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Thoughts on the f100? I've been tempted lately because of the Nikon 24-85mm f/2.8-4 D. It seems like it could be my perfect single lens setup and after shooting with a fully manual film camera for awhile, I really want to go back to something that shoots more like a modern camera but I didn't want the bulk of the f5
Fucking based setup OP I'm after something to serve the same purpose. I'm missing too many shots with manual focus only
>Nikon 24-85mm f/2.8-4 D
you're better off using the later 24-85 G VR instead. yes the F100 drives VR just fine. don't let the sticker speed fool you; the 2.8-4D is borderline unusable wide open. you're better off with three stops of VR instead
F80 is better for most people IMO. If you're in the minority for whom the extras on the F100 make a difference go for it, otherwise the F80 is handier and cheaper.
I think manual focus is fine when I'm out fucking around and it's easy to go back and retake shots, but I've been traveling a lot more lately and just want something faster and more convenient. But really what's motivating me is the lens. It's just about the my dream lens. I would prefer something like a 35-90, floating aperture saves weight and makes lenses more compact. It's pretty fast, even if it falls off at 28mm to f/4, that's the same as or a full stop faster than my current lens across the focal length range
what are the big differences between the 80 and 100?
80 is all plastic and not weather sealed (if I recall correctly the 100 has sealing), 80 uses IR for sensing the sprockets making it a no-go for IR stocks, 80 has integrated flash but 100 doesn't, 80 has threaded remote release cable and 100 doesn't, 100 can meter with non-chipped lenses but 80 cannot, 100 can do 1/8000s but 80's fastest speed is 1/4000s, 80's sync speed is 1/125s as opposed to 100's 1/250s, I think I covered most.
The achilles heel of both is the plastic door latch.
Also big win for the F80, PASM dial over F100's mode button.
Back when they came out the F100 was closer to the professional line, at a time when professional meant unintuitive. It's still the case at some level but that level is basically $50k medium format now.
>muh blob
I saw that lens and I considered grabbing it for the stabilization, but the D lens was faster and they are more or less the same size.

> don't let the sticker speed fool you; the 2.8-4D is borderline unusable wide open. you're better off with three stops of VR instead
I've used and loved a lot of lenses people said were "unusable" wide open. I think I'll try the D version first and see how I get on with it and if not then I'll return it and grab the G.

I do want the weather sealing, I have been getting really into hiking and camping lately. The lighter weight would be nice but like with the lens, I think I'll try it out and see if I really hate how heavy it is or not. The higher shutter speed is also helpful, I often shoot wide open during the day and/or use ISO 400 film basically all the time. The flash is a non-issue, the metering with fully manual lenses is neat, but I don't own any or plan to. I'd rather start with too much than step down than the other way around and the price difference isn't huge. I saw KEH had a sticky f100 for $200, so I grabbed it. I've successfully cleaned sticky grips before with isopropyl alcohol. I would be more inclined if I had to pay $400 to start with the F80.
Godspeed anon.
One caveat, I checked and the F100 isn't sealed either, a flickr thread recommends special care with the film door which is light sealed but can and will let moisture through. It apparently has seals to add weather resistance on the buttons but the heavy duty one is the F5. Also no such thing as a sealed ILC if the lens itself lacks seals. Not that the seals on a 24 year old camera would be particularly trustworthy though (rubber dries up and shrinks), it's nice to have them but don't count on them to save you and take a rain bag if needed.
thanks bro. yeah it's fine. I always treat my cameras as unsealed anyway. It's not like the lens is sealed either. I'm just gonna fuck around and find out.
Personally I think the neatest part about the F100 is the ability to shoot IR.
Enjoy it, I'm sure it won't disappoint. Oh and one thing I just remembered from the F80 is you couldn't stop it from self-rewinding at the end of the roll unless you pulled the battery (or had it sent to service for them to reprogram that behavior). The F100 likely has a CFn for that. The ability to swap rolls on the fly essentially makes them as practical as digital ones.
>Also big win for the F80, PASM dial over F100's mode button.
you are the first person I have ever seen to come out say that a "consumer" PASM dial has merits over the "pro" mode buttons, Nikon has maintained this distinction even into mirrorless world
if you're trying to save weight on a normal zoom, Believe It Or Not (tm) the 18-55mm *DX* can be used on fullframe/35mm as a 24-55mm lens since the dark corners from using DX-on-FX are only evident from 18-24. And it has VR and is smaller weighs less than almost any FX lens include primes.
The F80's viewfinder sucks.
>bulk of the f5
Just get an F5. Be the Man you know you are.
A button means cycling through menus, the dial is set and forget. I care less about what's seen as pro or amateur and more about what favors quick operation.
Skill issue
Good to know, but probably 70% of my shots are in the 70-90mm range. So while I believe it, that particular focal length isn't that useful to me.

Why wouldn't I want the roll to automatically rewind?

>The ability to swap rolls on the fly essentially makes them as practical as digital ones.
Can you explain this again? I don't understand how not rewinding at the end gives me the ability to swap rolls at will
You’re responding to our resident autist.
Then why is it only the F80's viewfinder that I don't have the "skill" to use?
i didnt like the 24-85mm f/2.8-4 D, it was just too soft and missed focus often, bought a 17-55mm f/2.8 DX AF-S G instead and i like it very much
That's for crop sensors only. Won't work on film.
oh yes true, well you could have some cool circular vignetting

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