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How do I find models to shoot?
You start by shooting people you already know who want to model. If you don’t know anyone like this already it’s an instant filter for why you shouldn’t be shooting models, ever.
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contact fatties on social media in your area
my first photoshoot was with a model who has been in playboy before, has a very very huge following, meanwhile i had 0 photos on my instagram and no pictures of my face. what a dumb comment
It helps to have good people and social skills. So if you shoot Sony you're straight out of luck. Sorry.
Not OP but it's not quite that easy, especially if you work a regular job and people you know don't give a shit about photos.
use tinder, create a profile. Add photos you shoot, and add one of yourself (so girls know who they're dealing with). Write that you're looking for models and ONLY for models, female vanity is too strong to pass on this opportunity. You'll get like 50 matches in an hour, that's what I did when I was bored, with my camera in an unknown city. Also, you might or might not have a chance to fuck them afterwards, depends on how you look and how much they like you during the shoot. Personally I wouldn't fuck random tinder whores, but hey it's up to you.
>Add photos you shoot, and add one of yourself
Photos that are of anything but yourself fail hard on Tinder.
Do you have a photo to back that claim?
yes she posted it on her instagram
What kind of models? Die cast? Gundam? Anime girls? Lego (official or MOC)? Bonkle? Airfix? Trains? Planes? Automobiles? The scale of your models will dictate a lot about what kind of lens setup you're gonna be looking at.
don't listen to this old bald canon fags who shoots rocks and leaves to cope with his ugly face.
you can find girls who wanna free pictures on Instagram, start with your family and friends to build a small portfolio, post your best shot on your insta.
you wouldn't be shooting hot models right away, start small then when you get at least 10k followers you might start doing models
forgot your andrew tate avatar
Funny most portrait photographers are ugly as fuck middle aged beardos or recently married 25 year old women

literally every male photographer is 30+ with a shitty beard
you're right, true chad and good looking photographers just take pictures of buildings and landspaces and never talk to other humans.
You got the first part right, but you forgot to write in “rely on cameras to have an excuse to” between “never” and “talk to other humans”

And why do you weirdo nerds always say humans instead of people? Why you talk like fucking spock? Get a grip man it doesnt make you sound smart it makes you sound like you’re into furry erp so often you forgot everyone is humans so we just say “people”
the meme was thats how you spergs talk. sorry that you cant understand context.
Anon literally 50% of gen Z is furries
Apparently its how you spergs talk since you need a camera to talk to people. Big oof.

Can you imagine getting laid without baiting a girl into your basement with the newest snoy? No you can not
kek, sony really lives rent free in autists heads. i dont even use sony, not that it matters lmao.
all you need is some cope about canon and its complete.
>muh boomer blob
fuji gang mogs you

shooting cool building corners and hobos, then putting the camera away and talking to people without hiding behind a lens
You really are retarded if you genuinely believe any of the crap you just said. I don't get why you have such a hate boner for portrait photography either, that's pretty weird even by /p/ standards.
>fuji gang mogs you
bro i use fuji lmao. its perfect for portraits but utter shit for anything building related.
is this your first day here or what? this is basic knowledge.
Oof found the guy who zooms in on every photo
>fuji is bad for building corners dont you know about the modulation bayer ratio of the tertiary color collimation array and its relationship to the spatial frequency of the pixels aka photon aka light particle collectors -photo zooming nerds

Portraits ok, but these tryhards are always uggo beardos who cant talk to people without hiding behind a lens. They literally cant imagine how you can talk to people or get laid without hiding behind a camera to do it. Oooooof.
>i dont even use sony, not that it matters lmao.
sure ofc you dont ;)
>They literally cant imagine how you can talk to people or get laid without hiding behind a camera to do it.
How do you mean? I do a lot of portrait stuff myself and I have no issues talking to people. The weird beard guys I see tend to be in parks doing bird pictures or distant buildings, though maybe they're different beard guys to the ones you're referring to, since these ones are usually 40+ and look like satire of 70s fashion.
u nigga
>uhm you can only talk to people if you shoot portraits
holy shit ever go to a club and not just stare at your phone
just say you are ugly and don't have the confidence or social skills to ask women to take pictures of them.
it's such a bizarre cope to say "i enjoy shooting leaves and rocks because all grillz are whores and doing portraits is creepy" no need to sugar coat it, if you could you would have done female portraits but you can't and your larp is pathetic and obvious
bro used text emoji
tell me you are a pentax old bald fat fag without telling me you are a pentax old bald fat fag
just say you are ugly and don't have the confidence or social skills to talk to women without using photography as an excuse.

you are a manipulative 3/10 creep. it's an open secret that literally every male photographer who is not an old man trying to get away from his wife or working with his wife on weddings to pay off his corvette is a creep.

but please do continue living in a world where non-photographers are all friendless virgins because they aren't creeps who live life like this
>i bought a camera, now i am asking all the hot girls in town to come to my basement
photography is a female dominated industry and majority female hobby because it is assumed by literally everyone that a male photographer is trying to fuck the models, or hanging out by parks and playgrounds because he wants to fuck the children.

sorry if it hurts but it's the truth. you might be able to pull that "sigma male" larp next to the losers from /a/ but here we can see right through it. you're just a greasy creep.
Facts. Truth hurts.

I cant believe all the autistic men on this board who think they’re hot shit because they post Trying For Prostitutes i mean Time For Prints ads on craigslist and shove cameras in strangers faces before running away. Definitely the same vibes as dicklets that ride loud sportbikes and expect people to be impressed because they snorted half a line of coke 2 years ago.

And they are always men.
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>sex with models = bad because i myself can't get any of it because I'm old and ugly
If you werent ugly you could have sex simply by opening tindr. The only camera you need to get laid is built in to every iphone.

Wedding cameras are for creeps trying to rape 2/10s. If you had a sex life you could use an x100vi and just take pics of train stations and cats.
You’re unable to post a shoot because you’ve never done one, and never will. You will, however, respond with an excuse.
>How do I find models to shoot
Show them your Canon camera and white L lens. Roasties will automatically think you're a pro photographer.
Simple as.
But my l lens is white
>be old and ugly
>have 0 balls to approach women
>stand around like a retard with a dumbbell heavy canon set up
>never shoot girls
Wow you incels really cant imagine getting ass without a camera. That’s sad.

I dont shoot girls because im not a serial rapist creep like andrew tate. dating like a normal person is fine for me.
Haha get a load of this projecting loser
>if i can't get pussy no one can
Found the Sony incel
i shoot Leica, i shit on you poor trannies
They are right. If you think photography is for getting laid you're just one more greaseball in a long line of serial killers and rapists. Makes me think of "street photographers" who claim they're ballsy and don't have social anxiety, but they hide behind a camera all day, say hi, and run away. That sounds like social anxiety to me.

It's nearly impossible to be a man and get real female clients instead of low grade thots trying to cop child support unless you have a female assistant because of all you incels. When I started weddings I had to have my sister in my profile photo just to get clients, and I'm not exactly ugly. Maybe being ugly would work better, because most rapists and serial killers are actually not that bad looking.
>When I started weddings I had to have my sister in my profile photo
You just outed yourself lmao. You must have been truly disgusting to need to do that.
>Makes me think of "street photographers" who claim they're ballsy and don't have social anxiety, but they hide behind a camera all day, say hi, and run away. That sounds like social anxiety to me.
lol yea im sure that happens
>You must have been truly disgusting to need to do that.
No, I just live in civilization. Most successful wedding photographers are women because of the unending epidemic of weird guys trying to fuck models so clients just pass over men unless they look married, or too old to have sex.
>Most successful wedding photographers are women
good, there are no hot bitches in weddings anyway, you can keep the weddings to yourself lamo
>there are no hot bitches in weddings
So, you've never been to a wedding, or shot one.

Every wedding has at least a half dozen hot bitches all wearing skimpy dresses and if you don't live in arkansas, every other bride wants to do a boudoir shoot now.
>if you don't already know models don't try
whoah! good advice!
nah im good
>one woman in your "studio" = oh yeah go time!
>a bride, four bridesmaids, and all their female relatives all wearing skimpy dresses and showing more cleavage than the grand canyon, all wanting photos taken... with their male friends and spouses nearby = oh no im scared bye
>watch some anime
>get to know some anime bullshit.
>go to anime convention
>offer to be photo leech for a bit
>be nice and friendly and set up another shoot outside of convention land.
having to deal with drunk fucks and ugly bitches with their mothers and grandmothers to take their pics isn't particularly fun, there are better ways to get models, and weddings isn't it
>I don't want to be paid for photography and get my name out there as a business, I want to trap a woman in a closed space so I can finally talk to her without her running away or her nearest male friend pushing me away
Yeah, see, you're why I had to put my sister in the photo when I started doing weddings. If you weren't too pussy to be near all those people at once you'd probably hit on the bridesmaids.

You're not in it to establish yourself as a professional. You want a woman trapped in a small room, and you're desperately hoping she walks into that room looking forward to you fulfilling the photographer stereotype. That's it.
no it's not, wedding photography is the lowest tier of photography a man can do, even lower than just shooting rocks and leaves, photography is about joy and creativity and not just about shooting ugly drunk faces, a woman can enjoy taking pictures in weddings but a man doesn't
Wedding photography is just street photography with a snack bar and, ironically, at least 3 studio portrait sessions.

But I know, you don't know, you're not a photographer, you're here from /fit/ or something trying to "self improve" and date rape some thot.
every word you type oozes with projection, i bet you tried inviting women into your home to take their portraits but they rejected you bc you are ugly and old and now you do weddings to peek at women at the venues
street photography when done right can be interesting, wedding photography is shit for ugly old obese women
no man during a wedding photography session thinks "wow this is fun and I'm happy"
It's prejudice, not projection. From meeting other photographers.

>i bet you tried inviting women into your home to take their portraits
Never, not even when I was single, because I'm not an incel creep that thinks andrew tate is a role model. I'm what successful people call smart. I'm familiar with how most photographers are creeps, and reason that since most women must know as well, women go into studios expecting a creep. So I take as many legal steps as possible to make sure I can't be the victim of false sexual assault. My studio is a rented space with full security camera coverage and I have a female assistant present at all times, either my GF pretending to look busy or my sister pretending to look busy.

Just pointing out that you're scared of weddings because a bunch of women in revealing clothing accompanied by enough men to drag you off the premises is your worst nightmare. You're into photography because you see it as your last chance to get laid since you can't socialize normally. Like all the other photographers.

hence the prejudice. If you're a photographer I automatically assume you're an incel.

You're just afraid because you can't be around attractive women at the same time as men who are capable of dragging your ass out back, ya little rapist.
>You're just afraid because you can't be around attractive women at the same time as men who are capable of dragging your ass out back, ya little rapist.
still projecting lamo
>I take as many legal steps as possible to make sure I can't be the victim of false sexual
>security camera coverage and I have a female assistant present at all times
can't relate, this is an american thing, a low trust society filled with animals ready to pray on each other, that's why to Answer OP main question i said weddings is a terrible place to get models and it doesn't matter if it's 1 on 1 with a model in a secret room or at a wedding venue, an ugly cunt will never get to have models wether he has a camera or a Ferrari
Not projection. Prejudice.

I'm the one who's able to hang around attractive women without spilling spaghetti and hitting on them or staring at their tits. Not you. You're afraid to deal with more than one lone girl in a studio who probably already assumed you were going to try and fuck her.

Most womens portrait photographers I have seen as real people who exist have been ugly fucks. The "i'll shoot for your instagram" guys. Lot of bony 30yo asians, beardies that look like bootleg right wing influencers, etc.

Weddings on the other hand are a great place to start a real portrait photography business, because you can do studio, on site, and candid portraits and put them in a portfolio that clearly communicates you're not a hustler who bought a camera to fuck models. You don't get the models at the wedding. You get the cred at weddings, so you can get models who don't expect you to try and fuck them.

maybe in your europoor shithole more people are whores.
you can spot people who are just hustlers even more easily

they never, ever, ever shoot mens portraits. ever.
>Why /p/ actually hates weddings
You need to help coordinate an event with at least 3 people (the bride, the groom, and the wedding planner)
You will have to do several private, scheduled shoots before and after the wedding (engagement and honeymoon, sometimes boudoir)
During the event you need to personally interact with 20+ people, even with the wedding wrangler dragging people to you.
You need to put forth photo ideas in real time and convince people to go along with them
You can not offend a single soul, and half of them are drunk
You need to do a good job and not make excuses for missed shots
You only get one chance for everything
You need to deliver 200+ finished photos in an interactive gallery that allows ordering prints and albums in less than 2 days. People will expect all of these to look better than their phones at arbitrary print sizes, sometimes way over 16x20.
The genres covered range from street-like to artistic portraits and narrative photojournalism
You will most likely also have to shoot and edit some decent video

And through all of this there's a 0% chance of anyone letting you see their nipples on purpose, you'll have to do that like everyone else and socialize with normal women outside of a professional context so you'll just open the classifieds and look for whatever single mother is asking for someone to take photos of her feet
whatever bro enjoy removing mustache hairs from the bridge and her mother with Photoshop all day everyday
wedding photographers are, the niggers of photography.
>I'm the one who's able to hang around attractive women without spilling spaghetti and hitting on them or staring at their tits. Not you. You're afraid to deal with more than one lone girl in a studio who probably already assumed you were going to try and fuck her.
Only incels talk like this. Stop projecting and seething, you aren't impressing anyone.
I love photography, but working at a wedding is a soul-crushing experience. How can you not hate the hobby after one or, god forbid, several gigs?
Go outside, normal people are saying incel chad and stacy now, bruv. Incel vernacular with all the pills and pasta is poignant and funny. It totally recontextualizes the gender wars into the loser wars. The only wrong parts are the idea that celibacy is involuntary, that anyone is owed sex, and that all women are lustful cheaters who hyperfocus on their partners physique (that's actually the weirdo dudes projecting).

Weddings aren't soul crushing. It's just taking photos. Would you prefer shooting your cat? Now that's time in capture one well spent.
You just listed the reason why I would never do this my main activity.
>the reason: its taking photos
It's not meant to be a main, lifelong activity. It's meant to be a place to build a credible business as someone interested in doing quality photography.

You only need to do a half dozen weddings to pay for all the gear you'll ever need and put away five figures for later.

And then, you can find models. Real ones, not models that do it to get laid as often as the solo "i wanna shoot portraits" guys.
you are that faggot with the big ass rf 24 105 2.8 from previous thread
I wish I had these kinds of detective skills

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