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>eye to discern correct metering
>muscle memory on camera body to set shutter without looking
>muscle memory on lens to set the correct aperture without looking
>muscle memory on lens to zone focus without looking
>muscle memory on body/lens combo to compose without looking through viewfinder
how does anyone gets good at all of these? plus adding a flash/switching lenses its a whole new list.
the learning curve is worse than learning emacs

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Practise, how else? You can eyeball metering pretty easily once you been shooting any camera in manual for a while. All of these things just require practise.
>muscle memory on body/lens combo to compose without looking through viewfinder
Bad idea. Unless you're going for the Trevor Wisecup snapshit style. You have a viewfinder, use it.
>eye to discern correct metering
meter once in a while and keep your settings constant. if you go into a darker part just open up a stop or reduce shutter speed a bit
>muscle memory on camera body to set shutter without looking
>muscle memory on lens to set the correct aperture without looking
memorise what setting it is currently on and you know that 1 turn to the next setting changes it. e.g. if on f8, turn twice (aperture clicks) and you are on f11
>muscle memory on lens to zone focus without looking
by using the distance markers on the lens (dont forget to go 1 stop further than what you want to be sharp). also by learning how to judge distances very well by eye
>muscle memory on body/lens combo to compose without looking through viewfinder
you should almost always be looking through the viewfinder. dont guess your composition unless you REALLY know
overall just practice
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Literally by taking pictures. Pic related is from my first roll and my latest, and I'm not even that good.
Get out on a sunny day, stick to the sunny 16 rule, all your have to adjust is focus, maybe up or down a step on shutter speed.
Were you being chased by dogs when you took these? Because I'm not seeing how taking these photos at speed was necessary.
Unless you're larping by using a camera from half a century ago I don't see how any of this is an issue.
>eye to discern correct metering
>muscle memory on camera body to set shutter without looking
Set shutter to A. Your camera has a meter, use it
>muscle memory on lens to set the correct aperture without looking
Setting should be displayed in the viewfinder. Even if it's not you shouldn't be needing to change the aperture with such speed that you can't just look at the lens
>muscle memory on lens to zone focus without looking
You have a rangefinder, use it. One of the main advantages of them is they're quicker to focus than SLRs. Or just stop down and hyperfocal
>muscle memory on body/lens combo to compose without looking through viewfinder
Either shoot wide or stop being a twat and use the viewfinder
Anon, if you're being chased by a pack of pitbulls you've got more things to worry about than taking a good picture.
>op camera is a leica
what do you think turbonigger
OP was asking how to use a range rangefinder quickly, I just don't see why these two photos would be taken quickly. Getting chased by dogs or perhaps given the locality, being swooped by magpies might explain it. Otherwise it looks like he had all the time in the world to compose and focus these shots.
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setting exposure you can usually set and forget. very rarely will it come up as a split second adjustment. forget about switching lenses quickly. just carry a second body if you need a different fl. the one you should be concerned with speed on is zone focus, which is pretty straightforward to learn if you have a lens with a focus tab. practice judging distance, then map muscle memory of focus tab positions to your key distances/zones. this is the main technique that will make manual rf faster than af

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35mm has infinite exposure latitude
35mm is so resolution it doesnt matter if you miss focus a little
>shooting blind
just crop, itll look like shit but thats le street photography
rangefinders are larping, slr is obviously better
i dont know why you're in such a hurry to take pictures? you set your exposure and then just adjust +-1 depending on what you're shooting, and you set your aperture at like f8 so you only don't even have to focus most of the time
>muscle memory on body/lens combo to compose without looking through viewfinder
wtf? did you fall really hard for the "decisive moment" meme?
don't worry about getting good quality images if you're doing street, from what I see it's not very important
>why you're in such a hurry to take pictures?

walking the city with a girl im trying to rizz, i have her pose in front of something. she poses expectantly, 20 seconds pass with nothing, her smile grows strained...
uhh a cloud and the shade is making the light weird, better make sure the exposure is set right, i have to push the button on my keks meter while aiming it at something that's middle gray to take a reading, oh oops its shutter priority is set wrong, now I either have to do mental math to correct it or fiddle with more buttons. wow i was 4 stops off. ok now i have to fondle my aperture and shutter speed dials
>"cmon anon, what are you doing?? I thought you said you were going to take a picture? ugh just use your iphone. why do you make everything so complicated.
raised the camera to my face but it came up weird and the strap is in my face, have to untangle myself, ok now im looking through the viewfinder, leveling the camera, have to find the rangefinder patch and pull my zone focus in...
>ok how did it come out? can I see it? i want to see it so that i can delete it if i look ugly
actually it's film so it'll be about 2 years until we see the photo, just loaded in a new roll
>why can't you just be normal, this is so embarrassing, why did i allow myself to be seen in public with you
it doesn't even matter how well the picture comes out
>what's the matter anon, it seemed like you had a nice camera??
how do you respond? how do you get fast so that this doesnt happen?
Just git gud. How long have you shot full manual film?
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Anon, you are just being a nervous spaz with a girl you like.
>shoot a small aperture, f/8 or f/11.
>pre-focus. street portraits are usually taken at around 1 meter. if you're sitting still, focus near where the dickheads are walking.
>don't be a pussy
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look at the fucking distance scale on these things. this is why rangefinders only focused down to 1m or .7m. the focus throw on these is unusable.

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