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What are your guy's thoughts and experiences with Fomapan? I want to start shooting 35mm film and I'm thinking of using Fomapan 200 as a starter film.
Never used that one, but I use Fuji 200 (the made-in-USA repackaged Kodak Gold 200 type) as my default film stock, as it's pretty cheap here. I find 200 ISO to be a good all around speed for outdoors daytime use, personally.
It curls up like no one's business. I hate it a lot for that one reason.
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its aight

picrel shot with an fe2 at box speed with center weighted metering

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forgot to add: developed in rodinal probably 1:100 for an hour
Tap hot water + photo flow your cut negs in a bucket, get 2 sheets of glass from cheap photo frames put them in the water and put the negs between the glass and sandwich flat for 2 minutes in the hot water, then pull the glass out and let it cool down to room temp still sandwiched between the glass, then hang up and dry, perfectly flat negs

I think Foma 400 is more interesting with its red sensitivty. You can shoot it over box speed, or even shoot at 100 and pull dev slightly
If you want to shoot Fomapan at 200, then buy Fomapan 400. Always assume that Fomapan has half the box sensitivity. Except Fomapan 100, which is like 80.
Some people even say that there is only one Fomapan, and box speed is just imaginary, and you just control sensitivity with development time. Take it with a grain of benzotriazole though.
Where I come from is considered the poorfag choice, or a "student film". Which I think is stupid, because it's temperamental, contrasty, hard to get good results with, and just putting off for someone new and less experienced. It was the first and only film I shot for a while and I know that many headaches and hours of troubleshooting could have been saved if I had only spent like 15-20% more on something like Kentmere.
I feel bad putting it down because it's from my neck of the woods (very broadly, but still), but it's just not a great, or easiest to work with material. Though personally I never had issues with excessive curling like that other anon.
FYI Arista Edu Ultra is the same exact stuff, only repackaged; maybe you can get it at a better price if you're really so fixed on using it. But I just saw that it looks like they might be discontinuing it and replacing it with Arista Edu DX, which I'm 99.999% sure is gonna be repackaged Kentmere (going by "made in UK" and published development times). Which is kind of telling.
Oh last thing, if it's about the money, then as always to get best bang for your buck you should get a bulk roll and cut it yourself, then you can get it down to under $4 per roll.

Which issues were most frequent? I thought it was relatively hardy and easy to use.
>spent like 15-20% more on something like Kentmere.
Europe is a strange place, foma is pricier than Kent here, nothing is cheaper for me than Kentmere400
Such is life living in the current black n white film capital of the world
>poorfag choice
it is
no čecháčci here anon
maybe some behind the curtain deal?
how much is rebranded foma film?
anyways you can order from CZ to anywhere in Europe really
shoot Kentmere if you want to use a cheap b&w film
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Buying bulk squashes the price way, way down, it's just a lot of work

FOMA is so cheap it almost makes no sense to bulk load
if my math is correct it's like 150 rolls before you break even if you are buying new

Třicetimetrová role třicet pětky přímo of Fomy je za 1040 + poštovný, to je 16-18 kanistrů. Takže, bez vyvolání, fotka za 1,5 koruny.
INB4 sousedi
Sušice? Vimperk?

Kaiser střihačka stojí cca 4000 a kazetka tak 90kč
Když to seženeš levně někde na bazoši tak je to samozřejmě nejvíc dirt cheap setup a na barvu stačí koupit roli 5207
what funny language is that, czech? If so it makes sense that its cheaper for you guys
Bruh, Vimperk

Na aukru jsem někdy před rokem sehnal kanystry Fomy 100 a 200 asi za 90 korun, dokonce skoro nový. Teď ještě sehnat věci na domácí vyvolávání...
yes we are both Czech (I think. I'm going by the fact that he is from the national park of Sumava but there is also some German bloke from German Sumava posting here so...)

befoto.cz can ship all over the world for peanuts so you can buy it for the same 110czk per rolll (4.3€) like the rest of us
>50km away
sousedi lmao

prej Foma už balí i normální filmy do těch reusable kanystrů takže by asi nebyl problém vysomrovat někde ve FotoŠkoda nebo Ultralabu kanystry na vyhození
Takže Budějice, Klatovy nebo Krumlov?

Ani nevim že tady postuje nějakej Bavorák lol.
hele napiš mi sem na throwaway email
gejzadezo69 (at) gmail.com

jj fotí Křemelnou třeba
about the same price in sweden but I prefer the contrast of foma
Nah, Polak from the south, not too far from Cieszyn originally. Like I said it's very broadly "my" area, but now that I live in the US it feels close enough lol.
Happy to see many Czechbros here though!
>Which issues were most frequent? I thought it was relatively hardy and easy to use.
Underexposed and underdeveloped. As a beginner I trusted the published specs and times and kept blaming my equipment, chemicals and process for the negs coming out thin as shit.
And after I adjusted exposure and dev times, they were still too contrasty for my liking. I guess I prefer to have much more latitude in the neg, and dial up contrast and all in post-processing/printing.
400 in rodinal was really grainy and I didn't like it very much. I got better results at 240 or 200. I have never tried Foma "200".

can I get away with bulk loading in a dark bag without a bulk loader or should I just get the bulk loader?
You can do it without a loader absolutely, it’s just more of a pain in the ass but I’ve done it before, you can also load from a full cassette to an empty, and whatever else
Fomapan and Rodinal is a nuclear combination, you either love it or hate it. Personally I think it's the one developer that lets this stock shine - if by shining you mean standing out in SOME way (grain, contrast...). It definitely gives it character beyond being a sad pile of meh as with other boring developers like ID-11.
Try different dilutions too, 1+25, 1+50, even 1+100 stand for 1 hour all give quite markedly different results.
>can I get away with bulk loading in a dark bag without a bulk loader or should I just get the bulk loader?
I can't imagine doing that. How do you measure the right length, how do you manipulate the whole bulk roll in a tight bag, how do you not get your sweat and fingerprints all over everything, how do you put the roll back together and back in the can if you fumble it up and eg. it slips off the spool or something.
I dunno, the other anon said he did it; I never tried but I can think of so many catastrophic scenarios that I am not going to. If you have any blind room (no windows) in your house just do it there at night.
i fuck with fomapan 100. haven't tried any of the others.
is that shit radioactive wtf
No, that's just black (černý) and white (bílý - from proto-Slavic "bě̃lъ").
The Chernobyl you think of is "Černobyl" in Czech. Which is "black" + "grass" (from proto-Slavic "bylь"). Or "mugwort" in English.
This concludes your introductory lesson to Slavic languages.
Pozdrav všetkým českým bratom v tomto vlákne!
drž hubu maďare
Ty svoju otvor, chce sa mi srať.

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