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Photos from a four-day workshop I attended in Seoul, South Korea.

All I shot was shit with my x100vi
Only one that had enough potential to waste
Get further away
pretty dope set, op. nice variation of perspectives
one thing i miss shooting on m mount is close focus range. being able to mix in shots like this is awesome
fav itt. sweet contrast
This one is great.
all except 1-2 are pretentious and bad
hope you didn't pay for this
Not sure how I feel about seeing actually good photos on /p/
Pretty good, did you decide to go for black and white before shooting?
good shit, at least they aren't rocks and leaves like canon fags are shooting for 30 years, just rocks and leaves
I like these ones the most. The rest are more cliches of street photography then independent ideas.

You should absolutely keep it up. And be less self-conscious about it.
>rocks, trees, and leaves
>stairs, crabs, and ashtrays
what being trained to enjoy elliott erwitt does to a mf
>back of head
which part of the fuji user agreement makes literally every fujifag do this
These are all really nice Anon.
Each photo has a strong sense of mood and theme.
How are you enjoying the X100VI? I've been planning on getting one but I am worried that it won't be easy enough to take with me everytime I go out. Is it truly pocketable?
Actually good.
I like it, the AF is lacking, but I would rather shoot with a Fuji than a Sony ever again.

They are better video cameras than photo cameras.

The x100vi I think is great because of how it simplifies everything; that's all you can ask for in a camera, where you don't need to think that much except what you're trying to capture within the frame.

I started to shoot BW probably since I had the x100V, I love the Acros film simulation, but I try to emulate Tri-x 400 and go from there with my editing to fit what I want the viewer to focus on.

Maybe I'll shoot colour one of these days, probably for commercial work, but personally BW cuts out most of the bullshit of colour and to shoot colour well you need to have some sort of control of your enviroment, which is hard on the street.

The world becomes more honest in BW, there are also some personal reasons, but I I don't want to talk about those, it just makes me sad.

I think I just need a subject to focus on for a project, need to brainstorm one and go from there.

I know him, but I'm not too familiar with his work.

Also I would say it's very pocketable, it's slightly bigger than the V, but that's because of the IBIS.

It's definitely faster than most people with mirrorless cameras, plus the leaf shutter is one of the best things about it.

The only other camera I would recommend is the GR iii, but it can be too wide for some circumstances. It's much more pocketable than the x100vi, but it's more fragile and fixing it costs half of what you paid for the camera, let's hope Ricoh fixes that with the GR IV.
god u suck OPlmaooo
made it to post #2, saw it was OP's hand and died of cringe. what is it with high contrast b&w fags and greeting card tier metaphors
These photos are "refreshing". other photos are inherited cliche from shitagram so immediately delete them. explore the obscurity that you're trying to grasp in these photos. these have oppressive dark atmosphere and these are also subtle so go with it. reject direct streetbro style.
>where you don't need to think that much except what you're trying to capture within the frame.
You can do this with literally any modern camera you adhd sped, it’s not a special feature of the x100. Sounds like cope lol
whats happening here
It's a piece of rope tied around a dirty stack of newspapers?
Great pictures OP.
This one is my favorite
Wow, actually great photos for once. I though /p/ was just a den of talentless retards.
Good job

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