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L-mount is a bit shit and the buttons don't feel good to me on the S5ii. Other than that, it's just 4chan autism
Is the S1 line kill? Why the hell did the S5 get a refresh before the S1/S1R/S1H?
i dunno, seems okay to me
t. micro four LORDS
they're basically pentax of the modern era. They exist for doing good but nothing great.
Lmao. Tranasonic uses other camera brands pictures to market thier own slop; see s9
L-mount is the problem.
It's not 4chan autism, it's actual fucking autism.

Imagine not being able to adapt lenses across cameras from the same brand in the same era.
There are no adapters to adapt L glass to micro four thirds so you can't use a MFT body without buying all new separate mount glass.
Of course you can mount MFT to L with an adapter, but that's less commonly something that people want to do.

Panny needs a better future. This ain't it.
What's great is the price. S5 is super cheap and 1.8 unified primes are pretty good. The new macro is also an innovation. At least something new in the last 10 years of camera innovation. How is that not great?
Why would anyone stoop so low to use micro4turds if they already have a Leica?
They don't have a Lieca.
They have a panny fullframe (for stills, etc) and maybe a MFT for video.
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>1.8 unified primes
somehow even more souless than snoy

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Define soul
Why is 18 so big compared to 85
shouldn't smaller lengths be smaller?
No, it all depends on coverage of sensor, f number, number of elements and electronics
It depends on quotas set by investors and executives, as well as it being cheaper to re-use the same housing for different optical formulas
You're not wrong but housing is the least expensive part of modern lens assembly.
'ate them
Love me S5
I mean, do you use FF on AspiE bodies and vice versa too?
FF glass on APS-C bodies gives you a longer effective focal length while benefiting from less vignetting since you are shooting just the center of the lens and ignoring the edges.
APS-C glass on full frame sensors is not as good as full frame glass but you can capture more of the image circle with the larger sensor, making it an upgrade vs APS-C on APS-C.
Can be neat if you like shooting squares.
Smaller lens + bugger sensor = vignetting
Big no no in photography
Imagine a little tradeoff.
You get some serious corner vignetting. Sometimes, depends on the lens.
In exchange...
You get the ability to crop 4:3 3:2 2:3 however you want from within the square.

It has its value, but obviously isn't as nice as shooting equivalent focal length FF glass on FF body.
Can be used creatively. Can be cropped out. Can be digitally corrected to a point.
Not really advocating for APS-C lenses on FF, but vignetting can be based
if you're chasing spec sheets, sony is that way --->
if you're chasing fun and soul, fuji is that way --->
if you're chasing alt, pentax is that way --->
so whats the fucking point of panasonic+canon+nikon?
Canon has the best spec sheets and software/processing/AF especially with their R line.

Nikon and Pentax some of the best colors, better bodies than Canon in terms of durability/longevity and better ergos/GUI than Sony

Panasonic if you want to take video, really no point in them otherwise.

The real question is why bother with a Sony or Fuji? At least Pentax I understand keeping the DSLR alive at the low end and cross compatibility with 50+ years of lenses.
Tried that, camera was a piece of shit to shoot with. They should stick to making sensors and leave camera design to camera companies.
>Fuji: Soul
There is no such thing as a soul, so as a concept it becomes entirely subjective & whatever you want it to be. And I think a Fuji has about as much “soul” as a cover band act on a world tour. Even if it started as a fun project, it’s just a business now.
all camera brands basically do the same shit. pick the one you think looks nice or has buttons/menus you like
wow someone who actually gets it lol. I bought my camera because the screen flips in a way that I like, it's a square, and I can click the back wheel to zoom in
Low capability outside of video codecs
Desolate mount

If you're a normal person and want a small capable camera, sony
If you're self conscious or attention seeking and don't want to answer the wrong questions about your camera, especially from men, fuji
If you're an aspie hipster, pentax
If you're an aspie hipster whose hobby is color grading videos of birds, panasonic
If you are a paid professional who requires a robust global tech support program and your employer purchased your camera, canon
If you are an angry internet gearfag who hates sony for reasons you'd realize aren't relevant or possibly not real if you touched grass, nikon is barely staying alive just for you. Just hope you never have to get it repaired!
Having hands bigger than a small woman's is disliking a brand for irrelevant reasons

This is why no one takes Snoy redditors seriously, you're all built like women and need the petit little cameras for your bitch hands
>Im manly because my camera is big and ugly
the duality of incels
Big camera people are the equivalent of nerds who carry their nintendo switch and thinkpad in public
>a MACBOOK? what are you gay? cant lift a real laptop, soi consoomer? hitler would have-
>*THUNK* wow aluminum hurts
ok bitch hands
>incel is a submissive beta male, tries to reclaim his sense of masculinity by carrying a big ugly camera
>just looks like more of an incel especially for thinking he's manly for carrying an extra pound (wow, one pound. you're so strong) and a blob that is big and ugly specifically to make it easier for people with arthritis to hold on to it

so, heres the camera for you
>If you're an aspie hipster, pentax
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>t. tiny hands

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Irrational snoy hater got btfo here

Remember back when photography wasn't a female hobby and the only cameras were compact SLRs and fuckhuge large formats? Those were the days. No sissy grips either. And then mothers entered the market wanting nicer photos of toddlers running around. All of a sudden, zoom lenses and grips everywhere.

Soul is the most retarded bit of fucking cope on this entire site

Nothing? Perfectly serviceable mid-range camera other than slightly weaker AF than Sony/Canon, but fine for most folks.
/p/ is full of canon and snoy shills these days. the s5ii is easily the best enthusiast-tier FF, if you take price in to account.

It got unfairly lumped in as only worthwhile for video, but the stills camera not really any different (in any way that matters) from an r6ii or z6ii (and apart from the evf iii). Even the a7iv only has a slight resolution bump advantage, and all of those cameras are still more expensive than the s5ii

anyone who disagrees will just be posting tip-top gear autism
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huh huh
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panasnoynic are so mentally retarded. they could have had a comfy niche in m43. but no, they really want to fight canon, sony and nikon in the fool frame game. fucking idiots. not even OM pisstems is so retarded

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>muh playstation toy
>sony slipped my dog weed!
bad rolling shutter
l mount
bad skin tones
t. darktable nigger
jfc you sound just like a pentaxian, calling something no one in the industry cares about innovation
What macro is an innovation? There's nothing knew last I checked, just an expensive oversized and underperforming system with some gimmick like pentax - pentax had their above average WR, panasonic has... video codecs.

nothing, panasonic seem fine, i remember back in 2002 i got back into cameras and bought my first nikon f mount
The housing itself isn't expensive, but the tooling needed for 4 additional housings is.
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I've been shooting mine for just over an year now and I'll tell you whats wrong with it, L-Mount
panny glass is just too expensive for what it is, thats pretending the "pro" line doesn't exist as its probably more overpriced than leica glass for the quality
so you're mainly left with sigma and some samyang lenses if you want native glass
I'm very happy with the camera itself, not to say its flawless but with recent firmwares vastly improving AF and adding useful features such as pre-shutter burst its quite well rounded
I wanted a camera that can do it all pretty decent and this does, having features that enable it to take any type of photo quite easily
battery is still good for 800+ shots a day+minites of video
you can map almost any buttton to almost any setting, and there are settings for everything I've needed, back priority focus, preset custom modes, extra boost IS for video, great IS in general, etc.etc.
also I've owned the following lenses
20-60 lumix s: sharpish on 24MP, good for the price and size
50 1.8 lumix s: wide open sharp center, blurry and abberated edges, pretty for some photos, not idea for night shots imo
70-300 lumix s: very sharp at around f8, small and light
50 1.2 sigma: beautiful lens, so creamy and sharp at the same time, not sure its worth the tag considering the next lens exists
24-70 2.8 art mk2 sigma: quite sharp and beautiful as well, used a lot recently

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>Having hands bigger than a small woman's is disliking a brand for irrelevant reasons
I have huge hands but prefer my Sony A7C cause it fits in my pants pocket.
Sigma 45mm f2.8
Lumix 100mm Macro
Lumix 28-200mm
Most people with huge, strong hands do like sony ergo. If you have small weak hands the grip does you no favors and the buttons are too hard to reach.

Small and weak hands benefit from more ergonomic design with big soft cushy hand shaped bits and big easy to find buttons. Hence how most childrens toys and old folks computer shit is designed.
No actually most people with huge strong hands like canon
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I wear XL sized gloves but prefer Sony since it's close to the perfect size with an L-bracket, which I keep on 100% of the time. The only cameras that fit my hand properly stock are the Z9 and R3, but those are way too bulky for casual shooting.
>Sigma 45mm f2.8
don't mind the 50/24-70 weight and size
>Lumix 100mm Macro
look quite good but the 300 has done it for the macro I've wanted so far, can see myself buying the 100 tho
>Lumix 28-200mm
looks decent as well but I already own superior lenses to cover the range, I don't mind swapping to the 300 occasionally so I have f/2.8 on the low end

what I would get next is either more reach(500mm prime/600 zoom) or a fast 70-200 for museum snapping since they're quite dim usually
but for now I'm content fully
>fast 70-200 for museum snapping
Isn't a fast prime better suited for this?
it's going to be both, cheaper and faster
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nothing exists for L between the sigma 135mm and 500mm ones afaik, which is another reason L is shit compared to others
and I find myself constantly wide to fit big guns, tanks and what not, then zoomed back to try and get details or small pieces

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Wow that's a great idea
>and I find myself constantly wide to fit big guns, tanks and what not,
You can use 70mm as your wide angle there? Man you must have some spacious museums in your neck of the woods. Every now and then I find that I can't back away enough for full profile views and the like with a 24mm equivalent.
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I don't see it as a good idea for anything besides gimbal use and as cost savings for panasoynic. If you're putting lenses in a bag or case you'd have no clue what lens is what if you have either top or bottom exposed, or if it's on the side and rotated away from the label.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D Mark III
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 9.2 (Macintosh)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2020:04:06 10:52:33
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As much as I don't see any advantage to them all being the same (except for Panasonic who save a few cents) this doesn't exactly seem like a fatal flaw either. If you absolutely must know at a glance which is which and simply can't just remember that where in the bag this or that lens goes then just put some coloured tape markers on them/their lens caps or something.
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>put some coloured tape markers on them/their lens caps
yeah good luck with that when all cap sizes are the same and you swap one or two. even if you bling your lenses out with labeled stickers I don't see that as anything other than annoyance, especially when cap sizes are the same. and honestly, who the fuck puts lenses in their bags front side up even?

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>those sexy af caps
fuji wins in kino department again.
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I use the 24-70 for wide already, 70-200 would be for close ups

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-S5M2
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.4.3 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)70 mm
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It's when a product is bad or really cheap but still really useful anyway

Like a crt tv or a cd player
Oh no, think of all the pictures you'll could have captured spraying and praying while you look for your lens for a completely inconsequential amount of time
Why not just get closer?
Because if he starts clambering over the exhibits and breaking open the display cases they'll throw him out, and then he's even further away from the items he's trying to photograph.
>who the fuck puts lenses in their bags front side up even?
Well you obviously won't, since you're actively trying to make a problem out of this.
I like Panasonic because it aesthetically matches all my kitchen and home appliances and I like to stay loyal like that.

Better than Apple, although if Apple would start making cameras and home appliances I might be tempted to switch
Dual phase linear motor focus system, which enables it to create much smaller lenses than were previously possible, is a rather good innovation.

But keep gulping down the same Canoniggor slop when they know you'll buy anything and they don't even have to try to please you or make anything new.
Panasonic always focuses on what is least relevant to photography and most relevant to masturbating to camera technology don't they
>no time for good autofocus for explorers and professionals trying to get once in a lifetime shots. we need more video codecs so camera conspiracies can film reflected leaves on moving water and zoom in 500% to compare the interpolation.
>no time for better designed bodies instead of the largest and boxiest FF mirrorless. we need to make our specialist lens an inch shorter.
>no time for focusing on better color science or lenses with more soulful rendering, this is a specs brand
Panasonic is what sony haters think sony is (what sony actually is: minolta with new funding)
If you miss focus with any camera from the last decade and a half that's a skill issue, bro. No cap
>color science or lenses with more soulful rendering
That's also a skill issue if you don't know how to edit. Way to out yourself as a poser Fujifag. Go copy another skill simulation.
>That's a skill issue bro
Low grade mirrorless autofocus is worse than what you get in an SLR viewfinder with the sole exception of doing close ups with lenses that have a lot of focus shift. Meanwhile the cheapest and lightest canon MILC is a true "oh shit moment" camera, simply point and shoot. It's the digital telephoto equivalent of leaving your rangefinder at the hyperfocal distance. Something you can't even do on digital because no one has focus scales anymore.
>not wanting to NEED to edit is a skill issue
For over 100 years every photo had good colors because it was film instead of a log gamma. If you didn't have a vision in mind besides the colors that were there, it would already be good enough to show to people.
>Something you can't even do on digital because no one has focus scales anymore.
focus peaking, my boy
if the screen turns green you're set
It's really a skill issue because you're employing other people to do the editing for you, film stock inventors and the developing technician.
>bought paint huh? skill issue.
At some point you cross from reasonable to linux user.

It's the point where you go against what the vast majority of working photographers consider relevant (good autofocus and colors) and think that's a skill issue and what really matters is "dual phase linear motor focus systems"
Things I like:
>direct recording to SSD/nvme
>full frame open gate recording
Absolute deal breakers:
>L mount
>No FE mount adapter
>Useless AF
Good AF + FE adapter would equal more sales and I'd consider one. Otherwise I'll hold out for open gate A7siv (not likely though kek) or 2nd hand A7siii
I hear alot of shit about the auto focus but as an S5 user I've never had an issue with it. Its fast, will focus on who I want, and if it gets confused by a scene I can just tap the screen to tell it what to focus on. I am not a professional by any means but I still don't get what people think is so bad
there are different kinds of standards for AF
>"close enough for 1000x600": pentax
>say cheese/building corner/flower/cat: nikon, panasonic, fuji, olympus
>sports/dogs/wildlife/action/one handed selfies/video/candids: canon, sony
All the talk about "shit" autofocus is from gearfags who have watched to many YouTube "reviews" where "people" who know nothing about about photography beyond reading spec sheets say that it isn't as good as the latest offerings from Sony/Canon, largely because somebody else said that.

They actually have no idea how to evaluate af performance or what makes af "good". Chances are they've never even used the camera they are shitting on.
In case of S5 they were shitting on AF because itwas hunting while vlogging outside.
How many of us use cameras to vlog here?
When I say the 20/1.7 is shit because it focuses slow it's not just for autofocus
It focuses by wire so if the mechanism is slow, it's slow for manual focus as well
>Nooo please nooo muh panasonic is just as good if not better! Anyone who criticises panasonic for not performing as well as other cameras in the same price bracket is just coping over how much better it is
See >>4357913
>but it focuses on my cat when i press the button!
Not an argument. Is strawmanning really the best that snoy shills can do?
But it focuses on people! PEOPLE!
I really like my S5, got it cus I rented one before for a cheap short film I shot in school and I really liked the result. The kit lens is really really good, and I love how it renders for video, plus the codec is very flexible for color grading.

That being said, I come from shooting Canon and I just don't really get how to get the colors the way I did with my old Canon. I really like the higher detail and low light performance (going from APSC to FF) though.

Feels a bit limiting to only do video, but it does it really well, so idk, any tips for getting better colors from JPGs on the S5? Any way to get more out of the inbuilt picture styles? (or tips for processing on the photoshop RAW processor)
>Desolate mount
That's more the fault of Leica developing the mount, it only recently became an open standard
Learn Darktable or Lightroom
trying out darktable and it's very good, feels better and more precise than lightroom while still feeling easier to use

thanks for the tip!
do it again with a 25/1.8 on the oly and fuck off about depth of field
>Micro four thirds fags are now against equivalence
Oh a f3.5 lens would be smaller than an f1.8 lens? Well two can play at that game

Nikon cameras butt ravaged Canon in recent tests, nice try.
>one handed selfies
Just stop
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Which nikon did the butt ravaging?

The ergonomically crippled oversized fujifil xt5?
Or one of the 3 oversized aps-c cameras?

This was with the f1.8 lenses that are the size of everyone elses pro f1.4s, or the amateur f1.4s that perform like DSLR glass and are the size of the f1.8s?

When will nikon make a normal ass full frame camera with competent autofocus? And fix their lens bloating - or is that a necessary consequence of that Z mount and all its yet to be seen benefits (f1.8s the size of f1.4 GMs kek)
This is a pretty fair evaluation. the 20-60 is surprisingly nice. Probably the best kit lens out there.

L-Mount is frustrating, as you can smell the Leica presence all over everything. It's not as if Panasonic doesn't know how to do small/light. The 12-35 f/2.8 and 35-100 f/2.8's are smaller than the similar Olympus lenses.

Odds are, Panasonic wanted to go to full-frame and chose L-Mount because they could force Leica to open the mount up.

Why? I'm pretty sure Panasonic assembles all the Leica cameras that are not the M-series, and probably makes all the Leica SL/S-Primes. If you're buying an SL series, Q series or Lux series* camera, you're buying something Panasonic made. I'm pretty sure that's why the S9 doesn't have a viewfinder. I don't think Panasonic was so stupid to position the S9 as a ZV competitor. I believe Leica threw a fit at the risk of having something that could crush Q3 sales. Same reason the S1RII is delayed to 2025 (SL3 sales).

It's always going to be madness land in L-Mount because Leica is involved, and likely has a mutual reliance/suicide pact with Panasonic on production.

*(everyone knows this about the Lux series to be fair)


You might want to consider the Sigma 105 f/2.8 Macro. Honestly, my favorite lens. I think it is incredible; there's a really sharp jump in IQ with Sigma Art lenses. Hard to explain.
f number is a physical spec. You seem to be confused.

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