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/p/ - Photography

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Let me guess, you need more?
Just use your eyes
and how do I capture the visual data
how do I show it to other people?
Tell them.
Same as with all that digital gear you spent thousands on: you don't
Final boss of photography
Is your implication that the end game of photography is showing your photos to others? Sounds kinda gay.
I see poorfag womanbrained commies aimlessly seething about men spending their own money like its public funds itt

must be 4chan
This is the most based exchanged on this board in a while.
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When did you realize that photography can be used to implant and distort memories and has been used to such end for over a century now?
This assassination actually happened. The only thing they edited out was the secret service spooks doing it.

The film was clearly edited btw. Photography accomplished little. They resorted to publicly shaming anyone who pointed it out and are currently clamoring for distrust in authority to be declared a mental disorder (remind you of anything, commie?)
>This assassination actually happened.
lol, do sheeple really? It's all fake, he retired to an island.
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That theory isn't just absurd, it's downright CHEESY. What else, Paul McCartney is dead and Harrison is the gravedigger? Your basic bitch "conspiracy theory" is the dog-and-pony show of conspiracies, more like some conjectures thrown together based on the psychotic ramblings of some random schizophrenic.
Big if true
>he believes jfk existed in the first place
>he doesn't know it was a body double the whole time
>poisoning the well this hard
that's too schizo for me
>Your basic bitch "conspiracy theory" is the dog-and-pony show of conspiracies
Considering the venue, it's more of a dog and donkey show.

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