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Good morning saars buy panasonic not the sony please thank you. Please do not redeem the snoy.
I've never owned a Sony camera or any other with IBIS, but I've always wondered this. If the IS is in the lens and it breaks, you lose one lens. If it's in the body, then that affects all the lenses you use with that body. Seemed like a jewish trick from the start.
IBIS might break if you get a lot of dirt in the lens mount, but how you'd do that, without dropping your camera in mud or not using a fully weather sealed lens in super shit conditions, I don't know.

IBIS is a lot sturdier than lens IS. It's just a sensor in a tray moved floating on magnets. Even ones without sensor parking last forever. The only cameras I know of with common IBIS failures are ancient minolta designs and some panasonics
homie you good??
While I don't agree that it's anything to worry about it is another moving part that's subject to wear as well as damage from shock. Was it the Panasonics that wore prematurely or broke really easily because they used plastic in place of metal? Despite any risk I think the benefits are worth it.

By the time even a really expensive body wears out it will be worth very little, bodies depreciate much faster than lenses and to a lower percentage. A 20 year old body is pretty shit, a fantastic 30 year old lens is still really damn good.
canon just works
The panasonic IBIS failures were actually caused by total motherboard failure also affecting the shutter

i don't know of any sony, nikon, pentax, or olympus IBIS failures that weren't caused by hard impacts that broke other parts anyways, or high levels of contamination like cameras dropped in the ocean
Imagine buying a Sony.

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>sprays camera with hose
>it gets wet
>sony fixes the "problem" that only affected retards who spray their cameras with hoses
>retards continue seething at the whole brand because one camera wasn't retard proofed
This is why you people have constant meltdowns about how nikons autofocus isnt good enough and canon doesnt let you have third party lenses or small bodies or how panasonic is too big and the lenses are huge and mediocre bla bla bla

Oh if only you could calm down and buy a sony like everyone who isn't being paid to use a canon
i personally notice that they always whine about some old sony as if it un-weather sealed the a7iv but never mind similar "proof" regarding the newest fuji and actually, go "omg that doesnt matter show me your rain photos right now"
Least unhinged Snoy hater
>nooooo you can't expect a camera to survive rain!
>th...th...that's just an old sony, the new one is totally sealed!
As is tradition. Reminder that Canon and Nikon had weather sealed bodies and lenses in the fucking 1990s. My EOS 3 is better sealed than any Sony until the fourth gen.
>the third gen sonys are soooo old!!!
>The new one is totally sealed
It literally is.

All weather sealing fails anyways. I don't see what the big deal is. There's a reason everyone shot with rain covers if they didn't want to replace their camera with 3 dead buttons and a glitchy dial every few years. If it worked, they'd cover water damage under warranty.
can we see all those amazing photos you took in bad weather? can we hear about the trying warzone conditions that prevented you from putting a rain cover on your camera?

would you like to tell us about your sony hate boner when you can find "weather sealing problems" for every brand? does it ever bother you how no one complains about them? maybe make you think, you're unhinged?
>b...bu...but weather sealing fails any way
Maybe on a Sony. My EOS 3 can still take rain just fine.

>b...bu...but everyone shoots with rain covers
I've never used one, even in torrential down pours. Never a problem as long as body and lens were sealed.
>noooo every brand has problems!!!
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Oh, so you've been lying the whole time.

"Every brand has problems" because all weather sealing fails. It slows, but does not prevent intrusion. The likelihood of finding a failure goes up with the popularity of the camera with outdoorsy hipsters who don't use rain covers.
>"my sony survived the rain!!!"
>cause for celebration on a sony forum
LMFAO holy shit that's a gorgeous self own.

>noooo all weather sealing fails!!!
[citation needed]
Why isn't his sony dying guise?

How does sony get away with being the #2 brand and driving nikon into the dirt if their cameras explode when photographers do their favorite thing and spray their cameras with hoses?

Since one old sony shut off in the rain once for one youtube videos all sony cameras are LE BAD!!!!
>fuji x-t5 dies in rain
Shills never care, because shit happens
Why isn't it dying?

Why did it die?
>I have autofocus problems with my omd 5 II. It was in a bag during rain, and water somehow managed to get on the surface of the camera. Since then the autofocus doesn't function when shutter release is half pressed.
How? it was le weather sealed
Howww? Olympus is le weather sealed

Because weather sealing is luck. You hear about more problems the more popular the camera is. They are not actually waterproof. Essentially, it can survive light rain with minimal control use but anything that moves breaks the seals when it moves as does any sand/dust/dirt being rubbed against the seals during that action.
All cameras suck, except human brain
>soulful artifacts, pincushion distortion, aberrations, vignetting, blood vessels covering the sensor
>all removed in post by the brain

no thank you it's the worst camera, if anything its on par with AI slop because it literally hallucinates some things into existence
No, you're just schizophrenic
God forbid I make a joke on a Scandinavian lacexmaking forum.
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Fact: Sony has the best image quality mirrorless bodies (much better IQ than Nikon). Here is an image sample taken on a proper Sony a7rIII full frame body with the latest lens.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-7RM3
Camera SoftwarephotoWORKS23
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)32 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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GPS Differential CorrectionNo Correction
>With the latest lens
It's literally the lens off a disposable being sold by some nobody from korea and yet it's getting close to nikon's pancake

Even canon's isn't very good. Sharper than nikons, but still vignettes a lot and has external focusing and focus breathing.

if you want a good pancake you need to skip full frame entirely and buy a fujifilm. It is not physically possible to design a FF pancake for current mirrorless mounts except for the much deeper leica M mount, which doesnt even support autofocus. The excessively shallow mount specs disallow internal focusing and high levels of correction without the lens protruding dramatically.

FF pancakes died with film.

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Canon chads keep winning
God, that's sex.
Too bad Canon doesnt have an M6 MkII body with EVF and RF mount.
Going to a store today to try out the R7 and R8 and hopefully pull the trigger on either or. Faggots can claim blob all day long but that looks mint.

At least they managed to give it filter threads without depending on a length-doubling lens hood
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>Still quieter than the loud noisy Samyang toy pancake and infinitely superior IQ
SNOY shooters never stood a chance!
Enjoy your f/4.5 third party Viltrox as your last hope.
Canon won.
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>infinitely superior IQ
You sure about that, Clive?
This has to be fake. There is no way the Canon is that bad.
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Clive, we know you're blind since you shoot Nikon. Have some more pics, this time of your favorite shooting subjects ;)
Are these from the new iPhone?
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You know where came from, Clive. Don't feign ignorance.
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>Here's that flagship Sony pancake lens I was telling you about!

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sony is about equally pajeet coded
>Sony flagship
It's a budget focused samyang lens.

Remember, clive, you gross little hapa incel, sony isn't making a 1st party pancake because making a good FF pancake on jap mirrorless apparently isn't possible with a reasonable budget. The other FF pancakes have external focusing and poor/no weather sealing, and only canon's is somewhere near good. It's also pointless because these cameras are so large a pancake has 0 advantages.
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>It's a budget focused samyang lens
>Remember, clive, you gross little hapa incel, sony isn't making a 1st party pancake because making a good FF pancake on jap mirrorless apparently isn't possible with a reasonable budget. The other FF pancakes have external focusing and poor/no weather sealing, and only canon's is somewhere near good. It's also pointless because these cameras are so large a pancake has 0 advantages.
Nice self portrait

Gonna go bang my hot asian fling while she lasts ciao bud. She's from korea, just like the based samyang remaster slim.
he's a ricecel? that explains why he's so obsessed with lenses being slightly shorter
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>Imagine buying a Sony.
>Even Sony lenses are ACK-ing themselves
What anti-sony nikon cocksuckers lack in veracity and sense they make up for in spamming the entire board

And yet the 10 people here who actually take photos shoot film. We use snoys to scan the film. Lol.
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>shooting with a Sony
>Shooting video with a still camera
>using a stills only camera
I wish they had a stills only camera, you fucking kidding me? Video and hybridization of ruined photography and I hate all you fucking scum for it who gobble it down.
Just get a Sony. They can record videos but not for long, so it's essentially a stills only camera anyway.
I was actually thinking Nikon should have made the ZF a stills-only camera, ditch the U-Joint rear screen and fix it in place. If you're going to make a camera with a classic UX design, then make it for a pure photography shooting experience. But I guess $2400 is a lot to ask for a still camera.
Brainlet take. Every modern camera is just a capturing device that can record both stills and videos. You would be literally restricting half of the function of the device if you made a "stills only" camera today.
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Simply epic
That movie mode really ruins the photography experience, man.
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JFC that's pathetic. Please tell me that was at least 4k120p
really does
>a pure photography shooting experience
what could be more pure than flipping the screen around and ignoring it entirely
if you dont want to flip it out, dont flip it out?
>why cant my photo camera handle 1 hour takes shooting 4k slow motion video?
And this is why FF bodies keep getting bigger. More heatsinks! More empty space! EVEN FUCKING FANS. COOLING FANS IN CAMERAS.
For some garbage video spec you never needed or wanted until mr marketing told you.

Movies are not stills. You factually do not and can not benefit from anything over 1080p unless you build a massive home theatre or are filming for theaters - in which case you can should snd probably already did…
Buy a dedicated video camera if its for more than a 10 minute youtube video. Most pros do because they need to take photos while filming anyways.

It is the technical equivalent of buying a 100mp medium format camera when you cant print bigger than 8x10.
Speak for yourself I bought an 8k tv so i could sit 3 feet away and tell the difference between all-i/longgop and 4:4:4/4:2:2

>He's too poor to pixel peep his video in real time
>He has to settle with ordering big prints of his cats, or pausing and zooming in on his tiny screen
Zozzle get on my level poorfag. Snoys are garbage if I can not pixel peep hours of 4k120 footage of my cat being adorable. Netflix approved or it's not up to my standards.
Australia pls go.
>be nikon
>muh overheating!
>force people to use CFX B cards for at least one slot to quiet overheating whiners who insist on shooting professional video... with internal storage.

>be panasonic
>muh overheating!
>release a model with a built in fan instead of pretending photographers buy panasonic cameras. everyone knows panasonic cameras are for indie filmmakers who can't even afford a nikon.

>be canon
>muh overheating!
>err 20

>be sony
>both slots take either SD or CF cards, videofags are encouraged to use external storage for the codecs and modes literally only professionals can benefit from without zooming in 200% on footage
>muh overheating!
>"its not our fault you used the wrong memory card for fucking cinema grade video that cant even be appreciated without an 8k projector you retard. external recording is the standard for the entire film industry. we should know, we're the principal camera supplier for hollywood and almost every major broadcast news station."

Next up, nikon cameras won't turn on without a warning message if your CFXB card is not CFXB 4.0 and your video recording location is not the CF slot.
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>I've never had any problems with Sony camer-ACK!
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>force people to use CFX B cards for at least one slot
The funniest thing is that due to their use of CF-B, the only camera in their lineup with dual CF-B slots is the gigantic one with the integrated vertical grip. Somehow they couldn't fit even dual CF-B on the gigantic Z8 (or was it due to overheating issues?) while Sony seems keen on having dual CF-A/UHS-II on all full size FF cameras moving foward.

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