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What's the preferred way to film road trips? Go Pro or should I just mount my mirror-less camera and try to film with it?
arri alexa 35
i used to think they're a silly gimmick (and i suppose in many ways they still are), but i used a 360 camera for a trip a few years ago and it was actually great to have views of inside and outside. Something to consider.
linkrel has it mounted outside the car but you could do it inside on the dash, windshield, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiOqVOjrJlE
Okay well I'm not paying 10 grand just to film my roadtrips. Lets just make that clear, I'm either looking at one of those under $500 action cams or using my own Canon if it makes sense.
Did you run into any issues? I assume you had it plugged in to your car right or relying on lots of batteries?
Well you gave no parameters for answering the question. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. The preferred way would be to be use an arri alexa. Next time ask a less retarded question and give some specifics about what you're looking for.
i used an insta360 that could run off usb power, yeah. only issue i could see would be storage if it's a long trip, that 5.7k footage chews through space quickly.
Read the second sentence in my post you ADHD numbnuts

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