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/p/ - Photography

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File: shot-example.webm (3.92 MB, 960x540)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
What is these types of shots called? How do you shoot like this?
steadycam + slightly speeding it up in post + jump cuts, basically
That's it? Just gyro plus speed up?
nothing about any particular shot in the assemblage seems remarkable, just some pans and zooms and walking with the camera, maybe for some of the snappier ones they're also dropping frames here and there
Never, ever listen to someone on /p/ telling you a certain look is simple to achieve.
It looks like a DJI Osmo Pocket set to "hyperlapse", specifically.
>What is these types of shots called?
>How do you shoot like this?
You don't. You edit like this.
The kind that makes me vomit

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