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Hello /p/, I plan on going backpacking for a couple months around the middle east and Africa and usually I would take my film camera but as I want to take videos I have decided to buy a mirrorless.

I was just about to buy a second hand Fuji X-t3 which looked perfect for my needs and price point but then found out it doesn't have in built stabilisation which isn't good if I want to make little films especially as I won't have space to lug around extra gear like tripods and stuff. So I would like to know what might be a better option around the same price?

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a sony and a sealed will for your family when you get robbed and murdered for being white
Panasonic gh7
GR, small enough you can keep it hidden in your pocket most of the time and it looks like a shitty old film point and shoot, bonus points if you get a used one that's a little worn
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just get it with an ois lens like the xf18-55

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareCapture One 22 Windows
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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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The one you have with you
Your phone's
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OM-5. it's the best currently for travel. superb weather sealing, 2x better image quality, 4x less weight. what's there not to like?

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Fuji’s autofocus can’t hit a barn door and it’s overpriced

If your budget permits I would go full frame Nikon or Sony

Alternatives are apsc Nikon or Sony
No thanks that looks like a very effeminate camera. Also I prefer the colours on the Fuji.
Won't this limit me to just zoom lenses though?
Now that I think about it is IBIS just autism? Because most cameras historically have not had it so is it actually necessary?

I've never owned a camera which has had the feature before
>effeminate camera
>but wants a fuji
l m a o
A sony. Preferably an a7c, since it's the first "new" one with the improved pentax-grade weather sealing and better canon-like color science.

Sony water and dust protection is now better than fujifilms. Significantly. It went from as good as fuji (works sometimes on flagships, also fails sometimes) to as good as pentax (takes saltwater splashes to fail) for models after the a7iii/a7riii.

Don't listen to this guy. He used to have a nikon Z6II but broke it in a fit of tardism so now he's coping by being the most obnoxious m43 fanboy on earth.
>one with the improved pentax-grade weather sealing and better canon-like color science.
you are just making it sound awful
>You misunderstood, I want my camera to break all the time and have offensive colors that wash out peoples skin and make them look like wax corpses
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>2x better image quality
g9ii MOGS you, om pisstem shill

its over for that dead company. go snap your plastic tripod mount off lol!!!!
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Oh of course,

Fuji BTFO! Decisive panasonic VICTORY
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$1899 plus tip and lenses that can shoot equivalently with full frame are $1k each

And the noise in real photos, not shadow recovery, is still bad
But just look at that shadow recovery
you mean shades of desaturated brown?
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I still have my Z6II but my OM-5 is more fun to shoot :)

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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)70 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
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>imagine missing exposure by 6ev
how often does this happen to you?
Anything is more fun than wrestling with nikon's half finished, oversized blobs

Hasselblad > Fuji G > Sony > Olympus > Panasonic > Fuji X > Nikon
Wedding and sports photogaphers only: Canon

t. gigachad
nah, for FF nikon is goat. but FF is just too large and heavy to casually carry along in my fanny pack. the OM-5 has this fun snapshooter feeling to it.
my z6ii is on toddler duty with a fast prime. produces absolutely beautiful images - even in shitty lighting conditions. my OM-5 is the one I carry around with me
not wanna lie - at some point in time I will dabble in fuji G or go full retard and get a proper medium format and some older digital back. but for now I'm happy with om-5 and z6ii
>FF is too heavy. I know because I have limited myself to the heaviest FF brand by basing my entire personality on /p/ and *rumor comment section memes with only a tenuous connection to reality.
Mmm hmmm.
you're just a sad snoyboy
Sad for you, but I'm having a blast
>shilling snoy 24/7 on a australian breakdance forum
sad, sad little man
>Most popular brand that isn't tailor made for wedding photographers has a lot of fans
Wow really?

meanwhile all the nikon users of /p/ seem to have moved on to preferring other cameras... and having meltdowns spreading FUD about "snoy" whenever they're in a mood (ie: whenever they realize their current cope sucks and they would have been happier and less of a gearfag if the just bought an a7iii like everyone else)
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>Best mirrorless for travel?
Nikon Zf.
I am biased for Sony. They're the leader in mirrorless, so they will have the most glass options and better upgrade path in the future.
what bag?
that looks so much better than >>4358087 it's not even funny
A vote for Olympus. You're right in the niche. How much weight are you willing to carry? I'd recommend a E-M5ii or higher with:
14-150mm (WR)
45mm f/1.8 (non-WR)
for a light kit.
A heavier kit might be:
12-100mm f/4 (WR, stabilized, better IQ)
17mm f/1.2 (super sharp and fast)
45mm f/1.8 (non-WR but tiny and great for portraits)
You have tons of options. Why Olympus?
- First rate weather sealing
- Small lenses that you won't mind whipping out when tired from hiking
- Amazing stabilization means you won't have to swap lenses in low light. Slow lenses don't really matter unless they are telephoto, or you need bokeh (and even then you can work around it with one of the tiny f/1.8 lenses)
Camera brands are stupidly divisive here. The truth is you'd be happy with most brands. I'd take a short trip with your setup when it arrives so you know if it's working for you or if you should return it. A camera might be comfy at home but hell on a trip.
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>Camera brands are stupidly divisive here. The truth is you'd be happy with most brands.
So I run a d500 and d850 with giant lenses. My waifu runs an a 6700 (recent upgrade from a 6100) the 6700 with it's eye focus auto detect and small size and IBS seems to be worth the extra 100g
>backpacking for a couple months around the middle east and Africa
Something simple to use so that the locals can figure out how to use it before they cut your gear gearfag head off and hopefully upload
The EM-5 with the lenses you've suggested is very similar in size / weight / feel (/image quality) to an old manual SLR with a prime lens
Actually autistic take LMAO. The modern world must be so amazing to you
>Posting photo of camera instead of photos from camera
No thanks
>The modern world must be so amazing to you
No it's mostly gay and annoying. Can you just explain to me why that is an autistic take?
>Self respecting white man
>Spends his time on a Japanese anime imageboard arguing about cameras

Do not EVER think that you are in the bracket of respectable white men. You are a little turd not worthy of the sun. While you will be soiling yourself over the internet over some gay Japanese camera slop I will be slumbering on the mountains that watched over civilisation as it arose in its first incarnation, I will be standing on the sands where great men such as Alexander and Darius led their armies. Where Christ led his disciples and spoke his sermons. Where empires have risen and fallen like sand castles. While you petulant little worm will only seethe in your cum soaked chair at the image quality of my photos on /rpt/ shot on my Fuji X-t3.
Sonycucks absolutely BTFO
>no mention of Sony in either post
>brings up Sony anyway
Rent free.
The cope is out of this world.
Sigma fp. Full frame is a small body that puts modern m43 bodies to shame. Alternatively that new Panasonic S9, doesn’t make much sense for a professional which is how reviewers judged it,, but makes a lot more sense as a daily snapper or a travel camera.
Panasonic 28-200mm if you want a super zoom, and keep the Sigma 45mm and either 24mm or 17mm, for when you want wide and bright, or just the two primes on their own if you don’t care about zoom.
I’m waiting for that 18-40mm, would make a good alternative to the 28-200 for travel. They might compliment each other (keep the 18-40 on most of the time, keep the 28-200mm in the bag for when you want more zoom).
Canon R8 with 28/2.8 and 24-240mm
This but an actually useful focal length for the pancake
>Wheels? Just carry your stuff bro, that's what we've been doing all this time
>Steam engine? Hogwash! Seems useless when we already have horses
>Electricity? When we already have steam? You must be mad!
Historically not having something is not a justification to say anything at all.
Man I fucking hate this website.
Fuji makes really good cameras as do Sony, Canon and Nikon. You can't really go wrong with any of them
I get what you’re saying, but to deny that OBJECTIVELY some are better than others is utter delusion. Let me guess, you also think women can have penises, right?
No, I think trannoids are disgusting afronts to nature.
I also think you can't purely look at cameras as if they are entirely quantified. Sure some models are better on a technical level but ultimately people stick with camera brands due to soft factors.
IBIS is really nice to have. I personally don't own a camera with IBIS but I do have a lens with OIS and it's extremely helpful for getting rid of camera shake in lower light conditions.

You can easily do without but seeing modern bodies have IBIS implemented without being significantly fatter (or hardly bigger at all) it is definitely something you should look out for when buying a new camera.
IBIS is great for videos. I don't really shoot videos, but on my a7iii (with GM lens), I was testing out a moving video and I couldn't believe how smooth it was, almost like it was on a gimble.
>Writing? Pfft just talk into your phone bro
>Walking? That's Hella old school bro where's your electric scooter at?
>Thinking? Na G you mean like learning n shiet na just give up bro bill gates gonna invent some shit n it be alright

Just because a method requires a little more effort doesn't mean it is obsolete. In fact in many instances it may even be more beneficial. I hardly doubt we will be saying in 100 years time how IBIS is second only to the wheel or steam engine in its usefulness to mankind.
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of course it does. nikon image quality is just the best. but the om-5 is way more fun to shoot

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Thanks for your input and offering actual experiences.

I would like in built stabilisation but I just don't want to spend loads of money on a camera and Fuji X-t3 is about as much as I'm willing to spend so I think I will just get that and stick with lenses which have OIS.
Fuji only has a few zoom lenses with OIS. It's no use only buying OIS lenses for Fooj since that way you're skipping out on like all the good stuff.

Either look for an X-S10 (don't, X-T3 is better) or accept you won't have stabilization.
XF18-55mm f2.8-4 has OIS and can be bought for pennies second hand since it was the default kitlens for ages.
I don't have knowledge of Fuji, but just of Sony. I know with Sony, if the camera doesn't have it, some lenses will have it so you're good there - it's either or. I assume it's the same with Fuji, just ensure the lens has OIS like you said.
Fuji only has like 4 zoom lenses with OIS and most of them cover the same range.
>IBIS is really nice to have. I personally don't own a camera with IBIS
so why do you think your opinion on this topic matters? IBIS is a meme invented my marketing to sell new cameras.
Yeah open with that, not "it's never existed so it must be useless". I personally like having ibis
>Now that I think about it is technology just autism? Because most technologies historically have not been available
this is how retarded you sound
this thread is retarded
if you have canon lenses get a canon m5
That doesn't make any sense. The sensor is 4/3 and the X-T3 is APS-C. Are you coping?
Some Anons will soon brabble something about 'worms' and 'resolution' and then they will tell you that sensor size doesn't matter. Just let them pass.
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What cameras had IBIS in 2012 (when Honeycomb aired) that looked like that? Maybe they meant lens stabilization, but the phrasing makes it sound like it's the camera. Sony made DSLRs with IBIS then, as did Pentax, and MFT had IBIS too but I guess that's it.
Looks kind of like a first gen Olympus E-M1 but I might be off by a year.
>Olympus E-M1
I'd guess the same, Hidamari Sketch did an OVA in 2013 so it's possible
Fuji sensors underperform 4/3 unless you insist on shooting jpeg or spend big for “40 megapixels” (more like marketingpixels, for tldr imaging theory reasons, the results look a lot like a 20 or 25mp camera even if you zoom in 400%)

No reason to pick low res fuji over m43 unless you refuse to shoot raw for neurotic reasons. 4/3 needs a more talented man at the wheel, fuji is more compatible with point and click for b&w blurry backs of heads and people that take 500 snapshits a day
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>16mp mft is better than 40mp APS-C
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20mp and 25mp MFT are effectively as good as "40mp" xtrans APS-C at everything but computer generated noise charts, because of xtrans. On the most academic level only 25mp should be close but not exact, but if not pixel peeping at 10x zoom the most academic level doesn't exist. Compared to lower end xtrans cameras that don't have the 40mp meme, 20mp MFT blows past it.

Monochrome and foveon sensors are 50% higher resolution than bayer sensors.
2x2 RGBG and RGBW bayer sensors are 50% higher resolution than xtrans sensors and 100% higher resolution than quad bayer sensors (quad bayer cameras like sony a7siii actually have more megapixels than they say, but they're grouped in 2x2 blocks of each color instead of 2x2 blocks of all 3 colors`)

When you have more megapixels and a larger image, you don't necessary have more details. Megapixels are image size, what resolution they communicate is a complex technical subject that would require essays about color pairs and line directions to explain. You can see how fuji loses detail resolution and has color resolution issues here:

It's just a fact of digital gain structure. Except for foveon and monochrome, which work more like film, megapixels aren't a direct statement of resolution. The actual resolution varies wildly depending on the color of what you are photographing and how it lines up with the blocks because each pixel is only one color and the computer is guessing at the other 2.

All of this is assuming you will actually use your megapixels. The print size equivalent of viewing crops on dpreview is massive - several feet wide. If you are not going to print several feet wide, every camera will look identical once you process your images properly and you're just wasting money spending more for supposed image quality
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Once processed just with ACRs default sharpening and noise reduction at a high ISO, all of these cameras basically look the fucking same even while pixel peeping.
Which lenses do they use for these charts?
>it doesn't have in built stabilisation which isn't good if I want to make little films especially as I won't have space to lug around extra gear like tripods and stuff.
Canon IBIS gives you gimbal like results when holding still and doing slow pans. It's fucking amazing. R6ii + whatever lenses you think you'll want (depends on what you'll be shooting and your budget).
>inb4 ultra wide angle corner wobble
Any IBIS system that doesn't do this isn't worth shit otherwise because the IBIS isn't moving the sensor enough to arrest shake. 35mm is solid. 24mm can show a little wobble when holding still, but solid with a slow pan. The only real problem is 16mm when doing a selfie.
>best for travel
>no IBIS
>the results look a lot like a 20 or 25mp camera even if you zoom in 400%)
if you're using shit glass
nearly all their newer primes hit or exceed 40mp actual quality
>imagine being so braindead and think that wormji cramming 40mp onto an APS-C sized sensor is a good thing
holy noise batman
bet the "zoom in 400%" comes from the one time I posted a pair of crops from a zf and t5 here
>actually, if only you would spend 3x more on lenses, you could pixel peep harder
The x100vi doesnt use a premium lens, and dpreviews test shots for the xt5 and xh2 use a nice lens. Xtrans was literally designed to soften the image bro.

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