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File: 71-l7DfCQqL._AC_SL1000_.jpg (110 KB, 1000x907)
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110 KB JPG
So this shitter did the following:

>Day 1: shoot bunch of pics with SD card A. zero issues.
>Day 2: shoot bunch of shit with SD card B (card A was almost full). im halfway shooting and suddenly it starts taking way too much to save a pic, gets stuck so i reset it and then it tells me "card has no format/cant be accessed". reset, same shit. first time this happens, btw.

SD card B cant be accessed from laptop, same 'format' msg. NOW, if i put SD card C (random one i have, with pics from some other camera), the t3i(shit camera) can read the pics that are in it and can shoot new pics and save them no problem to SD card C. BUT it cant read SD card A now. It just says "no pictures", as if it was blank. What the actual fuck guys, whats this. I want to recover card B and know why the fuck it isnt reading Card A either.

If youre wondering why I use a t3i, its because im a Rebelâ„¢
have you taken the battery out and put it back in?
Your SD card may have died

Try using testdisk/photorec and never use the affected cards again
>omg camera killed my sd card
It did not retard.
Take your tech bullshit to >>>/g/
Go to the stupid questions thread and ask about sd cards dying.
I always reformat my SD cards in the camera after transferring the old pics onto my computer. Seems to work well for preventing any SD card error issues, at least for me. With Canon, I believe there's a "low-level format" option in the menu when you do this.
This is the correct answer at this time
The sd card slot may have oxidized, causing card read issues. You can clean it with a 50/50 solution of distilled white vinegar. Turn the camera on its side so the sd card slot is facing up. Pour the solution into the slot until level with the opening of the card slot. Allow it to sit for at least one hour, then pour it out and allow to air dry. The oxidization should be dissolved, leaving clean card reader contacts inside the camera.
card slut is ok. other cards read fine, but that particular one got bricked.

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