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File: phoot.jpg (551 KB, 2048x1368)
551 KB
551 KB JPG
Is this a nicely taken photo?
Not really no.

You have two subjects but managed to blur one out completely, making half of the shot pointless.

Plus the guy looks like his barber decided to close half way through the cut.
You should consider not shooting wide open and either using auto ISO or setting ISO based on the lighting you're working with so you don't need to shoot wide open at a slower shutter speed.
For stopping down, if it's dimly lit and you can't use flash you're kinda fucked. Better to try to flatten the image plane if that's the case, in this case asking the girl to move closer and the guy to hold the card closer to the plane. It looks pretty dim this photo but of course hard to say without being there. What was your shutter speed, aperture and camera model OP?
no, since there is no balut and red horse beer.
the person behind the camera could be giving them the middle finger. that isnt very nice.
Go chicken find your new joy...

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