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I did it bros, I won
>Snoy lens on amazon
you didnt win anything
>Sold by Amazon Sar
Good morning.
Good morning, Amazon is just as good as the others, it's from their official store
It took them 7 months to ship me my fucking pliers from Amazon U.K.
Huh really? Weird, I've got it coming tomorrow so we'll see
>85mm prime lens
I've got 24-70 and a 100-400, I wanted something in-between that for some portrait photography. I almost went for 50mm, but I can always switch to my other lens for that. I like the look of 85mm as well, it just complements really well, and I want to shoot more low light stuff and the best I have right now is 2.8, so it felt like the right lens to get.

But who knows, maybe I will end up hating it
Good choice. I was debating between this (Sigma 85) and the Samyang 85mm f1.4 last year. I went with the Samyang because of a sale they had (got it for $520 or something).

Your Sigma should be slighter sharper and render a bit cooler colors, but also has a bit higher distortion (which is corrected with software anyway).

Prior to getting the Samyang, I'd only used f1.8 at 85mm. Huge difference in bokeh quantity with the f1.4. It's more similar to my 135mm f1.8.

Happy shooting.
congratulations anon, just don't shoot rocks and leaves.
unlike you faggot he shoots female models, stick to rocks and leaves fool
>10/10 neurotypical chad
>Family man
>hangs out with his wife and kids
>shoots rocks, leaves, and normal family pics

>Virgin aspie reading a self improvement book a day and slowly morphing into andrew tate
>Everyone around him thinks he is using it as legal cover for paying prostitutes
gb2 to ifunny
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1.13 MB GIF
within every meme there is a bucket of popcorn
and that bucket of popcorn is what happened to all the kernels of truth
when you fucking roasted
(sorry for the typos im from new delhi)
>10/10 neurotypical chad
>Family man
>hangs out with his wife and kids
>shoots rocks, leaves, and normal family pics
literally me btw.
>andrew tate
Still can't believe this subhuman became popular. Murican far right is a real meme.
What's ligma?
Ligma balls.
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4.6 MB JPG
It's here, let's go!

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Which side is going in your ass first anon, thin or thick?
ohh boy, i will come back itt periodically yo see what pics you took this this bad boy, but remember, never shoot leaves and rocks
>never shoot leaves and rocks
I will remember this anon, thanks
Imagine the quality leaf and rock photos you can take with that bad boy
11 days has passed, did you take the lens for a spin or what?
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69 KB
>I won
He's shooting leaves and rocks.
What's the point of f/1.4 lenses? Literally nothing is in focus at f/1.4.
Depends how far away the object is. For example, you can shoot a city skyline at night at f1.4 and everything will be in focus (as you are focused at infinity).
Stand further back and stop being an incel adams about DOF. It is ok for landscapes and street to be a little OOF.

f1.8 can shoot group portraits if you're not in someones face
its for holding your camera with one hand 2 ft in front of your face and holding down the shutter and letting the autofocus do all the work and hoping you get 1 in focus
no one shoots street wide open at f1.4 idiot
For shooting things far away with blurry backgrounds. Shoot that at f/2.8 and you still have everything in focus.
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3.54 MB JPG
OP again, I went on a trip last week to London with this and took some shots

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>>4361063 fav
good shit OP i never doubted you, i will still be monitoring this thread for more content
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934 KB JPG
nice shots OP, better than anything I've ever done with my lens like that
>77mm filter
oh no

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This one is pretty good though, it's got a little story going on with the drink on the floor. I'd just crop it a little and tighten it up, but that's just my taste. Do you have another picture of him not looking at you while he has his phone out like that? I like those kind of pictures
>77mm filter
Yeah true

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>not looking at you while he has his phone out
yes but it's closer and doesn't have the drink
I stepped back and he noticed me
here's a crop, I just didn't do it originally because when I originally process that batch I couldn't be assed to apply manual vignetting correction, darktable doesn't have a profile for this lens and I'm too lazy to make one

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1.4 MB JPG
also to show that I use this for more than >muh bokeh
one of my shots from the neighborhood 4th of july celebrations this year

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That's genuinely awesome
File: 9.jpg (3.83 MB, 4392x6406)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB JPG

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you've now seen the only two good photos I've taken with it
excellent $1400 investment
this is another really great one
why do these photos have AI blur all over it?
because the models were trained on these types of photos
>AI blur
Fucking zoomers I swear, absolute brain rot
>replying to bait
>that green purple fringing
Are you retarded or just black?
>pentax charges almost 2k for a shitty lens
>y-you're just retarded you wouldn't get it it has soul
Just wait until you see the zooms
>isn't that the tamron that's only F mount for half as much? with the VR element fixed in place?
>pentax: yes. but we called it pentax so the weather sealing is totally better
>protip: its the same, tamron has good weather sealing because their lenses are entirely plastic and plastic is hydrophobic
kek, guess OP really did win, in comparison to the pentard
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>double the weight
>double the price
>half the IQ
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44 KB
Pentax secretly has it out of gearfags and is making fun of them by releasing the dumbest shit possible just to see if they'll still buy. It's not really meant to be profitable, it's just a printer company exec's hobby project. All they have to do is make enough money to pay for the very limited R&D - mostly recycled old tech.

This is the portrait lens "real" pentaxians use. SOVL, ala leica (meaning ancient and flawed design that's super compact and has a unique look). No reference to weather sealing but pentax already knows that water always gets past the seals anyways. Gearfags worry about weather sealing and comparing brands over it. It's a marketing gimmick. Photographers put a plastic bag over the thing or try not to get it too wet.
lifelong K-fag here the 77 and 31 are the GOAT lenses
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Perfect skin tones and just the right amount of suprise and terror in her face

Common sony W. Truly the leica of the digital age.
File: IMG11685.jpg (1.56 MB, 2400x1603)
1.56 MB
1.56 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:09:20 18:52:10
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Man it does low light so well
File: Sigma_50-500mm_f4-6.3.jpg (50 KB, 800x572)
50 KB
This is all I need.
Thats a lot of noise for ISO 800 and maybe missed focus? Or is the $1200 lens that bad

A sad case of good photos turned down by bad digital gear. If he shot this with tri-x 400 pushed 1 stop and vintage glass it would be grainier but look way better... and be $1950 cheaper.
>good photos turned down by bad digital gear.
I don't see how better gear would've helped him, i think you are eating too much shit
the EXIF isn't representative, that's ISO 800 with +3EV in post, so basically ISO 6400
but yes almost certainly missed focus, that's the power of OVF in the dark
I have the later DG HSM OS version of that lens
it's a bit shit at all settings but super fun to use, especially with how close it can focus
large insect
That's my wife, just kidding
File: DSC08255.jpg (4.41 MB, 2757x3744)
4.41 MB
4.41 MB JPG

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Worse gear would have helped him

Film slr $50
85mm f1.4 from 1980 $150
1 roll of tri-x $8

Vs $1500 pentax k1ii + $1200 hd d fa star aw wr gm 85mm f1.4 l usm g oss
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4.41 MB
4.41 MB JPG

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>OP keeps posting banger photos while we argue gear
sorry the only film I shoot is 120
show me a medium format 150mm f1.4 for $150 and I'm game
>tri-x pushed 4 stops
interesting proposition
I'm really tempted to get a Pentax 67 for medium format. Maybe I should just give up on film and invest in one of the digital cameras.
File: DSC09944.jpg (4.08 MB, 4354x6064)
4.08 MB
4.08 MB JPG
Cheers, I'm still getting used to having a prime lens finally, I like that it's forcing me to move around a lot more

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>show me a medium format 150mm f1.4 for $150 and I'm game
If you’re thinking in terms of 35mm, don’t forget you have to convert for equivalents and whatnot. This is the closest you get on the pentacks, and both versions are very highly regarded. For other 6x7s, supposedly add 2 stops to your 35mm lens to get the 6x7 equal.

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f1.4 for the lighting conditions in discussion, yeah the DoF/bokeh isn't equivalent
and my MF isn't a Pentax, it's a SQ-Ai (for now)

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