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This young man is the most technically gifted photographer of our time.

His work is profound and his razor sharp quick thinking people skills make him the ultimate all round street photographer.

If you disagree you are a massive fag.

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If I find him on the street I am going to bash his head with my Zenit
T. Poorfag Zenit user
> bash his head with my Zenit
that's the only thing this piece of shit is capable of
is that rewiewbrah?
Street photographers are bad by definition
there's already a thread up faggot, buy an ad.
Breddy gud b8
he's the last remaining real new yorker
I take a photograph of them with my Hasselblad and 250 mm Chrome Sonnar.

Then before I walk away I'd swing it across his face like the Mallet it is and then take a picture afterwards of what it did to him. Camera will still be in fine working order afterward.
Makes me kinda jelly of NY though it just looks cinematic in general, I can't force myself to give a single fuck about taking pictures of my local area
I’d follow him around in public taking snapshits of him w/ flash at full power, f/13
Hopefully ruin every one of his shots and get people to give us a wide berth
Fuck off Trevor
Trevor, it's late and you're drunk.
If you lived in NY you wouldn't give a single fuck either. The problem is you.
Yeah it's true but at least there are people in ny. Or any city, I'm pretty bored of landscape shit it's starting to all look the same
His work gives me inspiration because of how mediocre he is

Being a popular photographer doesn't seem to be hard, just consistency upload photos on places like IG and have a personality

I know a guy with more follows than Trevor and he just walks around Asian cities taking shitty iPhone pics with terrible framing

If they can do it why can't I
All my NY (long island) friends love NY and theyve lived there their entire life.

When people say NY they mean NYC/Manhattan unless you're 100% sure they mean otherwise
I dont think anyone actually lives IN manhattan except CEOs
Literally who?
Yeah that doesnt mean anyone actually lives there
Sorry for existing I guess?
Saw part of the walkie talkie with him because of that one thread. Wife barely have an artistic side and even she said his photos were garbage. Getting into people's faces with a flash isn't "so stunning and brave" or a "never seen before artistic process", it just makes you a public nuisance.
That was an enjoyable video, I didn't think his photos were bad... he's a bit hyper tho
>His work gives me inspiration because of how mediocre he is
Isn't that the case for most of the praised street photographers? The only thing that separates them from casual snapshitters is having a following and using a film camera.
>The only thing that separates them from casual snapshitters
It's called talent
I guess there is a heck of a lot of talent to be found in any random 80s and 90s photo albums then.
Most people don't take random photos on the street, so no

Street photography is about pictures of moments in time, most people take pictures of static objects. Choosing moments requires talent. Ansel Adams would sit out for half the day waiting for just the right light and shadows.
It's called budget
These people have hundreds of junk rolls, 1 keeper/36, etc

Winogrand took photos every idiot was taking on vacation but he took so many that eventually he got something good. Every street photographer since has imitated him 1:1.
>His work is profound
he's just taking photos lol. his work is a drop in the ocean of daily images created
I've only lived in Manhattan and shoot full time.
And I'm the king of Denmark.
you think that's a high bar? larp material?
>be the son of a chinese guy who inherited his dads investments
>go to some bullshit art school
>shoot generic slutty portraits for onlyfans girls, but describe yourself as an artistic boudoir photography
that's all you have to do to live in manhattan and shoot full time. you can even shoot film at break even or a loss because your family won the lottery and you will never have to do real work.

you have now idea how many people here are "4chan user grade" and yet have the financial trappings of success. let's not even go into the cryptocurrency/stock market gamblers lel.
Checks out except the fact that no one lives in manhattan, they rent all the housing out to advertising because it brings in more money.
1.6 million people live in manhattan and there's around 100k postings for living quarters up for rent

$4000 for a studio, yes, but we're talking about trust fund kids and bitcoin boys here
>1 keeper/36
you either have really, really low standards or you spend 4 months finishing a single roll if you have anything more than 0-2 "keepers" per roll (most often 0). if you somehow get 7 good photos per roll, please go back in time and tell every single professional photographer how you managed to take 700% more better photos than them
>This is what street "photographers" believe
Skill issue personified.
How do I become a street photography god like this guy?

I tried 1/200 shutter speed while walking past people and shooting the faces but all my pics are blurry and out of focus.

Or I leave the auto focus on and it takes too long to take the picture
It's not about you. You have very little influence other than sheer photo volume and your willingness to disrespect others and take photos constantly. Cant frame for shit? Crop, erwitt did. Cant hit exposure? Use stand development to cope, winogrand did.

It's mostly about your gear and where you live. Have a small camera and a wide angle lens that's easy to zone focus. And live in new york. New york school street photography is privilege in art form.
stop down to like f11
Step 1: Be an insufferable autistic cunt with no regard to anyone's wishes that they'd rather not be photographed and posted on 4chin
Step 2: Do it enough and even your 1/1000 hitrate will produce something at least halfway remarkable
Step 3: Survive long enough without the local crackhead or cops with a hard-on getting handsy
Step 4: Profit?
what's your opinion on nukes and the moon landings?
Not him, but fake and gay.
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Don't know enough to have one honestly.
Not him.
>0 of his photos posted itt
amazing photographer I'm sure, shame I'll never know
Is he gay? I like his fashion
>"wow this photo is exposed well and actually in focus, this is a keeper!"
You actually thought that was what it was?
>When the retard owns themselves and doesn't even know

Yeah, this is what street photographers actually believe. You can have best-in-sets but if you can't surpass 1/36 for keepers you are genuinely incompetent or just randomly pointing your camera at shit and hoping it turns out
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If they go any further they'll be purity spiraling and basically redefining "a keeper" to mean "a world changing photograph" in typical insecure internet tough guy (coping 4channer) fashion lol

Ansel Adams reportedly had a roughly 20-25% keeper rate. Less than 1 out of a 35mm roll is a fucking joke. Definitely NY school street photography AKA letting your (relatives money) film budget fill in for your absent talent. <1/36 is solidly in "guestimating focus on a leica and taking a photo before even getting all the way to the viewfinder" territory.

Imagine how much better NY wannabes could be if they weren't so deathly afraid of being seen with a camera
>protip: it's because they will get punched in the face.
"See kids, if you do enough street photography, eventually you too will have a nose this punched"
Im going to NY next year, cant wait to try NY strotography.
he also took several pictures of the same thing and kept the best one instead of hoping one of many snapshits isn't garbage
He also sat out all day waiting for the perfect light and shadows, guy's the opposite of street, he's like some unholy combination of a photographer and fisherman. Just sits there with the hook baited. Patience is a virtue I guess although it was never my strong suit.
>guestimating focus on a leica
well you just self-reported that you dont know what you are talking about
no one who knows what they are doing guesses focus, its all pre-determined from zone focusing
you will never own a leica
>you will never own a leica
oh no, I will never own a washboard to do my laundry down by the river. I guess I'll have to cope with modern tech then. Poor me will never own 70 year old outdated tech :(
>zone focusing isnt guessing
It is. Thats why street shitters cant get a good photo with 36 tries.

That’s called exposure bracketing because meters and emulsions werent as precise as they are today

Vs taking a random photo of every pedestrian because you have no visiom and no creativity, just a film budget
No, I will never buy one, I would like a praktina though.
based choice
Why is Jerma985 larping as the white Eric Kim
Zone focus isnt possible on a lens with scales like a leica lens, its called SCALE focusing you fucking goophead
Actually a lot of professional emulsions were extremely accurate. They would add labels to many film rolls especially Kodachrome and a few others the exact ISO reading of the film, good to one third of a stop. When I used Kodachrome 64 and 200 on my house of black, there would sometimes be labels on the individual film rolls stating that the Emulsion was actually more like 80 or 240 or something like that. That way you could get an extremely good exposure.
>let's not even go into the cryptocurrency/stock market gamblers lel.

This is literally me. /biz/ made me rich, and now I spend half my time playing with cameras and synthesizers.

You sound like whiny as shit. I know lots of people (from every socio economic strata) that live in Manhattan... What kind of weird cope is this?
He only sounds whiny because he trivialized your gambling related windfall
Every time this thread is about to get archived, someone brings it up again.
Evidently its being monitored by this rotten tooth camera moron rich boy and its using it as an ad.
Just let this die...
Thanks for the bump.
unironically true, if you have a good eye
No he just sounds whiny... I don't really get what having money even has to do with this subject. Its funny how much this board seems to extol virtues of not needing gear to be a good photographer while spending so much time talking about people who can afford to have nice shit or live in nice places. If it doesn't really matter that much to have nice gear or where you live, than it shouldn't be talked about as much as it is. But this board is full of people shitting on others who either have means or just plain success in photography. As a sort of outsider to this board it definitely comes off whiny as fuck.

Anyway, all that being said, photography is an art form. Art is inherently subjective, and if someone has managed to build a following they're doing something more correct than 99% of this board. Any complaining about that is categorically cope.
>lookit me im smoking
>and my leisure suit is so

that tryhard youtuber shtick indicates your work isn't strong enough to stand on its own
Name some photographers you like and post a photo of yours
Topkek, been away for a week or so, nice to see my shitpost is still going strong, god this board is slow
smokers get the rope. voluntarily. sorry you killed yourself to look cool to the 5 emo girls left alive.

Remember when 4chan looped Puddi Puddi for a day straight?

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