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Why are they so expensive? Just so people can larp that they're taking pics on film?
It's a very well made camera. You should go to your local shop and try it out - you'll very quickly see why it comes with a hefty price tag.
don't worry about it
>Why are they so expensive?
Faux riche chinese communists think cameras are an investment vehicle because of Xi Jinping's retarded education mandates. That's why Leicas and FooljiFilm cameras have rocketed up in price.

Meanwhile, white people continue buying good vintage cameras instead of communist-inflated nushit cameras like the X100VI.
its actually not, fujis WR is a joke, and good luck getting dust off your sensor lol...
Fujislug brain rot.
Maybe if it had a real sensor instead of the joke that is x-trans.
>camera market has shrunk
>economies of scale are more difficult to set
>stocking is more expensive
>JIT production
>customers have to wait now
>pretend "demand is unexpectedly high"
>play the "retro" card, 'cause "cameras were made to last" before
>appeal to "authenticity" 'cause they look like film cameras
>send the gravy train to influencers whose "opinion is not influenced by brand"
>now your mass market shit is perceived as a Veblen good
There's a lot of very mad people about Fuji selling fucking buckets of these kek
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Fuji must be the the most pissed of all, look at their track record, xpro gone, 50r gone, xt5 rumoured to be kill. They are also speed running wiping out a 70 year film production legacy. I don't think there is a person on earth that hates photographers more than fujis ceo.
The X series was only used as a vehicle to fund GF development.
>fixed lens
>touch screen
>made in china
>not brass
>surface finish makes it look like a plastic toy anyway
>most 35mm RFs are smaller, brass, have interchangeable lenses, have a "vintage film look" (since they actually take film), and cost 1500 dollars less.

Why am I supposed to want this again? Every blogger and photo YouTuber has been shilling these for years at this point. Fuji is even paying my IRL photography friends to buy these and pretend they like them. I'm not falling for it.
Bro why would we be mad? Apple sells buckets of macbooks. That doesn't mean we must admit macbooks are good, nor are x100vis. It actually tracks with over 50% of the population being functionally retarded (double digit IQ).

if they were not retards, they would pass on this pos and shoot a real leica, or buy a superior om-5. We are not retards thats why we shoot real leicas and om-5s. Also not giving money to a company that is actively hostile to film photography. I buy kodak gold and utlramax instead of the #1 cheaper fuji branded versions specifically to deny fuji name royalty money.
The fuji x100vi is already deprecated.
1/2 price leica with discounts for upgrading from the aps-c pixi.
APS-C pixii is the price of an x100vi

For the exact same reason a bayer camera has about 50% less effective resolution than a monochrome/foveon camera, xtrans has less resolution than bayer. Like with bayer, the factor depends on the color of the details, meaning for some subjects bayer is actually even more than 50% behind true color pixels/monochrome - and xtrans can fall even further behind bayer than expected if the subject detail is predominantly red/blue.

it takes 40mp xtrans just to match up to looking line an upscale+AA operation on a 24mp bayer file done in post.
>it takes 40mp xtrans just to match up to looking line an upscale+AA operation on a 24mp bayer file done in post.
interesting, can you post this example?
The corgi leica guy has it, and will probably post it later. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have it anymore tho, I don't even keep my own gear tests.

Just trust me that the x-t5 vs the zf/z6ii sensor just looked like an upscale+gaussian blur. This isn't bad, perse, effective 24mp bayer is still enough, you could say, finally enough for xtrans to line up with the ancient marketing lies fuji spouted when they came out with it (more resolution makes moire less and less likely), but it means the fuji doesn't have many advantages at all.
It is a well made camera, it's beginner friendly but looks retro, and that's it. It doesn't take much.

I have a few film rangefinders but with the rising cost of film I nearly fell for the hype until I saw it has no interchangeable lens. So went for a x-t30 body a cheap 23mm f1.4 lens, and a 12mm f2. That's my street and aastronomy photo larping taken care of for less than one of those overpriced point and shoots.
>it is a well made
Brudda, it's made of the same plastic as mid 2000s flip phones and they still dont have working weather sealing even though olympus had hurricane proof cameras in the em1 line in 2015.
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I wonder how many “corgi Leica” guys are on here. Cause I post my dawgs and my leicas but I’ve never had an xtranny cam.

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someone sold corgi puppies outside of the last CES so like, 10
Yeah I mean it won't fall apart when influencers have an autistic fit because it won't shoot at 1/2000 with iso 100 in a nightclub. But it's otherwise OK.

It is crazy how variable weather proofing is. I picked a lower spec bridge Lumix over the newer model because only the cheaper model was shock and rain proof.

If you want well made you want a Zenit with a radioactive light meter. It's all relative.
There are at least 2, very popular dig with photographers weirdly

Every photo gearfag on reddit has some its weird
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>The corgi leica guy has it
Oh you mean the 400% crops I posted, since 200% or less you all couldn't see a difference? Still enjoying Fuji, Leica, and the Zf.

The little monster turned two yesterday.

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>couldnt see the difference between 40mp xtrans and 24mp real sensor
Fuji corporate decision making at work

What are they charging us 2k post tax for? The fun of relying on manual focus?
Why are so many people here gearfags with pointy dogs
Why aren't you?
>Nice cameras are nice
>It's also nice to have a dog that doesn't stink and drool
At least I'm a gearfag that posts lots of photos, I'll take that over being any kind of nophoto
>needing a 400% crop to tell the difference between "40mp" (26mp normal camera, so actually 13mp) and "24mp" (actually 12mp)

Fujifilm thanks you for funding instax and GFX development.
>instax … development
What development? Let’s rehash the same 20 year old camera but this time add a self timer lever (wide 400). Instax is their most cash grabby low effort division, the shit sells itself so they just release a “new” mini every year that’s just different colours and bank on tweens and zoomers and parents buying them for their kids. I mean, it’s working for them, but they do jack shit with it. Even Impossible eventually released a proper camera for Polaroid, you’re telling me Fuji with their expertise can’t make anything better than the plasticky toy shit?
Every dollar they scam out of you by selling xtranny cameras goes to making slightly nicer instax ads.

And their pockets. But definitely not development for xtranny cameras. That's all on sony, or else they'd have better autofocus by now.
reminder that Instax alone does more in revenue than all of Nikon imaging
you'd think they would throw their faithful brand loyalists a bone and release a proper instax camera. or something at least like a more advanced toy ala pentax17. But nope. It doesn't make sense, they'rre happy to make pointless redundant and niche market apsc cameras so that can't be the reason why they won't do it.
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I have been on an a6000 for years and want to upgrade to FF A7iii. Will I regret not going to fuji instead? I don't want to stay on a crop sensor anymore.
You will regret going Fuji. Get the snoy. Or canikon, shit even panasoynic before foolji
I WILL get a x100.
Sadly the closest thing you'll get to a 'professional' instax camera is a modified back for a hassy/RB/RZ/etc camera.
personally I own one of the instax mini printers and use my phone (either shoot/edit/print from my phone, or tether an ipad to my A7 using Image Edge and print when i have a moment)

If i trusted fuji, i'd get the instax square or wide printer, but fuji are right cunts to their customers, so had to bet on a format that will be around for a good decade or more.

The non-x100 and non-xe foojes are actually pretty big and it's not like sony+film sims in post has worse colors, or worse weather sealing
What's a good alternative for this?
Just the GR3?
I want something small for travel.
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Literally any film camera
>bbbut muh shekels
Fuck off, for the amount of money you waste on a compact digital that doesn't take smartphone tier garbage you shoot and develop 2.5k images, and that's if you only buy the expensive shit, just use gold 200, and pic related is like $25USD
If your heart's at full frame, go with full frame.

There is no buyers remorse as bad as the one when realizing you shouldn't have compromised.

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