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I don't know shit about fuck. This a good camera? Looking for something to mostly take travel pictures with.

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yes, it's very good. But I probably wouldn't buy it as your first camera unless $2k isn't a lot of money for you
Yeah it takes photos that you can then post instead of shitty gear threads
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It's good for taking pictures of your husband's children.
It's perfect, has weathersealing, is compact, great sensor, decent handling, af, etc.
>travel photos
Let me save you potentially infinite buyer's remorse: you want a film camera.
Where are you planning on going?
A big city? A zoo? Museum? A natural park? You going with family and/or friends and plan to take photos with them or of them?
You planning to edit the photos later?
Do you want something you can carry in a pocket/small bag or are you comfortable with a bigger camera around your neck/use a day bag?
Do you want something simple or something with a lot of manual controls/pro features
You plan on taking videos on the side if you can or strictly photos?
What are you willing to pay vs what you want to pay?
You comfortable going used market or want new with warranties and shit?
You want a bunch of lenses or want an all in one?

If all you want is a simple camera you can pocket around that Just Werks™ get a point and shoot compact like the Lumix LX-10, RX100 M5/VA, or Olympus XZ-2. You can find those used for $500. You get a nice zoom range for all of them, they all take 4k videos and photos, all can fit in your front pocket, easy to use with some manual controls if you want to get creative. Only downside is some of them are old so they're a bit slow, have tiny batteries so you'll want spares if you plan to shoot all day, and have small sensors so not good in low light, but all come with a flash built in.

If you plan on getting a bigger interchangeable lens camera you can get a Sony a6100/6400/6700, Olympus E-M5, Fuji X-Pro 2/3, Fuji X-E series, Lumix gx9/85/8, or the aps-c Nikon zfc. For full frame you can get a sony A7iii/iv, a7c/a7cii, the Nikon zf in your pic. Don't know enough about Canon, Lumix, or other Nikon FF to give a recommendation, also be aware these cameras need lenses and a good one, especially an all in one lens, can cost 500-800 extra dollars. Also check to make sure your lens and camera has weather sealing if you plan to go hiking or near the beach or something.
It's a great camera.

I got it because I learned to take pictures on film cameras and the Zf's controls replicate film controls.

I would not buy it as an entry to digital photography. Only this camera and some Fujifilm digital cameras use the old style film controls. They're archaic and aren't coming back except as gimmicks to sell to people like me once a decade.

Buy a Z6iii instead. Or a Z6ii if you're too poor for the Z6iii.
>i don't know shit about fuck
>lemme just spend 2k on a camera

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