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What do you think of half frame cameras?

I like the idea, 72 exposures from a single roll sounds awesome

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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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I like the premise. I just think 72 shots is way too many. I already think 36 is too many. I want like 16 shots a roll.
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>16 whole shots
snapshitter alert!
>I want film photography to be more expensive
Stupid fuck
It's not expensive, you're just a snapshitter
>1500 yen for a roll of film
>900 yen for development
>30 yen per print
>2880 yen for a 16 shot roll.
Maybe it's cheaper if you only shoot one roll because you're a dumb TikToker that found his grandma's camera and you're not actually interested in photography as a hobby, but if you actually take photos semi often than you're going to be paying out the ass in the long run. Because of the cost to develop each roll.

tldr - kill yourself faggot
>he doesn't develop, scan and print his own shots
fake ass film shooter

btw, a roll of 36 will usually last me 2 months because I only take a photo when it is actually something worth taking a photo of. It's incredibly cheap. You waste your money taking a bunch of snapshits.
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>a roll of 36 will usually last me 2 months
I started my current roll on August 31, 2013. I have 1 exposure remaining. You're the snapshitter, not me.

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2023, not 2013
So then you agree then that film is an inexpensive hobby? Seeing as you've done it for free for almost a year.
It's expensive if you shoot a lot. I'd shoot with it more if the roll had double the number of shots.

Don't even get me started on specialty films. I bought some high contrast black and white film because it was on sale but developing that roll was a fortune because it had to be shipped of to a specialty lab.
So yes, it is cheap if you don't shoot exotic film stock and only take real photos. I'm glad you accept that I'm right and always have been
Some of us do shoots anon. You know, with budgets.
So the budget should cover the film cost, making it free for you to shoot? Huh...
That still costs *somebody* money, retard. I can't understand why anyone would want film to be more expensive unless they were trying to gate people out of the hobby.
Nothings free, it’s just getting paid for.
>It's cheap if you only ever buy Fujicolor 100 and you barely ever take pictures ever (to the point that you can't even call it a hobby)
>10+ rolls of 120 per shoot
>dev bw at home
>bought scanner
>bought printer
film is incredibly cheap
Imagine only ever shooting in black and white
Ah yes, 8 photos for 40 dollars processed. Just like god i tended.
I wish someone would invent a quarter frame camera that could take 36 * 4 = 144 exposures
You aren’t doing that with film, nice larp buddy.
You could probably realistically mask off the half frame gate into top and bottom, and just re-run the same roll through. Get you nice tiny square photos, like 110 film almost lol.
Yes, Chaika!
You do? Post em.

>S-someone is paying for it
Go ahead, post em, this larp is getting old
The only additional thing you need for C41 to be as easy as B&W is a cheap sous vide.
I've been thinking about a Kyocera Samurai X3. Do you think they have the Contax magic since they made the famous G1?
Dumb fucker roll your own mini rolls then
Good bait btw
L*mography has one like this
I have one, they are fun cameras but there’s nothing special about the lens, images are typical snapshit camera quality. If I remember when I get home from work I’ll post an example or two. Fun camera to use thoughever
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sorry lad forgot i cooked this roll in dev lol. i respooled kentmere 400 it into an across 100 roll and i don't remember if i dev'd at 400 or 100. the grain could be normal could be dev effect. oh well. don't have better pictures to show but it's acceptable.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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You've unironically made me want one but I'm scared of it dying on me. Maybe it's a good camera to learn repairs on.
>not rolling, developing and scanning your own film
Fucking casuals
I'd argue it's actually easier since dev times are identical for every C41 film and only vary based on strength of the chem, so you can mix different ISOs and stocks in the dev tank. With B+W you have to fuck around with massive dev shart and if say I've got one roll of BWxx and one roll of Berlin Kino it takes twice as long and twice as much work because I can't throw both in the same tank.
You can if you stand dev, at the cost of reducing contrast. If you dilute enough and do like 90+ minutes stands, you can mix isos on the same roll even. But it’s all experimental and wouldn’t do for anything crtitical lel
4 shots per roll (6x17) is a bit limiting
6 shots is just about right
12 shots is fine
24 shots is acceptable, just snap a few cat pics to finish up the roll
36 is too many
72 is utterly absurd
Post a pic oh wise one
I definitely want to get one at some point and keep it on me as my snapshitting camera
Isn't shooting half-frame like shooting with a crop-sensor digital camera? Imagine shooting a format having the worst characteristics of crop digital (narrow field of view, "focal length multipliers") and film (low actual resolution & sharpness, poor shadow detail, magnified grain, pain to develop & process)
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honestly they are as complex as a smena 8 so it shouldn't be too hard to repair, mine has been working fine for years
>72 is utterly absurd
its a snapshitting/ triptych machine
or just load it with 24 exposure film or something
>pain to develop & process
that is like, half the fun man

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelScan Dual II
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2023:03:26 20:22:29
Color Space InformationsRGB
Should have brought back aps-film then. aps cameras are essentially free, even from higher end brands.
This misses the point of “I just like doing it and it’s fun”. Otherwise why are any of us using anything but phaseOne cameras?

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