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Convince me NOT to get one.
Hard mode: no bitching about the price allowed.

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Posting in a paid shill thread

Buy an ad ricoh
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This exists.
It's nice and all, but it isn't a half-frame. (And even though I said not to bitch about the pricing, this one's a bit steep for my wallet.)
But why would you want a half-frame?
The lenses on half-frame cameras are always going to be worse than on a full-frame. You lose half the resolution. And labs will more often than not charge you to scan 72 frames individually rather than in diptych mode. And it's also absolutely awful to scan 2-in-1 when people request it because people are retarded and don't understand that shooting two completely different scenes with different exposures one after the other is going to leave you with an awful result as the scanner tries to compensate for both.
Fuck you. I don't give to shits what you are doing
>I want half the film resolution and to have to still shoot with a big heavy camera and frame everything in portrait.

That's just a half measure to a Lomomatic. Just go all the way and get a Lomomatic.

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I actually own it. It’s very nice if a bit overpriced for what it is, but at the end of the day it’s a half frame camera and the format is inherently shit. It’s like having the nicest buttplug, you know, at the end of the day it’s still gonna fuck you in the ass. Not great. And Pentax made some weird decisions in pursuit of the zoomer/instagram market that make using the thing an exercise in frustration. It is fully capable of manual metering and autofocus (the lens is already motorized! Bokeh mode lel) but they just didn’t add those things because it needs to be a snapshitter for the bug women who are the target market. Real love hate kind of device, but I can appreciate a new film camera that’s at least trying to be more than a barely-reusable disposable thing. But Using my Konica auto-reflex is an immensely superior experience for shooting half frame.

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Bruh. Should have gone for this lomoKINO instead.
captcha: ASS4

They had one job.
price? just look how ass ugly it is. If you think otherwise, you're a lost cause, just buy it then.
Would be interesting to see how many Pentax has sold. Many who harp on about it are social media influencers who got a free copy.
I already have a Konica Eye. Half frame is kinda boring.
You can find used pentax cameras that give you proper 35mm for way less bundled with good optics. Also these will flood the used market once the novelty wears off which is soon.
Because the Chaika already exists.
That's actually not a bad idea
Get a Kyocera Samurai X3.0 instead. They made the GOAT Contax cameras after all and the design just looks cool. It has a great zoom range too unlike the Pentax.
the camera everyone wanted but shitty ergo and build quality
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Find an Olympus Pen EE2 or 3 (for the better light sensor)
Find one sold with a cap to make sure the cell is in good condition, but most of them have held up the test of time, when stored properly

The lens is awesome, it'll be smaller then the Pentax 17, the lightmeter works without a battery, you can select your aperture manually if you want

Only 2 speeds and the camera chooses the best one for the exposure, I've never had a too badly motion blurred shot however
new slr when
>And labs will more often than not charge you to scan 72 frames individually rather than in diptych mode
Development + scan = 21€. Same as a full-frame. And no, it isn't some SD scan either. I just got confirmation from the lab.
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Every single one that I've held smelled like moldy basement
I kind of like the smell desu
>soft as a pillow wide open
No thank you.
It is absurd how consistent this smell is across all old eastern european photography equipment

I honestly wonder; maybe it's the glue they used?
Its the oil in the lens.
The same smell on all Japanese imports. It's the humidity, but the difference is that almost all Japanese imports smell like cigarettes too
OP btfo
>Development + scan = 21€
half litre bottle of rodinal is 15eur and you can develop 100 rolls of 135 film with it, cheap Fomafix fixer will do you 5 eur, for stop bath use water or a tablespoon of vinegar diluted in 1 litre of water. Paterson spiral tank is 20 eur.
For scanning buy some old CCD scanner like epson 4490 for 50 - 60 eur.
With cost of 4 -5 rolls developed with scan you now have setup to develop 100.
If color is your thing two bath Cinestil C-41 will do you 60 eur and you can do 20 rolls, some say more but I've never tried it.
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Rodinal and half frame is a look you have to know you’re gonna like, I don’t know if I’d recommend it as a generic one size fits all option. The frame size is too small imo for the grain acutance it gives you. I like the look, but I don’t know if everyone would.

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Image Created2024:09:15 18:11:37
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well i'm not sure if acutance is the right word, but it makes the grain very obvious and stand out.

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its a look though if nothing else.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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That's true, I like it, most probably might not, but then xtol powder is not that expansive either.
Man, the thumbnails really show those streaks from stand development lol.
>non interchangeable lens
using vintage lenses is half the fun
Thanks anon, I'm saving this.
Too bad the pictures from this are so fucking horrible.

This defeats the purpose of shooting film. The development quality is atrocious and on top you're scanning with a shitty ccd scanner.

You'd have better quality with a point and shoot from 2003 or using your phone and slapping a filter on top.
>This defeats the purpose of shooting film.
The development quality is atrocious and on top you're scanning with a shitty ccd scanner.

You'd have better quality with a point and shoot from 2003 or using your phone and slapping a filter on top.
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>The development quality is atrocious and on top you're scanning with a shitty ccd scanner.

you mean, kino?

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
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Image Created2022:11:22 14:28:56
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Instagram filters are not kino
So what I'm getting from this thread is that I should buy it, right?
I own it. I don’t hate it and I will keep it but I would not buy again. It’s like a solid c+ type camera imo. But I like the idea of a new film camera design and release so partly why I’m keeping it. The few pics above with the ordinal streaks are mine
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I don't understand how they thought it was ok to make it so fat
new technology is supposed to mean smaller isn't it?
Damn. You could murder someone with this.
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>It is absurd how consistent this smell is across all old eastern european photography equipment
If thing was manufactured 50-70 years ago and being sold just now, you can be sure it was stored in the ГAPAЖ or in the БAЛКOH. Neither of these is good for equipment. The smell you are talking about is bouquet of mold, old furs, naphtalene, gasoline, rat's shit, old books, dead pigeon and cigarettes. Notes of leaked sour juice from fermented tomatoes is optional but highly likely present too.

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