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File: scan.jpg (330 KB, 1200x1200)
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330 KB JPG
I'm trying to figure out where this photograph was taken. I want to make a higher quality version of this image without using any AI junk to upscale it or anything like that.

This tape has an interesting backstory to me, and I've already covered it on Reddit, under r/cassetteunderground. My main missions right now are to locate the artist (which I am under firm belief that they're in New Jersey), and also finding the exact location where the photo was taken.

Thanks in advance!

Original Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/cassetteunderground/comments/1e331w8/1990s_hitman_tape/

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you have to go back
Back where? To New Jersey?
To the orange site
Orange site has not yielded any results (yet). Will continue to monitor the green site. :)
I know where this is but I'm not telling you.
Lol how original
4x5 dude is that you?
just ask rainbolt
Untypical side of globe icon with Africa in the middle. City colour palette looks Johannesburg or something like that.
I don't want to dig into 80-90'ss SAfrica cityscapes for you, so you can do it by yourself, faggot

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