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Nice try Clive. Nobody cares about PewDiePie or Canon. Keep on seething about Sony.
yeah he won but you didn't because you are fat and sexless
Who fucking gives a shit? I can't imagine even caring enough to post this as a joke. Literally go touch some grass.
I think you should give a shit

Even this rich ass internet fag whose livelihood is basically 100% dependent on his photos and videos cares so little about cameras he uses a fucking canon RP and ya'll are shooting larger and larger format dead bugs to try and "own" each other. Some of you have bought fuji MF meant for doing photorealistic life size prints of football players just to "dab on sensorlets" and i can see some of you have spent a significant amount of your lives trying to argue that your $2000 small sensor camera "owns the fooltards", ranting about codecs, and calling each other poor/"CANT AFFORD IT HUH?"

nothing wrong with a rp
i wonder if he shot the video with it too, since it is 1080p
There is unironically a lot wrong with the RP, it lags behind older cheaper cameras in a lot of ways. It's a good example of a genuinely limiting camera, a technological regression in every way, built to a price point. It's actually a canon 6d mark 2 with a bunch of the features ripped out for no reason. If you merely look over cameras for a second the rp is the worst buy on earth and scarcely competes with an old sony a7ii.

And yet a multimillionaire is using it for his photo and video career, which should tell you something about people who think they need a $2k nikon zf for their dog, a $6k nikon z9 for building corners, and a $13k linhof super technika v for their harem of beautiful muslim women (goats).
The RP is shit, the R8 is so much better it's almost a wonder why they even sell the RP.
wall of shit
who cares?
it is a fully capable cheap compact full frame mirrorless camera with a far superior autofocus to 6dII
how is it limiting your stills faggot? you didn't list one real reason
go ahead and elaborate how much better it is
the r8 is 600 dollars more, basically the same if not literally the same fucking sensor, basically the same autofocus, same slow shutter and is bigger for no reason other than shooting 4k video
if anything it is the r8 that seriously lacks a raison d'etre
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It's tool vs toy.
A Tool only need to go as far as the job required.
A Toy is up to the person's perceived worth, capability is irrelevant.
So what if a person want to spend more money on their toys? Not like Pew shy away from buying expensive toys, just look at that mint T2.

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This is the kind of autism we don't need.
Wrong. It has the old Canon DSLR color science. Way better than their newer mirrorless cameras. Also, no baked in noise reduction the raw files at 100 ISO. So the sensor is probably better than most people think.

I wish I lived in the States, then I would've bought one for $599 refurbed.
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RP's sensor is dogshit and likely cheap as balls. Wouldn't be surprised if it was cheaper to use than even some of their APS-C sensors.
RP would be an insta buy for me if it had a fully electronic shutter silent shutter.
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actually, fuck likely, the RP's sensor is guaranteed to be cheaper than the R7's, or there's no way the MSRP of the R7 is 50% more. RP has the same sensor as the 6Dm2 released in 2017, which only had a marginally improved sensor over the original 6D from 2012.
It is all about the content and the emotions it invokes for the target audience. It is true that we are spoiled and ungrateful.
I don't watch youtubers that target 12 years old, sorry m8
>PewDiePie uses a Canon EOS RP
Absolutely based and RP pilled.

>the r8 is 600 dollars more, basically the same if not literally the same fucking sensor
Not even remotely the same sensor, holy shit.

>basically the same autofocus
Again, not even close.

>same slow shutter
How is 1/16000 slow? That's the R8's top speed.
>Wrong. It has the old Canon DSLR color science. Way better than their newer mirrorless cameras.
I have multiple "old Canon DSLRs" as well as one of "their newer mirrorless" and their original mirrorless, the M. And the color science is remarkably similar across 20 years, with slight improvements as you go forward.

Still waiting for someone to prove whatever processing was detected by PtP affects anything at all.
>but muh duhnamik ranges!
RP can handle anything except sun-in-frame shadowed foreground landscapes, which are better handled by two frame blending any way. If you're constantly blowing exposure to the point of needing +6ev shadow pushes...on a mirrorless with exposure preview no less...then you need a different hobby.
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The RP is how Canon baits retards like you into buying into an expensive FF system, only to find out that you might as well have bought into APS-C or m4/3 instead, and now you're left with crazy expensive RF lenses unless you only use the shitty ones that have 3EV of vignetting.
>Canon shooters are actual photographers that take photos
Yeah, I'm thinking Canon won.
>muh charts
You have said nothing of value.
Get a job.

>but what about MUH DUHNAMIK RANGES???
Post your widest DR, real world, single frame photo. Not a cat test. I'll bet you I have wider DR single frame photos from a fucking 7D bought 15 years ago. My years with that camera are how I know, practically, what the RP can and cannot do because they're similar in this respect. Because at the time I was shooting a lot of landscape and pushing DR. I knew when I could get away with a single frame, and when I needed to AEB 3 frames (out of which I generally blended 2). 7D was great for that because at 8 fps you can handhold your HDR brackets. Basically if the sun is in frame, you need to AEB and blend. No sun? Nail your exposure in RAW and you will be fine.

For most people DR is a marketing point. They never shoot the scenes that actually push it. They don't even know how to push it (ETTL in RAW). It's only useful if they underexpose by a huge margin (can't help overexposure).

High ISO performance is the practical reason most people end up jumping to FF, and the RP is fine there because the sensor is not invariant. e-noise goes down as ISO goes up. So at ISO 100 it gets its butt kicked in +6ev black cat tests, but at ISO 6400 it's clean like most FF bodies (basically all shot noise).

And I've never owned an RP. I jumped to FF for 50mp 5Ds resolution for massive prints. 60" is easy for that camera. It's another camera people like to call "noisy" and yet I hardly ever need to blend frames now, though maybe one in a thousand shots still needs two frames where something like an R5 or A7R could get away with one. But even when you can get away with one, at that point you often have higher IQ blending two.

For most people, DR is just a spec to argue about.
Seething so hard you can't even read a single sentece properly. Ain't nobody reading your wall of text at least.
>gets btfo'd
>"nooooo i'm not reading that!"
Are you the retard who thinks film has infinite resolution? The horse fucker?
Dude, you're a total bitch lmao
Let's see your RP shots that couldn't have been taken with a phone, APS-C, or m4/3
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>schizo rant and samefagging

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Thanks for proving the charts were correct. The problem with RF lenses is that the cheap ones (to pair with your cheap RP) all vignette at 3EV, so it really only gives you 1EV of latitude to work with, which really isn't enough on the RP (or R7).
>posts photo showing the high ISO advantage of the FF RP
>"hurr the charts were correct!"
You ARE the dense, horse fucking, infinite film guy, aren't you?

If you're one of the few people who actually regularly shoot wide DR scenes in real life, then the RP is not for you. But we all know that you are not one of those people, so why are you gloating over charts for cameras you will never own?
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Show us your widest DR real world shot, something you're proud of.
>no u
still waiting >>4359924
But I don't own an RP. What camera do you own? Can you show us a wide DR real world scene, that you shot, that couldn't be captured on the RP in a single frame?
Of course you do, or else you wouldn't have made this schizo rant >>4359914
>Bro don't worry, that extra 0.4 stop of DR makes all the difference
>RP kek get a real full frame
>I shoot such wide DRs but probably own a Rebel T6i
Its tiring to listen to, isn't it
As expected.
>Two posts disagree with me
>Must be samefagging
Complete schizo.
You don't have one either, and it's irrelevant to the fact that you're still a schizo faggot
I'm not the one crying "hurr the rp sux cause muh dr"...show us your best wide DR shot.
... I think the RP is fine? Anon, I'm not that guy.
>seething so hard that you attack someone supporting you
and canonfags wonder why they're so hated within photography communities
>nooooo i totally support you
>and i'm totally not samefagging
So...we can't we see a photo?
>Shoot webcam-like videos or simple vlogs
>Basic ass color grading, done by a paid editor
Why would he need anything other than that? It's has good AF and nice zoom lenses
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Opinion: discarded
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The RP is perfectly adequate for stills. IBIS would be nice, but considering the price tag, can't really complain.

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Nigga I don't own an RP. You're self fellating yourself on a Latvian shoemaking forum.
>Inb4 lmao samefagging again
Christ... give it a rest mate
Who said anything about an RP? Show us how important dynamic range is with a real world, single frame shot that you believe could not be done on the RP.
Ya did it yourself

The 6D (first version) was the best sensor Canon ever made.
>RP has the same sensor as the 6Dm2 released in 2017

And the DIGIC 8 Image Processor released in 2018.

Cockgoblin, I need you to absorb the next few sentences I type with all six of your brain cells.

I am not arguing one way or the other about DR. I posted >>4359951, which was mocking the retards earlier in the thread, that this other anon >>4359948 also called out. I haven't once said the RP sucks. I think it's an excellent camera considering the price point, which is fuck all. If the RP has slightly lower DR than a different full frame camera, then at most it would be a half a stop, which the vast vast majority of photographers (you) wouldn't be able to use / abuse properly anyway. Bruh, you're not even arguing with the right person.
It's absolutely a great results:price ratio and I wish the larpers on /p/ who live off MTF chart dust would understand that.
ok but you can buy a D800 for $300 that mogs this in every single way. shit a 20mp micro four thirds is $500 and mogs this in most situations the sensor is so damn bad. em1ii, same DR, <$500, small, much better built, has ibis, only missing 6 megapixels (and a 6 megapixel camera would be too much for you)

who really lives off the mtf chart

probably you desu
>muh mirrorless lenses so sharp
>its heckin full frame
>6 extra megapixels
>a D800 for $300 that mogs this in every single way.

>only 51 AF points
>no eye-detect AF

Wouldn't call those "deal-breakers", but good luck getting one with a <750K shutter count.
>he needs eye detect autofocus
Skill issue
Nothing is more expensive than incompetence
Exactly why SNOY shooters desperately need eye AF/animal eye AF/bird eye AF etc etc. Bunch of pathetic amateurs.
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Canon's AF is so good it can predict the shot for you
>Ok I'm going to ignore the part where I was wrong about thing
>Instead I'm going to fag on about this other thing which makes me objectively right anyway
Bro. Stop. You're tiring to communicate with
I have one and its good for pretty much any normal circumstances obviously if you were shooting the world cup or in extreme weather you would want something else but I dont ever see myself needing more desu
>>he needs eye detect autofocus

I don't, in fact I use MF a lot, but you can't deny the usefulness.
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Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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Exposure Time1/400 sec
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Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Lumix is the true winner but nobody talk about it
>shit a 20mp micro four thirds is $500 and mogs this in most situations the sensor is so damn bad.
It's time to ban mfturds from the board.

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>everyone who points out that i'm a dumb ass is the same person
No, everyone hates you.
>berates anon for responding to the wrong person
>is responding to the wrong person
Lol we all hate each other here. That isn't much of an insult. If anything it means namefag belongs here. We all post shit photots, brandfag, and seethe against one another like it's a sport
If only we weren't all anons
But can we at least agree that we all hate mfturd posters the most?
No. Snoy schizos are the most unbearable.
Hmmm...hard call. I'm not sure if I hate snoy schizos or mft schizos more. Recently I would have to say snoy, but mft posters have had some legendary schizo posting. Hard to beat.
The pro snoy schizos who just post facts and logic, or the anti snoy schizos that have meltdowns over 10mm of lens length and basically just lie?
the pro snoys. fuck anyone insisting a snoy is usable. they just want to tear me away from my camerawaifu nikon-chan.
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>The pro snoy schizos who just post facts and logic
Their facts and logic was this was relatively minor compared to recent fuckups by nikon and not out of the norm for japanese cameras, and yet, there seems to be some shilling. When non-sony jap companies fuck their users over /p/ ignores it. It's memoryholed and they start spamming something sony related. When sony does /p/ goes nuts spamming all over the board about it. When non-panasonic jap companies release a gimmick /p/ ignores it. When panasonic releases a gimmick /p/ goes nuts. When sony's pancake sucks /p/ goes nuts. When nikon's pancake sucks it's suppressed here.

When one sony camera broke, /p/ goes nuts.
When literally every single s5ii in existence has a battery drain problem, /p/ ignores it or posts one forum post where someone had a bunk battery in their snoy.

I find this odd.

It's almost like there's a paid shill or three.

The reality is, all japanese camera companies are unreliable. All of them. You can not follow ones new releases and updates forever without being fucked over HARD. If you want to consoom forever only hasselblad is actually good enough to rely on.
>when someones olympus om-d had a part fail due to rain exposure, "they lied, they submerged the camera, ITS A LYING SNOY SHILL"
>when someone literally fell in the ocean holding a sony, "this is what happens when a sony sees a single drop of rain"
Yeah. Shills.
imagine if sony had pentax's problems. /p/ would be nothing but threads seething about sony.
>k1: complete mode dial failure due to poor assembly
>k1-ii: forced noise reduction at all ISOs
>SDM motors: high failure rate due to bad design
>K-## models: aperture trigger failure due to cheap solenoid

imagine if sony had problems with total shutter and ibis unit failure like the lumix gh5. imagine if sony had spotty WR on a 2020s model like the fuji xt5 and xh2. imagine if sony had to issue 5 recalls for their mirrorless cameras over less than 5 years like nikon. imagine if sony had canon's forced NR, or the green line issue of the 5div, or the early firmware bugs in EOS Rs.

no one would defend any of it. it would all be bad. we'd call sony unusable and worthless for any of it and it would all generate a ton of seethe where all newer cameras would be called automatically shit "because dis brand did a bad thang".

but if it's not sony, no one cares, and then "buy panasonic". it's weird!
>incoherent seething wall of texts
Snoy schizos confirmed most unbearable posters on /p/
Not them but it's concerning. Why is it so many brands have problems, but /p/ overblows snoys, but if you point out a problem with panasonic...
Something is fishy. Snoy fucks people over exactly as often as panasonic, canon, nikon, pentax, olympus etc but on /p/ there's this unique "culture" that is most likely less than 5 posters where everything snoy does is massively overblown and everyone is told to buy a fucking panasonic? We had one sane poster here for a month and his last post was "just bought a hasselblad, bye, enjoy fighting over jap scrap". Maybe he had the right idea.
wasting your words
he'll just cry about "snoy schizos" and make another thread with photoshopped g9ii dpreview "tests"
heh, P1 >> hasselblad
see >>4359933
Not doing a lot to dispel the accusations of a shill (or really crazy sperg).
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>posting images on an image board
>the same image with the same name all posted in one month
>all associated with a brand warring nophoto
yeah that's a saar showing up at the behest of his newest employer

i dont even have a sony
Parroting the chube reviews. RP is absolutely fine. I pick it up more than my A7c. Probably because the ergo is excellent.
The RP is just a 6DII with the sovl (and battery life) (and durability) surgically removed by drunk salarymen.
it's also missing half the shutter mechanism
Show's how much of a winner he is, he's never needed fancy equipment
The RP has a full shutter.
>noooooo what bout nikkon!!!!
Nikon didn't take four generations to figure out how a rubber gasket works.

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>Le sample size of one
There are also videos showing the same camera working for hours in the rain and forum post after forum post corroborating...

...and user reports of OLYMPUS cameras experiencing failures from ocean mist and even rainwater. So I'm gonna guess...

Weather sealing doesn't actually work. It's like the "water resistance" on an omega seamaster. If you use any controls, that breaks the seals. If you use a zoom, that breaks the seals, and if I recall correctly, most every camera has air vents in its battery compartment and you can feel the airflow if you use an extending zoom. Weather sealing failure and success are both luck. The more people try at it, the more likely you are to have dead cameras. There are also people reporting canon R5s failing, nikons failing, fujis failing, but these don't receive as much as attention on /p/. Why?

Because. It's. A. Shill.

I don't even own a sony, but this spam is getting irritating, and I'm genuinely starting to suspect that there's at least one paid shill involved.
No, it doesn't. EFCS only.
Looks like it worked here too
And here

And I could fill a post with reddit and dpreview links for fujis, panasonics, leicas, canons, and nikons that ate shit

Regardless I wouldn't trust the weather sealing on any camera to do more than protect a camera that is shut off, wiped off, and put away immediately. I don't even get my olympus gear wet because I'm not stupid. That other thread with the mong coping about salt water tells the whole story - water gets past the seals. Cameras only survive these gay little rain showers because freshwater has a slim chance of causing damage or even temporary issues. Maybe you could claim DSLRs have better "weather sealing" because the extra empty space inside provides water a place to run down and collect without touching electronics kek
Ah fuck, you're right. I don't remember them cheaping out like that.
>noooooo it was just that one time!

>watch muh shill videos!
The reason Sony gets hammered on weather resistance is because forums are filled with people bitching about rain destroying their snoys through the third gen. One guy shot waterfalls all the time and fucking mist destroyed his A7r3. He detailed everything including Sony telling him to fuck off because they wouldn't warranty it. MIST.

>Weather sealing doesn't actually work
Not if you own a snoy. For everyone else it works fine.
mist killed fujis and panasois in the past. wheres the memes?
The tragedy is Canon has cheaped out on everything that isn't an R6 or above. Please at least tell me Nikon and Snoy pull the same shit otherwise I'm going to hate Canon even more than now.
contax chads... we won...
>mist kills meme cameras
>"where's the meme?"
Just another reason to shoot Canon or Nikon.

They are pulling the same shit putting half shutters and no shutters in cameras. One can excuse the A9iii since it has a true global shutter. But Nikon is doing noshutter in high end shit.
>it's almost a wonder why they even sell the RP
It has a complete mechanical shutter.
>with a bunch of the features ripped out for no reason
It did get a 100% coverage VF and three custom modes though.
But it's the kind we deserve.
I hate this part of /p/
>only had a marginally improved sensor over the original 6D
>DPAF is a "marginal" improvement
see >>4361266
What the fuck?
I know I read otherwise.
Photorealistic photos?
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Camera ModelEOS RP
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Pewdiepie have a beautiful loving with, do you have that OP ?
>It has a complete mechanical shutter.
No it doesn't. EFCS only.

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