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>most sold camera of second half of 2010s and early 2020s - outsold entire brands
>featuring good autofocus, video quality and high resolution sensor
>mount was available to third parties such as Sigma
>quickly got killed in favor of some bizarro hybrid APS-C on Full Frame mount while Canon refused to make any lenses for it, ever
Was Canon really afraid people would never move onto their Fool Frame offerings because of how good and cheap these were?
There wasn't a single thing missing on the EF-M mount and the autofocus was ahead of current year Fuji.
>Canon being paranoid about cannibalizing sales and hobbling their products yet again
>Canon makes lobotomized decision
So, business as usual really.

Its a shame since there was decent hype over it for the time, and many anons here have claimed to enjoy it. It's kind of odd though, since it basically had the old APS-C-only curse that uhhh... Pentax had?
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened, OP
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>completely mogs the competition
It was a different time anon
I really just want to win the lottery and buy a new Canon R5mk2 and go to Japan to take pictures.
Can you guys give me 5 numbers in the range of [1;50] and 2 numbers in the range of [1;12]
EF-M mount was never good by itself but carried by nature the entire EF and EF-S mount lens forwards with a simple adapter with passive electric contacts and Sigma knew the EF mount as much as canon itself, has DP PDAF pixels on the sensor the same way as old cheap canons had off-sensor and nowadays good cameras for fast AF with EF lens from the 90s. The only bad thing about it is that EF-M was DoA and swiftly replaced by RF.
>There wasn't a single thing missing on the EF-M mount and the autofocus was ahead of current year Fuji.
EF is a 35 year old real mount for real cameras unlike cameras made for larping (digital APS-C Fuji)
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Sure! Here are your numbers:

5 random numbers in the range of [1, 50]: 4, 34, 17, 26, 49

2 random numbers in the range of [1, 12]: 1, 4

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 600D
Lens Size70.00 - 300.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.0.2
Lens NameEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created2018:07:28 18:15:24
Exposure Time1/125 sec
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White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed204
Color Matrix33
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thx bro
mmmh titties.
Don't forget me when you cash in the millions!
I got this camera with ef 50mm 1.8 and ef-s 24mm 2.8. Best camera that I could ever have (yet) after my canon 1300d.
holy based, an EF-M thread on /p/

I bought two M6 mk2-s dirt cheap and converted an M6 mk1 to full spectrum. I think I have it all covered for the next 10 years.
well, it's still happening for me
EF-M sold so well because it replaced upper tier P&S bodies for people who weren't satisfied with their phones. Many buyers only ever bought and used the kit lenses, but the kit lenses were actually good. It was also the perfect backup/light travel companion for those already invested in EF. And a few of the lenses were so good that they compelled people to buy a body just for the lens. Want a perfect small/light/stealthy street system? M body + 22mm f/2. Want an extremely lightweight hiking camera with high IQ? M body + 11-22 IS.

After the firmware updates fixed the AF, I grabbed an original M + 22mm. When I bought it I wondered if I was going to end up returning it. When I got it, I loved it and used it for street all the time. Added the 18-55 IS kit lens (also great for street thanks to IS), a tiny 3rd party flash that could tilt up for ceiling bounce, and a few other minor accessories. I still want an M5 or M6ii and 11-22 IS even though it's a discontinued system.

Unfortunately the boomer managers at Canon just couldn't wrap their minds around the possibilities. Canon should have kept a couple EF-M bodies around (one with EVF, one without to be even smaller) and added a few more nice primes like the 22mm. EF-M can be smaller than RF and with the right lenses it would have continued to fill that P&S niche and maintained a small cult following. It was not a primary system for serious photographers, but it was a great secondary system. With the 22mm f/2 it mogs other cameras aimed at street such as the Ricoh P&S and Fuji's fixed lens bodies.
Considering the current R lineup and it's light / small options, do you think there is still a market portion that they don't straight up replace from the M line? I mean, the R50/100 is tiny as fuck and weights like 350g. Yes it has an OVF and the body is slightly bigger, but considering it's practially a copy of the M50, I kind of see why they decided to ditch the EF-M system. The only thing I can see that would have a future would be an OVF-less slimline camera, but Canon makes the Powershot.

Would I personally have liked they continued with the EF-M lineup? Sure. But it felt like M cameras were Canon's attempt at muscling in on the mirrorless / M43 market before they could begin the true transition away from DSLRs.

Of course it's also in part to the greedy pricks who didn't want to maintain two lens systems, and would rather funnel you into eventually buying an R5 MkII.
Personally I still think there's a place for them because nothing RF will ever be as small as the M+22mm or 11-22 IS. You can get close, but not that small. But the boomers have made their management decision.

On the plus side, even the M's 18mp apsc sensor is still good today. We are deep into "diminishing returns" on sensor tech and an M is every bit as usable today as it was when introduced. Even more so with NR and scaling algorithm improvements.
>nothing RF will ever be as small as the M+22mm or 11-22 IS
Have you been living under a rock? They already have an RF wide angle zoom thats smaller. A 35 pancake equivalent is only a matter of time.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width344
Image Height243
Image Created2024:09:17 08:59:20
>They already have an RF wide angle zoom thats smaller.
And worse IQ on a larger body. The EF-M 11-22 IS is legendary.
It was killed by superior m43 having IBIS and weather sealing. Cannot couldn’t compete with penisonic and olympussy.
>it basically had the old APS-C-only curse that uhhh... Pentax had?
The Pentax curse was that it was a full frame mount with only APS-C bodies.
It doesn't matter what the sensor size is as long as the system is built around it.
If only they put a hotshoe on top of the EVF module.
>First signs of a deteriorating mind
>Yes it has an OVF
The R50/100 has an OVF when anon was talking about the EOS M which doesn't. So it wasn't a truely fair comparison.
It's an EVF, friend.
>If only they put a hotshoe on top of the EVF module
Sounds like an engineering nightmare. I couldnt imagine a bulky flash on top of another flimsy articulating plastic piece.
>on top of another flimsy articulating plastic piece
The second EVF module didn't articulate though.
Still gonna be a nightmare having it support the weight of a big flash with 4 AA batteries. Theres a reason hothoes are built directly into the body.
>Still gonna be a nightmare having it support the weight of a big flash with 4 AA batteries
Just make the tube out of magnesium alloy.
It can take it, a lot better than traditional plastic speedlite feet.
Would an M50 or a M3 be a good upgrade for my 700D?

I'm an amateur in every way and I've had the 700 since launch using it for every scenario, but in the last couple of years I've almost exclusively used it for architecture and street photography while abroad with the 24mm prime lens.
As you all probably know already the 700D is pretty chunky and now that I'm using it mostly for street stuff it's far too large even with the pancake lens. As I like to record footage sometimes as well would either of these cameras be a worthwhile upgrade?
Sounds like a cheap used m50ii + 22/2 is a no-brainer
I think after looking into it more it was R50 or the R10 and it's half the price of that one so I might have to go for it. The lens looks especially nice on it too.
did the M lineup featuer any rangefinder style cams? or only mini-SLRs or "LOL NO VIEWINDER FOR YOU" consoomer cams?

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