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>playstation has no games
>emount has no pancakes
It's like pottery
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RF mount doesn't have pancakes worth using. It's not weather sealed and focuses externally so its fragile and has crazy focus breathing.
Z mount doesn't have pancakes worth using. Its has all the problems of the RF pancake but it doesn't have filter threads unless you double its length, the autofocus is noisier, and it's almost as soft and vignetting-ridden as the samyang pancake.
FE has one pancake "worth using" if you're into film sims, because its a korean point and shoot lens with an FE adapter on it.

And it does not really matter because FE, RF, and Z don't have any small cameras so pancakes don't benefit their users at all.

X mount has 1 pancake worth using, the 27mm WR. The only truly weather sealed lens mentioned thus far. And it matters because fuji has small cameras like the xe4 and double digit models.

M4/3 mount has SIX pancakes and all of them are amazing. SIX PANCAKES!

I think we know who really won this round
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Micro four thads, i kneel

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>all that wall of text just to say Sony has no lens
>sony does not have a shitty lens
Wow thanks

run along now
>BZZZZT BZZZZZT missed focus again! at least its 1/2” shorter. -you
More like 1/4" after you protect its microdick and add the filter threads nikon was too dumb to do properly

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wow its fucking nothing, fucking ye ye ass snapshiter focal lenght
Just wait until it gets to the point where you have to pay a monthly service fee in order to take pictures with your own camera. You better believe that day will come
>Z mount doesn't have pancakes worth using. Its has all the problems of the RF pancake but it doesn't have filter threads unless you double its length, the autofocus is noisier, and it's almost as soft and vignetting-ridden as the samyang pancake.
Why do you lie? The 40mm f/2 is pretty sharp, especially in the center, and stopped down to 4 it's great. The only problem is the plastic mount.
And only one M4/3 pancake is worth using and it's the Lumix 20mm 1.7 II, the rest are fucking horrible optically.
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1 google search away
>using crop lenses on FF bodies
x100v is cropped and it's the most successful and most profitable and most desired cameras in history, no camera will ever sell more than x100 series
Well it helps when the lens is actually good
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>the lens is actually good
is it though?
the lens is more than good enough for all your needs if you post on social media, just don't shoot rocks and leafs and you will be set
>implying normies and women aren’t just buying it as a fashion accessory and they actually care about the lens
Lmao, and other hilarious delusions you see on fourchandotorg
There are no good FF pancakes period, and no FF bodies small enough to need pancakes, so why does it matter? Your camera is more "cute uwu" and you're a girl/tranny? Just get a fuji
>X mount has 1 pancake worth using, the 27mm WR. The only truly weather sealed lens mentioned thus far. And it matters because fuji has small cameras like the xe4 and double digit models.
You're forgetting about the 18mm and 27mm Voigtlander pancakes.
>Buy overpriced snoy $1400 apsc body
>Put optically inferior snoy lens on it
>Take photos of rocks and leaves to post on facebook
Do snoyfags really?
Pancakes do not leave room for a perfect or "universal" optical formula
Sony's pancake would be a 45mm f/2 or f/1.8, modernized version of Minolta's old pancake
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rocks and leaves will look like shit regardless of the camera brand.
Rocks and leaves are based
>be me, a family man with 3 kids and a hot wife
>take photos of my family
>also take photos of rocks and leaves on the side
>incels seethe for 10 minutes because i'm not "hustle maxxing" and go back to masturbating to gay furry porn
Snoy can't make a pancake because there's not enough room to put 23 lens elements
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>Sony finally gets a proper pancake lens
>It's f/4.5
This is like some monkey paw shit
Cursed mount
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playstation takes better photos lol

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>be dentist in germany
>spend your money on a leica
>go inna woods in terrible light
>look for the worst composition possible
>take photo of this
this is why I dont take leicafags seriously
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CaNikon WON

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>perfect or optical formula
what does that even mean lmao
just stop pretending that if the lens you've used had just a little bit less distortion your pic wouldn't suck monkey ass
The rf 28 is one of the sharpest lenses in the Canon lineup. Who cares about focus breathing? Are you gonna use a pancake for video?
>pancake lenses
What about something good instead...?
Well Sony has cupcake lenses. Same thing, but bigger.
I don't like pancakes, I like looking like I'm a real photographer, anything else you might as well just use a phone
Yeah, same thing but bigger, with filter threads, weather sealing, a click/declick switch, aperture ring, AF/MF toggle, and customizable function button.

Pancakes are travel lenses, for when you're already packed tight and can only take one camera and one lens to do everything. They better fucking do video. or it's pointless. Toss a pair of socks and bring a "cupcake" lens that doesn't breathe as badly or buzz all the time.
>They better fucking do video. or it's pointless.
Gayest thing I’ve ever fucking read. You want video, buy a camcorder, faggot. You’re the reason mirrorless cameras are garbage for stills. Hybridization is was and always will be a mistake and if you’re for it please get aids.
not him but lmao
>carry two cameras bro
cameras dont need 8k120 raw uncropped and 1lb of heatsinks, fans, and SSDs to cope but i expect 10 bit 4k24 that doesnt have cope inducing autofocus issues, clicking and whirring noises, and terrible lens problems like 10mm of focus breathing

doing video on panasonic mft is better than a lot of ff mirrorless
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Pic attached taken with the Nikon 26mm f2.8 pancake.

The Canon one is better though.

Unusable? Not even close.

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looks like the af-d 24mm f2.8
Looks way better than the Sony toy pancake equivalent. What's the problem?
fungusfilm sensors are the problem, anon
they reduce resolution so much with their retarded sensor layout

lenses aren't the problem
fujifilm is
you get this ugly blurry shit even with best glass on a trans sensor lmao
wormji is trying to ditch x-tranny sensors but the retarded customers won't let them. GFX and the S-series has proper sensors but for X they just can't switch to a real sensor because the retarded customers would sperg out. imagine bringing autofocus to leica - it's the same brain dead custoomer base
>Looks way better than the Sony toy pancake equivalent. What's the problem?
No problem at all. I think it's a good lens. It's sharper than their 28 and 40mm budget lenses.
Even pentax has pancakes
Nice. I wish Sony had a useable pancake. The f/4.5 of the upcoming Viltrox is just too fucking slow.
It means the lens' optical formula can be adapted and recycled for other focal lengths
Doesn't mean it's the best nor good to begin with, try again bucko
>terrible light
Get good, Golden Homo

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