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File: Puddi_puddi.jpg (1 MB, 1270x2208)
1 MB
This young man is the most technically gifted photographer of our time.

His work is profound and his razor sharp quick thinking people skills make him the ultimate all round street photographer.

If you disagree you are a massive fag.

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Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.G998BXXSAFXCL
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If I find him on the street I am going to bash his head with my Zenit
T. Poorfag Zenit user
> bash his head with my Zenit
that's the only thing this piece of shit is capable of
is that rewiewbrah?
Street photographers are bad by definition
there's already a thread up faggot, buy an ad.
Breddy gud b8
he's the last remaining real new yorker

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