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Hi /p/, treated myself to a Nikkormat EL after I decided I didn't like juggling light meters on top of manual settings and focus on my Zorki-6 (well, at least not ALL the time).
Camera store guys were nice even though I was a massive sperg and I got a free Soligor 35-70 f 2.5/3.5 (no idea what a Soligor is but hey, it's free and I left all my camera stuff back home) along with a free neck strap.
But wouldn't you know it, the metering is genuinely insane. I have some Ilford HP5 in here, 400 ASA, and my new friend thinks my girlfriend's dark apartment is the brightest place on earth and wants me to set my shutter speed to 500 at 2.5 aperture. I found I can compensate for it by going down to 25 (the lowest option on the camera) and it gives me values more in line with my other equipment. Which, this works for 400, but what if I want to use 200? I'm back to using an external light meter. Maybe I should've got the N8008s...

What do? Anyone have experience with the EL? I read the manual and couldn't find any mistakes I made. Is it the lens's fault? I didnt bring any other rabbit ear lenses on this trip, so I can't rule that out. Could it be a resistor inside that needs changed out? I will go back to the guys that sold me the camera tomorrow and see if they can help, and buy more stuff from them because they were nice to me, but who knows if that will pay off.
Any advice or abuse is welcome, thanks /p/.
for reference, my phone light meter has a much more realistic measurement (in line with my Weston Master II's measure, but easier to read) and suggests a second long exposure at 2.5 aperture.
How old is the battery?
>even though I was a massive sperg
What makes you say that?
brand new, from what I could tell, the gentleman put a fresh one in before my very eyes
>asked to see some sub 1k telephotos
>guy goes upstairs and brings me a 200-500 5.6
>lets me try it with their D850 outside in parking lot unsupervised
>autofocus is disappointing to me
>lens also comes outside of itself, is really heavy
>just don't really love it for 900 bucks
>come back to the counter
>old man is gone
>check KEH
>see a broken 80-400 for a price I kinda like
>order that instead
>man comes back
>mention keh after mentioning I was disappointed in the lens
>asks if there's anything else he can help me with
>tell him I'm looking for an SLR with a light meter
>pick out an EL
>he rings me up, asks where I'm from so he can put me in the computer
>tell him I'm from Connecticut
>he mentions he visited Mohegan Sun Casino a few times and saw beautiful glass sculptures as centerpieces there from a famous glass man
>they sound amazing
>attempt to relate to experience
>when I went to Vegas the centerpieces were not impressive and mostly quite sad. the armillary sphere in one of the Italian themed ones was basically paper mache
>He elaborates about the glass sculptures
>“That's cool, the ones I saw in Vegas weren't very impressive”
>forget the word for centerpieces as he looks back at me in with concern
>“No I mean, I haven't seen the glass stuff I mean the other stuff in the Vegas casinos”
I think he thought I was retarded.
>he looks back at me in with concern
The meter’s broken. They’re pretty reliable (from my experience mucking around with FTns I never experienced a meter that was broken or off calibration) but it does happen.

Take it back and say the meter reads wrong.
KGB sleeper cell and he accidentally gave them the trigger word. Probably seething trots, all of them.
sad... I liked this little camera. I'll finish my roll and take it over to them tomorrow.
Probably fixable. Or just be a chad and trade it back for a F3.
they were really nice and gave me an FTn for a replacement, but the viewfinder is really blurry (even with diopter removed). hitting focus is really hard and the meter is also a little weirdly behaved. bros I don't wanna have to go back again :( they're gonna think I'm fucking with them...
Yeah that's not supposed to happen, my FTN was nice and sharp
I guess it's another roll and then back to the store tomorrow. GF is gonna kill me...
Why doesn’t your retarded ass check those things in the store before you leave lol
The shop assistant's flirting with him and he's not figured it out yet
Because I'm nervous and I only sorta mostly check things are working before I assume everything is alright. I've never done this before and I'm scared mostly. They're all taller than me and treat me like a girl or a lost child.
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>They're all taller than me and treat me like a girl or a lost child
When will they learn?
>treat me like a girl or a lost child
What does your girlfriend treat you like?
she bites me a lot and spergs about her finance job
>she bites me a lot
Which part(s) of you?
pretty much everywhere apart from my feet and face. it sincerely hurts and is terrifying and I have no idea why she does it but she seems to need to so it's endearing.
My cat does the same thing; I'm not sure how applicable this advice will be, but try to placate her with sardines or whipped cream.
You're living the dream, friend.
Ever bite her back?
Might try this and keep some snacks on me going forward.
Naturally, but she whimpers about it if I even do it a fraction as hard as she does.
>she whimpers about it
Cute; does she bite you hard enough to draw blood?
fortunately/unfortunately, no, but I'm covered in horrific bruises.
How early into your relationship did she start doing that?
jesus christ
The first time she stayed over at my house. She's ramped up how hard she bites over time pretty steadily. I wonder if she'll plateau before I lose a finger. If I get any kino looking injuries I'll shoot them in expired Tri X Pan and post them.

In good news, I somehow accidentally appeased the Nikon gods to make my camera magically focus. I removed the diopter and cleaned the focusing screen with a bit of fabric and now it works great. No idea why! I'm happy to welcome my new Nikkormat to the family nonetheless. The EL looked better but this guy has the shutter speeds next to the aperture control like some kinda LF lens would and I really like that :)
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It's an FTn photomic? I carried one for a while, really liked it. It's a brick. The batteries are hard to find but you know that already I guess

What lens do you have, the period-appropriate 50mm 1.4? Both that and the 35mm are nice and really give a good aspect to the image

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>The EL looked better
Also no
What did she say when you asked her why she does it?
How long do her biting sessions last?
it's a Nikkormat FTN, sorry if I wrote something wrong. or maybe NFT? I'm pretty sure FTN, even though that's the same name as a photomic prism for the pro cameras...
idk how to read the label on this one, sorry.
I like it, and I really like the fully mechanical shutter, but the EL was sexy compared to it and I miss it. I kinda regret trading it for this one but I know it was the right choice and that Hashem designed for it to happen since the EL had an electromechanical shutter and that's treif.
She used to put on a cute voice and say “It's because I like you!”, now she says “Because I'm mean!” I don't really know how to comprehend it but it's adorable and mostly harmless. The longest she's done it for is probably just under 10 minutes before I distract her with something else or she runs back to her computer to read more Tyler Cowen blogs.
oh and I would love to get my hands on those lenses, the store gave me some weird third party macro with my purchase and I went for it. should I just grab those on eBay or Keh?
Probably has to do with battery type. Older batteries (lead based, I think?) that have been remade with lithium have a slightly different voltage or something. I can't remember the specifics, but basic throwing in a new battery that replaced an older version into an old camera causes a 2/3-1 stop over exposure from the internal meter.
london filmfag?

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