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According to a leading photographer and fine art print-guy, the Lumix S1R (along with Hasselblad cameras) are the best cameras you can get.

After that, Nikon. Then Sony. And last is Canon.
This guy knows nothing and is just spouting what the salesman told him. Car hobbyists are like this too. They bring slow sportscars to meets and repeat the shit they heard at the dealership about how it drives better than all of the other brands. Never does it register that it doesnt, and they’d never know because they’re taxi driver tier.

This is just another pixel peeping boomer. There are boomers saying the same thing about the em1ii, z8, the a7riii, the xt5, etc. How do they get away with being wrong? Shouldnt their career crash and burn because the a7riii is le heckin bad and the z8 is better but its heckin bad and the a7riv is better etc?

Because they could be wrong about pixel peeping and their clients wouldnt notice because CLIENTS DONT PIXEL PEEP THE ORIGINAL RAWS AT 400% ZOOM

Gearfag boomers will shoot pitch black bookshelves and rate cameras on how far they can push the exposure and saturation sliders without seeing artifacts…with noise reduction turned off (meaning if its force applied to raws they think their hardware is better lmao - canon has been fooling them hard with mirrorless)>>4360449
but in real shoots everyone gets it right in camera within 1ev otherwise you are delivering a substandard image

Gearfag idiots only hurt themselves
Literally WHO? This is nothing but tarted up “just trust me, bro”
It's ok if you don't do fine art quality prints. You don't need the gear for it and you won't know the difference. Matt Metternich is playing a different game.
He has mastered the ken rockwell boomer aesthetic.
Wow it would be impossible to do this without 45mp pixel shift FF camera from brand A

Brand Bs 45mp pixel shift FF camera and brand Cs 42mp pixel shift camera and 61mp pixel shift cameras are physically incapable of taking photos of blurry water.
You can't even use brand Ds 50mp 100mp pixel shift camera. Only brand E's even more expensive cameras that use the exact same sensors can do it because they are from europe and existed first. That is essential for taking pictures of blurry water. The famous people that used brand E 50 years ago give everything they make magic powers going forward.

If you won't use brand A or brand E you need to use brand F that is just brand As camera with a different name because it is also from europe and was registered as a trademark first

Panasonic and leica have the secret sauce. No I can't explain it. Just trust me. I print out photos of blurry water. You need to buy a $3500 washing machine company camera for that. Their megapixels and curved pieces of glass are SPESHUL. Pixels and curved glass are super advanced tech and not so bland that even zeiss sold their consumer camera lens business because it was pointless when it's not exactly a demanding field.

Boomer gearfags lmfao... sad.

Boomers are the guys who buy an entry level porsche, tell everyone it's faster than any "rice burner", and then get smoked at nay track with corners by a 25 year old kid driving a 200 horsepower subaru or smoked in a straight line by some highschool quarterback borrowing his dads chevy.
>Wow it would be impossible to do this without 45mp pixel shift FF camera from brand A
Well, maybe you can see the difference when looking at a 30 foot print?

It's different looking at a processed jpeg file on the internet.
Is this really peak photography?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.S928U1UES3AXFJ
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width1078
Image Height955
dozens of red flags there
lol at preferring low mp bodies so as to not out resolve the lenses
>”secret sauce”
A 30 foot print is pixel peeping IRL. People can not substantiate his claims pixel peeping on a screen less than a foot from their eyeballs, what makes you think you'd care standing further back from a print? People have put prints from the old canon 5ds up against prints from fuji GFX and sony A7RVs and struggled to see the difference.

45mp bayer is 45mp bayer
A lens is a lens, they are designed by computer algorithms, there is no magic

Just a boomer who just found out pixel shift exists and apparently compares the $3500 new-ish s1r to the old a7r2 that even snoyboys have some dislike for because its ADCs are old model chips that add extra noise. To my eyes and every chart ever made the a7r3, s1r, z8, and r5ii are basically the same camera.

The only brand that actually has any secret sauce is hasselblad with the "hasselblad natural color solution", which is actually their way of saying they refuse to allow phase one to add hassy support to C1 and they know adobe can't come close to their own color calibration (adobe cant even get sony and canon right), not any sort of special technology. Just being legal dicks about who is allowed to publish a color profile for a hasselblad digital.
lol nice try.
Sony is and always will be last. They make playstation toys, not actual photographic tools.
the lobby of the office building has to have something in it
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>that putrid font rendering
just stop using linux on desktop.
So you're telling me that the size of the print fills the lobby?
>45mp bayer is 45mp bayer
and that's only good for like 3MP RGB

>"super resolution"
imagine it
a retard trying to shill a single camera model
and it's panasonic
and they're upscaling their shit anyway

(((fine art))) for you, everyone
lol @ these >>4360465 shittyHDR rejects
We understand that you are fucking retarded.
We do, all of us. We can see it very clearly.

I am curious though, have you tried not upscaling PNGs?
It should not be difficult. In fact, viewing images at their 100% scale native resolution should be the default.
Consider resetting your computer to factory settings.
That mostly seems to be a sales pitch for that upcoming video of his.
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I've been running Linux as my primary OS for over 15 years and not once have I seen fonts render like that. I don't know where people get that from. I definitely have seen rendering like that on windows dialog boxes and all windows programs while using RDP.
So should I buy a Lumix S1R or not?
Its just a worse sony a7riii
for photos, absolutely.
for everything
s1r has ass rolling shutter. codecs mean nothing with that camera. codecs mean nothing for most video. most people only need 1080p 30 with good colors and autofocus that doesnt need constant button pressing.

for pro video even the s5 sucks, g9ii mogs it because noise and sharpness wank means nothing for the movies
Okay, we understand that you are fucking retarded.
We do, all of us. We can see it even clearer now.

Why haven't you tried not upscaling PNGs?

You are literally taking an image, blurring it, and going "look at this!" and nobody sees that but you, on your end, because you're the retard scaling your shit. You are at fault for blurring the text.
OP here.

Can confirm. I'm on Windows (10).

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