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Patterns edition

>Previous thread

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development
>[film dev] shows results of development regimes
>[news & community links]

Thread question:
what's an interesting theme for future threads?
(yes, I'm shamelessly asking to have a pool of ideas, thank you very much)
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Here is my attempt at something a little different. Like it in some ways, and would change others. I screwed up the background as you can see, but left it so you can see the intended framing.

I also attempted to apply some pull processing to lower the contrast and avoid blocked highlights. My spot metering was showing a contrast of 6, which is too high for printing. The negative appears to be quite low contrast, so maybe it worked...

Does this 600dpi scan look better than if I were to downscale it in post?

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>getting close to being able to develop my first color rolls
can't wait to see how badly I fucked them up
Follow the instructions exactly and you'll do fine. :)
it's too late
I'm not concerned about the development, but how I took them and how I stored them
I just found out about photo gravure and I am upset that I may never be able to do it now.

:( fug.
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Ok, I got the dog hair, am I a real large format photographer now?
You have to have atleast one image ruined because a doghair lands on your sheet film while you're loading it.

Is that a curly dog hair? Doesn't look quite right...
I didn't know about it, but it seems like it's very feasible if you're autistic enough and have a shitload of spare money
I found this site with a shitload of info
And if you just wanna have the thing itself you can look up these old men's names and ask them for a price
I found this Greg Brody guy who apparently does it as well
Sorry, Brophy*
Yeah, it's just a lot of space and dedicated equipment. I know I'm autistix enough for it.

I think I will try platinum palladium prints as my first dabbling into "fine art" printing. Much less expensive equipment.
Was able to find an MX at a thrift store. What lens should I get for it?
So I found a cheap Leica M6 in the local paper, basically going for half what everyone else is asking for them, and apparently in "perfect working condition"
Worst case scenario, how much does it generally cost to CLA/repair these things?
the m lenses are neat
>what's an interesting theme for future threads?
should dog hair anon use a trip so I filter him and his stupid 8x10 "pictures"? (yes)
Just sent an m3 I bought cheap as “as is” in for a cla, shutter curtain not closing completely at slow speeds and shutter knob pretty loose but otherwise functional. Quoted 200cad for it, which I didn’t think was too bad since even with that cost i still got it for much cheaper than a working cleaned model sells for. Can’t imagine the process for a claw on an m6 is much different or has a much different price.
>captcha: KRAP
The 50mm F2 is pure kino
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a fucking pattern I didn't want
Teehee teehee I will never namefag for yee.
why all the "durrr 35mm film only captures 8mp worth of information." is retardation. This slide contains more image information that is being obscured by the limits of Sony's 60mp sensor, and the pixels it did come up with to represent the colors in those locations are fucking shitty algorithmic approximations that only calculate out to appear the right color from a distance anyway. Fuck Sony.
Is flatbed really better for film scanning?
both suck
a nikon coolscan is the bare minimum if you want your scans to look acceptable
Dunno, I'm going to try a plustek next and if that sucks I'll try a late model Nikon negative scanner. People apparently still fucking love those things.
they are dusty as hell
look at any review on youtube, there is always a ton of dust on the scans
I saw some comparisons and no matter what they were compared to, the same scan will always have a ton of extra dust and even scratches on the plustek
and that automatic dust removal sucks and leaves weird artifacts
and it only works for color film
more like minustek!
Huh, Which one should I buy?

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Do you like only getting 36mp of usable detail out of 6x9 film?

The sony should be competent. These patterns are caused by micro-vibrations when using pixel shift. The camera only has to move two micron. If your dog walks across the room it's joever.

Have fun building your vibration isolation table

>Doghair aka huskyfag (i scrolled down /an/ a few days ago and saw the truth) spends $over $6k on scanning gear, then another $6k on operator training and help with assembly, repair, and recalibration, to wet mount his sheets, and still end up with dog hairs on his scans of out of focus dead bugs
heidelberg tango, good enough for alex good enough for you
LOL. Is it fun being so gullible?
my local lab uses the howtek.
they only give us fucking jpegs though, just like darkroom.com. no matter how you ask they won't save the bitch as a .tiff for you. Gee thanks guys. The Berg is generally considered the finest drum scanner anyone has made.

But my friends printing company had a couple Heidelberg presses, and those things are industrial equipment, but also need service that comes with an industrial price tag. When the press would have a problem or need something, it'd just shut itself down and wait til an authorized service tech could show up and enter his access code to bring it back to life and work on it. You don't even think about the fact that getting him to show up is a $1200 minimum, or you bought the wrong machine. I dunno how that drum scanner is, but could be a similar situation.
skill issue
blast it with a rocket blower before sticking it in and you'll have no problems
bro I ALWAYS blast it with a rocket blower before sticking it in. when I learned what a blow job really was I was disappointed. stupid microwind fetish curse.
Posted a few threads ago about getting a Nikon Coolscan 5000. Got delivered today. The guy put no padding in the box, lmfao, and all of the CD jewelcases got crushed.

But it works. Cool.

Leagues better than the direct lab scans I can compare them to. Apparently the lab was cranking the contrast up super high to blow out highlights and make super dark shadows, didn't focus well enough to see film grain on half the images. Playing with the color balance so that it looked nothing like the film stock.

I'm impressed. Gonna have to start developing at home too, just cut out the lab. Except for prints I don’t have the space do a darkroom even though printing is the most fun part.
Well... Post a scan so the losers can jealously tell you that you wasted your money and that the scan sucks.
>heidelberg tango, good enough for alex good enough for you
are we supposed to know who "alex" is you stupid faggot? lol
It's his gay lover. Duh!
I can’t because I’m on a 3-day for telling some troll on /tg/ to kys so can only phonepost. Mods there are fags.

One annoying thing is that Digital ICE is very good. But in order for batch scanning to work, you need to first preview scan the strip, basically doubling you scan time.
newfags were a mistake
Another annoying thing is that my 4000dpi 18-bit scans make 2 rolls like 12gb. Rofl.
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Finally shot ektar for the first time, no idea how i haven't tried it in the many years of shooting film, although i wish i hadn't put it in right as the sun was about to set.

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most shots are a bit underexposed and colours may be a bit fucky, idk whats up with the plustek but it is a bitch to get the colours right out of it.

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Ektar is better when fresh, or in 120, but fucking sucks when expired, like all modern Kodak c41.
Sharp, but too much red noise.

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Are there any good film photographers in here?
yeah you sound like you know a lot about blowing things and then sticking them inside you
these niggas shoot bad film on purpose
damn those vile sons of bitches
I'm getting third hand embarrassment here, what a cringe image and what a grotesque visage
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I'm pretty sure the roll i shot was fresh, although it was gifted and i didn't bother checking the date on it eh

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Don't you have gear threads to go argue in?
Does anyone else have a Plustek 8100 or 8200 and fine that there's a lot of color noise in images?

I've seen a few come and go. I usually recognize them by their photos but I haven't seen most of them post recently.

4x5 anon that gets bullied about dog hair or some bullshit has some nice shots. He's one of the ones I recognize as being good, he constantly experiments and pushes himself.

There's a couple others and then like 40 other dudes that are just bitter posting nothing but garbage.
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Hey faggots, I'm going to Singapore in a few months and thinking of hating myself enough to haul the 4x5 setup along. Does anyone know if there are any labs in SG that do 4x5 E-6 developing? I found one on Google but their website is ancient and their last FB posts are from 2015. I want to avoid bringing exposed shits through the hand luggage because sheets cannot exactly be hand checked and I don't know how stubborn the staff at Changi airport are about this stuff in general. After my last eurotrip I was forced to allow my 120 E100 rolls through the scanner (the staff adamantly insisted it was safe) and most of them got fogged pretty badly, so not even low ISO shit seems to be safe these days.

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I've taken sheets through hands check, US airports are fine but it's a shit show outside the US because they're more lax on their duties and if they don't want to hand check they'll just demand you put it through the scanner. Bring a lead lined bag with you. That always works.
Nice samefag you stupid homo
Nice homo you stupid samefag

I'm not him tho. Genuinely giving him a compliment, sorry you can't stand it.
you write just the same, you are just transparent with the samefagging.
no one likes your shitty out of focus dead bug shit

lmao no I don't? You must be 1 of the other 40 that are just bitter cause you're shit's bad. I guess this is one of the pitfalls of an anonymous boards, people with egos can't stand being shit and fixate on people who are better. I promise you I'm not him bud. However, I did wish I had some of his gear and patience.
Dumb retart
> he constantly experiments and pushes himself.
>5 gorillion of the same blurry uninteresting dead bug but I swear it’s interesting because 8x10! Muh loupe!
Anon, are you him? Please.
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Thanks. Sorry you have to deal with the nophoto.

That is not me.

I've shot a total of 7 beautifully sharp butterfly 8x10 pictures. In total I have only shot around 40 sheets of 8x10 film since I got the camera...

It's your problem(cope) that you cannot see that he is correct about me learning and pushing myself to get better.
Here is one of my first LF macro shots for reference so you can cope about it even more.

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autism is one hell of a drug
Compared to my stalker I am normal, and I wouldn't be able to take my incredible and objectively amazing butterfly pictures without the autistic approach I take with them. Unbothered. It's actually kinda funny how angry he gets.

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It's fine, I've only been away for about a month. I don't expect nophotos to change. Only thing they do is save my photos, edit them, pretend it's theirs, and sperg out when they recognize the person they fixated on.
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4.74 MB JPG
Keepers from the last roll
Criticism wanted

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there are photos of my grandpa playing tennis as well, but this day was monke's to shine

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overexposed old car because I thought the colours would be nicer if I did so and it was a good opportunity to test
I think I'd rather just expose properly and then edit it accordinly and not clip my highlights
but alright

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He constantly tries and fails to focus a bigger camera because its safer than trying and failing to take a compelling photo on a smaller one
It must be so tiresome living in a place where everything is dirty, fucked and old.
The lada isn't overexposed, it's correct.
The captured image only goes to no detail in the shadows underneath it, which is exactly as you'd want. The sky being blown out isn't a problem (and you could keep the detail with more effort in editing than the photo warrants), the fact that you chose to include it in the frame is.
You probably don't own a camera and have never posted a photo here.
And im proud of the fact, yes. problem? What next, you have to be a chef to know something tastes like shit? Nah, my eyes work well enough to know garbage when I see it.
>The food critic doesn't know how to boil water, but he really knows what he likes!

His opinion surely matters!

Thanks for letting me know that you truly have no clue what you're talking about. I knew that already, but I appreciate the confirmation. :) I'll continue to post my work knowing how upset it makes you.
NTA but
I agree with the whole chef analogy, I don't think it's necessary for a critic to actually know how to do something to evaluate it
because it's not a matter of making a photo or a plate, it's a whole other competence in and of itself which is judging a specific piece
The thing is: you're so ignorant about the process your criticism is shallow and unbased
You don't have the knowledge you believe to have, and that ends up being arrogant
I'm not defending LF anon, I myself think their photos seem like studies
They're just now starting to do something less boring
But you can't criticize the guy on not being able to focus
The wings of the butterfly are beautifully focused, and you don't have the slightest idea of how it's impossible for the whole image to be in focus because the focus plane is truly razor thin
Not like "oh my Leica™ lens' DoF is razor thin"
We're talking about macrophotography on large format
A good food critic doesn't need to know how to make the perfect dish, but they do need to know how things work and how they're combined, how they interact and so on
You're just an arrogant nophoto, boy
Go take a macro of your micropenis, I bet it's possible to get its entirety in focus
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>ad hominem
ok but what about the photos?
the first part of your comment has nothing to do with the photos themselves, so it's completely irrelevant
dirty and old shit is just what tends to catch my attention, I live in a beautiful country, thank you very much
>The lada isn't overexposed, it's correct
the film is iso 200
I shot this specific photo as 100, developped at box speed
it *is* overexposed, that's a fact, not an opinion
>The sky being blown out isn't a problem (and you could keep the detail with more effort in editing than the photo warrants), the fact that you chose to include it in the frame is
There's no detail to save, I have the .tiff file, it's pretty much all white
I deliberately framed the sky, and I quite like the photo, I just think it would be better, in my opinion, if it was a pale blue
Which wasn't possible to have
>because it's overexposed
Do a massive crop of it when you print it. I love when grain makes stuff look a little abstract. :D
>it's impossible for the whole image to be in focus
It is possible, by using smaller format for macro photography
>nonono see I painted this picture with nothing but feces for paint, it actually looks good!
>It's impossible for a painting made of feces to not smell like shit, your criticism is totally invalid
>I shot this specific photo as 100, developped at box speed
Did you spot meter (with a calibrated meter) off the car with a 18% grey card, or with an incidence meter?
I'm guessing you didn't.
This is what happens when a food critic attempts to tell a chef how to cook. They look incredibly retarded on many levels.

Atleast you didn't tell me to focus stack my film picture this time.
I used a Gossen Lunasix 3 to meter all shots in this roll
And for this one I overexposed by 1 stop
Try not being pedantic
It is overexposed, I'm not even sure why you're trying to argue that
>focus stack my film picture this time

must be possibru if you digitize all your pics to stack, but that is 10x moar work or money, that or close a lot the aperture and suffer diffraction
Your post is insanely retarded.
He is insane and retarded
No. I will cut out all the in focus bits by hand and glue them together. If I was doing it digitally I could just stitch together a whole 35mm roll and benefit from the added dof.

I'm sure this is incredibly obvious to you, but the whole point is to contact print these, and that the 2% of the head and leg that's out of focus or slightly soft makes almost no difference to the final print.
I'm resolving details that are like .01mm or less in size on these damn bugs. You can't see it with the naked eye on an 8x10 print.
Imagine crying because someone isn't terminally online enough to know who your e-celeb crush is. It's really funny you refer to him by first name too, as if he is your friend. LMAO
>unironically uses "bruh"
Kill yourself you ugly slavic faggot.
am I one of the good ones?
Post a pickie. :D
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I still need to get around printing but one of these days

These are some shoots of the LuckyPan SHD 400 film that I posted last thread, I really expected to be fomapan repacked but doesn't seem to be the case, the base its to clear and doens't look like fomapan. Might really just be some chinese aerial film.

Shooting it at 400 its not great desu, probably would work better at 200.

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to be fair the day was really overcast, so it might be lacking contrast (to my taste) because of that, even developed with Rodinal.

They also don't sell fuji film there anymore lmao

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Is it grainy as fuck box speed? I kind of dig crunchy grain.
not the same anon, but if you're eager to judge photos feel free to do so with mine >>4359329 after overexposure negationist anon's derailment lol
Very comfy, nice light. Successful images for what they are.

Colors and monkey. Fun, but could use more interesting/better contextualization

Nice, but I'm not a car pic kinda guy. The colors seem to all go well together.

They all sort of seem a bit soft for 6x6, but maybe that's just from the scan, or high speed film?

Overall fairly good. :D
depends on what good means. ive got a few photos in galleries right now and i think my photos are interesting (im trying to play the art career progression/game). i dont take photos of cars or building corners or flowers or signs like all the shit here. i just dont see the reason to post
how'd you get your photos displayed in galleries?
>+1 from box speed on rotten expired neg film in an overcast scene with a bright background
You fucking retard, look at the image.
Is the car overexposed on the film? Is it a blocked up purple brick when you look at the negative? Or does it show continuous tone, colour and detail, which extinguishes in the darkest shadowed areas? It's the result that decides whether or not your image is over or under, not your almost certainly flawed interpretation of a meter reading.
>.tiff file
oy vey
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> how'd you get your photos displayed in galleries?

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man I'm starting to think this hobby is not for me after all
search for all galleries in your local area, find some open group shows, enter and go from there. the hardest part about doing something like that, is actually producing work. getting some film scans back from a lab and uploading to instagram is a million times easier than creating a final artwork ready to hang. you need to worry about paper types, tapes, frames, editing and doing proof/test prints, labelling, inventory management, pricing, storage, getting the fucking thing to the gallery, etc. its extremely worth it when you have it all finished though. there will be smaller/indie kind of galleries that are more 'simpler' in that you can just get a print and use that (they will then pin it to the wall or something). literally just having one good photo printed to be able to show off puts you miles ahead of 99% of photographers
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I have an epson v370 and it is… good enough, for sharing 35mm online at least. There seems to be dust inside the glass. I can’t figure out how to dismantle it to get it out. I wonder if i can rub a balloon against a sweater and use the static force to dust the inside of the glass.
yeah the monkey one was taken in a rush, he just decided to stroll across the court and climb the structure
I dropped my racket, picked up my camera in the bag and shot as fast as I could before he'd go away kek
I too think they're kinda soft in general, my lab just bought a new camera for mirrorless scanning this week, I think they're still figuring it out
I'll check with them
Thanks, man
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Had a 12 year old roll developed

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>I used fresh film
>metered for both incident and reflected light
>both readings were identical
>deliberately chose to add 1 stop to the readings
>physically let double the amount of light to hit the emulsion
>random guy on the internet insists it's properly exposed and comes up with all the possible excuses to not admit he's wrong from the start
Old man yells at clouds type of shit

idc which side of the argument you're on but it's pretty clear that the car is properly exposed, there's no blown highlights and shadows fall to black

it's one of those times where you use your eyes
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Point and shoot shit
>Gossen Lunasix 3
how do you like it?
I actually bought one, didn't receive it yet
I know about the mercury batteries issue, will probably use hearing aid batteries and later mod it with a diode
it's absurdly precise
fucking spot on every single time I used it
I use two hearing aid batteries (675) and the difference in voltage is so minuscule it doesn't make a difference
The indicated batteries are two PX625 (which are 1.35V each), and 675 hearing aid batteries are 1.45V. That's a 0.2V difference (2.9V) in a 2.7V system that very probably uses series of diodes and some kind of rectifying so that the output is not fucked
you can slide a tab in the back for a battery check, you'll see that with the two hearing aid batteries it still stays in the red area indicating it's good (albeit tending to be in the right end because of the slightly higher voltage), but it's still in between the limits
read the manual, it has its own way to deal with and shit, but it becomes kind of second nature once you get it
literally the best lightmeter I've ever seen
and yes, it works in ridiculous light conditions
never got an exposure wrong with it
p.s.: and still the other guy insists my shot is not overexposed lfmao
when you get your Gossen, remember that guy
marvel at his retardedness
that's the first time I see someone on this board argue with me that my photo is perfectly exposed while I insist it's not
>the joys of /p/
it's not overexposed, if anything, it looks underexposed slightly, despite the sky being blown out. But that could be the scan. Was this film expired?
He needs more time to figure out how to make his scans not look like ass
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Shot my first Kodak 5222/Double-X/BwXX whatever last weekend, and there is something I really dislike about the tonality. It must be those muddy mids that take endless fiddling with to not look like shit, and even then they still do.
Maybe part of it is due to short dev time (HC-110 B for 5 minutes), but I only had one roll I got in a trade with a buddy and I won't be buying another to experiment. Oh well.
What speed did you shoot it at?
What you've captured here cannot be accomplished with micro four turds, so yeah.
Welcome to the club. Beautiful grain.
the fuck are you on you fucking schizophrenic
You just wouldn't understand the large format look.
It's not something peasants notice at first, but OP's photo is an authentic large format photograph that no small format loser can accomplish. They might get close but it won't be the same.

Pure fucking SOUL on display here.
I got the Plustek 8200i, it's good if you know what to use it for (only scanning). Silverfast that comes with it is great for scanning, but not so much for inverting negatives to positives. Way too much saturation IMO, and can't get it right in the editor (though that might be a skill issue). Vuescan on the other hand is another $100 and is at the opposite end of the spectrum, where images look extremely flat. I've seen countless positive videos of people who scan with Vuescan and then convert the negatives with Lightroom and Negative Lab Pro. But since I'm too stubborn to buy LR +NLP I figured I just scan with Silverfast and do the conversion with Darktable. Works like a charm, where pics came out pretty close to how I edited the scans I originally got from my lab. I'd post some comparison pics, but currently on holiday. Will post when I'm back

Very cool, especially the framing of the monke pic
You wouldn't know SOVL if it hit you in the face
I really like it with rodinal. I thought I wouldn't because it's a grainy film to start with and rodinal makes it even more grainy, but if you can embrace the grain and contrast it really shines.
By the same logic pushing to insane high ISOs is half the fun. Or pulling to insane low ISOs. It's really a choose your own adventure type of film. Here's one rated at 1600 ISO in broad daylight.

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>It must be those muddy mids that take endless fiddling
funny, cause thats the exact reason i fell in love with double x and i shoot it almost exclusively. you could also try it at 800. or just go shoot some shit like pan f or whatever for contrast
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XX at 800, rodinal stand dev. Gotta love it, especially with a really sharp lens.

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Image Created2024:09:13 18:56:25
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No, the film was fresh
It's Kodak Gold
All the other shots in the roll are way more vibrant, I'll post another after I take a bath
fuckin kino
Flatbeds are great for color and value, not so great for resolution. I'll let you guess what artists care about.
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Getting back into film photography
Spent like twelve hours developing 11 rolls and 4 sheets of E-6. 7 of the rolls were from my recent trip and the rest where shot 4 and a half years ago. Two of the rolls that I shot with the Ricoh had light leaks...the majority of the C-41 rolls and all of the BW rolls that I still need to develop were shot on the Ricoh...ahhh
nice shot
what do you consider a sharp lens?
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bronica rf anon here again. 4 rolls through now, i believe the burnt edges are a quality of this batch of expired rolls. the first 12 frames of this roll have the leaks but it diminishes progressively and the last 4 frames are almost completely clean. the other 2 rolls are from other batches and do not have any leaks. i conclude that things are all good with the camera!

very dope. how do you get those little white specks?

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Could anons with an 85mm lens please show me examples of street photography shot at 85mm?

I've been seriously considering getting an 85mm for my Minolta X-700 so that I don't have to get too close to my subject but I've never used a Telephoto lens before so I'm curious what the results would actually be

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I didn't say your photo was perfectly exposed, I just said that the car properly exposed. It's as good as it was going to be considering what we've learned about you from these interactions.
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Most decent digital lenses made in the last 10ish years. They almost always out resolve 35mm film. These were with a Canon 70-200 2.8 ii.

It's dirt/dust lol. Yay your camera works! Have you been enjoying it? Looks like a fun one.

Very nice. Scanning takes longer than developing for me, so maybe 20 hours scanning? Lol.

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why would manufacturers make digital lenses out-resolve 35mm when digital sensors can't out-resolve 35mm
Shieeeeeet. Good question. I think manufacturing processes and lens sciences have improved a lot. Maybe I'm talking straight out of my ass, idk.

I know from lots of researching of MF digital backs that film lenses are generally too soft for them even with their large pixel pitch so rodenstock and schneider makes digital specific lenses that have smaller projections, much sharper, and they channel the light in a different way that's more suited for digital sensors.
This isn't overexposed its just a bad scan.
>stubborn faggots in denial
how hard is it to admit I properly metered the shot and then deliberately decided to overexpose by one stop?
fucking weird hill to die on
You think a stop difference turns a sky white?
>meter is infallible fuck what your eyes see
Lul, you the type o jigga to drive your car into the lake cause the gps said so
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What color is your beanie?
Yeah cunt I wear a beanie in Darwin where it's hot enough that your HRT meds would melt 90% of the year.
You sound like a cool dude. How do you do it with such a warm beanie?
Fuckin Darwin. Any shots of the US base up there? Mate of mine does legal crap for them and says the area is quite nice, but won't take photos. The beaches as well for that matter around Nightcliff and such.
why are anons pretending not to understand that the terms 'underexposed' and 'overexposed' are relative to a given reference point, therefore varying depending on the reference point taken? some kind of new meme?
>knowing anything about photography
Because we can all obviously determine overexposure of 1 stop from a fucking jpeg scan. If you can't then you just don't know film, duh
>Starts vagueposting

Take the L
Again, learn to scan, lol.
I wish it was easier to find Intermediate film rolls now, as in the super-low-ISO stocks used for theater projectors
>The beaches as well for that matter around Nightcliff and such
It is nice around there, I'll try and find some or shoot some more. As for the Marines, nah, I do see their Ospreys fucking around on the semi-regular though.
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what l? what vagueposting? i'm watching these retards pollute the thread with quibbling, each with different reference points but they don't seem to be aware that this is the point of contention?
>It's dirt/dust lol
on what?
i've been having a smooth time with the rf but it feels a little sterile.. they got the film advance action right, but there is no satisfying shutter release clunk like on my bessa or nikon. plus there's a bit of annoying shutter lag

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I got this reply from Oslo Airport:
>All our X-ray machines are marked with "Filmsafe". In other words, they must not destroy film rolls that are sent via the X-ray machine.
>Therefore, there are no exceptions in these cases, this must be sent for review in the same way as everything else.
use an xray bag to be safe
Some video I saw on the subject suggested that the machine amps up the strength if it can't see through your lead lined bag. I've taken portra 800 on a round trip, and it came out fine. I'm more concerned with the new 3D scanners or whatever.
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>Underexposing negative film

How new are you?
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Tried to ago processor out for the first time today.

What I like:
Easy to use, extremely convenient, consistency, saves chemistry, and spillage/leaking is extremely minimal to non existent.

The temp compensation seemed to work really nicely as well.

I dont think there is quite as much customization as I may want eventually, but there was enough to do what I wanted for now.

Rotation speed/frequency is a global setting rather than a dev recipe specific parameter, which is annoying.

The motor sounds kinda weak, but I had it on the slowest speed of 40 rpm.

Build quality is quite nice overall, but I wish there was a rubber fitting for the usb-c charging port.

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Do you run a small lab or just rich or what? This thing doesn’t make sense for the typical snapshitter, how many rolls a month you go through?
Neat, I'm definitely going to grab one in a month or two, I'd be keen to hear more about what you think as time goes on. I think you're right that the port should come with a cover but you should be able to find a generic one fairly easily at least?
chances are this is an american fat fuck who just can't move their arms for a couple minutes every couple of weeks
Why does it looks like a horse cock dildo
They recommend putting tape on it the manual, lol. I'll be using it a bunch and do an update in a month or two maybe.

If you developed enough film the chemistry savings would eventually pay for the unit.

In terms of film area like 30-40 rolls a month, but 70% of that is just 8x10 sheets. Try tray developing in complete darkness enough and you'll understand how nice it is.

Yes, but no.
Obsessed and seething
With how expensive these things are, seems like you might as well just buy a used JOBO on fleabay. Almost 500 smackeroos for something that doesn't even give you temperature control, just monitoring, doesn't strike me as a very good value.
I'm gonna take mine on work trips when I get it. Can't do that with a Jobo.
The larger Jobo tanks are dummy expensive(400-700!) compared to paterson tanks, and the cpe2 processors are all over 1k. There are chinesium clones for the tanks, but idk if they're good.

If you just want a jobo tank roller that's compatible with jobo tanks those are like 500.

A large pot or tray with a sous vide machine next to your tank is basically good enough because the temp compensation can change the time during development, and very inexpensive.
Wait, the rollers are only like 150ish. Idk why the one I saw was like 500 bucks...
>A large pot or tray with a sous vide machine next to your tank is basically good enough because the temp compensation can change the time during development, and very inexpensive.
Yeah that's what I use myself, a plastic storage bin full of water with a sous vide stick. For color anyway, for B+W I use exclusively XTOL which isn't very temp sensitive in my experience and has always worked fine at room temp.
>Posted on 4chan with an iPhone.
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This was kinda fun. I used 2 pieces of glass and some glass shims to make this section of a feather very flat. That piece of optical glass I used for testing actually came I'm handy for something...

Kinda cool, kinda boring. I think it could be nice as a framed print. There's some interesting detail/texture.

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I think I have a cool one that's drying for tommorow as well.

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Has anybody tried agitating color film with a twiddle stick? Is it enough agitation or do you really need the inversions? Seems like it would be really easy to stick a motor on one of these and use it with the standard bucket and sous vide rather than this >>4360537 overengineered gizmo that will leak everywhere once the O ring dries out
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Push it to 800

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I recently decided to shoot ECN2/cine film again after not liking it the first time I tried it out a couple years ago.

It fucking sucks. It's simply characterless in every way. Too flat, too fine-grained, and 250d looks like it was washed in piss. And on top of it all, IT'S NOT FUCKING CHEAPER! Yeah, you can get it respooled off ebay for like $7 a roll, but after additional development costs it works out to be about the same as Portra. It drives me up the fucking wall when these retards online are like "with the rising costs of film, Vision3 can be a way to save money!" NO IT'S FUCKING NOT!

Why would I pay the same or more to have photos that look like they had an AI smoothing filter applied to them?. I'm going back to shooting C41, fuck this.

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here's some Portra I shot on the same trip for comparison.

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250d again...

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>overengineered gizmo
ah you shoot b&w I see
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And Portra 400 again. It's just so much better. I still have 9 rolls of Vision3 in my fridge that I'm probably never going to shoot now.

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own scans or lab?
Lab. I've got all the parts for a home scanning setup except for a copy stand, though, so I may try that. Is 250D much better with a home scan?
I don't know, but just looking at the images you posted, the 250D looks like it was poorly scanned, like the scanner optics were dirty or OOF
since they use different dev processes it's not inconceivable that they were scanned by two different techs or one even subcontracted out
speaking of scanning
>shopping for another CS9000 because the first one I bought arrived broken
>find what I think is a sweet deal on ebay for one with no film holders ($1800+shipping)
>figure I'll just order some of the better ones Stephan Scharf makes, buy scanner before anyone else can grab it
>email Stephan
>"do not buy from ebay! here join this private fb group instead"
>"oh btw here's one just listed in the group for $1600 serviced with warranty"
I just can't win
here's hoping the one I ordered is either in perfect working condition or arrives visibly broken
dude chill the fuck out
this 250d scans are just obviously absolute garbage, re-scan it
this film is very sharp
Well that’s the problem, cine film is really only cheaper if you do the whole process yourself from start to finish. Otherwise just stick to c41. Youtuber mongoloids who have all this paid for by sponsored content and viewer donations and shit are never truly honest. The washed out negative is also true, it’s meant to be graded and this captures a flatter image, being cinema film. Think kinda like shooting log on digital, log also looks like flat washed out shit before grading. Something that YouTubers again don’t mention or really gloss over when they talk about it.
If it starts to leak you can just use it upright and shed a single tear that you aren't saving on chemistry anymore.
normal xray machines are fine, the 3d ones allegedly destroy film but I haven't tried those
I don't like the twiddle sticks because I've gotten surge marks and lines on the negatives from them.
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Evaporated salt water on a piece of glass

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5 minutes in known good developer vs 20 minutes in suspicious one. Remember to do your strip tests, squiddos.
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I just think that its neat

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anyone tried some tricks with front surface mirror?
no, that would be interesting.

Large format is for taking photos of dead shit
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or 50/50 semi reflective mirror
>he's not on the one-shot Rodinal train

Yes I have, but only boring things like "ttl" lighting. I have one of those 50/50 mirrors.

It's extremely tedious to create setups where you project images onto each other. I got a piece of kit that will make it easier. I may try somethings out eventually.
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I've got two questions, /p/
First of all, what the fuck is this lever in my Nikon F50?
It doesn't seem to move anything, the lens doesn't even touch it either, and there's no mention of it in the manual
I downloaded the repair manual as well and couldn't find anything about it apart from how to disassemble it
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my second question is kinda stupid but seems to make sense
If I use these autofocus G-lenses on my Nikon FM2 it'll only shoot at maximum aperture
But what if I press down the DoF preview lever? Can I use it to stop it down to whatever aperture I want?
It's mostly impractical, sure, but would it work?

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I am not a niggor, but does these lenses have manual pins for the camera to "talk" to them? if its all electronic, then no.
G-lenses are completely electronic and it's "possible" to use them with older Nikon models but they'll only shoot wide open since they don't have the electronic contacts to inform the lens of what aperture should be used, and they don't have manual aperture rings
but when you press the camera's DoF preview lever it mechanically closes the lens' blades
My question is if it's possible to press the lever as a form of getting it to the right aperture
I mean, pressing the lever ends up actually closing the blades indeed
I have $50 that says it's related to stop-down functionality for older lenses. Stop-down levers were going the way of the dodo when the F50 came out so I wouldn't be surprised if it was never mentioned.
>drop off two rolls at the same time at the local filmshop
>email with scans only has one roll's worth of images
uh oh
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5x7 sinar norma with case that I won off fleabay for an absolute steal. 300 bucks. Check those goodwill listings!!

I knew she was pretty, but I didn't realize just how nicely made these are. Wow!

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both C-41 or no? my old lab would get color scans back in a few hours but they would save b&w a day or two until they had enough rolls on hand to run the machine
>I've never developed C-41 before
>I got about 16 rolls that I need to develop

What dev kit should I buy?
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yeah both c-41. its possible they only got to one roll, the woman at the counter said they were backed up and it might not be until tomorrow but I got one roll before close of business so it seems odd I wouldn't get the other one, especially since prior times i've dropped off multiple rolls they send them together. guess i'll find out in a few days when I finish my next roll(s) and drop them off.

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>take okay picture on Portra
>convert to BW
>becomes slightly better

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post it
wait, oh
Based moderate TDD enthusiast
Typical coolscan cucking
There really needs to be some new film scanners that aren't 5k or trash like OpticFilm and Epson V series.
Make one, or just get an enlarger.
>new specialized tool for only the most hardcore group of a niche public that mostly glorify obsolete technologies
>investments in new technology for a very expensive and complex field of study (optics)
oh yes, companies love throwing money into research and development, especially with negative ROI
I guess we'll have like 3 new film scanners until the end of the year
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>bleep bloop noises
>3hrs later
>not even 24mp
are ppl really that ignorant and tribalist that they will do this instead of using a MILC?

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What would be the point when a digital camera is literally a scanner?
>nooo i need the low dr ccd scanner to take my 20 stop DR 80mp frame of portra and turn it into micro four thirds
Good MILC scanning is difficult. Dust management is a bitch and micro-vibrations fuck up pixel shift something fierce. But there is no market for a dedicated scanner. They're not even capable of approaching what cameras can do. I'd rather see a market in premade vibration isolation scanning tables with high CRI light sources and film holders ready to go.
>not even 24mp
"Effective DPI" was the point of drama in the pre-DSLR scanning age. Every other scanner promised crazy numbers, but no actual usable details were revealed over 2400dpi for basically anything that wasn't a heidelberg tango with an operator that did not fuck up.

Hence the recent drama with the retard who thinks a 5dsr outresolves 6x9. Reality: You need a gfx100 to outresolve 6x9. Which is actually pretty cool, every 6x9 camera that isn't a mirror slapper costs as much as a gfx100 just to buy.
And all of these are still way behind budget fuck ILCs like the a7r2+pixel shift+sigma 70mm macro now and some don't even support medium and large format, which an ILC can scan better than a heidelberg drum by stitching
Amidol + azo contact printing time.

Expensive, poisonous, stains everything, -3 working life, but it makes incredible prints. It is the combination Weston used to make his prints.

Apparently you can control contrast on graded paper by using a water bath as a second developer. Similar to rodinal the developer in the shadows will deplete quickly, while the highlights continue to work more slowly.
2-3 hour working life.
>be me
>buy FM2
>it comes with 4 lenses and a MD-12 motordrive
>shoot some 3 rolls with it
>gets jammed every once in a while
>unjam it by opening the bottom plate and pushing a little lever that shouldn't be down
>take it to get CLA'd
>old man gives me a high price because it's the shutter mechanism, not the advancing mechanism
>guess I'll keep opening the bottom plate every now and then
>put some oil in it, never jams again
>loaded a bulk rolled movie film in it, rolled by my local lab
>long lead, a bit stiff so kind of annoying to load
>be today
>buy 8 fucking batteries
>load MD-12
>pull double exposure lever and cap the lens just to see if it works
>works fine
>cool shutter sounds
>oh fuck not again
>try to advance manually
>it's stuck
>open bottom plate
>lever technique doesn't work
>decide to rewind film and see what's up
up until this point I think I didn't do anything wrong, but yeah, spoiler: I had to be a dumb fuck
>rewind film
>get resistance at the end
>"must be that fucking stiff lead"
>applied a bit of force
>doesn't give
>well fuck it, open the back
>remove film
>look what they've done to my precious titanium blades
>picrel: my bendy boys
I'm fucked, ain't I?
I'll take it to the old man's repair shop with my tail between my legs tomorrow and ask him to repair it
and prepare to take the L 'cause it'll probably cost twice as much now
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forgot to attach image
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it looked so cool, /p/ ):
i'm sad
Yeah, you're completely fucked.

I love just being a flextight chad
Yer mum gave me the ol flexntight last night, I agree, very chadlike
Did typing that make you feel slightly better?
The year is 2024, Fuji superja is still dead
>Still no alternative except photoshooop
Prove it. Do you have any Vlads test targets?
Resolution isn’t where DSLR scans struggle.
That anon earlier was clearly talking about resolution.
That is what poors obsess over.
I have heard stories of innert rodinal bottles, it doesn't expire so i dont usually test it but I'd test a new bottle
So all Fujifilm does these days is rebrand Kodak Gold film or let chinks produce their film for cheap? Anyone here tried Fujifilm 400?
Yes, Fuji is dead in terms of film.
And the worst parts is those niggers are too proud and egotistical so they sunk with their ship instead of selling their chems and machines to other brands that would keep superia alive.
If you're used to shooting on Superia like me you're fucked.
Also Fuji 400 is rebranded Ultramax
400 is rebranded Kodak too?
That's awful, what were they thinking?
They were thinking "we're gonna save so much money"
And they are
Fujimax is not bad, I like it quite a bit. Miss real Fuji though.
Texas leicas are cheap
>every 6x9 camera that isn't a mirror slapper
you can get 6x9 with leaf shutter for like $300
>it says 36 exp, so 36 exposures?
>So you get 36 shots from every roll?
I got 38 exposures from a roll of Fujifilm 200 the other day but idk if my camera has issues or what, I am sure I did properly load it..
I guess I'll see how badly I messed up when I get it developed.
MILC pixel shift scans dont struggle anywhere other than a lack of digital ICE (which doesnt even work that well on shartbeds)

They’re basically flawless.
Some cameras that don’t have a super long transport for loading let you squeeze out an extra frame or two. Plus how comfortable you are with just closing the back once the leader is aligned vs winding a few times before closing. My m4-2 I can pretty consistently get 37 shots out of rolls of acrosii, but it feels like I’m gambling whether it engaged every time lol.
I pretty consistently squeeze 37-38 out of my Minolta SRT200, but I got burned the other day when I reached what would have been 40 exposures and realized that there were going to be zero, actually.
Interesting, it is a Minolta X-700.
On my Mamiya it's exactly 36 every time.
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I totally understand the amidol + silver chloride paper hype now. Used up about 30 sheets last night on a whole variety of prints.

The main thing I noticed about it was that exposure and development timing is a lot more intuitive and easier to control than with vc paper.

Now that the prints have dried this one is a perfect example of how nice this stuff is. It's almost exactly how I envisioned this image when I was figuring out the exposure. Rich blacks, subtle midtones, and bright white highlights. Looks significantly better than my lightroom edited scan even!

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Looks good man. Hopefully I can set up a little makeshift black room one day
I just bought a bunch of reusable metal film canisters from FOMA
anybody knows how to get them open in a non destructive way? The lids on them are spinning quite freely but I cant pop them open for the life of me
lol you think trash colors and rendering is flawless.
Thanks! It's really awesome having a darkroom. Ilford sells a 4x4 pop up tent that is like 200 usd. Works well enough for contact printing and/or a small enlarger.
>"trash colors"
>translation: i dont know how to invert my own film and personally think negafix's profiles are nice
>translation: schizophrenia
Depending on your country and its laws about drugs, a weed grow tent actually makes for a decent pop up darkroom as well.
I use flexcolor. Have fun searching what that is, lol.
Yes and no. Both of these films are made by Kodak, but they aren't identical to gold and ultramax. Kodak made some minor tweaks to, I guess try, and make it more Fuji like, doesn't look like Superia, but it doesn't look like gold or ultramax either. I actually kind of like Fauxji for certain applications, but it's a shame that real Fuji is dead.
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again
I've seen comparisons where they look identical and other comparisons where they are different. I wonder if they have made multiple variants.
Most cameras you can tell if it caught or not just by turning the winding knob to feel if there is tension. I've never got the people who fire off 3 or 4 shots of their feet at the beginning of every roll.
Squeeze the sides of the cassette and pull the cap off? Maybe they're different but that's all there was to it with the metal ones I had.
CUTE. I will be talking to your 3.5f son without your knowledge.

Now post some sheet film scans.
Still working out whether I'll be satisfied using camera scanning with 4x5 or if I need to pick up a flatbed. Pic rel is a test of the stitching method, which I'm decently satisfied with. Workflow is kind of a PITA though.

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Another shot from the same trip, same scan method. I'm shooting B+W and using Arista/Foma 100 while I'm learning. Developed in XTOL 1+1.

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Anon, the initial Fuji spec sheet had curves charts literally copy pasted from Gold.
They retraced them now at slightly different scales, but if you adjust for that, they're still identical.

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i use pixelshift on my pentax k70 and the files are the same resolution? i tried exporting them in rawtherapee and a dedicated dng pixel shift program but the resolution is the same? how do they work
The most basic pixel shift goes by full pixels, so yes it is the same resolution. But it's "real" resolution instead of "fake" interpolated bayershit.
oh ok, i couldn't see any difference in a bw scan so i thought i was doing something wrong
The bayer filtering mainly hurts color detail, so with b&w there might not be much difference. If you can't see a difference even with color it could be that the software doesn't support your particular camera. When it can't handle the pixel shift most software will treat it like a normal RAW and ignore the extra pixel shift data. Rawtherapee says it supports Pentax pixel shift though, so it's probably working.
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>go to camera store
>see 5 dollar ring that just says "for olympus"
>threaded on one side, mount on the other
>oh yeah it might be an adapter of some kind, i'll pick it up and figure it out later
>get home
5 dollar macro lens, holy smokes time to become flowerpilled
macro is for dweebs and nerds
Based. I am excited to see your pictures. Macro is a practice in patience, but so fun and can be very rewarding. :) If you don't have ttl metering on your camera you'll need to bump the exposure up a bit.

I found a 35mm zeiss luminar lens attached to a tophat sinar board that I scooped up from ebay. I have no idea how it will work, but I should be able to get stupid levels of magnification from it.

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I posted in the old thread by mistake, I am so silly, tehe :p

Sending my X-700 in for repair today, the focusing screen is dirty as hell and I couldn't get it removed myself. Might have even scratched it a bit. Maybe I should ask to get it replaced instead, I wonder if they have replacements. The wait to get it back and shoot with it again will be so bad.
Replacements are pretty available and it's actually very easy to remove yourself, idk why you found that difficult.
20 rolls of double x and 6 of e100 for me this weekend. street + a festival. whats everyone else shooting for the weekend
1 roll of Color plus and 2 rolls of foma 200 on 120 for an anime con lmao
it just would not come out, I could push that little lever all I want and nothing happened (yes I pushed in the right direction)
but it's fine, got it replaced for just 15 bucks and only took 5 minutes
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A series of unfortunate events.
2nd from left looks cool
ya fucked it, how?
>oh noooo my pictures now have something that makes them unique but its not what I wanted so its bad noooooooooo
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Yeah I will be trying to salvage some of them, but obviously they will all be in the "lol art" category.
It's a long story.
that just looks like your fixer is dead
you're not supposed to open the tank until AFTER the fixer has had its turn
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Fixer was fine.
You are when you're doing reversal and re-exposing before second development.
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Actually this must be the one time when I prefer the V850 look to LS5000, goes well with the lo-fi aesthetic.
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This is what the actual film looks like kek
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I got a roll of fujimax that I'm gonna finish up with some family pics, I haven't leally shot much of anything the last couple of months since it's so fucking hot. Last time I went out walking around by the lakefront my eyecup just disintegrated in the heat lol

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Looks like the emulsion lifted. Wtf did you do?
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well it... sorta worked. I trusted the inbuilt light meter on the camera but shooting 200 iso meant even in daylight it wanted me to leave it wide open and shoot at 1/30 or 1/60; i'm sure the lack of stabilization combined with the openness is why they look like this. any other anons tried reverse rings with their cameras? anything else i'm missing?

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one more, I had 5 or 6 left on this roll that I played with before dropping it off; I guess with the next roll i'll try at least a few more "staged" ones so that I can have the camera stabilized and make sure the light is bright enough that I can close the aperture a bit.

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>Go to Vietnam with a bunch of slide film and a new lens for my F100
>Developed film at home
>Noticed lots of shots and rolls looked like yours

Found out that the lens that I had would meter, focus, and all that on my F100. But when my camera fired the shot, it kept the lens at it's maximum aperture even though it was set to f/8 for example

Feels bad man
Stop down, tripod if you can, and avoid movements from wind. Manually focusing macro can be difficult to the point of it being a guessing game without the proper focusing screen in my experience, but stopping down will help. A powerful flash can be very useful if you want to continue trying for stuff that's outside.

Setting up some simple scenes on a table or indoors would be a good way to see if you're doing everything correctly before going out in the wild.
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>Wtf did you do?
Literally followed the instructions.
Long story (kind of) short, this is Foma R100 (B&W slide). I got the dev kit and bunch of rolls.
It has never once gone completely right. Sometimes it was mostly right (and when it did, I liked the results), but lifting of the top layer of emulsion was always a problem, despite following instructions to the letter, and controlling temperatures to 0.1 degree C.
I reached out to Foma to clarify and ask about the issues I was having, and got reply from their product manager. But his reply was mostly "please follow the published instructions to the letter".
One time it went very, very bad was the first time I did 3 rolls at one, only to find out the developer has failed. See >>4356013 and >>4360834.
And yes, I did strip test back then too - everything EXCEPT the dev. I figured since the (supposedly much more degradable) bleach was fine, the developer would be too.
Cue the latest two rolls I shot, including the one I was just posting.
With the kit developer (LQR) dead I used HC-110, which was is closest type I have. I had to guess the dev time, based on other stocks that had both HC-110 and LQR times published, but 8 minutes seemed reasonable.
I strip-tested all the solutions, they seemed fine.
During reversal exposure (>>4362320), the negative image appeared as expected, before going back for second development.
Everything seemed fine until I went to dry the film and saw that only last 6 frames on each roll looked kind of ok. Seems the film only got properly exposed on the outermost part, but not inside the spiral - despite THIS never being a problem before. I re-exposed it exactly the same as before.
And that's how I got here. I still have two rolls left but I'm done giving Foma shit any more chances. I'll just do them as negatives (conflicting opinions on the net if it looks good or bad that way). I'll toss the rest of the dev kit out.
Or maybe I'll toss the rolls out too because they're bad fucking luck.
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Nevermore, or something.
should i get a nikon f5 or is that overkill for a shitter like me
It would be interesting to see if you could actually print these.

Nope. F6,F5,1v, and T3 are THE snapshitting kings.
what do artmaxxed pros use
Artmaxxing is about understanding the look you want and achieving it, which means any and all sort of camera could be used.
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Real art? Sheet film
Anti-art designed to subvert and destroy the west? B&W 35mm and a leica
Do not false flag as me you bastard.
It is true that sheet film or large transparencies are needed for fine art printing(platinum,carbon,photogravure), but you can definitely utilize grain/smaller formats/digital to artistic effect.

I think this shit >>4362427 is artistic in its own right if you could actualize prints from it, but it doesn't deserve all that as much credit because it wasn't done with intent. That doesn't stop it from being really cool.
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You think I should try to take a portrait of my dog with the old 8x10 camera? In many ways it is far more challenging than macro.

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if its anything like my dogs, getting the fucker to sit still long enough to properly frame, focus, and prep a sheet film shot is an accomplishment all in itself. snapshitting them with a TLR in picrel was hard enough, can't imagine a full view camera lol.
I should setup my cambo and fire off a sheet of 4x5 or two just for the shits...

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Go for it! It's tough, but a fun challenge. If you have a flash or two it can really help. I went 2 for 2 in terms of focus on my first attempt at 8x10 dog pics, but apparently they are terrible pictures. :(
I think they're both awesome and very comfy. I reprinted them with amidol and they came out looking amazing.

The tough part is choosing a focal distance that gives you enough DoF to allow for a little movement, but also staying close enough to actually take advantage of a large piece of film for something akin to an actual portrait. I'll be using my 40mm equivalent this time around instead of my 20mm equivalent.

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Mine will stay still and focused on me for 30-60 seconds. He's a pretty good dog if treats are involved. When the flash goes off or he hears the shutter click it's like a release command for him and he runs over to get his reward.

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nice contrast
what film is that?
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I got an xt-20 and a fuji xc 35mm f2 which is my closest focusing lens, it gets pretty close

can i scan negatives with something like a closeup filter or an extension tube?
>It would be interesting to see if you could actually print these.
Printing crossed my mind for a second, but they are, for what its worth, positive images (though a lot of them heavily pseudo-solarized, with details in shadow being in negative).
What I could do is try to contact-duplicate the positive film to some ISO 1-3 inter-negative, and then print to paper from that... But that by itself will introduce a lot of uncontrollable factors and additional artifacts. Not sure if the image will still be recognizable.
Hell, I might just do this, because why not. Just not tonight because I'm tired as fuck.
This is the closest anyone ever came to calling my photos "art", even if conditionally and without "all that much credit". It made my day, thanks anon!
kek nice
Sorry to hear that bro, were any of them salvageable at all?
I guess not.
Delta 100 and xtol 1+1. It's a print I photographed and edited some in post. The azo+amidol print basically looks like that tho.

:D Embrace the insanity. Theyre so abstract you could even print them as inverted images and theyd still be cool.
Does anyone have advice for using a macro lens on a digital camera to "scan" film? I borrowed a friend's Sony A6000 and am using an old Soligor lens with macro function through an adapter. The images look clear & focused on the screen and viewfinder but then look blurry and low res when I import them on my PC. I have tried my iPhone SE with a shitty Aliexpress macro clip on lens and that is getting better results. Even without the clip on lens the iPhone is taking better "scans". I know that I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Is there some setting that I'm missing? For the options, I obviously first enabled release without lens for the shutter and enabled manual focus assist (I don't think this works with adapted lenses but saw some people claim it does). Are there any other settings that I should try to make better scans?
10s shutter timer, rock solid tripod, optimal aperture, lowest iso, flat film, good backlighting.
>manual focus assist
unless you are talking about focus peek you have to put it on a custom button, it'll allow you to zoom in a lot to confirm focus
usually with native lenses it zooms in for you automatically when you rotate the focus ring
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I just developed Foma 400 in Rodinal
will god ever forgive me?
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4.64 MB JPG
Did you shoot it at 400?

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no, at 320
and still most of these frames look thin as fuck lol
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2.04 MB JPG
Hopefully they aren't as bad as these ones. Doesn't look like it. I think my camera's metering goofed up a bit.

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that's a lot of dog hair you have on those negatives, anon
It's for scale against the absolutely enormous grain of box speed exposed fomashit.
I hope you enjoy crunchy grain. I don’t mind the look but it’s not for everyone.
man I fucking love grain, gives such a nice texture
I pushed APX 100 +2 stops and it has the perfect amount of grain plus super nice contrast (too much for skies tho, they become completely white)
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quick scans
ok, it's not as bad as I thought

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very contrasty and grainy, some of the photos may turn out alright
will scan the rest tomorrow

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that's some pretty pleasant grain tbqh senpai
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Love me some Ektar

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nice shot, bro
really like it
makes me want to try ektar
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4.61 MB JPG
Don't mind me, just clearing out some June shit on this dead thread.

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Imagine the mosquitos.

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This one just to grate your eyeballs.

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Generic landscape shit, what can I say?

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>Just crop

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How about skulking around the campus of a university I wanted to attend but never passed the exam, during the summer when nobody is around.

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3.45 MB JPG
The modern garbage tower in the background never ceases to disgust me whenever I visit my old hometown.

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Still not the place to dump the photos that you're not proud enough of to post elsewhere but that you still sank too much effort into that you kinda sorta want engagement for.
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trying to test the CS9000 I bought by scanning old family half-frame slides
a fool's errand, these are all underexposed out of focus shakey and grain-heavy

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its a good picture anon
white balance is a bit fucked, the actual slide is nowhere near that blue
all the other slides I've tried have a similar blue cast, which sounds like a dirty mirror on the scanner maybe
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3.99 MB JPG
some more fomashit
foma is weird, lot of negatives on these roll look thin but the scans turn out alright

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3.79 MB
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over all I think people are exaggerating the grain inducing effects of Rodinal
some might like

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*some might like the gritty look

Your platen is not parallel to your sensor.
adjust the white balance in software, it's no big deal

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