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M43 sister, what have you been up to? I know, I know, we're adventurers at heart and go out and shoot rather than debate on a mongolian anime figurine shooter board but summer's coming to an end.

Let's bring back /m43/ and get those fool framers shit their pants because they spent 4 times as much for 8 times as bad cameras.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating1600
Lens Aperturef/1.8
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance0.98 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
Image Height2592
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
>Olympus 1500€ body only
>Full frame Panasonic S5 900€ body only

I shoot M43, but I post in photo generals because gear threads are killing this board.

The S5 is an out-of-date model.
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Why are micro four thirds gearfags so aggressive and obnoxiously wrong on literally every website? Why are they incapable of just posting photos and positivity instead of being angry at better cameras?

Their personal results dont exactly corroborate their angry gear rants either lol
Threads like this are retardation in pure distilled copium form. Thing is, if you strip exif nobody is going to bully you for posting M43 in any other thread. OP is a faggot.
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They wouldn't get any attention if they just posted photos without trolling.
abuse victims
Dogs with cameras thread?

You did your image wrong, you're supposed to show the dog with the camera
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I want a Pen F digital so bad bros. But it's so expensive. Why won't the new owners of Oly re-release it???
>repackage em5iii without weather sealing meme and worse ergos
>retards pay 2x for it
Worked for Fuji. What does OM have to lose?
>worse ergos
I am not 80 years old
Dead eyes, so sad to see
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2.11 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance7.27 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
Image Height2592
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
>pitbull nigger
whew, the memes write themselves
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2.3 MB JPG
yes, want one, too. but I'm not willing to pay the bidenomics price for it :(

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/800 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance12.25 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width2589
Image Height1942
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
File: P9060055.jpg (2.08 MB, 1924x2565)
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2.08 MB JPG
I'd be so over it! om-5 in pen-f body would make my dick explode. unironically

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Subject Distance4.77 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1924
Image Height2565
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Call branchanon

I have news for him. he's not the worst on /p/ anymore.
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2.07 MB JPG
show photo, foolframer. oh you can't because you're afraid of the outsides? gee, your parents must ashamed of you

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating800
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias-1 EV
Subject Distance128.68 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1935
Image Height2580
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Wait is this the guy that bad faith trolls and forgot who he was? These photos are a mess. Lots of autistic attempts to line structures up perfectly failing hard, crappy fake grain overlays, literal snapshots of garbage, and a blurry pitbull in a house that hasn't been cleaned since january

Must be your first time using a camera instead of trolling /p/

Maybe try cats until your skills improve? trying to line up the underside of a bridge doesn't work for ken rockwell and it doesn't work for you
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it's crazy how much I like the OM-5's black and white OOC. previous image is edited with Capture1 and my favorite B&W preset. this one is OOC (you can see how I'm too dumb to hold the camera straigt).
ffs not even my nikon z can achieve this goodness @ bw

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareVersion 1.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
Image Created2024:09:06 17:20:50
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width5184
Image Height3888
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
File: P9060073.jpg (1.98 MB, 1944x2592)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB JPG
C1 edit
fuck fool frame

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance13.15 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
Image Height2592
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Can confirm. My rectum has been perpetually occupied by at least one family member throughout my life and M43 is my format of choice.
>Im as bad at editing as i am at taking pictures so sensor size opinion

maybe one day you will take a photo of a natural feature while traveling or a person or even people doing something
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>posts no photo
man, I wish you posted a photo. so I would have read your brainslop.
from now on: if you want a (you) better post a photo

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareVersion 1.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
Image Created2024:09:06 19:14:20
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating1600
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width5184
Image Height3888
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Damn op this is embarrassing for you
aye. he is more irony than man. is mft the depressionmaxxing system?
damn this is hot. wish it wasn't so old tho
Ah yes, a made up term, used to describe a condition caused by the last guy, being applied to a used market good. You should probably just stick to smartphone photography. It's simpler for your challenged brain
this 100%. trump is a stupid nazi turd who caused all this mess with his unsafe vaccines
Oh, you're doubling down on the stupid, okay. It was the vaccines that caused hyperinflation, not the slow, dishonest covid response, the tons of gibs to corporations, and the massive tax cuts to millionaires. I really hope this site starts sliding back to pre-2016 behavior once he loses this fall. Maybe then we can get back to format wars without some brain broken troll bringing up that fuck every thread
Good to see that the mere mention of M43 still causes unending seething due to it's superiority
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1.42 MB JPG
>communists destroy the economy

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating400
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Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width2748
Image Height1832
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Please tell me how communists destroyed the economy. Also please tell me why you didn't get that wind turbine out of the frame.
File: P9070148.jpg (2.44 MB, 1944x2592)
2.44 MB
2.44 MB JPG
didn't read post because no photo attached

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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Exposure Time1/60 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
Image Height2592
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
So you concede. Cool. Goodnight
File: P9070170.jpg (994 KB, 1944x2592)
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994 KB JPG
>still nophoto
sad, get your social anxiety treated

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Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Exposure Time1/640 sec
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
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Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
>some fag is so butthurt about m43 he stays up late at night to seethe about them in 4chan
Get a life bozo
Read Hegel. Trump is just a figurehead of the antithesis. Ie. if it was not Trump it would have been someone else. Synthesis must occur, it is inevitable.
hegel was a retard though
>some fag stays up late at night
he's german and the whole thread is him samefagging

it was a building problem starting with reagan. trump vs kamala is a red herring. both candidates are plants. the (((parties))) decided no one else would run. tell me which democracy has a primary, and then replaces the populations selected candidate with one of the parties choosing and begs the population to go with them to defeat the felonious buffoon who was placed by the totally unaffiliated enemy party that totally isnt in on it as it tried to discourage anyone who wasnt him from running and the rich corporate donors made sure only his campaign would see widespread success...

america is NOT a democracy and has not been for nearly a fucking century.
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2.55 MB JPG
so what did you shoot today? oh you didn't leave your home because the fool frame setup is too heavy? K E K

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareVersion 1.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Image Created2024:09:08 05:52:19
Exposure Time1/160 sec
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>you're talking about him right, r-right?
It's you who, in the best case scenario, were up at 2 am to post while butthurt
Get some help
>pay attention to meeee
whats wrong not shooting street because you’re scared
File: P9080166.jpg (1.18 MB, 2592x1944)
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1.18 MB JPG
I'm not a pervert

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/100 sec
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width2592
Image Height1944
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Retards pay 2x the price of a Fuji X100V when other Fuji models do the same job arguably better. Today the look of a camera matters as much as the output when all cameras are basically good do-it-alls unlike 10 years ago.
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3.09 MB JPG
Beware of invisible fish
Had to take her to the vet after she got BTFO

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
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Image Created2024:09:09 14:51:42
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Shooting ModeProgram
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Only if you are a Larper
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1.36 MB JPG
>no stop enjoying your tools, you dumb larper. you must be mega autistic results oriented like me, reeeeee why will no woman sleep with me?
get fucked, incel.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 6_2
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1.21 MB JPG
invisible fish? are those common in europe, too?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
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White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
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3.58 MB
3.58 MB JPG
Story as old as time, some fag bought a bunch as pets, they escaped their pond and now they took over everything
poor girl never knew what hit her

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-GH5M2
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)50 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:09:09 16:47:56
White Point Chromaticity0.3
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Shooting ModeProgram
Flash Bias-1.00 EV
>I can only enjoy my camera because not even I can enjoy my photos
Checks out.
Does it bother you that even with a $600 lens on a $1200 camera, your dogs mustache is made of cyan and magenta and it looks like a 2009 digikam with bokeh?
Hi m43 sissies, I'm trying to decide on a small body so I can keep a tele on my em1. I like the look of the 12mp ep1 but the price for a clean one is about the same as an ep5, and I hate paying hype tax. I don't know anything about panasonic so would like recommendations there. Will be mostly using pancakes so IBIS would probably be beneficial
Too late hype tax is universal

Perhaps you should buy a sony nex 5n
Capture one does not support the 12-45 f4

Dafuck? It supports the fucking kit lens. This is the shit you expect from darktable.
Capture one only supports gear thats bad, good, or great. Not gear thats shit. Its a program for pros not poors.
If you don't mind losing one of the top dials you can get an E-PL9 or earlier E-PL series for fairly cheap. You could also split the difference with an E-P3. The E-M10 original is also about the same price and you get a viewfinder with it.
The GX80/GX85 are pretty universally liked, as are the GX8 and GX9.
nice shot
Keep in mind the GX85 has that funky field sequential EVF (flashes between red/green/blue really quickly instead of refreshing all colors at once at a slower pace) instead of a normal progressive scan screen, which can be distracting or even nauseating depending on how sensitive to that kind of thing you are. Usually you'll notice if you also easily notice when older laptops and phones flickering from using PWM to dim the brightness.
>field sequential EVF
I don't notice it at all, only heard about it in reviews (gx85 owner)
there's like 8 different f/0.95 25mms and they're all manual focus china number wan stuff. who buys them? for a whole $100 more you get the voigtlander 25 which is probably the only one of the batch worth a damn, including the meike that looks like a direct china clone of it.
I've yet to see a good m43 picture, all they shoot are rocks and leafs
File: black-trees_v1.jpg (467 KB, 1200x800)
467 KB
467 KB JPG
Everyone shoots rocks and leaves.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R50
Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.2.0
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.0
Lens NameEF50mm f/1.8 STM
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width6000
Image Height4000
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Image Created2024:06:01 16:40:59
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Subject Distance3.500 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed244
Color Matrix33
the voigtlander 25 isn't even as good as an entry level sony 50mm f1.8 or nikon 40mm f2. sub $200 lenses on the used market.

you'll never actually need f0.9 anyways because even on the $700 voigtcuck lens f0.9 looks like a shitty chinese lens and you'll end up stopping down to not have soviet lens tier soup. its also manual focus only, on digishit bodies where mf will never be as fast, smooth, and natural as manually focusing with a big and bright OVF.

if you wanted wide apertures and le light gathering you would have bought full frame or one of the increasingly cheap fuji gfx bodies (i saw a gfx100s be listed and sold for $1700 yesterday). m43 is for being a cheap and convenient snapshit machine. a good companion for a medium format body for those days when you might take photos but aren't planning on trying to take anything specific, good, or important.
>m43 is for being a cheap and convenient snapshit machine
I wish the manufacturers would realize this
>still thinking this much about how other people spend their money
How deep in the red are you?
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351 KB JPG
>my money my choice
>so what if i consoom funko pops and smoke weed all day
>what r u poor
>imagine caring how other people *hits vape* spend der monees!
Manchildren, FFS. Do you play your nintendo switch in public and wear shirts with japanese cartoons on them because "men dont care what people think"?

Girls must think you're awesome with your $2000 digital camera you struggle to use just to get the same results as their iphone. "Hold still, I paid extra so I have to focus it myself and zoom in while pressing all these arrow keys to figure out if its in focus! but it's f0.9!"

This. Holy shit all this gear and equivalence calculating to shoot rocks and leaves and you guys get mogged by a fuji x100t off ebay and literally any street photography.
>Hold still, I paid extra so I have to focus it myself and zoom in while pressing all these arrow keys to figure out if its in focus!
Unironically sums up the gearfag/poorfag meta. Nobody gives a fuck how little/much you paid for something. Doubly so, if you have to be less convenient and fast as a phone could be, since that's the "normal" person's benchmark. The only people who are going to give you a pass are a select group of autists on /p/.
I can focus and shoot with my rangefinder in less than 0.5 seconds.

You are just poor and retarded
Taking forever for a photo is only cool if you have a giant old timey box camera. If its digital and you cant point click and have an awesome photo that mogs a phone you did literally everything wrong.
A rangefinder or slr isnt a digital mirrorless camera (aka EVIL - elec vf interchangeable lens)

Rangefinders are cool. Mirrorless cameras are dumb.
>expensive thing exists
File: trollercoaster.jpg (77 KB, 430x615)
77 KB
it gets funnier/dumber when you realize whats actually going on here

sois overspend on toys just to appear cool or "btfo" the other sois on the internet. most people on /p/ with expensive gear only bought it so they could tell /p/ they have it. their 3000x2000 photos dont look any different.

they unironically spend money to troll 4chan
that is literally, unironically what gearfags do
they spend money to troll 4chan

they also spend money to fit in here.
>someone comes to /p/
>suddenly they buy what makes them cool according to /p/ memes

there are people here who only bought a nikon zf or a7r something because they post on /p/. if they never found /p/ they would have never bought the gear. they'd use total normie setups like canon rebels with kit lenses and maybe a 50mm.
Have you ever been to /gg/ on /mu/? They do the same thing. Literal beginners buying gibson les pauls to ”btfo the poors” and pretend to be successful when they actually have credit card debt or resold it after taking a bunch of pictures
I haven't seen anyone trying to own "the poors" by showing off gear
You perceive it that way because you're just jealous
Just tell any fool framer their shit sucks and behold
>u poor u poor u poor?
this was a shitpost thread from the start and i'm ashamed of both this board and myself for posting here
File: 19204148.jpg (86 KB, 971x1034)
86 KB
>this was a shitpost thread from the start and i'm ashamed of both this board and myself for posting here
Its literally the same resident /p/ schizo that continues making up imaginary scenarios and writing angry wall of texts about it and then samefag agrees with himself that is in every thread shitting up this board
If you made a gear thread you deserve it

If its a gear thread every post should be greentexts and frogs until it dies

This stops when mods enforce a new board rule: keep gear in /gear/

OP is too fucking autistic to make a normal photo thread. He had to include a gear flamewar in the OP and every post he made. So he deserves it too.
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2.74 MB
2.74 MB JPG
I was banned for being racist lol. Made me go out and take some pictures with my OM-5.

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File: P9140817.jpg (2.92 MB, 1944x2592)
2.92 MB
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Why dont you go out and take photos? All it takes is getting banned for being racist!

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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/800 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/5.6
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Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
Image Height2592
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
wow racists take awful photos
File: P9140822.jpg (2.7 MB, 1944x2592)
2.7 MB
2.7 MB JPG
at least we take photos. SLAVA UKRAINE

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better than that snoy schizo that only takes photos of rocks and leaves in his backyard
File: P9150649.jpg (1.24 MB, 5184x3888)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB JPG
Bought an oly last week, took a picture of a pretty flower today :)

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Image Created2024:09:16 02:42:58
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absolutely based
>he thinks hes better than someone he imagined
certified racist

its a stupid camera but you already mogged op
File: _1250902.jpg (2.01 MB, 1800x1199)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:09:16 17:29:37
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lens review tier test shot
This is really nice, it took me a moment to get it
File: _1250869.jpg (2.58 MB, 1800x1349)
2.58 MB
2.58 MB JPG
But wait

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:09:16 19:50:43
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This is embarrassing. The whole fucking thread cant compete with a photo of a flower.
File: _1250870.jpg (2.37 MB, 1440x1800)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB JPG
Okay, you can have another one, but it's the last one, OK?

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Image Created2024:09:16 19:58:44
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Are you even a photographer or are you a utilities inspector who came here to gearfag over things other than transformers and wire gauges?
No you aren't getting any more, maybe ask again tomorow
File: P9070110.jpg (911 KB, 1944x2592)
911 KB
911 KB JPG
bros, I lost my tripod. can't find it anywhere. :(

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Exposure Time1/60 sec
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Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
File: 20240916_0046.jpg (2.01 MB, 4725x3786)
2.01 MB
2.01 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:09:16 12:45:46
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>take photos
>wow these look like shit
>go into settings, lower sharpening, change coloration, change gradation, enable Super Fine output
>take more photos
>wow these look like shit
>load raws into converter of your choice that isn't named OM Workspace and doesn't force more sharpening and smearing than a 2014 Motorola phone
>do nothing else
>wow these look fine!
is this the Real M43 Experience because it sure feels like it

there's some old train tracks not too far from me with parallel old utility lines all loaded up with old glass insulators and i think they're just the neatest thing. was this with the panny 100-300?
i'm curious to see some examples
>was this with the panny 100-300?
Yes, that's the one, affordable while being decent enough, I am tempted by the 100-400 but I don't think I'd gain that much with it, maybe I'm wrong and it being a panaleica makes the cheap one feel cheap, I'm not doshing out $1000 to find it out desu.
I want to spend money on a wide or standard prime for my E-M10 mk3.
Currently I have the 14-42mm kit lens and the 40-150mm telephoto. I combed through my SD's metadata to see what I usually shot at on the kit zoom but only really saw that I shot inconsistently between 17 and 25mm. Usually somewhere around 20mm exactly. My budget is $200us and I'm shopping secondhand gear.
I am weighing some of the following options:
>the 20mm Lumix meme lens (afraid of slow focus, especially on an mismatched body - also it's at the bleeding top edge of my price range)
>the 25mm f1.8 Olympus Standard lens (afraid of it feeling slightly narrow for what I usually take pics of but it seems like an inoffensively well-designed piece of glass at a good price)
>the 17mm f2.8 Olympus pancake lens (seems to be the roughest optical design, one with a lot of software correction baked into the camera software - it is cheap though)
Anyway I'm open to other recommendations on the mount. Again my two main goals are to have a wideish lens for pocket use, and to get better results than the 14-42 m.zuiko kit lens.
I demand more, but you're going to have to post RAWs next time if you want any thanks.
They don't call it Micro Four Turds for nothing, buddy.
All camera JPEGs are awful but Four Turds is the worst offender. You need to shoot RAW, as you should, but it's even more important with Four Turds than anything else, except, maybe a smartphone since all smartphone post-processing is literally unusably bad.
The Panny 20 1.7 does sound like a good fit for you, and is the only one that's really somewhat pocketable from your short list. Definitely a sharp little lens but does have some fringing problems, probably even moreso since you're using it on an Olympus body, and the autofocus is absolutely slow (ignore apologists online who say it isn't) especially on an older Oly with neither regular PDAF nor Panasonic's depth from defocus as options. The Oly 25 1.8 is really good and trades blows with the more expensive and Leica-branded Panasonic Leica DG Summilux Leica 25 mm 1.4 ASPH Leica™ (depends on whether you want better corner sharpness from the get go or a little more fastness to work with), but would definitely be too tight if you're mostly shooting around 20 or less.

The 17 2.8 should be put directly into the garbage where it belongs. unfortunately it doesn't have many alternatives there other than the big Sigma, the spendy Pana Leica 15, or the Oly 17 *1*.8 (which would be my all time favorite if only it was a little sharper/had better QC, everything else about it is good, all metal, quick as hell focus, light, and has the focus clutch like the 12 and the Pro lenses).

It's a funny name. Micro Four Turd Ferguson.
File: P9070108 1.jpg (1.76 MB, 1944x2592)
1.76 MB
1.76 MB JPG
don't let the best thread on this godforsaken trannyboard die

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File: mft v phone.jpg (1.99 MB, 2763x1250)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB JPG
Is micro four thirds really that much better than phonesnaps?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Height1250
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File: P9140856.jpg (3.72 MB, 1944x2592)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB JPG
no, but it's way more fun than dicking around with a virtual shutter button in some photo app running on a satanic mindcontrol machine

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/500 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/5.6
Exposure Bias-0.3 EV
Subject Distance43.40 m
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width1944
Image Height2592
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
>those sharpening halos
"No" then
so sad to see
poor thing
imagine dishonoring your dog by making them exist in the same building as a baby sensor

how cruel. that should be illegal.
File: lol.jpg (153 KB, 947x304)
153 KB
153 KB JPG
What did you do to this poor photo?

is this actually a phone photo with swapped exif? are we being trolled?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width947
Image Height304
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
+Sensor size
+Actual telephoto
+Actual buttons / ergos
+Camera specific functions and software
+Shoe for flash / mic etc.
+Muh grams

M43 is absolutely a step up from phones so long as you bring it with you. The real cope is that if you're willing to put the money down, you're probably better off going APS-C instead.
File: ffvm43.jpg (3.35 MB, 3602x3601)
3.35 MB
3.35 MB JPG
Just get a full frame camera or go straight to medium format.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.34
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
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Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:09:07 10:26:32
Exposure Time1/200 sec
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Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModeOther
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FlashFlash, Compulsory, Return Not Detected
Focal Length24.00 mm
Image Width4500
Image Height4500
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
ps: i used topaz photo AI on the right side
Why does mft make your dog look fat?
Because she's in the fluffier half of her coat cycle
Kinda looks like ozempic face on left. You sure it's just fur loss?
She did lose 5lbs because she gained some weight recovering from her spay, but mostly its just a bad angle from micro four thirds being uninspiring to use
Holy shit foolturds actually is that bad

Just get an old apsc holy shit hahaha
nice AI spider
No AI on that one, the camera just naturally looks like that
its not an iphone? its mft? why does every mft photo look SO BAD
You are witnessing the TRUE power of micro four thirds, friend.
Because it's a budget snapshit system

You can get an ok body and two-three zooms for the cost of a single decent FF mirrorless, otherwise it has no point outside of some models that are actually camera-shaped camcorders
basedget snapGOD system
Yes, behold it outresolving 8x10 film!
How dare you utter such blasphemy!?
>doghair and huskyfag killed another mft thread
always in the same place always doing the same thing
i swear to god they’re two personas of the same poster (along with cANON and cinefag)
>make one silly post(>>4362725)

are you sure these are your pics? i saw them on flickr.com
nice colors and mood
shit composition
I hate my phone, so for me it is.
File: P1020301.jpg (1.31 MB, 1201x1600)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB JPG

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Image Created2024:09:21 23:53:26
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White BalanceAuto
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Gain ControlLow Gain Up
File: ptard.jpg (700 KB, 1000x1233)
700 KB
700 KB JPG
>Just get a full frame camera or go straight to medium format.
You hate him because he tells you the truth

Anything under FF is just cope, and FF isn't even that good.
Life is cope.
Full frame is so good compared to mft, and yet so bad over like, iso 800 (but this thread knows it as base iso). You really need to shoot medium format (film) at least if you care about pleasing photographs, but ideally 4x5 or 8x10 with development and printing tailored to each exposure. A fuji gfx would make a decent snapshitter or scanner. Apparently they can go all the way up to ISO 3200 and still look good thanks to the wonders of 100mp dx medium format.
File: fax.png (1.55 MB, 1153x1193)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB PNG
Not exactly. Cameras can only go up to ISO 1600. We still have room to improve and make larger sensors.
File: IMG_2780.jpg (1.46 MB, 3024x4032)
1.46 MB
1.46 MB JPG
good morning. what did you shoot today with your micro four thirds camera?
File: P9220530.jpg (3.8 MB, 5184x3888)
3.8 MB
3.8 MB JPG
I shot street outdoors lol
File: IMG_2808.jpg (4.1 MB, 3888x5184)
4.1 MB
4.1 MB JPG
fucking basket weaving forum. how am I supposed to post OOC jpgs when the file size is limited to potato?

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Camera SoftwareVersion 1.1
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Image Created2024:09:22 06:16:08
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File: IMG_2829.jpg (4.48 MB, 3888x5184)
4.48 MB
4.48 MB JPG
I shot a fuckton of trees in fog. Was a nice walk. You should go out with your OM SYSTEMS OM-5, too

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareVersion 1.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution600 dpi
Vertical Resolution600 dpi
Image Created2024:09:22 06:54:16
Exposure Time1/160 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
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Exposure Bias-0.7 EV
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length17.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width5184
Image Height3888
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Micro Four Turds usually come with built-in pop up xenon flash, making it objectively more versatile and the ideal snapshitters platform.
Until smartphones can rival what disposable cameras gave people (a fucking flash) they aren't really good for anything but snapshots in bright lighting.
The biggest problem is your phone made your dog look like a faggot with all its denoising+sharpening+AI faggotry.
Until that stops happening, four thirds will reign supreme over budget phogrography.
Also many four thirds lenses own whatever your smartphone lens can deliver.
>No AI on that one
we can see the AI, not even medium format can capture this
WHAT you don't like what based AI computational photography algorithms in your phone do to your images? you must be a queer!
File: DSC_9645.jpg (4.21 MB, 4024x6048)
4.21 MB
4.21 MB JPG
I also took my Z6II with me. But I didn't shoot much with it. OM5 is just more fun :)
This is not an image taken with a Z6 II, this is AI faggotry.
File: DSC_9632.jpg (1.89 MB, 1981x2978)
1.89 MB
1.89 MB JPG
nope, OOC z6ii

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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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is $2000AUD ($1330USD) a good price for g9ii or should i wait another year or two?
its $3000AUD new
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for that money get full frame, bro
OM-5 is a snapshoot system. only good if you have anything proper as your primary system already. don't spend fool frame money for micro four turds

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i primarily use super telephoto lenses (800mm) which would overall be much more expensive on full frame and also uncomfortably heavy

i inherently distrust you for using the terms fool frame and four turds
you wankers are worse than the console war faggots
>FF isn't even that good
maybe you just dont like cameras, that leaves you with only medium format, most of which are stupid to use or gimped in some way.
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>i inherently distrust you for using the terms fool frame and four turds
what are the proper terms then, normie?

on topic: 2/3 the price is a good bargain. if you need the g9II now get it. otherwise wait and get it later. your aussie prices are retarded though

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Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
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>Micro 4our 3rds
Don't buy M43 as a primary system for anything other than video on a tight budget. What the fuck do you need 1600mm reach for? I'm sure a Canon R7 with the RF 600/800mm f/11 would be a decent choice and you'd be using an adult camera. Even f/11 on APS-C would be as wide as M43 f/8(?) which isn't too bad for $2200-3000 AUD
>your aussie prices are retarded
It's fucking terrible anon. I don't understand how they gape us so hard and justify it.
>what are the proper terms
FF, m43, mft
every time i enter this thread its just constant shitflinging about m43 vs FF, i hate it

>2/3 the price is a good bargain
thanks. i read that used camera prices go down about 5% a year, does this sound right?

i use the 100-400mm panasonic lens, i meant 800mm FF equiv sorry

i mainly want to upgrade for video and megapixels, my current video autofocus is unusable and 16mp isn't the best

>Canon R7 with the RF 600
i don't doubt it could be better but its overall more expensive and im in too deep with m43 lenses and cbf selling everything for a loss
>thanks. i read that used camera prices go down about 5% a year, does this sound right?
no idea but the g9ii is currently the best M43 body out there. it's only downside is the size but only if you don't want to attach big lenses to it. that body should be good for 5 to 10 years so why would you worry about price depreciation? I mean you aren't a gear fag that's switching cameras every 3 weeks, anon, right?
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oink oink

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>I mainly want to upgrade for video
>I already have lenses for it
While that thing is an actual garbage photography camera compared to a canon r7 or r8, you are one of the few people who actually stands to benefit if you mostly do telephoto video. It's all it's good for.
No, it's not AI, and it's not even macro, it's just flash.
>inb4 dead link
3 day life, if its dead your ISP is blocking catbox, use a VPN

How does everything you shoot turn to mush?
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Orympiss color science numba wan
it's called fog, gearfag. if you left your basement once in a while you might encounter it
why won't you use your nikon?
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2.18 MB JPG
No this is mush too >>4363164

And this
and this

Maybe you should pay someone to edit you're rawdog files

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I don't see any mush. But then again I don't 400% it with my nose on the monitor xD

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Equipment MakeOM Digital Solutions
Camera ModelOM-5
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/400 sec
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ISO Speed Rating200
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Focal Length17.00 mm
Image Width2592
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Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
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>Your monitor:

It was exchanged for a better camera

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>thirds guide
Huh, I thought Olympus used a golden ratio guide instead. Did they add that on the EM5 Mk3?
welcome to /p/, photos are just extra console war ammunition and you WILL pick your favorite team and you WILL shitpost forever about garbage and avatarfags and you WILL NOT ever believe "the one you have" is acceptable
So this is the supreme sharpness of micro four thirds that we are supposed to accept after spending $2k? A $300 canon 6d would mog this extremely hard.
Anon this is the same retarded board that calls a 20-60/3.5-5.6 kit zoom one of the best lenses for their system lmao, I wouldn’t take any opinion on here seriously ever.
No that guy thinks its disposable shit
It would mog it, but this things purpose is being a crappy companion camera that takes up very little space in the bag next to a medium format camera and has a kit-zoom tier lens that does 0.6x magnification. If it falls into a large body of water or something, no big loss.
that isn't m43
No, but it’s the kind of mongoloid low iq opinion that’s all over this board.
Spoiler: the entire board is low IQ opinions about cameras that posters don't own and will never own and only care about talking up (for their own e-peen) or shitting on (to inflame other users).

Go outside. Take photographs. Stop browsing /p/. There is nothing good here.
Aw did someone call your snapshits bad?
The panasonic kit lens thing is "anything but fucking SNOY!" syndrome, unique to 4chan and certain brand specific forums and *rumors comment sections.

Gearfags consider sony extremely divisive, while in real life people consider them the most generic and neutral cameras on earth.
Does anyone have the 12-100/4 pro? It looks appealing as a sharp superzoom with IS but I'm worried it'll be annoyingly big on my OM-5. The 12-45/4 and 40-150/4 pro together are about the same size and have more reach, and neither would be too big on the camera. I just worry the 12-100 won't be enough reeeach. I like the plastic fantastic 40-150 and have some nice shots from it, so maybe I'd be happy with a 14-150, but the wide end isn't as wide and the long end's a bit slow. I do like how the pro lenses render too.
Also, should I get the 12-40/2.8? I have a "heavy" mft kit with an OM-1 and 40-150/2.8 that I quite like. I've heard good things about that lens and could see it replacing my 12-45... and it's pretty cheap now. If it renders like the 40-150/2.8 I'd be a happy camper.
The 12-40 is optically inferior to the 12-45 by a decent margin. All it has over the f4 is capture one support, the dumb slidey focus ring, a button, and a stop of light.
>why would you worry about price depreciation?
im looking at it from the POV of a buyer trying to save money, not worried about selling it in the future

FF telephoto lenses are just too heavy for me anyway
i never use tripods, handheld only. when your trying to hold it steady for 5min recording some bird weight matters a lot
id downgrade to a 300mm m43 lens if it was as sharp as my current one
not him, but was looking at both the 12-40 and 12-45; is f/4.5 (eq) to f/8 (eq) not that big and i should just suck up and understand i won't have DEEP CREAMY BOH-KEH on m43 unless i'm using a 1.8 prime? that one stop of light is really two stops after all
tested out the 1.6gbps 4k prores video yesterday. unbelievable.
Huh, is it that much worse? I've heard people really like the 12-40 and the stop is nice. The 12-45 is good for sure, I just really love my 40-150/2.8 and figured the 12-40 would also be good.

The difference is 5.6 equivalent to 8 equivalent. Whether or not that matters depends on you. 5.6 at 80mm (equivalent) isn't exactly going to be a bokeh machine but at MFD it's perhaps better than you'd think.
Apparently the 12-40 kind of falls apart at the long end according to chartwank
The 12-40 is not even as good as the sony kit lens (28-70mm F3.5-5.6), and it's considered the best zoom on micro four thirds that is not a $1500 "leica" f3.4 equivalent
Well, I suppose I'll just keep a fast prime in my bag when f/4 isn't enough. Thanks! Maybe I'll look at one of the 1.2s.
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This picture makes the helipad look like a miniature from the Thunderbirds, thought it was cool.

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I can see it, yeah. Or one of the miniature-using cold openings from the original Twilight Zone run.
anon with the biceps of the gods
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I grew up seeing my dad shoot nikon film cameras with huge motor drive grips, so I've always been partial to bigger cameras like that.
But yeah the E-M1X has been pretty heavy to lug around, I love it though :)

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holy based. how can one spend money on FF when m43 can deliver quality like this?
It looks a lot worse than 35mm medium speed film. Spend 20 dollars on a 35mm camera and you'll be there.
>what digital did to that poor tree

>the fur
you really need 25mp for todays big ass desktop screens (but for foveon, only 8mp)
It's official. M43 shits all over fool frame:

all i see is two gearfag boomers creaming their pants over taking boring photos of cars and street signs with their $2000 boomer blobs

I didn't listen to a word they said, I flipped through the video to skip to the photos. Then I knew I made the right choice.
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Here's more

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As a noob, which of these should I get if they were the same price:



-Sony A6000

I'm aware that the latter isn't 4/3.
Sony and I say that solely because the E-M10.3 severely cuts down on features (both customization and performance) compared to the E-M10.2- things that make no real sense to have even changed, like getting rid of the silent shutter setting, getting rid of MySets (the 5.3 also did this) and thus the extra PASM spots but NOT adding extra C positions to compensate like the EM1 Mark 3 does, turning four physical buttons into fixed function buttons instead of almost every button and switch being customizable, etc- and unlike the EM5.3, you don't get the newer 20MP sensor with PDAF to compensate for the cut features elsewhere.
By the time you get to the EM5.3 you can feel the reality of Olympus’ declining market position stand out. The 5.3 feels worse, has some odd issues with shutter shock and worst ergs than the 5.2

The EM1X is a baffling camera release, but I’ve always wondered if the plan was to release the OM-1 to revitalize the company, and then do an OM-1X as a solution for those interested in a gripped body design.

Either way, it doesn’t matter in reality. Olympus spun out the camera division, and OM is an exercise in managed decline. Instead of getting a meaningful evolution of the OM-1, we got a software upgrade in the OM-1.2. The promised 50-200 f/2.8 never materialized, and Olympus released the 150-600 which is a rebranded Sigma. It’s overpriced vs the Sigma it is derived from, but it’s cheap vs the 150-400. Pretty clear it exists probably as a stopgap to keep people from fleeing due to the lack of a “braggable” super telezoom. OM is a sales/marketing company for the OM-1; everything else is tertiary.

It’s pointless though; the Canon RF 100-500 is a better lens than either at half the cost, and in a system where you can run a dedicated APS-C body for wildlife, and FF for portraits/etc.

Also MFT cultists bitch about Sony nonstop because the A7 is the same size as the OM-1.
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Cool shot but why'd you make it so dark?
>ITT: SNOY fool framers getting schooled by a smaller sensor
Eh, having used both, the OM-5 is much better than the 5.2. The biggest downside is the all plastic design that ruins compatibility with the capture clip, which would otherwise be such a good fit for that line. The sensor is much better, the IBIS is noticeably better and it can do HHHR, which I use pretty much all the time for landscapes. I haven't used the 5.3 but I've heard it's pretty similar to the OM-5.
I think the high end, heavy and expensive lenses Oly was pushing and OM continues to push are dumb though. I'd like more like the 1.8 line, or like the 20mm f/1.4 (optically not great but form factor and speed wise) or 12-100mm f/4. The f/4 pro line is great in general, as silly as f/8 equivalent "pro" lenses sound they are sharp, small, all metal and weather sealed. It's basically all I want from the system.
The rumored 50-250 f/4 lens had me more excited than the 50-200 f/2.8, which had to be pretty damn big with a 77mm-ish front element, likely bigger, and would probably be heavier than the 40-150mm f/2.8. An f/4 in that range would be a lot better for the system, especially if it had IS, and could be about the size of the 40-150 f/2.8.
There's current, dubious rumors of Sigma helping out with new lenses for Oly, and they have a good track record when they actually make MFT designs like the 75mm f/1.8. If that materializes I'd be happy. You're right about OM though, generally speaking, but Sigma is a glimmer of hope at least.
The last thing you should do is listen to these people and buy any micro four thirds camera that costs over $500. It's a dead end system that is locked by the laws of physics into pretty bad image quality. If you're spending big bucks on the om-5, em5-3, etc, you're so close to just buying a good camera like an a7iii or z5 or something that you're crippling yourself. It's not even significantly smaller unless you compare it to a DSLR and all of m4/3s gimmicks only work on totally motionless subjects. Just water and wind can make the gimmicks useless.

Micro four thirds only has two useful-ish gimmicks left and that's very long macro lenses with autofocus, and very slow telephoto lenses that are equivalent to things like a 200-800 f8-11.
I just wish they had the budget to remake the 'semi pro' 1.8 primes with weather sealing and a little better QC, like Panasonic did with the PL 25 1.4 II. They had a great line of small, great and fun primes, and IMO should have stayed there and kept going- an Olympus 25 1.8 II with the snap focal ring like the 12 and 17, or their own take on a 20 since Panasonic showed even an ancient pancake can be sharp as hell and combine it with updated AF tech, and NOT making automatic MF assist a Pro only feature- and instead they went full retard and made bigger and fatter and heavier lenses to compete with the much-money and heavy PanaLeica lenses, and then Panasonic went even bigger and jumped to full frame anyway so OM was left with their flaccid knob in their hand.

The whole system has so many lenses that make you go "This would be perfect, except for ONE THING that spoils the soup," and I kind of hate it more than if everything was just the same kind of mediocre across the board.

He only got two replies and both of them said to buy the Sony, anon.
If you just ignore the weather sealing BS because it doesn't work anyways (salt water is a notorious exception to WR claims - because it's highly conductive, unlike rainwater which is borderline incapable of shorting out weak circuits, and *some water always gets past the fucking seals*) olympus never had any problems
china run oly lenses definitely had problems, they probably couldn't get them to actually meet standards reliably which is why everything chinese was moved to vietnam later, while japan-produced stuff like the 25mm f 1.8 stayed in japan
it's part of why even now the 17mm has a reputation for being so weak and with such a large quality lottery
Yeah agreed.
>and instead they went full retard and made bigger and fatter and heavier lenses to compete with the much-money and heavy PanaLeica lenses, and then Panasonic went even bigger and jumped to full frame anyway so OM was left with their flaccid knob in their hand.
My theory's always been that camera sales did badly over the 2010s, but did the worst for anything except pro cameras, so brands were scrambling to seem "premium" in some way. E-M1X was probably a ramification of that, as were the f/1.2 primes and the fuckoff huge "fast" telephotos.
>The whole system has so many lenses that make you go "This would be perfect, except for ONE THING that spoils the soup," and I kind of hate it more than if everything was just the same kind of mediocre across the board.
Exactly. For all the complaining I do about the direction MFT's been going I really love the gear I do use, I just find myself frequently wishing for just a few more lenses, or that the lenses I have did one thing different. The potential is what kills me.
12-45 F4 or primes? I bought an EM1 for tele but I think it can be my only camera now. I don't need the extra speed of the primes but I've never used a zoom before and they seem kind of gay.
>I've never used a zoom before and they seem kind of gay
i love zooms and would always choose them over a prime
>just walk closer/further away from subject
you don't always have this much control, especially with wildlife

zooms also make it much easier to find and focus on a subject, then zoom in
I fucking hate zooms that are “twist to use”. It’s always another point of bullshit to trip over between flicking the camera on and getting the shot. It makes me want to kidnap the designer and give them a great big firm spanking.

on, as they say, the.. …fffff….. buttocks.
how red they are
how would you design a zoom that isnt twist to zoom
He wants servos
Zooms are handy. That lens is sharp and focuses very close. It pairs well with a prime but if you're not shooting dark places or action you can often get away with using the camera's IBIS. If you don't mind the size and losing macro, people have good things to say about the 12-100 and it balances well on the E-M1 line. For tele the 40-150 is a more natural choice fwiw. The 300 is also excellent.
Did you get the original E-M1? That body is pretty outdated although it's a classic.
Thanks, I might've moved the exposure slider and forgot it there
If you look at the same pic for long enough it becomes "normal" to you
Go try it, stare at some ken rockwell tier photos for a while then look at something that's desaturated, it will look B&W at first
Ren Kockwell is not a good basis for any sort of photographic comparison. The boomers his age don't have enough cones to detect colour properly anymore and anyone with normal functioning vision will unanimously state his photos are eye-searing.
ken rocks, satan
Anyone have experience fixing the stuck-shut shutter on the Pen Lite series? Thinking of buying one to repair
that old flat-head, illiterate, charlatan-ass nigga?
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Used G9ii price on ebay: $1,910AUD

Australian government charges (L1) $95AUD
Duty tax processing (AV) $22AUD
GST on importation (TX) $181AUD
International transaction fee $58AUD

Total tax/fees: $356AUD (all hidden costs when purchased)
Total price: $2266AUD
Brand new G9ii price in Australia: $2,560AUD

So basically i saved less than $300AUD for buying used...
Step one: Don't be Australian
You guys don't just get grey market stuff from Japan?
this was from japan, proper camera shop though
Might as well pay those 300 to have a warranty just in case
thats a good point, probably worth it
oh well too late now
you people must see those numbers over the lifetime of that body. if you're not an absolute gearfag who gets every new model you keep your cam for at least 5 years. suddenly it's less painful
We do, and Hong Kong. Thing is you don't really save that much. Cheapest deals I can find will save you like $400 on an R8 or R7 and honestly I'd rather have the warranty. The difference on an R5 is more like $1000 AUD
just fly to Korea and get it for $1200
New YouTube Video Dropped:
>spent that much money on a baby sensor with 4x the noise at every ISO and sub-nikon autofocus
You should have got a fuji instead lmao, much better cameras. Micro four thirds is either a straight up scam or budget digishits with no inbetween.
mft shilling
FF users
>taking the same & better photos
Amazing how mft users are the exact same everywhere

Blind and angry at full frame
I couldn't even get through the start, it was so retarded
>Full frame can't stop down!
What a fucking retard

All they have is FPS that's only good for blurry focus stacks because the autofocus could never keep up with it for action unless they shot at f11 equivalent (conveniently, the widest aperture of your average mft zoom)
Micro four thirds users haven't heard of sunny 16
>ff: f/16 1/50 iso 50
>mft: uhhh f8 1/50 iso...12?
>ff: diffraction corrects 45mp file and downscales to 25mp
>mft: diffraction smeared unless going down to 12mp
You don't even own a camera
rent free
full faggots are really something
mft chads I completed my setup
>DCC18 USB-C dummy battery
>30k mAh 9V/3A power bank
>USB-C 2230 10gbps SSD enclosure
>512GB m2 2230 SSD
>deity d4 mini

infinity 4k100 recording
And my phone still takes better pictures.
you don't own a phone or take pictures.
the 20 mm is fast enough to capture walking persons with the autofocus. It does not bother me and the em-10 + 20 mm are a good match. Image quality should be the best of the three.
There is also the panny 14 mm 2.5 but it's obviously wider but also very small and the image quality should be very good too.
The truth angers the baby sensor baby so much they MUST post twice.

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