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I shot my first set of nudes. It was fine, some of the photos were excellent and she was really happy with them.

But honestly I'm not sure that I'm interested in doing it again. It was fun, but honestly I've had more fun doing landscapes. I don't have the added pressure of trying to pose someone and worrying about her neck looks too fat and making sure her arms don't look too muscular and all that other shit. It's just a lot of extra work, consideration and stress and honestly seeing a woman naked isn't that big of deal if you're not a robot. Honestly the few candid shots I got of her as we were setting up for the shoot were my favorite ones, they were more 'human', they had more character and meaning to me than any of the nudes.

I think the dudes on this board obsessed with doing nudes are just coomers.
Can't remember a time when I saw _any_ portraiture or interest in posed human subjects on this board actually
this is 4chan
the majority of the users are single mixed race males who have not lost their virginity or only lost it in their 20s, and over half of them probably follow jordan peterson, joe rogan, and andrew tate

you will never see a healthy attitude towards male/female relations here, or a healthy attitude towards anything really. if you wanna talk nudes here on /p/ you're going to run into someone who tells you photography is a waste of time if it doesn't simultaneously get you sex and money and then larp your ear off. in this case they'll probably call you gay and trans. yes, both.
Interest in posed strangers is actually pretty unusual among people in general. Most people see interest in strangers as rude or creepy.

But in art school, it's a prescribed thing and disagreeing with that might get you temporarily relieved from asking questions.
Are the incels in the room with us right now, anon? They seem to live rent free in your head at least.
>making sure her arms don't look too muscular
When is this an issue?
>they'll probably call you gay and trans. yes, both
>implying gay trans-lesbians don't exist
How can posed nudes be anything other than porn? This seems like mental gymnastics to pretend it’s art or some shit and hiding the reality. If you just want to shoot women in poses what does it add (outside of the coomer element) being nude?

>t. Femanon
>How can posed nudes be anything other than porn?
I feel like there is a line between art and pornography but when one starts to examine it, one realizes that it is extremely blurry. Sure there are things that are obviously pornography, but then you have things that are more debatable like nude photographs. How do we determine if a piece is supposed to be pornographic?

>t. Femanon
>How do we determine if a piece is supposed to be pornographic?
If the intention and/or the effect the induction of erotic arousal.
>>t. Femanon
Not with that benis between yer legs no matter how hard you try and convince everyone.
>If the intention and/or the effect the induction of erotic arousal.
I would say it is more intention rather than effect, as people feel arousal by different things
tits or gtfo
>people feel arousal by different things
Then it's subjectively pornographic.
I’ve been told that’s it’s something to try and avoid like double chins and other fat rolls. Women apparently want their arms to be minimized and it’s something they may pay attention to.

There is nothing explicitly sexual about the photos. The poses I used were not trying to elicit a sexual response. A naked woman is not intrinsically sexual. You might be sexually aroused by non-sexual things, but that does not make something pornographic, it makes you a coomer.
I'm a newfag on this board but it seems like it's mostly chartfagging, gearfagging, and that one guy with the dog. the film general is insufferable but they post photos usually
post them faggot
no one wants to hear you fucking whine
if you're not gonna post you're just a faggot
>I’ve been told that’s it’s something to try and avoid like double chins and other fat rolls
I've never heard it.
I've had the experience of helping a friend shoot onlyfans content and that is about the most unsexy thing you could imagine.

She and four other girls over renting this house for the day and I was walking around doing lighting and setting up shots while all the other girls kept asking if I could film them as well, and I kept having to politely say no thank you mam to women with various objects shoved up their hoo haa.

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