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I really want to let my "dark passenger" out and express who I truly am inside.
I usually take photos of roadkill on my phone but I think I'm ready to kick it up a notch.
I'm ready for the real thing.
What camera should I buy? I like the idea of focus bracketing and macro-photography. What cameras are good for this?
I feel like developing in a dark room would really give me time and space where I can be myself, but I'm okay with digital. I've heard it be described as "cold" and "clinical" and I'd really like to cultivate those kinds of energies.
Share some of your work and I can better recommend a camera for you.
You need to seek help and not camera advice, son
>I usually take photos of roadkill
start shooting large format, be ass about and never listen to feedback. Oh and sexually abuse dogs.
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I'm not sure where the line between photography and gore is, it's hard to find any pics without any organs or blood. This should be one I can post without getting banned. My friend let me borrow her D3 last year(part of why I'm interested in scaling up my hobby), and I got this little guy. He looks like he's sleeping!
It's way harder to nail focus on a non-phone camera, so this photo sucks, but hopefully you can kinda get what I'm going for.
some sort of sigma, probably a sd14
Has an awesome darth-vader look.
Foveon and interchangeable filters appeal to me, smaller sensor size will give me deeper focus which I believe is what I want for macro, but isn't the megapixel count a bit low? I've always liked sigma. I tried one of their F-mount 35s once, felt hefty. Professional.
There was never a time when being this edgy on 4chan wouldn't get you clowned, if you're just doing this to 'fit in' or something
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Megapixels are bullshit.

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if you moved him a bit to the left you could've saved this composition
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You are a loser
>nearly 200 years have passed since the first photograph
>silver plate, celluloid film, polaroids, digital cameras
>you have the power to record anything you can imagine
>an entire world of beauty, novelty, culture, architecture, more natural wonders than can be grasped by the human mind
>"with this incredible machine, gifted by the dedication of countless talented men over centuries, I shall use my time to photograph...dead animals. And then brag about if on 4chan."

I don't care if this gets me a ban, you are some sick deranged individuals (the ones posting roadkill fap photos), and the fact that you share a hobby with me, I find profoundly revolting to my very core. Absolutely 100% degenerate.
Ow, that was my artful composition too.
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The invention of the photographic camera has been all worth it anon, how else would i be able to take pictures of my anogenital warts with my chinesium android phone and post them on the internet?
Nikon F2T. I saw so many photographs of scumbag photo journalists photographing the action quote unquote in Vietnam with those
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If it'll shoot a zipperhead, it'll shoot bambi. This is the energy I need. I should take up smoking too. Thank you anon
Get a 2nd hand canoniconsnoy kit from last decade and a cheap macro extension kit. APS-C is fine. Get a macro lens when you grow out of the kit lens+ macro extension.
If you level up to to fancy macro, a sturdy tripod and a macro focusing rail (a $5 chink one is a start but you'll want better at some point). Also consider lights suitable for blood and guts.
>macro focusing rail
Holy fucking shit, I didn't even know this was a thing. This is a godsend anon.
"Dark passenger" makes this the gayest shit I have ever heard. Get a polaroid, sickos like this always have a polaroid, not an instax.
Is a macro rail superior to focus stacking? I'm not sure I understand the advantage, it seems like it would create a weird perspective, is that the appeal?
You use the macro rail to obtain the pictures that you use for focus stacking. It's just a vernier that lets you move the camera backwards and forwards by fractions of a mm so you can lock the lens at minimum focus distance and focus by moving the camera itself.
Sorry anon, I'm not gay —not in the traditional sense, anyway. I would have penetrative sex with another male, but only as a power game; to feel in control of him.
Sure, women scratch the itch —but there's something a little more sporting about men. Not the aids-spreading fags on grindr —too easy— but college lacrosse players, gymrats, maybe even anons who call me gay on /p/?

I think a polaroid would be awesome (perfect vibes, look, manual of arms), but I'm worried about longevity. Don't the instant photos just wash out after a year unless you box them up?

I think those little guys deserve to live forever in my camera. People want to look away from them and ignore them and that hurts my feelings. They were alive too and part of this world and they died so someone could get to work on time. It's okay, death is a part of life. Blood and organs are part of life. People are obsessed with trauma and pathologizing death. Entire religions exist to make death into something unacceptable. To make killing the worst thing anyone can do. Death is really very normal though; more people have died than are currently alive!
I don't think it's good to go through life ignoring the less glamorous part of the lifecycle. Be thankful to death and all the creatures that die! You only exist because you're made up of material recycled from things that died.
The deer I ran over last week? In a few weeks, her venison is going to form the beginnings of an entirely new life in your mother's womb after I invite her over for dinner.
Oh great. Another Mark Andrew Twitchell.
experts agree that the yashica samurai is the most deranged camera
God I wish I had that flash setup.
did they really make left and right hand versions? what the fuck. this is more evil than the freaks posting animal corpses.
Dude if you're not dual wielding are you really doing photography?
You are cringe.
Well OP I was out for a bike ride earlier and I saw a very plump dead rat and, yes, I was inspired to take a picture of it, but I'm not gonna post it because this in retrospect this thread is so fucking cringe it hurts
A used nikon d60.

>Only dual wielding

>the one you have with you
>Will buy and haul around 5 cameras at once
>can't be bothered to replace headphone ear pads that have fallen apart

If it ain't broke don't fix it
Cool, you can be another aspie tech geek like my dad. He has no interpersonal skills and cant relate to human beings, so 50 years of his photography with hundreds of thousands spent on gear, and what are his photos of? Rocks, trees, sky, water. You know what happens to those when he dies? Straight in the trash. The only photos people keep are ones with other people in them. All his effort to take pictures of inanimate objects, totally wasted. No one cares about landscapes. & thanks a lot dad, the only photos we have from our childhood are lo-fi ones mom took on her P&S.
>Sorry anon, I'm not gay —not in the traditional sense, anyway. I would have penetrative sex with another male, but only as a power game; to feel in control of him
lmfao nigga u gay af
this is projection
>communist gearfag again seeks any and all opportunities to try and flex with his crap collection
Aren't you a trucker lmfao
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I'm gonna save this thread and come back to it whenever I do something cringe to remind myself that it could be so much worse

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Cool story bro, now it's my turn.

What you don't see are the 30-some odd tourists from all over the world who were behind me. This was the La Sal mountain view point in Arches National Park. They saw all of my equipment out and me sitting down on the rocks waiting for the light to change and asked me about it, well, the French family did and a couple of Americans and a German family did, and a Czech couple did. They thought I was shooting for Natgeo or something, anyway. I had them corralled behind me for a shot for me, with no people in it, of a reflection pool, which will be in the upcoming Sugar Thread in a couple weeks.

I told them to wait, in 5 minutes the light will change and the rocks will look awesome, I showed them how to shoot reflections in the pools once the light changed. I explained how the light interacts with shadows and highlights on various rocks and how the reflections look stronger when the sun is lower (it was 8:30am) and the camera is right on the surface of the water.

Every single one of them took pictures of their families in those reflection pools once the light changed. Those are memories they will have for the rest of their lives, of their families, I even shot a couple with their phones for them, framed between the large rock pillar in the foreground and the small one in the background. These people traveled literally to the other side of the world and now have that memory, even if it's on their cellphone, that was probably the best picture they shot on their phone the whole vacation.

They will show that picture to their friends, and other family members, they may forget about me and that's fine, their photo of their family I took will live on for generations.

I will never have a family of my own, I'm too old now and I struck out at the reproduction lottery, but if I can live vicariously through other people's families and help them preserve memories of their own members, then my work on Earth is done.
>Fuck you dad
>How dare you make art
>I'm throwing that in the trash
>And fuck you mom, for not taking my childhood snapshits on the newest snoy
real or shill
call it
I figure this would be the right thread to ask, but I want to start taking pictures of women's feet professionally. I've been practicing on my girlfriend but she has slightly deformed and unaesthetic toes from wearing those retarded women's shoes. Where can I find foot models that never wore undersized shoes with small toeboxes? Can I do like a casting call? It's okay if they're male as long as their feet are cute.
eastern europe unironically
Do they wear sneakers or sandals there or something?
Yeah I want to start professionally photographing my cawk in teenagers buttholes, I’d this the right place to ask about that?
this reply should help
what the absolute fuck is going on in eastern europe
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Well guys, I did it. I finally got my hands on the real thing.
Where on eastern Europe can I find cute girly boys to shoot lingerie photos of
what camera did you get?
Czechia, Slovenia, Poland, Finland
Post your gf's deformed feet first.
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This is a 2004 /b/ tier thread and you're still retarded
but oldtroon anon, Dexter didn't come out until 2006...
Cute boys and cheap film, what no to like!
Without a doubt, this one.
>im not gay but I'd have penetrative intercourse with another male
i think a massive telephoto prime would look really psychopathic in an urban environment or doing macro of dead animals
you sound like someone who should photograph anime figurines.
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I'm thinking about this. Might be fun to saw a couple into bits and paint on some gore.
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Is this the place where we post our dead animals?
I encountered this goat in Saudi I think it was.

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don't need to go the extra edgelord way. just owning any anime figurines is a sign of terminal psychopathy
I hate this board
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That was done and posted on /b/ about twenty years ago, I saved it because I'm a weirdo
Death is a part and parcel of the universe and should rightly be documented as we document anything else. These photos are nothing hateworthy as such. This thread is giga cringe tho

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