when digital tries to emulate slide film, which it actually can't, it messes up everyone's skin tones under any light source but the sun. Film has a smaller color gamut and responds to illuminants differently than bayer sensors.
>no sharp is bad
You misunderstand. Slide film was the absolute sharpest. Most professionals shot medium format, which goes toe to toe with FF digital in sharpness on line charts and exceeds it with common real life subjects like foliage and fine fabrics, and used extremely sharp lenses for it. And still do for around half of fashion editorial shoots because film is still sharper than digital on a lot of subjects.
>fuji got close
Classic chrome sort of looks like a really badly edited 1 hour photo scan of kodak ultramax, maybe, the rest suck, it doesn't come close to real film optically printed on resin coated photo paper, even if you pay extra to print your fuji snaps on resin coated photo paper. Most of the colors are wrong. It just looks washed out.
>And still do for around half of fashion editorial shoots because film is still sharper than digital on a lot of subjects.
I know this is true and you're right and all but 35mm slide film doesn't look anything like a 40+MP modern mirrorless with a sharp as fuck lens. It's almost an unappealing "sharpness" that probably has more to do with the colors like you mentioned.
That's still the closest we have. The best way to emulate film is not and be a productive member of socuety.
german are usually serious about tech, if you look at image you notice gray areas on sensor that are slightly bigger on cmos as ad converter is on sensor or about to come behind it, wild theory is that more color sensor coverage yilds better color
Digital image sensors are monochrome, the only difference is in the CFA
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A New Challenger Approaches!
Very slowly...
Name one consumer camera that has that
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Sigma DP2 Merrill

Shut up.
Dafuq's that?
You are either that one retard that lurks this board and posts his portra 400 developed in piss photos as "proof", or just bought into his retardedness
>Slide film is the sharpest
Nope. The sharpest film is something like Vision 3- T-grain, anti-scattering dyes, remjet
Is it just me, or does fuji's red look too magenta? I kinda fixed it with basically replicating the mask of color negative film digitally, but I still wonder, maybe it's just my camera is faulty, everyone I talked to praised fuji colors :/
Sharper than cms20? I thought the adox was the king
I don't know. The only thing I can think of it was very hot that day when I was taking pics, dp2m can only take like 5 pictures and then the buffer fills up until the files are processed and written to the sd card , I was taking pictures continously and eventually the camera got very hot and even shutdown itself. Maybe the heat somehow affected the sensor/electronics? Dp2m after all is a 12 year old compact and it's heat dissipation design is quite bad. Once the temps dropped, the artefacting disappeared.
Well that's microfilmz an entirely different thing
>>Weak CFAs have MORE accurate color

The D2x is the benchmark in color accuracy.
Uh no not really.

The sony a99ii is.
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>it (CCD) is unique in having its photodiodes oriented diagonally rather than horizontally and vertically as in all other DSLR cameras. This allows the use of a sophisticated interpolation system that produces an output image equivalent to 12.1 megapixels. The apparent resolution of images in this interpolated mode lies somewhere between 6.17 megapixels and the 12.1 megapixel interpolated output.

Is there any truth to this?

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>muh boomer blob! the reds at carshows are so vibrant, that means gud color
the phase one iq4 is literally the benchmark.

weak modern cfa. why? eyeballs use a weak "cfa" (cones with overlapping sensitivity curves). that's how we see the world. through a weak CFA.

strong CFAs are inaccurate and make some colors more vibrant than others, specifically colors associated with food.

Laboratory grade tests say otherwise!
The benchmark is a $50k phase one camera boomer

Everyone prefers inaccurate film anyways

3 things. 1. I made no reference to medium format digital. 2. Todays Ektachrome with the proper filter sets the color accuracy standard. 3. I am NOT a BOOMER!

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