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Sold all my camera gear (Fuji apsc) some years ago. Now I wanna get back into photography. Just as a hobby, not professional but I still want high quality. I do lots of weekend trips and traveling with family so I don't want a huge camera with big zoom lenses. Probably one or two prime lenses are enough for me. Being familiar with Fuji the new X100VI looks very good to me. My prefered focal length, good viewfinder, etc. I know it's not available now but lets ignore that fact for now. But then I was thinking why not going full frame this time. Back then it was too expensive but now it seems very reasonable. The Sony A7CII doesn't look much bigger than the Fuji and is in a similar price category. But the last time I tested a Sony (I believe it was the A7III) I really disliked it.. felt more like a computer than a fun camera. For me the overall experience when taking photos takes a big part of it. Anyone here who has experience with both cams that could give me a suggestion?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T10
Camera SoftwarePixelmator Pro 3.6.5
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)73 mm
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I have the A7CII and it's good. But if you're just going to shoot at 35mm, then get the Fuji. There are no small (and good) 35mm lenses for Sony E mount.
Fuji x-e4 or take the leica pill if you need dat optical viewfinder.
I think the Sigma 35mm f2 looks good but it gets bulky. I wonder how the 35mm 2.8 Zeiss with full frame compares to the X100VI image quality

The x-e4 looks nice but sadly not available anymore. Only used market but could be fine too. Not gonna spend thousands on a digital Leica that could die at any moment
See if you can find a camera store that has both in stock, ask to molest them, buy whichever you have the hardest time picking down? (Dunno if that's actually good advice, but it's how I plan to choose between two cameras once the next paycheck arrives.) Both seem to be fundamentally competent cameras, so it should mostly just be down to your subjective valuation of their shooting experiences and versatility. And of course given the X100VI supply situation you might end up having to compare it to the A7V or A7CIII in the end...
>Not gonna spend thousands on a digital Leica that could die at any moment
>idiot asking paragraphs of basic gear question about [BIG BRAND] and [BIG BRAND]
>doesnt understand photography enough to know what type of camera to buy for his needs
>oh but not a leica because I KNOW of all the issues and it can fail
shills are changing up their strategy on here
>buy Leica Q3 for 6250,00€
>shoot at F8 and notice dust on the sensor
>decide to only shoot between F1.7 and F4 so don't have to remove dust spots in post
>bring Q3 as travel camera to Asia trip
>Q3 suddenly stuck on EVF, LCD not working anymore
>good the EVF is so fantastic, should be alright while traveling
>3rd day of traveling, Q3 doesn't turn on anymore
>take photos on iphone the remaining two weeks
>at home send Q3 to Leica to get it fixed
>get it back after 8 months
>fails again

Truly the Leica experience
you should post some photos you took with the q3
The worst korean 35mm on sony is still better than the blurry x100 lens
>inb4 durrr not weather seal
neither is any fuji

>Talking about optical viewfinders
>Brings up Q3
Reading comprehension level: housecat
Leica cameras are so failure prone. You cant really buy anything but an m11 without expecting something potentially unusable. That fits with their blurry ass optics that look like ttartisan lenses but cost $5k.

Truly a brand for the consoomer. Ego defined with money. Credit card never paid off.
There is no difference in reliability between the Q and the M models. Germans don't know how to build electronics. That said, their product design is still the best. Leica (digital) bodies feel and look great while Japanese cameras are ALL ugly without exceptions.
Design by smart people (japan) vs design by dumb people (the caliphate of germany)
>Strawman arguments
>Im good at arguing
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This. If youre strictly after a 35mm in a compact form factor then just get the X100VI. Sony has no good compact 35mm lens. Ignore the schizo cope, the X100VI absolutely mogs the Sony as an EDC camera.
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>Sony has no good compact 35mm lens
The samyang 35 is actually sharper than the x100vi lens and is slightly shorter than the nikon 26mm pancake if it has its mandatory filter thread/focusing column guard hood attached.

And ironically, you just posted the single worst 35mm available for sony.
>bigger than the 40mm f2.5
>optically worse for a fractional stop of light

An FF camera will never be as small as one that doesn't even have a lens mount and has its fly by wire focus and aperture shit integrated into the face of the camera, but saying it doesn't have compact 35mms is just a lie. You do have to go a bit big and buy a newer sony G lens to get full weather sealing, but x100 cameras aren't fully weather sealed themselves. You're meant to hide it under your coat if it might be exposed to constant water.
Zony and Samyang 35mm are trash and still bigger. There is no 35mm G (and the G's are even bigger). Sorry, anon.
Not anon but in a similar situation. Narrowed down to the two options:
>Fuji X100VI as EDC
>used GFX50sII with kit lens for best IQ
>add gf80mm later for mmmboookeh

>1 compact prime as EDC
>2 more GM primes

Price would be the around the same. My inteligent brain tells me to get the Sony and call it a day. Fullframe, best AF, great video if needed, .. But my heart wants the Fujis.
Gearfags are impossible to please
>Sony and samyang are optically better lenses with faster, quieter autofocus and the same build quality
Let me guess, you need more? People like you should have your camera confiscated until you can git gud with a canon s95.

i'll gladly take a lens being a few mm longer for the ability to replace it to clean the sensor, replace or repair a damaged or fungus/dirt filled lens, or just use a different lens and do something other than boring street photography with a perspective that is inherently stodgy and autistic compared to more based lenses like 24mm and 21mm. all of this affects photography in the long term - getting dirt off your sensor, making your camera setup last longer, being able to switch to a zoom for a paid shoot or change your mind about focal lengths without buying a new $2000 camera....
the mtf chart not being better enough for you only affects your arguments in dpreviews comment section

your intelligent brain should be asking you wtf you are going to do with 61 megapixels

how bad are you at photography to have to crop that deep, or are you actually a professional shooting portraits for sports teams and production companies
Get a Nikon, or an a6700
>wtf you are going to do with 61 megapixels
crop indeed. The longest lens would probably be the 50mm 1.4 GM and I could crop the shit out of it.
Just buy the X100. The difference between full frame and apsc is minute, you've stated you don't need too many lenses and you sound like you just want a camera that "Just Werks" and the X100 is a perfect high end point and shoot solution. It takes great stills, has fun film recipies to fuck around with, the viewfinder is cool and fun, and has nice quality of life features like a built in nd filter.

If you feel like you'd want more than just 40mm then buy an a7c ii or a7iv and knock yourself out. If you want an ILC thats like the X100 you could also get a X-pro1/2/3 or X-e4 and a 27mm f2.8 pancake lens.
>t. A7c enjoyer
You do not want to be lugging that full frame around all the time. Interchangeable lens cameras are a money sink (which is fine if you’re into that). Just get the x100v. It will get more usage purely because it’s easier to carry.
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>You do not want to be lugging that full frame around all the time.
you're not lugging an x100 around all the time either.
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>Sony has no good compact 35mm lens
This photo is taken with the brand new Samyang 32mm f/2.8 Pancake lens.

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The x100's lens sucks. Xtrans sucks. Fuji's fake vintage controls suck. And it's basically no size and weight difference unless you are a girl. When I see people bitching about "lugging full frame around" i have to remind myself that 4chan is 30% female. As a man, the difference doesn't exist. Neither camera fits into a pocket without pulling your coat down. Both need to be on a neck or wrist strap.

The only way a difference could possibly come into play is if you're <130lbs and wear a purse.

if you think the x100 lens is fine just use a PNS lens screwed into a body cap, it's really the same thing.

That's a 24mm lens adapted from a disposable camera and yet, it somehow equals the nikkor z 26mm? Crazy
>made up situation
Worthless post
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The question you need to ask yourself is this OP: Do you want a camera oozing with S O U L or a bulky fool frame camera with slower inferior optics that will brick itself if you so much as sneeze at it?
Nothing you said even makes sense
Did you forget to post an image of your camera with S O U L? I only see a shitty x100 instead
I hear a lot of good things about the 35mm f2.8 from Tamron. It's not the smallest lens, but it's very lightweight. Apparently it's as good as the CV 35mm f2 APO or the 35mm f1.4 GM (at f2.8).

Also costs only $199.
>recommend a lens thats more than quadruple the size of the fuji
Might as well just buy a bulky DSLR
>weather sealing
It's one of those things that works according to everyone until enough dumb people try it.

Imagine caring about this. Imagine limiting your choices for something that doesn't even work. Kek.
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canon's weather sealing on their non-pro bodies is just a marketing gimmick. if you want proper weather sealing go Nikon or Olympus

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OP just get an OM-5

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>couldnt happen to my brand
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>salt water damage
>weather sealing is a scam
are you really that retarded? stop going to reddit, it's not good for you

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>water gets in
>weather sealed!
Kek whats the fucking point if water gets inside the camera, retard
>its weather sealed and by that i mean water gets in but freshwater isnt very bad so its ok!
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don't fucking dip your cam under water. weather sealing doesn't mean it's water tight (as in diving watches). people are fucking retarded. I have taken out both my Z6II and my OM5 in heavy rain and they still work perfectly.
you can be only sure of one thing on the internet: other people are fucking retarded and they lie.
>no no, I swear, it just didn't turn on. nooooo, being in the caribean has nothing to do with it. I swear I didn't try to take underwater photos with it. pls repair for free, saaaar

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>water gets in from rain, water spray, light splashes
Non weather sealed cameras can do that. Cope harder.

Water gets past the seals easily with every button press and wheel click. Especially if you use a zoom.
niggas dont know rainwater isnt usually conductive enough to mess up camera circuitry immediately
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This. And whatever you do do not get a Sony.
sony looks cool, like a tool, it makes you look like people shouldnt stand in your shots and you probably work for an online newspaper
fuji looks like you’re a weirdo or hipster with a camera marketed to children and everyone will assume you’re either a terrible creep or assume every photo you take will be a washed out leaf or street sign covered in fake dust and scratches for your instagram.
>get camera wet
>it breaks
>its sony: ha told you
>its olympus or canon or whatever: REAL WEATHER SEALING HASNT BEEN TRIED YET
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There's not a single ILC camera that will survive getting dunked in the ocean, retard
the links anon posted are all suspiciously saltwater related ...
>Water gets past the seals easily with every button press and wheel click. Especially if you use a zoom.
yes, on meme weather sealing like in SNOY, WORMJI (if they have any at all) or CANOT NON PRO. that's why I say go Nikon or Olympus. or shell out for canon R3/R1 + L-Lenses. everything else is a joke.
Exactly. I mean thats what you get for buying a fucking playstation lmao
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Idiots think rainwater is just like any other water...

>In both rain and dew water the mean average conductivity is low, EC ≈ 200 µS cm-1, corresponding to low total mineralization ≈ 0.77 EC =150 mg L-1 (dew and rain).

>Electrical conductivity is a measure of the saltiness of the water and is measured on a scale from 0 to 50,000 uS/cm. Electrical conductivity is measured in microsiemens per centimeter (uS/cm). Freshwater is usually between 0 and 1,500 uS/cm and typical sea water has a conductivity value of about 50,000 uS/cm.

Weather sealing is meant against rainwater you fucking dumbos. Even if rainwater gets past the gaskets (which it doesn't on Nikon or Olympus) it dries off before causing any corrosion. If you on the other hand decide to do a nude gay shooting in the ocean spray you can watch the corrosion happening in realtime. (dont belive me? look up a video by louis rossman where he shows saltwater corrosion in realtime)

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Wow the oly looks good. I wish I liked the ergos and UX though
>telescoping lens
>double at that
enjoy your fungi
>she(he) thinks fungus is bad
>doesnt realize it adds character to a lens
you get leica grade character for free, anon
sonyboys will do anything but buy a decent camera with decent lenses, because fUlLfRaMe, then keep shooting shitty "street photos", badly cropped "portraits" and gas stations
Don't be fooled by the size similarity.
The A7CII won't fit in your pocket, and the Fuji will.
For hobby photography it's going to be a lot better to have a smaller camera which can go with you everywhere.
>buy Leica Q3
That's where you fucked up Anon.
If you're going to buy a Leica, buy a fully mechanical one, anything else is a gimmick.
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>The Fuji will fit in your pocket
Nice cargo shorts. The fuji fits great in a purse, but pocketable large sensor cameras start and stop at the Ricoh GR and sony RX100/ZV1, and just barely. They'll weigh down anything but a heavy winter coat and be a tight, bulging fit in normal pockets.

>Which it doesn't
Apparently it did, because water has to get past the gaskets to corrode the electronics.

Weather sealing fags basically bank on rainwater not being conductive enough to kill their camera before it evaporates. Total gimmick feature. Same as a nonsealed camera.

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Wooooo im rich lmao
>shoots 35mm small format
not so fast
>Ogre oaf size format
Oh please, I shoot the artisan's format.
Let me guess, you need more?

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ye thats a poorfag camera. digital = poor snapshitter.

extremely based and blessed image
>Im a poorfag
Where is my 6000 dollar phone?
Where is my 1000 dollar meme watch?
Where are my 800 dollar shoes?

Listen just because you don't know true wealth when you see it doesn't mean I'm poor :A)

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you need a medium format camera, a large format camera, a 10 pack of porta sheets and a dog

rules are rules
Dude shut up im busy shooting rocks and leaves

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>he cant even afford dog hairs for his viewfinder
ugh why are you so poor
>Apparently it did, because water has to get past the gaskets to corrode the electronics.
holy fuck brainlet. if you dip your cam under water the water pressure will push the water beyond the gaskets. no one claimed weather sealing would prevent that. kill yourself pls, you fucking troon
>Lies and misrepresents sony wr with a camera that was actually dipped in water
weather sealing is so useless that ambient ocean spray kills cameras

literally every button press, dial click, and zoom pump temporarily breaks the seals retard. “weather sealed” means if it starts raining stop shooting and dry it off. it only breaks for retards that keep pushing it. everyone else wipes their camera off and hides it under their coat.

those who push it are rolling the dice and hoping that days rain isnt conductive enough to disrupt most camera circuitry. thats why you can find video after video of III model snoys working in the rain despite the imaging resource hose test
also consider the reviewer hose test might have involved a check from olympus and a note saying “spray the sony off camera”. olympus has done worse, like buying petapixel employees cruise ship tickets for them to claim the g9ii was worse than the om1.
>weather sealing is so useless that ambient ocean spray kills cameras
now guess why they have those funky water housings for cameras. shut in retard
>weather sealing
>but water gets in
>so you need a waterproof housing if its the bad water
ok so its not really sealed for being used when wet just for getting slightly moist and being dried off asap before using it again
Sony users have the same story huh
>it broke once
>mine all work fine
Rainwater just isn't very conductive if an a6500 survives
In reality sony and canon have more failures because they are more common. 3 dead lolympus are statistically the same as 300 dead snoy.
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dog hairs are out, fucked up ccd artifacts are the new rich people meta

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Fuji for travel and everyday use.
Sony becomes XBOX HUGE as soon as you put a lens on it.
Why did you post this twice >>4360434

is this snoy schizo 1 (clive) or snoy schizo 2 (the talentless german gearfag)
>what is 35mm f/2
The fuji lens is equivalent to a 35mm *f3* you fucking retard.

A 35mm f2.8 is actually very slightly faster. Never mind all the technical issues with xtrans taking a gorillion mp to outdo a 16mp micro four thirds and equal a canon dslr from 2010.
This looks like fucking shit.
its a plastic 3 element lens wide open without any editing bro. its literally meant for film sim lomography larping like holga: digislug edition.
Dont the links tell of things like em5iis having dead control dials after being rained on… lolympus.

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