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File: Shogun.png (1.32 MB, 1612x896)
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...was amazing.

Nice shallow depth of field. Lovely colorgrading using blues and greens and turqouise.
Interesting distortion on the borders of the frame. Nice odd oval bokeh.

Would love to make the same pictures.

And it seemed they used:
Venice 2




now if only they stuck to the book and included all of the various constant wmaf sex scenes
Original Shogun has all you need

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>shallow depth of field
>for cinema
you just need a helios lens from the soviet union, they're cheap as fuck

i'm been shooting with one for a few months now as i'm near russia for the past year, super easy to get for about $20
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>tv now does shallow dof
>cinema still does shallow dof

I miss depth and I miss zoom. It's like the rapture came and we are left in limbo, or worse.
My ex-gf complained about the look

Emphasis on the "ex"
Blurry edges were distracting, irritating, pretentious and stupid.
Also stupid 2.0:1 aspect ratio, stupid black borders, waste of space on my 16:9 tv. Stupid.
Also shot in British Columbia, can tell that's not Japan. Cheap.
Is this the anamorphic look?
this show was such an overrated turd. who watches TV much less some soulless reboot in 2024
>Also shot in British Columbia
Into the trash it goes
Perhaps you do not appreciate the need to see a characters head floating around in a 2.35:1 ultrawidescreen image of blurry colors anon.
Actually 2:1 is the best possible ratio. Every other convoluted ratio is just pussyfooting around it but Ridley Scott is right, quit fucking around with old AR’s that were the result of trying to fit images into 35mm cheaply, and for the fucking digital age, just move forward, shoot shit 2:1, and 30 & 60 fps to match the 60hz electricity. Simplify and move on.
OP image actually does look a lot like it was taken through a Helios but I have no fucking idea what this thread is about.
everything now is obsessed with having the shallowest focus possible its insane. bazin was right
>character starts talking
>focus shifts abruptly to them
>they stop talking
>focus shifts elsewhere
JUST LET ME LOOK AROUND! I am capable of following along without your holding my eyes in the right direction.
the nighttime scenes looked like actual dogshit
would it kill them to add some lights instead of trying to fix it in post?
>but Ridley Scott is right
So we should shoot 2.39:1. Got it. He hasn't done a single film in 2:1.
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vely implessive, jipangu. now let's see chyna's emmies.

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