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Anyone know what is going on with my camera? I just got a Canon 5d classic and all of a sudden there sre black bars on the lower portion of my photos. I took the lens off and it looks like the mirror only flips up half way when taking a photo. If I turn the camera vertical it works just fine though and flips up all the way. Reslly odd. J suspect it might be caught on something? I know the 5D has mirror issues but I havent heard of this before. The shitty part is that this 5D was in pretty mint condition otherwise with very few acctuations.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.5.0 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:09:15 10:42:12
Exposure Time1/500 sec
Exposure ProgramNot Defined
ISO Speed Rating320
Lens Aperturef/7.1
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length50.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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>xe felled for the used dslr meme because namefag said it was "joy" and "sovl"
Not all that surprising that a nearly 20 year old mirror mechanism isn't working correctly. Many mechanical components require lubrication which can break down over time, dry up, and gum up. If the camera hasn't been used much and has probably been sitting unused for a while that's not actually a good thing. I would say send it out for a CLA (clean lube adjust) but it will probably cost you more than just taking a risk on another body. Or stop being poor and buy something newer.
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>Or stop being poor and buy something newer.
>if its new and expensive, it has to be good!
There was a bad batch of these

Sad for the consoomers who rushed out to buy the new shiny, but for based usedchads these all got filtered out within the first year and now we can buy a7iiis in peace, especially with all the consoomers who sold working ones that already had some mileage on them who drove the prices artificially lower for a few years.
I had this exact same problem with an Olympus E300, it's just the mirror mechanism getting gummed up. I was able to remedy it by flowing a little ethanol on the joints of the mirror arms with an eyedropper and gently moving the mirror back and forth. Just be careful not to get any solvents elsewhere inside the camera if you try this.
yeah, stone age tech lol
why would anyone buy a babymount playstation?
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>It was just a bad batch!
Who's gonna tell him?
I meant something like a 5D II or III, but of course you had to bring up Sony
Now you can take kino shots in a cinematic aspect ratio.
>video to stills
Wait til you find out that the first cameras didn't have mirrors
Would isopropyl alcohol work as well? Idk, sounds kinda risky. I might just take it to the camera store near me and see what they say.
>Would isopropyl alcohol work as well?
Yes, it'll work just as well if not better.
>Idk, sounds kinda risky.
There's always some risk with DIY fixes, but so long as you're careful to only apply the alcohol in small spot on the hinges and let it all evaporate before you start firing the shutter, the alcohol shouldn't go anywhere that could cause damage. I used picrel, the long thin nozzle makes it easy to apply just a drop on each hinge point. Kept using that E300 for a while after applying that fix and the problem didn't come back.
>I might just take it to the camera store near me and see what they say.
Worth a shot but it'll likely be expensive, probably close to what you paid for the camera.
Reporting back thst it didnt work. Im just gonna take it to the camera store tomorrow. Guy i bought it from said hed refund me if the cost to repair was too much.
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Look on the bright side, at least it can still turn on and take pics!
We have a resident Sony shill that loves to use "lol poor" as an argument. Don't blame anon for being on guard.
That may be so but you'd have to be actually poor to buy a 5D classic
Damn that sucks. Guess I have to be grateful for my half pictures.
I jist think its a fun camera. If I do end up returning it ill probably just get something newer.
Dang, sorry it didn't work for you. Hope you can get it fixed without much more cost/headache, at least the seller isn't being a jackass about it.
>We have a resident sony shill
No, we just have a couple of manic retards (clive and the gearfag german that milled through 3 identical m4/3 bodies and complained the whole time) who spastically shitpost with the same 12 images of dead sony cameras and ignore the 12 million they sold last year.

In the case of clive, he has a parasocial relationship with a fucking brand and has a need to defend nikon. The german is salty because he went broke and now copes with a damaged z6ii without functional IBIS and is eternally conscious of the fact that he actually lost money switching cameras around and probably would have been happier and richer if he bought an a7iv and some tamron lens like everyone else.

It's always the nikon users isn't it? Ambush and sugar are nuts too. Ken rockwell is nuts. Sanity escapes people until the fuji-sony-canon trifecta of "brands that make everyone on /p/ seethe".
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>schizo anon making up imaginary stories about his imaginary antagonists
The german retard is probably half the annoying mft shilling too

Small board jose.
I shoot Nikon and Olympus but I'm not who you're talking about, am I clinically insane too?
>doesnt shoot canon and fuji instead
you are nuts
laughable kek
The only insane shitters shoot Panasonic and Pentax
Snoyschizo doesn't realize he fell into the same insanityhole as Clive and manages to make him look normal and well adjusted even right at times. I actually think he hates Nikon more than Clive hates Sony.

You really have to have something wrong with you to wanna shoot Pentax. Or you just really wanna snap pics of stationary objects.
Everyone hates nikon anon
>entire brand outsold by the x100vi
kek fuji won
Nikon shooters actually post photos doe
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>Snoyschizo doesn't realize he fell into the same insanityhole as Clive and manages to make him look normal and well adjusted even right at times. I actually think he hates Nikon more than Clive hates Sony.
That 26 is the single worst lens I've ever owned.
>Thinking there's just one "snoy schizo" (everyone who finds your sony spamming mentally disturbed)
>Thinking every fat fuck brand fanboy mad about pancakes is clive
>Thinking you can spot people named Anonymous
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I think I got the same problem too.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelRedmi Note 9S
Equipment MakeXiaomi
Sensing MethodNot Defined
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)26 mm
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width4000
Image Height2250
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Lens Aperturef/1.8
Color Space InformationsRGB
It's 1200d, kinda shitty camera but I had a lot of fun shooting with it than my m50.
>loser lists all of the people who make him seethe

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